Blossom: Hola, mis amigos. ¡Tenían razón, la casa que 'escogieron' para mí es de hecho un Santuario! Me siento tan cómoda aquí. Gracias. Ahora bien, parece que su noticia de un bloqueo mundial ha llegado a todas partes. Sin embargo, han estado hablando del confinamiento durante mucho tiempo. Es la introducción de 'Fergus el Hongo*' (* NdT. algo increíblemente grande) lo que ha intrigado a muchos. ¿Creen que pueden hablar más de eso, o no?
lunes, febrero 28, 2022
Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation Transmission - Feb 28, 2022

These are days of tremendous change, not only in one nation where many of you are today, but across the whole globe.
There have been many modifications. Many changes seem to be contrary to your wishes but which you recognize as necessary.
Because it is unstoppable, all must rise as one in order for the light to enter this world, raise the vibrations, raise the awareness of this planet, and all inside this planet. Currently, a tremendous deal of change is taking place.

Marilyn Raffaelle - Grupo Arcturiano - Febrero 27, 2022
27 de febrero de 2022
Bienvenidos queridos lectores.
Sepan que estos mensajes son traídos a ustedes con amor y con la intención de traer aliento, información y verdad a ustedes, los valientes que eligieron estar en la tierra en este momento para ayudar a la evolución espiritual de la humanidad a través de la presencia de su luz y conciencia.
Honramos a todos y cada uno de ustedes y estamos plenamente conscientes de su frustración con la aparente lentitud del cambio y las inquietantes situaciones que suceden continuamente en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, sepan que todo esto estaba bastante claro para ustedes antes de que decidieran encarnar y, sin embargo, deseaban ansiosamente formar parte del proceso de ascensión de la Tierra. Sabían que su luz y su conciencia serían necesarias y que las energías superiores entrantes serían la oportunidad perfecta para limpiar la vieja energía restante para ustedes.
Sepan que todo está procediendo de acuerdo al plan a pesar de lo que pueda parecer cuando se juzga por las apariencias. Es un proceso y no puede ocurrir de la noche a la mañana. Una gran cantidad de vieja energía se está limpiando actualmente de la propia tierra en todo el mundo, especialmente en los lugares que han estado habitados durante mucho tiempo. Las energías formadas por siglos de guerra, dominación, lucha, pobreza y todo tipo de violencia están saliendo a la superficie en zonas que necesitan desesperadamente una limpieza.
Los dictadores y otras personas en posiciones de poder están empezando a sentir que el "poder por encima de" del cual siempre han disfrutado se está debilitando, lo que les hace sentirse amenazados sin saber por qué. El miedo está haciendo que algunos de ellos arremetan de formas que representan su estado de conciencia. Sin embargo, estas viejas formas se están volviendo rápidamente obsoletas porque las energías que las han mantenido y sostenido (la creencia) están empezando a disolverse y continuarán haciéndolo a medida que cada vez más luz penetre en la conciencia colectiva.
Es un tiempo de luto para muchos. Un tiempo en el que la mayoría, tanto los despiertos como los no despiertos, están experimentando una sensación de tristeza no identificada. A medida que lo familiar comienza a desvanecerse, provoca el miedo a lo desconocido en aquellos que no son conscientes de que hay nuevas y mejores maneras de llegar, por lo que siguen creyendo que, a pesar de lo perturbadoras y dolorosas que puedan haber sido algunas de las viejas maneras, eran y son las correctas. Muchos de ustedes simplemente están sintiendo esta energía, no es suya.
Se encontrarán cada vez más llamados a ayudar a aquellos que se acercan a ustedes con preguntas y ansiedades. Ellos reconocen su estabilidad frente a las apariencias externas y quieren esto para ellos. Se convertirán en maestros, y muchos de ustedes ya lo son, para aquellos que están preparados y buscan la verdad. Sin embargo, aún más importante que el trabajo exterior es el trabajo interior, su capacidad de SER continua y silenciosamente la Luz que son, porque sin el interior no puede haber exterior.
Ya están preparado espiritualmente para resistir la tentación de lanzarse rápidamente a sanar, cambiar o arreglar las apariencias. Esos días terminaron una vez que entendieron y aceptaron que la única realidad es la de un Dios/Fuente/Creador/Conciencia omnipresente, omnipotente y omnisciente - punto. Una vez que se entiende y se acepta esto, ¿qué hay que arreglar a menos que la creencia en dos poderes continúe?
Cuando se vive la vida desde una conciencia que ya no está abarrotada de creencias de dualidad y separación, la energía de su conciencia iluminada fluye automáticamente dondequiera que esté porque es lo que usted es. Permitan que su Luz fluya a la tierra, a las personas y a los países, y a todas las situaciones sin apegarse a las intenciones de cómo creen que deberían ser. Cuando reconocen la Luz y la perfección ya presentes en ellos y como ellos, están trabajando desde un nivel superior, el nivel de la Unidad.
Sólo Dios es la realidad y las formas de bien y mal que presencian son falsas interpretaciones mentales de la realidad espiritual que subyace a todo. No se puede hacer algo de la nada. La mente recurre y presenta estados de conciencia personales y colectivos (la conciencia es la forma de la sustancia) que en la tercera dimensión suelen estar condicionados por creencias de dualidad, separación y dos poderes.
Por eso los muy evolucionados a lo largo del tiempo han dicho que el mundo es una ilusión. El mundo no es una ilusión, es una expresión real, perfecta y espiritual de Dios. Más bien, es el hipnotismo de la humanidad y las falsas creencias sobre el mundo lo que constituye la ilusión.
