domingo, diciembre 31, 2023
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Feliz Año Nuevo 2024 !!!!!!!!! - Dic 31, 2023 💜💜💜

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - December 31, 2023
DECEMBER 31, 2023
Welcome dear readers, and welcome also to a new year in which almost everyone will see and experience personal and global change as well as a few surprises, some welcomed and some not. The energy of the whole planet is shifting and changing as collective consciousness becomes increasingly more receptive to the idea of oneness which even when understood only from the three dimensional level contributes to the awakening of world consciousness.

Patricia Cota-Robles - FROM THE COMPANY OF HEAVEN – The Next Step - January 1, 2024
We have been told that the awesome shifts that were Cocreated in 2023 paved the way for Lightworkers to be able to Cocreate miracles in 2024. Unfortunately, due to the painful things that are being pushed to the surface in the outer-world to be healed and Transmuted back into Light, many Lightworkers are feeling disheartened and erroneously believing that their efforts to assist in Mother Earth’s Ascension process have been in vain.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - December 31, 2023
You are being asked to give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about who you think you are. Nothing wears down your sense of self more than this type of negative thinking. It is debilitating in every way. This is a good place to start in order to affect other areas of your life.
A fast is a period in which you refrain from some activity. Most people are familiar with a food fast, which allows the digestive system a period of recovery. The same is true for a mental fast. It gives your mind time to recover so you can begin to see the truth in your life without judgment.

Aurora Ray - Speeding Towards Enlightenment: Galactic Federation's Accelerated Mass Awakening Initiative! - Dec 31, 2023
Speeding Towards Enlightenment: Galactic Federation's Accelerated Mass Awakening Initiative!
Spiritual ascension refers to the process of raising one's consciousness and vibrational frequency in order to connect with higher realms of existence. It is associated with deepening one's understanding of the nature of reality while transcending ego and duality.
Ascension is facilitated by activations within our DNA. Our DNA contains many dormant sections, sometimes referred to as "junk DNA." These portions contain starseed codes and spiritual genetics that become activated through shifts in energy and higher frequency light.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Predictions About ‘The Event’ & a Solar Flash - Dec 31, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very much in favor of humanity choosing your own path. We do not feel that we have a better perspective than you do on what should come next for humankind. We know that there are a lot of predictions out there about what needs to happen before you can shift your consciousness, but this shift has never been about external factors. It has never been about what the sun is doing or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond. It has always been an inside game, an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective.

sábado, diciembre 30, 2023
Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - REFINING YOUR PATH IN THE NEW ENERGY - JANUARY 2024
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss refining your path in the new energy.
You are moving into a time of expanded, higher frequency energy. It has been arriving for some time and will continue to intensify. This provides an opportunity for you to examine your path and make any adjustments that feel right as you move forward.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Report - Dec 30, 2023
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Jim Self - El Solsticio - Un Giro de 90 Grados
Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy
¡Hola! Muy lindo estar aquí, como siempre. Este va a ser un período de tiempo interesante en que estamos entrando, y aquí donde estamos jugando vamos a reconocer el solsticio.
Para nuestros propósitos, el solsticio es solo un punto en el tiempo, que durante los últimos años hemos estado haciendo la pregunta ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Cómo están cambiando las cosas? ¿Qué parece todo? Y entonces estamos jugando con los solsticios y equinoccios que solo son puntos en el tiempo. Estamos en uno de esos puntos de tiempo y sucede que es un período bastante asombroso de cambio. De modo que esto es como para explicar un poco dónde hemos estado y adónde nos dirigimos. Muchos de ustedes han estado jugando aquí por un tiempo, pero me doy cuenta de que también para muchos de ustedes tal vez es su primera vez, entonces, bienvenidos, es lindo tenerlos aquí.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Saturday December 30, 2023

Hi everyone! I wanted to share an experience I had the other day. I keep meaning to start filling out dates and appointments in my new 2024 agenda, and I just haven’t felt right about doing it. Something kept holding me back. I was pondering why and the seed of this message came through, which I am expanding into Gabriel’s words for you today.

