Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Energía Cósmica. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Energía Cósmica. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, abril 17, 2024

Aurora Ray - Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era! - Apr 17, 2024

Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era!

As we traverse this extraordinary era of ascension, there are steps we can take to align with the unfolding cosmic energies and prepare ourselves for the quantum leap in consciousness.

Though unseen forces are guiding the process, we each have a role to play in this grand transformation.

miércoles, marzo 13, 2024

Judith Kusel - Huge and powerful influx of cosmic energies are pouring in - Mar 13, 2024

Huge and powerful influx of cosmic energies are pouring in, to prepare us for upcoming events which will bring in dramatic changes.

I was quietly sitting and preparing for my White Flame Teaching Session on sacred geometry and numbers, etc. when suddenly these surges of energy started coursing through me.

domingo, diciembre 31, 2023

Aurora Ray - Speeding Towards Enlightenment: Galactic Federation's Accelerated Mass Awakening Initiative! - Dec 31, 2023

Speeding Towards Enlightenment: Galactic Federation's Accelerated Mass Awakening Initiative!

Spiritual ascension refers to the process of raising one's consciousness and vibrational frequency in order to connect with higher realms of existence. It is associated with deepening one's understanding of the nature of reality while transcending ego and duality.

Ascension is facilitated by activations within our DNA. Our DNA contains many dormant sections, sometimes referred to as "junk DNA." These portions contain starseed codes and spiritual genetics that become activated through shifts in energy and higher frequency light.

lunes, octubre 30, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Cosmic Alignment: Earth's Magnificent Evolution in Cosmic Harmony! - Oct 30, 2023



The Cosmic Alignment: Earth's Magnificent Evolution in Cosmic Harmony!


The great transformation of Earth is unfolding according to divine timing.

There are cosmic cycles and energetic alignments occurring beyond our ordinary perception that make this the perfect moment for this evolutionary leap. While the shift may feel sudden or surprising from a human perspective, on a galactic scale, the timing has been carefully orchestrated.

sábado, septiembre 30, 2023

Judith Kusel - The highest cosmic energic upgrades - Sep 30, 2023


The highest cosmic energic upgrades are now happening and in accelerated forms. The focus is on groups of souls so that we can truly adopt and live unity consciousness.

What it means is that the cleansing and releasing of very old negative karmic patterns will be emerging and has emerged, which you may have created with other souls over many lifetimes, and this concentrates now on a greater group of souls. In other words, those groups of souls with whom you cocreated something together in past lives and where certain negative patterns repeated happened within this group content.

jueves, septiembre 14, 2023

Judith Kusel - The upsurge of cosmic energy - Sep 14, 2023


The upsurge of cosmic energy

I am spending more time in nature, as I am being called to truly tune into the earth’s energy fields as well as the cosmic ones.

I feel a huge surge in cosmic energy pouring in, and this is not just result of solar flares, but indeed the full opening of the New Earth energies and the beginning of the New Golden Age. I am shown so many new species and species which we thought extinct now rising to the fore, and with it, there is a huge upsurge in energy from the waters.

lunes, agosto 14, 2023

Aurora Ray - Stellar Symphony: Pleiadians and Their Mastery of Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Aug 14, 2023

Stellar Symphony: Pleiadians and Their Mastery of Cosmic Energy Manipulation

Imagine a group of highly advanced beings who have a remarkable connection to the stars. These beings are called Pleiadians, and they emit a special energy that goes beyond what humans can understand.

Their presence is captivating and enchanting to anyone who encounters them, like a mesmerizing melody that effortlessly transports one's soul to ethereal realms. It is as if they carry an intangible aura that holds a magnetic pull, drawing others closer with an irresistible curiosity. Their very essence seems to transcend the boundaries of our earthly existence, evoking a sense of awe and fascination as if they embody the beauty and mystery of a distant, enchanting planet.