Pueden decir que esto es imposible y muy poco práctico en el mundo ordinario donde los eventos de violencia y discordia tienen lugar regularmente pero esto es por lo que ustedes que están despiertos eligieron estar en la tierra en este momento. Han venido para sembrar la conciencia colectiva con la verdad, al igual que Jesús sembró el colectivo hace mucho tiempo. Cada vez más verdad en el colectivo, permitirá a aquellos que buscan formas más elevadas y mejores acceder a ella. Esta es la única manera en que un mundo dormido puede salir de su densidad actual y entrar en las realidades del Universo de la creación de Dios.
No estamos diciendo que esté bien caminar por callejones oscuros en áreas cuestionables. No estamos diciendo que dejen de cerrar la puerta con llave. Vivir la vida espiritual es la práctica de caminar por el "filo de la navaja". Dejen que su intuición les guíe en su día a día. Den los pasos humanos que sean necesarios y prácticos, pero háganlos con la conciencia de la verdad y no del miedo.
Vivir desde el interior puede parecer difícil, si no imposible, mientras observan el conflicto personal y global, pero esta es la razón por la que sólo aquellos espiritualmente fuertes y suficientemente evolucionados fueron elegidos para el trabajo de traer la Luz a un planeta ascendente. Permitan que las apariencias sean lo que son sin sumergirse en ellas (alineándose con ellas). Su trabajo no es el mismo que el de aquellos que trabajan para mejorar las cosas a través del sistema de creencias tridimensional. Su trabajo como trabajadores de la Luz es ser la Luz a través de su comprensión de que sólo Dios es el poder, no un poder superior sino simplemente el único poder. Permitan que las palabras "Yo y el Padre somos uno" se conviertan en su estado de conciencia, su identidad. Esto es misticismo.
En el transcurso de cientos de vidas, la conciencia de todos evoluciona por etapas. Primero el ateísmo, luego en algún tipo de grupo organizado o sistema de creencias, luego a la metafísica, y por último al misticismo o la conciencia de la Unidad. Muchos dudan en ir más allá de la metafísica porque ofrece herramientas nuevas, diferentes y emocionantes que parecen funcionar. Sin embargo, la metafísica que se basa en nuevas formas de cambiar una imagen mala en una buena, así como ser capaz de acercar a alguien a Dios, a menudo simplemente perpetúa la creencia en la dualidad y la separación.
Cada persona aprende y crece espiritualmente a través de cada etapa, por lo que es importante simplemente permitir a los demás estar donde están en su sistema de creencias. Cuando estén listos para su siguiente etapa, su Ser Superior los guiará hacia ella y ustedes podrán ser parte de ella. El proselitismo es una actividad muy basada en el ego.
El misticismo es una conciencia alcanzada de la Unidad que se vive de forma automática incluso cuando hay que dar pasos humanos ordinarios. El mundo en general no reconoce a los místicos modernos porque viven, trabajan, tienen familia y parecen ser como los demás. En general, el mundo sigue pensando en los místicos tal y como se les ha representado en las ilustraciones, estampas, estatuas, etc.: con los ojos cerrados, las manos unidas y una luz brillante alrededor de la cabeza.
Ustedes, que están despiertos, viviendo en el mundo pero no de él, son los místicos de hoy. La vida mística es una vida de desprendimiento de mucho de lo que ocupa el pensamiento tridimensional y, por lo tanto, aquellos que la viven suelen ser considerados como indiferentes y fríos por los que viven plenamente en el sistema de creencias tridimensional. Ser un místico moderno nunca interfiere con ser amoroso y cálido, sino que encarna la esencia misma de estas cosas. El misticismo es para lo que se han estado preparando a lo largo de sus muchas vidas de búsqueda espiritual, cuestionamiento, estudio y práctica.
A medida que avancen profundamente en la conciencia de su Ser Divino, muchas formas anteriores de resolver problemas y vivir la vida en general, continuarán presentándose a su conciencia porque están acostumbrados y familiarizados con ellas. Sin embargo, pueden descubrir rápidamente que las formas (acciones, palabras, ideas, etc.) que funcionaban bien en el pasado para ustedes ya no funcionan como antes. Esto se debe a que han evolucionado y ya no están alineado con ellas.
Nunca resistan nada porque la resistencia sólo convierte lo que se resiste en un "algo" que le da poder y realidad. Más bien, simplemente evalúen cada situación a la luz de su conciencia superior - deténganse, vayan a su interior y recuérdense que nada es poder sino Dios y que Dios se está gobernando a sí mismo como ustedes. ENTONCES tomen cualquier paso que sea guiado intuitivamente a tomar, lo cual puede parecer muy tridimensional para otros.
Convertirse en conciencia mística es un paso enorme, uno que tomará muchos años más, o incluso vidas para algunos, pero ustedes que leen y entienden estos mensajes están listos. En algún momento cada alma finalmente se da cuenta de que todas las "cosas" diseñadas para acercar a uno a Dios, son sólo "cosas" que los mantendrán creyendo que están separados de Dios y de todas las expresiones de Dios.
Nada - ningún ritual, práctica, oración, clase, cristal, aceite, mantra, grupo, gurú o maestro puede darles lo que ya tiene o hacerles lo que ya son. Las herramientas espirituales pueden ayudar porque llevan su propia energía, siendo muchas de ellas de alta resonancia. Cuando se alinean con la energía de ciertos cristales o aceites, etc., pueden elevarse temporalmente a su nivel, pero siempre será temporal porque su propio estado de conciencia es el que los gobierna.
Usen estas cosas, ámenlas, pero nunca olviden que las herramientas espirituales están destinadas a ser ayudas, nunca a convertirse en el Dios de uno. Seguir dependiendo de las herramientas espirituales o de alguna persona creyendo que las necesitas es una forma de idolatría que bloqueará un mayor progreso evolutivo.
Es el momento y están preparados.
Somos el Grupo Arcturiano 2/27/22
Traducción: Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command