James McConnell - Yeshua, OWS, Shoshanna - Christmas Message - Dec 23, 2023
YESHUA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Yeshua. I come to be with your at this time, this time of great joy, even though you look out upon the world and you do not see the joy upon everybody’s faces.
But at this point, at the point of the year, your time of Christmas, the joy is more and more rampant. The joy spreads more and more. For it is the season. It is the season of love. It is the season of peace. It is the season of joy and of oneness. Even those that do not understand the term ‘oneness,’ they tend to feel that at this time. Certainly there are those that do not feel that. But overall, across the planet, those that celebrate this time of the year, this season of joy, they feel it. They feel it, even for a few moments, which then raises the vibration within their bodies, their physical bodies, their astral and etheric bodies. And they feel this joy that many of you are feeling at this time. Because the programming that you have had over the many, not only this lifetime, but over many lifetimes, has brought you to this point where you see this time as a great time of joy, peace, and love, and togetherness, and family coming together, relationship.

Party Around the Globe: Collective Awakening Nears a Fantastic Era for Humanity!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Hold the Master Key to This - Dec 30, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very pleased to have so many of you there on Earth in human form responding to us and our messages in a positive way. We know that it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day lives there on Earth, and we also know how much you all know you benefit from remembering that you have helpers in the nonphysical like ourselves. We also remind you of all of the other nonphysical helpers that are around you, supporting you, giving you everything that you need, and reminding you that you are loved.

viernes, diciembre 29, 2023
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday December 29, 2023

Dear Ones, if all you do is complain about how hard the ascension is, why would anyone want to follow your lead? You are the ones the next wave of humanity will look to for guidance. By focusing on all the gifts that come with the enlightenment process, you will be further supporting the entire system and encouraging others, as well as making the process much more joyous for yourselves. We understand the process has been long and arduous for many of you, but the days of struggle are behind you. It is time to rejoice in the energies that are available to you now and shine in that light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Natalia Alba - As we gradually move into this New Year 2024 - Dec 29, 2023

Beloved Ones,
As we gradually move into this New Year 2024, we get closer to the Aquarian Age, which actually starts around 2400 CE (Common Era or Anno Domini). However, we are already seeding what will become an Era of harmony and rehabilitation of old values.
A New harmonic frequency that is represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius, and many other events outside of our planetary confines that are marking the end of an Era.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Receive More from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Others - Dec 29, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very consistent in our offerings of energy to all of you, because we are offering you energies even when Daniel here isn’t channeling us. We want you to know that you can open up to our transmissions at any time, and you will receive the latest. We also want you to relax into the receiving. We advise you to let in our energetic transmissions. There is no trying involved, and struggling to feel for them will not help. But if you can relax into what is coming to you, and you can do that consistently, day after day, moment after moment, you will feel the expansion of your consciousness occurring in leaps and bounds.

jueves, diciembre 28, 2023
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday December 28, 2023

One of the biggest challenges for the enlightening human being is to let go of the old, deeply ingrained conditioning and belief systems that you may have been entrenched in since childhood. For many, these belief systems were simply designed to make you obey and to keep you small and disempowered. It can be difficult to even recognize these insidious beliefs as they have been part of your earthly experience for so long, yet this is exactly what you must do.

Jamye Price - January Ascension Energies – State of Being - Dec 28, 2023
In this post, Areon speaks of our Wholeness – which are the overall energies of 2024, and the January energies of your State of Being.
Blessed Being, your Wholeness is part of who you are; it is part of Life. It is of the subtle aspect of Life that you are fully connected, you are Oneness.
As you experience separation, you are aware of the physical rules of time and space.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now - Dec 28, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves in this particular lifetime of ascension. It hasn’t been an easy path for most people, whether awake or asleep. You would think that being awake would make it a lot easier to be there at this time, but as awakened souls you are less likely to sweep something under the rug or numb yourself to it with drugs, alcohol or some other way of smothering emotion. This is the time where everything is rising to the surface, and that is why it looks like things are not going so well there on Earth and humanity is not making the progress that we always report you are making.

miércoles, diciembre 27, 2023
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 27, 2023

