You are being provided with a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for a whole new life that is full of everything you desire, full of magic, completely physically abundant and where all is easy again. There is little to DO each day, other than to be totally committed with every particle of you to THE LIGHT... Your Light... in which you fulfill your own purposes, missions and roles in-service as a Light BEing here....
This is a different kind of life, so it takes some time to evolve... technically it takes your whole existence here, and all of your other existences too. It is a process of transcending everything you didn't know you held within. It is a process of learning from scratch, every thing, from a space of higher consciousness. It is a process of upgrading continually, of releasing all that no longer serves. What this is becomes visible in your moments and what you experience will be a result of what you choose and do.
Your focused energy... this is what determines all. This and your vibrational frequencies... and your ability to MASTER ALL. There is not one thing that is not within your power, yet you must stand powerful again. All that you desire, means that your heart is always open. All that you truly want, means that your mind is too. All that you experience, totally dependent on you.
YOUR ENERGY is the most important thing that you have. YOUR ENERGY is your soul, your light, your purity, your higher self, your spirit, your Universe....whatever word you prefer to use... Your conscious energy... When you are totally present, connected inside with all, aware and BEing.... The KEY is to MASTER THIS PRESENCE in all moments and no matter what goes on outside. The cool part is to allow and to be able to observe/watch your physical reality world re-align for you... Physical matter taking form in response to the energy you hold and transmit out consistently, without faltering in that which you already know inside.
When you focus on your own Light Energy, honoring this, using it intentionally, sharing it.... and you stop wasting it, ignoring it, suppressing, diminishing it.... When you build it, integrate it, respect it, feed it, utilize it and expand it.... You intentionally become Multi-Dimensional Masters again here.
Your energy is how you connect, it's how to hear/see/feel again. It's how you communicate, how you span multiple dimensions ... through your consciousness....
YOUR NEW LIFE will feel like a dream, because in one aspect it is. Other times it feels really real, because the higher realms/other dimensions have anchored in. It takes a bit of adjusting to get use to FEELING THE REALNESS, for it messes with your head for awhile. This is kind of the point. It will always surprise you and "blow your mind".
You have to be SO OPEN FOR ANYTHING, that you embrace the unknown, bizarre, magic and miracles as a way of BEING. Jumping timelines means you are not holding onto anything out of safe or need anymore.
The realness of NEW Earth, after you've ascended as a human and descended as a higher-self-soul, merged within your physical body AND WALKED THIS in your EVERY MOMENT WORLD.... you'll constantly be wiping your eyes in amazement.... It's part of the beauty of it all. It will always be more exquisite than "you" could have ever thought.
Walking in a dream, it's a challenge for awhile, for you have to acclimate to higher frequency existence and your body/mind have to continually re-balance, re-calibrate all of the profound photonic light that is constantly activating now. These cosmic frequencies daily are upgrading your physical body so that you can EXIST IN THESE HIGHER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS by the releasing from cellular memory in every part of you, that which was SEPARATION FROM SELF AS SOURCE from within you. Those galactic codes and sequences that float around in your energy field move inside every time YOU RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY AND HOLD IT.... every time you sleep to integrate, every time you realize an old program or mindset and choose to move beyond it yourself...
Your old unconscious patterns are more visible in every moment now. It's easier to break them yourself and re-pattern/re-program just by being conscious of what is going on with you....
Here you HAVE TO FEEL FULLY.... everything.... You have to let go of judgmental lack programs too. You have to honor yourself first, so that you CAN be a Light, truly, purely, fully.... without compromising anymore....
YOUR NEW EARTH REALITY will be a total surprise... It will constantly go in different directions and take new form. It's supposed to. Dreams are not solid until you BELIEVE them long enough for them to become real, until you create a NEW FOUNDATION built on love, light, peace, respect, consideration, contribution and stop allowing the "old frequency of unconsciousness" to enter back in. This is what collapses the physical, for there is no more "glue" to hold it together....
Lack was the glue of Old Earth. Here there is no lack. Realities do not fall apart anymore, for we don't hold lack within ourselves. We might see a tiny bit emerge in an old program, yet we are so conscious that we can see ALL OF THE PROGRAMS running simultaneously. The old ones just leave energetically. The new one's of higher consciousness take form faster, for we don't allow for the disruption or distortions of the old to dominate... or even have a place in our reality anymore.....
As you move through the fog and clear the veils of amnesia you held within. As you exit the old matrix (you held this in your physical body structure), you connect up to the ENERGETIC CRYSTALLINE GRID. Your body forms actual crystals, you become an intentional transmitter. The crystals hold powerful gifts, knowledge and abilities. You are resurrected as a CHRISTED BEING, you are ATLANTEAN CRYSTALS in physical form. You are the PURITY of LeMUrian Consciousness, and you are a hybrid of Galactic races.... all in this physical one.
Your physical body is adapting. NEW DNA hidden is activated through photonic light and these super high gamma/cosmic frequencies that trigger total re-coding from inside. Your BODY continues to awaken, come alive/online, more connected AS ALL AGAIN, more intelligent than you could ever imagine as a limited human. Everything you DO is pure, it's Divine..... Your Essence is vast, you are a walking Living Organic Bio-Organism Computer, with crystals inside that process simultaneously..... Your whole presence and physical body communicates intricate processes.... You are connected to the UNIFIED FIELD OF SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS through your PRESENCE....
You stand fully in your POWER again. Not a human power over anything. This is POWER AS ENERGY affecting everything through INTENTIONAL PRESENCE....
Each is continually evolving, now at more rapid pace. All will continue to increase. Easy is the way of those who embrace. Challenging is of the human aspect, so when it's challenging, this is showing you where you are holding on, trying to maintain and old mindset, not wanting to listen or see, or expanding your physical reality beyond the old limited one.
Struggle is an energy of more than two energies in the same space "fighting" for dominant control. Releasing "struggle energy" means stopping the fight inside and allowing flow to be restored. When you feel or hear this going on, then elevating & expanding your own consciousness will allow you to transcend any struggle you have going on within. When you stop struggling inside, peace will be restored and the outside HAS TO ALIGN again. For your physical reality is a response to you and all of your vibrations.
Choose your realities loves. Commit to what you DO desire. Focus every part of your energy and REMEMBER WHY YOU ARE HERE. Your ENTIRE EXISTENCE depend on it.
Open your hearts, your minds, your energy...TO RETURN to that which you forgot when you "fell" into lower realms/dimensional unconsciousness. Here you can open up fully and expand back .... You can RETURN if it's truly your priority....
I love you from all timelines and existences.... ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Essence in Physical Form