Natalia Alba - We welcome now March - Feb 28, 2022
Beloved Ones,
We welcome now March, a loving month that will help us soothe ourselves, after the intensity of what we have previously integrated. A month, as its Piscean energies, remind us of the importance of unity and compassion, and above all that we are All one Family, despite the efforts of many to continue creating more separation.
Astrologically, March is the only month without retrogrades. It is a time for us to rest, rejuvenate, and re-emerge stronger, purified, ready to move forward with our chosen journey, creating and manifesting a more illumined, loving, and peaceful reality.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, February 28, 2022
The many, many energetic shifts you are experiencing allow you to release the illusion of separation and connect more with your true divine essence. What you are releasing makes room for you to then anchor in and embody more of your true soul self. This process ultimately leads to the activation of your own sacred heart centre. This is the second coming that so many have spoken of – the actuation of your own Christed energies as consciously awake and aware individuated aspects of the whole. It occurs from the full activation of the heart chakra, the high heart, and the crown, which explains why many of you are experiencing energy symptoms in the chest and head areas. How glorious that this is the natural outcome of your own evolution and indicative of the work you have been so diligently dedicated to for so long! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Natalia Alba - As we continue traveling between many different timelines - Feb 28, 2022
Beloved Ones,
As we continue traveling between many different timelines, we welcome a new energetic month that will help us navigate through the many dimensions that exist, bringing clarity, guidance, and a new sense of direction.
A month ruled by Piscean energies, that is the peak of the 2-2-22 portal that began in February, and that invited us to work on the unification of ourselves, and body portals, to reach a higher level of union.

Jim Self - Herramientas para Navegar estos Tiempos Cambiantes Febrero 10, 2022
Herramientas para Navegar estos Tiempos Cambiantes
10 de Febrero de 2022
Entonces, en el contexto de esa pregunta, ¿Dónde estás ahora mismo? ¿Cómo estás ahora, estás aquí? ¿Estás feliz? Si lo recuerdas, en la última sesión hablamos de establecer la energía. Entonces, ¿cómo estableces la energía para algo cuando quieres entrar en una experiencia? Déjenme hacer una pausa de un minuto y les dejo pensar sobre eso.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 12 - Feb 28, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today
28 February 2022 20:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 28/2 20:00 A lunge of the frequency just above 7.50 Hz between midnight and 7 UTC led to a period of slight Amplitude activity which reached its maximum just before 4 UTC reaching Power 12. From 7 UTC the situation returned completely calm.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/2 17:00 Another day of total stability, all frequencies have slight oscillations around the base value and the maximum reached so far by the Amplitude was Power 7 at 7:30 UTC.

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon March 2, 2022 ~ Spiritual Transcendence ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Feb 28, 2022

The New Beginning; Sun conjunct Moon, is the most powerful conjunction there is for a reset, or for starting something new. Also most auspicious this new beginning helps with setting new intentions and for intending a more powerful new focus within.
This New Moon is on Wednesday March 2, 2022 at 1:34 pm AST. There are several powerful influences. As I have always mentioned, the star alignments are in specific connection to your very own unique Blueprint, frequency you are functioning through on Planet Earth. So this is ALL specific to you, how you experience this unfolding of new frequencies as they interact with you now.

Brenda Hoffman - Confusing Contradictions - February 28, 2022
Dear Ones,
You probably feel as if the world is passing you by – as if there is no one or very few in your corner. Such is true even if many others once wished to be in your orbit.
This feeling seems counter-intuitive given the forced Covid isolation. Most appear to be hunkering down instead of expanding their interactions. Such is so for several reasons.

-Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The March 2022 Energies & You - Feb 28. 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to bring you this transmission about the upcoming March energies that you will experience there on planet Earth. You do have the equinox coming up in three weeks, and those energies will have their own purpose and their own vibration, but the overall month of March is going to be about supporting all of you energetically with what you need to be living your life’s purpose more fully. Therefore, you can expect to feel more supported in the physical realm in your pursuit of that which you know is your calling in this lifetime.

domingo, febrero 27, 2022
Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - CLARITY AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS - MARCH 2022 - Feb 27, 2022
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss clarity and higher consciousness.
Clarity is very helpful on your ascension path, especially with the new incoming energy.
The higher dimensional energy is bringing in new possibilities as well as revealing different aspects of current situations. Each possibility is offering you an opportunity to progress and be of service for highest good.

Suzanne Lie - Gaia as a living Being - Feb 26, 2022
Gaia as a living Being
NOW is the time for us all to remember that Gaia is a living being. For far too long humans have only thought of our dear planet as a "thing."
What if Gaia was not just a "thing?" In fact, what if Gaia is actually a living being that is wearing a very different form from all the beings that live on her planetary body?
Of course, most of humanity has the need to think of being a human is the highest frequency of life form that could happen. However, what if the planet Earth was a living being?