Are you accepting all of the love and joy and riches the universe has to offer you or are you excepting them? Because you are equally able to do either. It is simply a matter of what you are allowing.
We cannot stress this enough. You are all stewards of the new earth and you are all absolutely entitled and encouraged to live a life of grace and ease, beauty and joy, however that looks to you. You simply cannot step into that role of creator self if you are still stuck in worthiness issues, fear, or doubt.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Those Who Are Awake Do Not Know - Dec 28, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed with the way that humanity has been evolving, expanding your consciousness beyond where it has ever been before there are on Earth. These are exciting times for humankind, as you continue to move closer and closer to the fifth-dimensional frequency range that you will soon exist in all the time. You are making it much easier on your guides, because you are awake, and collectives like ourselves feel that we get so much from all of you because of your willingness to absorb the energies that we transmit. We want you to know that as much as you are receiving help from above, you are also helping those around you.

martes, diciembre 26, 2023
Ailia Mira - Bridging Heaven: An Ascension Update - December 23, 2023

As most of us are feeling of late, the incoming light is so much higher frequency, and different. SO much has shifted! We are co-creating a new plane of experience with our ascending planet and with abundant support from the non-physical. It can feel intense, as everything is rapidly-changing. Stability lies within.
By grounding into the Earth and connecting with all that we are, we become a bridging energy and are stabilized by this connection.

Jennifer Hoffman - Endings Beginnings and Goodbye 2023 - Dec 26. 2023
I am happy to see 2023 end and I know many of you are too. This year has been tough but so have the past 4 years. Since 2020 we have been undergoing vast changes in the fundamental fabric of our reality, the dis-integration of 3D and the integration of 5D. But the truth is we entered this paradigm shift in 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, starting the second global revolution against 3D, the previous one happened in 1762.

Judith Kusel - We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness - Dec 26, 2023
We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness, and to fully start anchoring in the New Golden Age, inspired from deep within, and with loving intent, in the highest and most loving ways for the highest good of all.
As our consciousness rises with leaps and bounds, we will now be able to access higher levels of Universal knowledge and need to now apply what we access.

Natalia Alba - We have a very harmonic and healing Cancerian essence reining in our heavens between today and tomorrow - Dec 26, 2023
Beloved Ones,
We have a very harmonic and healing Cancerian essence reining in our heavens between today and tomorrow. A Full Moon at 4 degrees Cancer to help us heal our wounded hearts and soul.
To help us in this personal mission, we have Chiron direct, for those who resonate with these phases, together with Neptune already direct too, and Jupiter doing the same at the end of the month, starting the expansion and seeding phase that we are stepping into, for the ones who are on this personal micro cycle.

Historic Moment: Pleiadian Motherships Gear Up for Action as the New Earth Era Begins!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Do This Every Day Before You Get Out of Bed - Dec 26, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are open to any and all possibilities that will make this journey easier for all of you. We are not attached to one path, to one way of going about expanding your consciousness, evolving, and ascending, but we have noticed some things about humanity and your approaches to returning home, returning to Source. We have noticed that there are many false paths that appear in front of you when you are more physically oriented and physically focused. When you are looking outside of yourselves for the path that will return you to Source, you often find something or someone, some activity or some way of approaching life, and then you believe that it is ‘the way,’ ‘the one true way.’ You believe that it is the only way you could ever return home to Source, because in your experience it works.

lunes, diciembre 25, 2023
Aurora Ray - Elevate Your Existence: The Powerhouse of Kundalini Energy - Dec 25, 2023
Elevate Your Existence: The Powerhouse of Kundalini Energy
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini refers to a form of primal energy located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the divine feminine energy known as Shakti in Hindu philosophy.
Kundalini is often represented symbolically as a coiled serpent sleeping at the bottom of the spine. The word "kundalini" comes from the Sanskrit word kundal, meaning "circular" and refers to this coiled shape.

Alcyon Pleiades Special 51: Jesus’ childhood-youth, Harassment, War, Christianity, Cancel Christmas
A commonly shared feeling amongst people rooted in the Christian tradition is that stories of the Christ Child’s birth and the celebration of Christmas constitutes a holiday for the heart. We let ourselves be transported back to the world of childhood, back to the innocence and simplicity of this magical time of year. However, vested interests, wars and concern over our survival strive to drown out this yearning, and prevent the expression of the eternal child each one of us carries inside our heart.
Even before the birth of the Child of Bethlehem, forces opposing the light did all they could to prevent Christ from coming into this world so that He could fulfil His mission. Although Herod the Great committed a ruthless massacre of innocent children, the Child Jesus was saved, thanks to His divine protection. It should be noted, however, that many innocent children are also being sacrificed, right now, through wars and the vaccines. Kids are also being indoctrinated, so that they will lose their innocence.
In fact, today, those same dark forces want to destroy the beautiful tradition of celebrating Christmas. On some level, this is an attack on Christianity and an attempt to destroy people’s spirituality. For this reason, several countries are cancelling their traditional Christmas markets and other festivities typical of this season of joy and good cheer. Let us fight to feel the warmth of Christmas in our hearts, without any fear or shame. They will not take that away from us. Let’s wish our fellow human beings a Happy Christmas!
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades Extra 51: Niño Jesús Infancia, Juventud, Acecho-Guerra Cristianismo, Cancela Navidad
En el común sentir de las personas de tradición cristiana, los relatos del nacimiento del Niño Cristo y la celebración de la Navidad constituyen una fiesta para el corazón.
Nos dejamos llevar al mundo de la infancia, de la inocencia y de la sencillez en esta mágica época del año, pero los intereses, las guerras y la preocupación por la supervivencia pretenden ahogar este anhelo, impidiendo que se exprese ese eterno niño que cada uno de nosotros lleva en el corazón.
Desde antes del mismo nacimiento del Niño de Belén, las fuerzas opositoras a la luz hicieron todo lo posible para impedir que llegara a este mundo y que pudiera cumplir su gran misión, aunque Herodes el Grande hizo una despiadada matanza de inocentes niños, de la que gracias a la protección divina el Niño Jesús pudo salvarse, sin embargo actualmente también están siendo sacrificados muchos niños inocentes a través de guerras y vacunas y adoctrinándoles para que pierdan la inocencia.
Incluso hoy día las mismas fuerzas oscuras quieren acabar con la bonita tradición de celebrar la Navidad, que es una forma de atacar al cristianismo y destruir la espiritualidad de las personas, y por eso en varios países están anulando los tradicionales mercadillos navideños y otros festejos que son típicos de estas fechas de alegría y paz.
Luchemos por volver a sentir el calor de la Navidad en nuestros corazones, sin ningún miedo ni vergüenza. No nos la quitarán.
Digamos a nuestros semejantes ¡Feliz Navidad!
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Gillian MacBeth - Christmas 2023 Message - Dec 25, 2023
Christmas 2023 Message
As the healing portal of Christmas opens its beautiful Heart to all of this universe, allow yourself to be swept up in what is real Love, love that goes beyond emotions, love that lives in the very first cell of the very first heart, that was created by God. The gift of presence unwraps itself this Christmas as you are shown in Solar Mirror-like reflection, a Heart to Heart connection that goes beyond your Earthly understanding.

TRANSFORMING GRIEF - Heroes of the Heart

James McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - Dec 17, 2023
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments of continuing change.
But more than change, truth coming forward everywhere. All of you know that to be the case, as truth is freely flowing out of the many shadows where truth was held back, and lies and deceit were rampant.

Brenda Hoffman - Let Go And Come Alive - December 25, 2023
Dear Ones,
Even though you might not notice much difference in your interests, you likely feel exhausted or overwhelmed, unlike what was once true following similar activities or sleep patterns.
You are changing twenty-four hours a day. At the same time, you are attempting to continue your 3D world demands – it is too much.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - It Could All Change in a Heartbeat - Dec 25, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to share with you our perspective on everything that you are living there on Earth. We will always gladly share it with you, and we will also understand that our perspective will be interpreted by the one who is receiving it in their own unique way. We also know that there are a great deal of perspectives out there and that they continue to grow in numbers. We want all of you to recognize that you are the interpreters of the message that you receive in any given moment and that you are always seeing the world through your own unique lens. What that means is that you having your own personal experience of something is far more significant than what you believe.

domingo, diciembre 24, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Gratitude Effect: How Thankfulness Transforms Your Life and Health - Dec 24, 2023

The Gratitude Effect: How Thankfulness Transforms Your Life and Health
Gratitude is the heartfelt emotion that reflects an appreciation for the things one has in life. It is a mindset focused on the abundance in our lives rather than perceived scarcity.
When we practice gratitude, we see our lives in a more positive light and recognize the gifts we may otherwise take for granted. Gratitude has been studied extensively in recent decades by psychologists and researchers, with profound implications for spiritual awakening and mental health.