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - February 27, 2022

February 27, 2022
Welcome dear readers.
Know that these messages are brought to you with love and the intention of bringing encouragement, information, and truth to you, the brave ones who chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist mankind’s spiritual evolution through the presence of your light and awareness.
We honor each and every one of you and are fully aware of your frustration with the seeming slowness of change and disturbing situations continually happening the world over. However, know that all this was clear to you before you decided to incarnate and yet you eagerly wanted to be a part of earth’s ascension process. You knew that your light and awareness would be needed and that higher incoming energies would make it the perfect opportunity to clear remaining old energy for yourselves.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - February 27, 2022
Hello, my friends. You were right, the house you ‘chose’ for me is indeed a Sanctuary! I feel so comfortable here. Thank you. Now then, your news of a worldwide lockdown has reached far and wide, it seems. Yet, you have been speaking of the lockdown for a long time. It’s the introduction of ‘Fergus the Fungus’ that has intrigued many. Are you able to elaborate, or not?
Warmest of Greetings. We too, feel this new abode has wonderful prospects for you, especially regarding the Energies, typically for our communications. We are happy you are happy there.
Regarding the lockdown, yes indeed, it has been spoken of often by us. What is ‘useful’ to know is that ‘whatever is presented’ as a reason to bring this about is merely a deploy. The tactics used are a disguise in order to ‘have the people’ where they need to be.
And where is that?
SAFELY in their homes. Again, we try to explain without giving ‘The Game away’ for that is not suitable. This Plan is vast and as in a game of chess, strategies and contingencies are always changing in order to make one’s next move the most beneficial.
Yet, you say the Light has won.
It has. Without question. Yet, The Game must be played out, for there are essential ‘properties’ that need to be in place. Therefore, The Game must be finished so that those of/from the Light-Forces can complete their mission(s).
We DeLight in the movements of upliftment from many heroes on your Planet, that are showing the world and those that live upon it, that what is not right regarding ‘Freedom status’, must be dealt with.
The walls are crumbling and tumbling down around your Planet. Remember that most of what is presented to you is a smokescreen. A completely different ‘play’ is taking place behind the scenes and it is getting close now to the curtain lifting, in order for the audience to participate and ‘view’ for themselves that which is TRUTH.
Really? Is that ever going to happen? No-one knows what to believe anymore … about anything. It is hard to decipher and discern what is real. I know many feel fearful about a worldwide lockdown. I say bring it on and let’s get this show on the road. At least we can feel we are moving forward.
It has to take place. And indeed, Blossom, it will move things along in ways that will ‘Blow people’s minds!’. This is another reason for an ‘indoor curfew’ 24/7 for a while because that which is brought to Light will leave many in states of shock, abhorrence, and disbelief.
Your role as you know, now and when this takes place, is to send your Light.
The most Powerful Light that you are discovering … of/through/as … yourself will be greatly needed to calm the gushing rivers that inevitably will cause much disturbance to those who are naïve and afraid.
It just seems like a chapter out of a book. We have heard so many ‘tales’ of this, that and the other. Emergency broadcasts, for instance, revealing THE TRUTH. Yet, as with most that we hear, it never takes place. You cannot give a time frame to us … therefore, we could still be waiting for this in five years’ time!
Blossom … Phase Two will have been put into place long before that. Many of you are ‘feeling’ the need to go inward and prepare. Each in their own way. Many of you are sensing that something is about to ‘take off’.
Yes, and many of us have been feeling this for years, off and on!
It is coming, Blossom. We are not saying to any one of you that you MUST believe that which we say.
This is not why we come.
We come to assist you in recognizing the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.
For in doing so we are assisting … The Whole /Ascension process.
IT IS YOU … EACH ONE that are here to lift your Planet. This you know.
Yet, we feel we know nothing.
Blossom, when this ‘kicks off’ … this Phase Two of Five … you will realize … that which you need to know … is aware of what needs to be done!
Does that even make sense?
You feel that you need to know what is going on in order to do what you need to do. Yet, you actually, in fact, need to know absolutely nothing of what is going on in order to do what you came to do.
For when you ‘ARE’ EnLightened by that which is to be exposed, you will see that ‘that side of matters’, although revealing, is not what you have been building up to … not what you have been preparing for.
What you have been preparing for is the HOW!
HOW you then, now, conduct the POWER OF YOUR SPIRIT to soothe the troubled waters. To reach out to those who are in a state of numbness and overwhelm.
How do we do that if we are all locked away?
To begin with, it shall be via thought and prayer … when things settle, it shall be easier to communicate through ways of internet … and in person. For the lockdown is to be put in place for safety reasons, as we have said.
I assume you mean safety, due to folk ‘losing it’ when they hear of atrocities. In fact, realizing that everything we have been told is an outright lie! In my mind, I feel people will rebel, and huge crowds will rampage. Not a pleasant thought, yet, one that remains.
Blossom, there is not one that can precisely predict how this ‘fall out’ will ‘fall back in’.
Do you grasp this as we are speaking with you? Are you Feeling/ Knowing, that this … this Phase Two … is a HUGE STEP into the awakening of mankind?
Are you recognising the stirring in your Soul that this which is about to take place …
I notice you wanted me to put ‘about’ … although I hesitated for a minute.
That which is ‘about’ to take place will present so clearly to you … YOUR REASON FOR BEING HERE.
You will FEEL so Powerfully and clearly ‘your orders’. We have spoken before, that ‘orders’ in this context are not ‘What you MUST do’ … They are orders in the sense of KNOWING ‘What one HAS to do.’
Yet, when you have spoken of orders before, it was regarding the opening of our Envelopes* and our orders for each one being inside. I don’t feel it is the time yet for the Envelope opening? Is it?
Not as such. That particular unveiling is awaiting further along the journey.
These ‘orders’ are ‘KNOWINGS OF TRUTH’.
We wish to express that these times ahead are to be revelationary (?)
Don’t think that is a word, yet, I know what you mean and I know you don’t mean revolutionary.
False Expectations Appearing Real.
Thank you for picking up on that.
As, at last, from your point of view, from your perspective, things move on … you shall FEEL inside your Being …
The weaker ones, those who knew they did not have the stamina to complete this task, remain in the ethers of other Worlds/Dimensions and play their part of sending Love Light through to you from afar. They admire and hold you in such esteem for your Forthrightness, Bravery, and Courage!
Discover its magic as you say/Feel over and over,
We feel and desire that the Energy within this communication shall uplift your Soul’s Vibration and assist you in the completion of that which you are here on the Planet to achieve.
For this time, we take our leave.
Cool. Thanks, Chaps! Well, all I can say is, bring on Fergus the Fungus! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.
*For more info on the Envelopes go to and scroll down to ‘Topics of Interest’.Many thanks.
Please take the time to be uplifted by watching fellow Light players
sharing the Mantra with you. Thank you so much to all who participated.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you - February 27, 2022
This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.
When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good. When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Heaven’s Landing: the great awakening - Feb 25, 2022

We just recently moved thru the last 222 portal on 2-22-2022 which officially closed the numeric (Aquarian) stargates of February. It has been an absurdly active month on the inner planes in which the Cosmic Mother (unified LOVE) frequency has been building and building to a crescendo point, which….upon the 222222 numeric sequence/closing gate…resulted in The Divine Feminine Christ collective officially flipping into their rightful place & position as the (Aquarian Age) Leaders of the New Earth.

Natalia Alba - March Energies 2022 ~ Compassionate Witnessing - Feb 27, 2022
Beloved Ones,
As we continue traveling between many different timelines, we welcome a new energetic month that will help us navigate through the many dimensions that exist, bringing clarity, guidance, and a new sense of direction. A month that is the peak of the 2-2-22 portal that began in February, and that invited us to work on the unification of ourselves, and body portals, to reach a higher level of union.
During this new month, we are indeed seeing the evidence of the polarization that is taking place in our planet, something that is not just happening in one country, but in many of them, due to the lower level of consciousness of a few. Events that are showing us that there are still some who choose to continue separating by imposing terror and by disrespecting all that is sacred, as are human lives.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Feb 27, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
27 February 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 27/2 17:00 Another day of total stability, all frequencies have slight oscillations around the base value and the maximum reached so far by the Amplitude was Power 7 at 7:30 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 26/2 17:00 From midnight UTC the frequencies returned to fluctuate slightly around their respective base values and the situation is of almost total calm, the maximum value reached by Amplitude was Power 9 shortly after 5 and again at 7 UTC.

Celia Fenn - Sunday 27th February - Feb 27, 2022
Sunday 27th February
This is a challenging time for all of us.
It is time for us to remember who we are and walk in our truth.
For me, that mean connecting with my Heart and the Higher Frequencies of Unconditional love.
And Nature.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ushering in a New Era for Humanity - Feb 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been able to assist you with the evolution of your consciousness to a certain extent, but we would never take the credit for what you have done with what we have given you. You are the ones who are living the challenging lives that you are. You are the ones facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and you are the ones who use all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are the ones to thank for the progress that is being made in the human collective consciousness, and we know that.

sábado, febrero 26, 2022
Aurora Ray - GF: We Are Very Pleased With The Progress On Earth - Feb 26, 2022

Dear ones, I am here to give you an update.
There are a few things that I want to share with you.
I want to remind you that you are the ones who have been preparing for this moment for a very long time. And even now, there is still some preparation that needs to be done.
I am going to give you some information about the dark ones. You will find that they are becoming more and more desperate. They will do everything in their power to prevent the light from continuing its mission on Earth at this time.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Feb 26, 2022
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
As you are moving through your Earth experience, know that you are much stronger than you think you are.
You came here into this lifetime with the ability to call forth the most powerful assistance from the Higher Dimensions for the creation of the Divine New Earth.

Sandra Walter - Mantener la Ecuanimidad durante la Fase de Revelación - Feb 25, 2022
Bendiciones Amados ~
La aceleración de la fase de Apocalipsis hace que afloren a la superficie agendas sutiles y no tan sutiles.
Recuerda el aspecto de prestidigitación de esta fase. No todo es lo que parece. Discernimiento. Sabiduría. Perspectiva.
Observa nuestro progreso colectivo; aquellos que defienden el todo en lugar de elegir bandos por miedo (o por obediencia). Se vuelve a poner a prueba el corazón colectivo; la revelación de la unidad es inevitable.

John Smallman - Jesus - Life is a Miracle, and you are all Alive! - Feb 26, 2022
As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible. Therefore, relax! God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely. You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion, it could or should be unfolding. Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Feb 26, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today
25 February 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 26/2 17:00 From midnight UTC the frequencies returned to fluctuate slightly around their respective base values and the situation is of almost total calm, the maximum value reached by Amplitude was Power 9 shortly after 5 and again at 7 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 25/2 22:00 The instability we have discussed earlier manifested itself with a variation on all frequencies occurring between 20 and 21 UTC and led to an isolated peak of short duration which at 20:20 recorded the new max for today, Power 35.