Alcyon Pleiades Special 50: Performances: Art, Music-Dance-Theatre-Singing, Family joy at Christmas
In today’s world, we are currently facing a significant degree of uncertainty in our society. Therefore, we all need to experience moments of joy and wellbeing and to enjoy them with our whole family. Both adults and children need to share peaceful moments, and therein lies the reason an untold number of artistic performances have existed throughout history, with the aim of creating a positive mood – in spectators and artists alike. Shows of this kind spread knowledge and joy or increase social awareness. They are therapeutic and, above all, a source of entertainment. Furthermore, they are a good way to spend Christmas with our families, surrounded by love and positive feelings.
Healthy entertainment, good cheer, happiness, affection, expressiveness, fun and love… are positive states that can modify our lives’ circumstances, bringing us light and the magic we thought we’d lost. Making magic part of education opens up infinite possibilities and explores the intangible relationships that exist amongst all things. Magic improves our abilities and strengthens our developmental potential. Creativity, imagination, enthusiasm and the capacity to feel wonder form part of a healthy, happy lifestyle that we should never lose, as children or as adults.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades


En esta época que vivimos de tanta incertidumbre social, todos necesitamos de momentos de alegría y bienestar para disfrutar en familia, momentos de paz para compartir con los niños y adultos, y para ello existen multitud de espectáculos artísticos que a lo largo de la historia han servido para crear en los espectadores y artistas un estado positivo, mientras aportan un conocimiento, alegría, conciencia social, también terapia y sobre todo entretenimiento. Y además son una buena forma de pasar una Navidad en familia rodeados de amor y buenos sentimientos.
El entretenimiento sano, la alegría, la felicidad, el cariño, la expresividad, la diversión, el amor... son estados positivos que pueden modificar nuestras circunstancias en la vida, atraer una luz y una magia que creíamos perdida.
Incluir la magia en la educación, tiene posibilidades infinitas, y las relaciones intangibles entre todas las cosas, amplia nuestras capacidades y posibilidades de desarrollo.
La creatividad, la imaginación, la capacidad de asombro y el entusiasmo son parte de una vida sana y feliz que nunca debemos perder como niños ni como adultos.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Alcyon Pleiades 165: 11th Anniversary, UFO Battles-Encounters, Contactees, Vatican, Teleportation

With this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we celebrate our eleventh anniversary, since the publication of Alcyon Pleiades videos and documentaries first began. It is an altruistic project that strives to expose reality by shedding light on the truth, in order to help all those of pure and noble heart who yearn for an awakening, so that they can become aware of everything the ruling elite have hidden from us for centuries, including their deception and the harm they have caused humankind. Furthermore, the project’s objective is to show viewers that another reality is possible and that we find ourselves at a defining crossroads, like never before in history.
In this new episode, we would like to illustrate how great authors of the past left a record of celestial events, including the sighting of flying shields and chariots, as well as the apparition of armed troops in mid-air. These descriptions actually refer to the sighting of unidentified flying objects, now known as UFOs. Many occurred during the Roman Empire and in places like Egypt, Asia and Europe. Among the most famous accounts of UFO sightings in antiquity, we find references to the Vimanas of ancient India, known for emitting harmonious musical sounds.
On a related note, in modern times, there are numerous cases of close encounters with these evolved beings from the Cosmos, involving ship landings and interaction with their occupants, who have always wanted to leave a message for this humanity. Whether these contactees are unknowns or more renowned public figures, they leave us their testimony, as we continue to explore real cases of teleportation that are still unresolved.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 165: 11ºAniversario, Batallas OVNI-Encuentros, Contactados, Vaticano, Teletransporte