Jennifer Crokaert - Divine Mother - Apples not Oranges! - Feb 26, 2022
Beloveds, you consider that you are partitioned, that you come in segments, that you are not whole, not a perfect entity.
You imagine that you have bits that are ‘good’ and bits that you consider ‘bad’, bits that are appropriate and bits that must be rejected.
You imagine that there are parts of you that are Divine, and parts of you that are human. You are like an orange that sees only the segments. Truly, that is not how I see you. You are one. You are whole.

Patricia Cota-Robles - WE ARE BEING CALLED TO HELP OUR SISTERS AND BROTHERS - February 26, 2022
Patricia Cota-Robles
February 26, 2022
The incredible opportunities the masses of Humanity have experienced since the inception of this year 2022 have paved the way for the next Quantum Shift in Mother Earth’s Ascension process. More people than ever before are now able to lift above the chaos manifesting in the outer world effectively enough to hear the Inner Guidance of their now fully integrated I AM Presence.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Russia/Ukraine Conflict & the Galactic Community - Feb 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see how many humans on Earth right now are calling for peace, calling for an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We have seen how many individuals have realized that it is necessary to be of peace, to be radiating and vibrating peace, and we know that it is through these intentions and through that focus that you all come together to change the world for the better. As soon as a person realizes that peace is what they want, that person can go about cultivating the vibration of peace within them, and this is how living in a world where you still don’t have peace all the time serves each individual.

viernes, febrero 25, 2022
Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - Dormant Sadness - Feb 25, 2022
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, greetings, we are the collective energy of the Arcturians. We come forth with light, love, technology and wisdom, a light technology which serves the divine. In our communication with you today we wish to speak about Dormant Sadness.
We invite you in this moment to be consciously aware of your body and being. You may or may not be aware your energy vibration has quickened. When you focus carefully, you can feel your vibration like the rhythm of light of your body and being. A rhythm which is quickening with each advancement, awakening and mastery you achieve. Your body and being is filled with light and wisdom. You have more light, love, truth and wisdom within your being now, then you have ever had upon the Earth.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Febrero 25, 2022
Prólogo de Mike Quinsey.
Bueno, lo inevitable ha sucedido. Luisa, que difunde los mensajes, no se encuentra bien desde hace tiempo y se retira de esta labor por motivos de salud. Esto llega en un momento en el que Nancy Tate también se retira, así que nos hemos reorganizado para continuar nuestro buen trabajo. Afortunadamente, Kees de Graaff está dispuesto a asumir la responsabilidad de mantener todo en marcha y le agradezco mucho que esté dispuesto a realizar el trabajo extra. Estamos ordenando las cosas y esperamos avanzar con normalidad con un mensaje semanal.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 25, 2022

Foreword by Mike Quinsey.
Well the inevitable has happened. Luisa who spreads the messages has not been well for quite a long time and is retiring from this work due to ill health. This comes at a time when Nancy Tate is also retiring so we have reorganised to continue our good work. Fortunately Kees de Graaff is prepared to take on responsibility to keep everything going and I am most grateful that he is prepared to carry out the extra work. We are in the throes of sorting things out and hopefully progress as normal with a weekly message.
The cleansing of the Earth continues which along with the changes being made means it is difficult to see the end in sight. Yet it clearly must end in due course and that time is not as far away as you might imagine. The end of this period is given as 2029 when the Earth has reached its lowest point, and it has been confirmed elsewhere that it will transform people.
For example in 2018 David Wilcock decoded ancient prophecies that indicated the Event - Solar Flash would be in approximately 11 years time also making it 2029. He also said “The “dead” will rise and be resurrected. There will already be those who have passed directly into the etheric levels and await future events. You will not be affected if you are ready to go to the higher level. He confirmed that all evil will be eliminated, and the Event will propel people into the New Age. We will be in the Golden Age/Golden Race and a World of Truth. Eventually we will never need food and speak a single language. An Avatar is coming named Kalki who can manifest anything immediately through his power of thought and will destroy the negative.
Also on the same subject here is an extract from “Hidden Hand” by Wes Penre 27.12.2008.
The majority of humans on Earth who could be considered “Lukewarm” will experience a period of zero point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another third density planet (a kind of Earth replica) to continue working upon yourselves, and learning that life here is all about making choices.
25th February 2022. Mike Quinsey.
Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence.
So much has been prepared in readiness for your advancement and obviously Ascension is the final goal. Yet it is the beginning of a new life for all of you as the past is put behind you. Peace is coming that cannot be disturbed or altered by outside interference because the perpetrators of negative actions will have been removed and given another opportunity to turn to the Light. There is no punishment involved as they make their own path according to their past actions. Rest assured that fairness and justice are supreme and no soul is abandoned.
These times are obviously very unsettling but the negative must come to the surface to be cleared. For too long they have dictated how your life should progress while at the same time withholding the truth to keep you in their clutches. The truth will always surface and cannot be held back indefinitely. Religion is one area where the teachings will need revising to come into line with the greater truth. People are ready for new revelations and have the ability to understand them. Consciousness levels have been growing for quite some time, and there is now an understanding well above previous times.
Given the truth you will be more able to understand the past, and see that all of your experiences have helped to expand your consciousness levels. False teachings soon fall by the wayside and only the truth can carry you forwards. The dark Ones have constantly tried to scare you with stories of the devil and punishment for your sins. God does not punish anyone and still loves his creations beyond measure. Almighty God is beyond understanding, that love is God’s presence in everything that knows no end. Yet for all of God’s greatness the most humble prayer is heard and responded to as God knows each of you personally and is with you all of the time.
You will find moving more into the Light a most wonderful experience, as with it comes a greater level of consciousness. You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you. On Earth you are isolated yet many ET’s live deep within it and come and go as they please. Your experiences are confined to the surface of the Earth except for those astronauts who are chosen for Space exploration. You have not yet experienced the real world but the opportunity will come in the near future.
All the lives you have spent so far to reach this point will be of immense value, and have given you a good grounding to face any challenges you may encounter. You have immense experience having come through the lower dimensions to get this far. In the latter stages you have learned to be patient and kept cool in the most exacting circumstances. Control of your feelings is essential if you are to continue rising up and made easier as the vibrations increase. To keep calm in the face of provocation will prove a stern test so remember to keep calm at all times.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - A New Financial System For New Earth - Feb 25, 2022

Greetings, beloved ones!
Our Galactic Federation sends forth messages to assist humanity on a regular basis. I want to share one of these messages with you once again:
"We are the Galactic Federation, and we have a few things to say about this process that is occurring in your world. We want to talk a little bit about what is happening and also some of the reasons why it is happening.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 20 ⚡️ 35 - Feb 25, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today
25 February 2022 22:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 25/2 22:00 The instability we have discussed earlier manifested itself with a variation on all frequencies occurring between 20 and 21 UTC and led to an isolated peak of short duration which at 20:20 recorded the new max for today, Power 35.
Schumann Resonance Today 25/2 17:00 Analyzing the frequency graph, it can be seen that there are no coordinated oscillations, the primary frequency dropped to around 7.40 Hz just before 11 UTC, bringing the Amplitude to Power 19, and then rising above the base value, the Frequency 2 from just after midnight UTC remained at minimum values, Frequency 3 also had an oscillation around 11 UTC and finally Frequency 4 started to reach minimum values from 11 UTC. This situation is shown on the main graph in the form of a lively color, signs of a moderate instability.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, February 25, 2022
The energy of war is not an energetic match to your planet any longer. Nor is the energy of division and hate. While these energies might have been satisfying to some in the past, they will no longer give the results those who play in those energies are looking for.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Create Your Version of the Shift in Consciousness - Feb 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in the way that you all seek to experience the shift in consciousness. We are more interested in the type of shift that you want to create than we are in what your beliefs are about the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We know that you have heard stories about the shift, different versions of what will happen, what might happen, and what could happen, but we always seek to empower all of you. And so, we are much more interested in what we see you creating and in what we know you truly desire in regards to ascension.

jueves, febrero 24, 2022
Jim Self - Establecer tu Energía para 2022 - PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS - 13 de enero de 2022
Establecer tu Energía para 2022
Dicho esto, una respiración, mueve los dedos de los pies. Preguntas sobre lo que hicimos recién, preguntas sobre el 2022, preguntas sobre cualquier cosa que les guste. Déjenme pasar esto a Roxane, y pasaremos un rato con las preguntas.
Roxane: ¡Hola, a todos! Eso fue delicioso, Jim.

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies - Creative Focus - Feb 24, 2022

Here we arrive at the catalyst’s creative node. Your Creative Focus is a tool of the bold. What has catalyzed this moment of movement for you? Joy, anger, fear or determination?
It matters not, for no matter what, the moment has brought a clarity of focus from line to dot.

Aurora Ray - Ascension Is The Only Option Left Now - Feb 24, 2022

Ascension Is The Only Option Left Now
Dear ones,
I know how much you desire the changes to come faster because you want to ascend and be at ease with yourselves.
I know how much you want to be free from all the troubles, to gain relief and rest from all the hardship of this time.
But I will ask you again:
How much do you value your ready-made experience?
How much do you value the fact that your experiences, dear souls, are unique?

John Smallman - Saul - Disregard fear and move forwards – Lovewards! - Feb 24, 2022
I would remind you yet again : “There is only ONE!” One is Source, the infinitely VAST field of Aware, Loving, Wise and Intelligent Consciousness in which EVERY LIFE is eternally present from the moment of its creation. There is nowhere else and there is no need for anywhere else. A life in form was a choice to experience separation from that state in an attempt to demonstrate a lack of need for a source from which those lives arose. It has failed dismally, and in that process enormous pain and suffering has been imposed on numerous billions of sentient life forms. The time for this nightmare of an illusion has ended because it has clearly proved to be opposed to Love/life, and sentient life forms are now awakening into awareness of their true nature – Love. The state of separation, were it possible – and it is NOT – would utterly estrange any sentient beings choosing that state from life, from Love, and would permanently terminate the being’s existence. That is what the nightmare that is the illusion, and which is utterly unreal, has so clearly demonstrated.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 12 - Feb 24, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today
24 February 2022 20:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 24/2 20:00 The day so far has passed with the frequencies stable on the base value, around 5 UTC there was a temporary lunge at 7.50 Hz of the Primary Frequency and this led to the maximum value of the Amplitude which just before 5 UTC reached Power 12.
Schumann Resonance Today 23/2 17:00 The last 24 hours have seen the frequency stable on the base value with the exception of the periodo between 21 UTC last night and 3 UTC this morning, during this time there was a marked drop in frequencies 1 and 2 while it was less incisive for frequencies 3 and 4. This situation led to two twin Amplitude peaks which represented the maximum values of both yesterday and today and were Power 27 just before 22 UTC yesterday and again Power 27 just before 1 UTC today. The latter was followed by a further movement of the Amplitude to Power 21 at 2 UTC. At 9 UTC the frequencies reached baseline again and the situation has since calmed down.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, February 24, 2022
Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet. Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power you are ready to assume it. It is the people who don’t have a healthy respect for power who get into trouble with it. True healing with the theme of power comes from embracing your power in a mindful way that benefits all, not from trying to avoid it. Rest assured you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole. You are wise, you are conscious, and you are ready to step into the fully empowered expression of you, and your soul is so excited you are at this juncture of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Struggle Between Russia & The Ukraine - Feb 24, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in watching you evolve and ascend, because your growth is so easy to measure from our perspective, and when we can see and feel your progress, that brings us joy. We look at the positive when we look at humanity. We make a point of tuning in to your successes, to the ways in which you are doing better. We don’t ignore the rest, but instead, we see those other aspects of humanity as in the process of catching up to the rest of you who are demonstrating that you are evolving and ascending there on Earth.