También el objetivo es mostrar que otra realidad es posible, y nos encontramos en una encrucijada de definición, como nunca antes ocurrió en la historia.
En este nuevo episodio queremos mostrar cómo grandes autores del pasado dejaron registro de los acontecimientos celestes, avistamientos de escudos voladores, carros y ejércitos armados en el aire, que no son sino la visión de objetos volantes no identificados que ahora conocemos como OVNIS, muchos se dieron durante el Imperio Romano, Egipto, Asia y Europa. Entre los relatos antiguos de avistamientos de Ovnis más famosos también se encuentran los Vimanas de la antigua India, con su característico sonido musical armonioso.
Igualmente en la época moderna existen numerosos casos de encuentros cercanos con esos seres evolucionados provenientes del Cosmos, aterrizaje de naves e interacción con sus ocupantes, que han querido siempre dejar un mensaje a esta humanidad. Contactados desconocidos y otros más famosos nos dejan su testimonio así como casos reales de teletransportación todavía sin resolver.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - When You Begin To Ask The Questions - Dec 4, 2023
SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of great awakening.
All of you are aware of this now, more and more of the awakening that is happening. And as your discussion was about awakening, and what it means to be awakened. Are you awakened? Are you fully awakened? Are you only partially awakened?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Many Paths to Ascension - Dec 24, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are illuminating many paths to ascension for each and every one of you. There is not just one. There will not be one experience of ascension, as that would not serve Source’s desire for a variety of experiences. You, as souls, desire a variety of experiences because you are little chunks of Source Energy, so why would Source be any different from you as the individual chunks? You crave variety of experience, and so does Source. Therefore, there will be as many different experiences of ascension as there are beings incarnate at this time throughout the entire universe and throughout the entire multiverse. This is why we say we are illuminating many paths to ascension; it is because there isn’t just one.

sábado, diciembre 23, 2023
Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Cáncer Diciembre 2023

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Report - Dec 23, 2023
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Beloved One, in the midst of all the business of the holidays, we invite you to become still and to remember the coming of the Christ Consciousness to this world.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday December 22, 2023

On these holy days when so many of you are celebrating your holidays, an influx of Christed energy always occurs. This energetic infusion holds the energy of peace, unconditional love, and divine connection.


por Jennifer Hoffman
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe
Esta semana comenzó con una luna nueva vibrante y un llamado de atención a la acción para estar más alineados, equilibrados, congruentes y empoderados. Somos seres energéticos y tenemos la mejor experiencia en todas las dimensiones cuando estamos energéticamente completos, sin fugas ni dispersión de energía. Nuestra confianza proviene de la alineación energética y el empoderamiento. Hemos visto lo que sucede cuando no nos involucramos plenamente con nuestro poder, ahora es el momento de comenzar a hacer de ese proceso una parte integral de toda nuestra realidad.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Are Working as Spirit Guides in the Flesh - Dec 23, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening, watching, waiting, and reading the energies of all of you who have agreed to be the leaders of the expansion of consciousness there on planet Earth at this time, because we know that when you can handle more, your fellow humans can also handle more of that which we send to you energetically. We know that you can ground in what others will access later on, and we also know that you work with all the energy fields that you have access to, including the energy fields of your fellow humans. You can see yourselves as spirit guides in the flesh to those around you, because that’s what you are.

viernes, diciembre 22, 2023
Aurora Ray - Heaven on Earth: Simple Tips for a Smooth 5D Shift - Dec 22, 2023
Heaven on Earth: Simple Tips for a Smooth 5D Shift
Living in Alignment:
As we shift into higher dimensional frequencies, it becomes even more important to live in alignment with our soul's purpose and intuition. This means following our inner guidance rather than the mind or ego.
When we're aligned, we're tuned in to our higher self and the messages it is constantly sending us. This allows divine timing and synchronicity to flow. If we feel called to take inspired action, the universe will support us. But if we try to force things from our ego, the flow breaks down.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The New Earth That’s Coming - Dec 22, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We stand firm in our assessment that all is well there on planet Earth and that it will continue to get better. Now, of course, there are many parts of Earth, and there are many places on Earth. There are many experiences being had on your planet at this time, and not every single one of them is an example of everything being well. You always will have room for growth. That is true with your spiritual evolution, with your relationships, with your satisfaction in your life.