miércoles, febrero 23, 2022
Jahn J Kassl - Message from Seraphis Bey - COURSE TOWARD THE LIGHT - Feb 22, 2022
photo credit: Andrea Percht
Silently, the energy of breakthrough is building up inside of people – and on a day still unknown, completely unexpectedly, the full magnitude of lies will become obvious. Simultaneously, by the inner strength of the people, everything will turn to good account and towards the light.
Course toward the light
What is taking place now
Every day people awaken and the mystery of transformation takes place. Upset by the current events, more and more people are invited to awaken.
In fact, the number of those who wish to explore themselves and to understand life is awe-inspiring. It is still not reflected in outer events, still the noise of this time is drowning the quiet transformation that is taking place in people’s hearts.

Aurora Ray - A Call To All Starseeds & Lightworkers - Feb 23, 2022

Hello, fellow lightworkers and starseeds. I am writing to you because I feel that you are an important part of my ascension.
Our dear Galactic Federation contacted me yesterday and urged me to share this vital information with you.
They told me that if enough people wake up and start to realize who they really are, then it will help with the ascension process for everyone.
So now, I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you can share this message with others. Let others know that they can learn how to reach their full potential as human beings.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Febrero 18, 2022
Si finalmente el enfrentamiento que se vive da lugar a una solución pacífica, señalará el deseo de evitar acciones que impliquen muerte y destrucción. Se iniciaría una forma más sensata de resolver las disputas sin necesidad de recurrir a la fuerza. Podría crear un precedente para el futuro, y con la creciente elevación de las vibraciones, la paz está empezando a llegar a la Tierra. Vuestra historia es una serie de batallas y de guerras con una gran pérdida de vidas, y el coste de reparar el daño masivo que causa. Vemos más que un atisbo de esperanza de que este altercado pueda ser la última vez que se amenace con la guerra y que se lleve a cabo. El sentido común habrá prevalecido y marcará una pauta para cualquier otra disputa.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, February 23, 2022

During times of energetic intensity, it is common for old memories or emotions to come up. It is all part of the pulse/release process that dislodges the old and makes room for the new. We understand how this can seem never-ending and difficult to navigate. We wish to discuss this today.
It can be helpful to treat your emotions like a parade. You can see a float of emotion and identify it it, but you can wave at it on its way by secure in the fact that it will not be permanently stopping where you are on the parade route.

Jim Self - Meditación - Establecer tu Energía para 2022 - 13 de enero de 2022
Establecer tu Energía para 2022
13 de enero de 2022
Tomen una respiración, recuéstense en su asiento. No he dicho nada significativo en los últimos 24 minutos. Eso fue tal vez divagar sobre nada, pero si tomas una respiración y te recuestas y estableces tu energía, hagámoslo del modo que sabemos cómo hacer eso. Te colocas en el centro de tu cabeza, justo detrás de los ojos, cierra los ojos y luego ten la sensación de estar mirando por los ojos. Centro de la cabeza. Muy simple. Herramientas fundamentales. Y recoge tu energía un poco más ajustada, dentro y alrededor de ti. Estoy justo aquí. Una respiración suave, una exhalación, relajada. Y encuentra el sentimiento de cómodo. Aquí mismo, sin pensamiento, solo estar cómodo sentado en tu asiento. Y la sensación de conectado a tierra, es un concepto, un aspecto de la realidad de quién eres. Conectado a tierra, sentado en el asiento, relajado, el peso hundiéndose en el asiento. Relajando los músculos en las piernas y los pies, conectado a tierra. Presente, aquí mismo. Y encuentra el sentimiento, la percepción conciente de la quietud. Y desde la quietud, moverse hacia la mente superior. La mente superior, un paso hacia atrás y un paso hacia arriba. Más sólida, más quieta, hay curiosidad, hay una percepción conciente, muy poco, nada realmente sucediendo. Aquellos de ustedes que saben cómo identificar esa rosa justo al borde de su aura, estar de su lado de la rosa, y estar conciente de ello. Estoy contenido en este campo energético, en el borde hay una rosa. Todo lo que esté fuera, más allá de la rosa, el teatro de Shakespeare, está allá para mis elecciones, para elegir o no.