There is an ongoing Transformation occurring for each of us. It affects our energy, as this Transformation reaches into our cells. It can make us tired and even depressed, for the Light helps to push out the old limitations. As we trust the process and allow it to occur; we flow with the changes rather than fight against them. Be gentle with yourself. Do not push, but surrender. Breathe deeply. As you do, you allow for this Transformation to occur gracefully. When you push, you create resistance. So let go and allow. Gentle movement helps; such as Yoga, T'ai Chi, receiving bodywork, receiving Reiki or even gentle swaying. Any kind of massage, Reiki, acupressure and acupuncture helps to move energy. Be kind to your body by speaking nicely to it and feeding it wholesome
food and drink. This is self-Love. When we think negatively about our bodies, we lower its vibration. Stay hydrated, for this also keeps your vibration high. Remind yourself that this Transformation is Love knocking on your door. Trust that however you experience this Transformation, it is done so that you may be more Love. Notice how you are changing. Notice the change in your bodies; mental, emotional and physical.
We each have a beautiful Opportunity to grow and ascend higher as we embody the Love that wants only the highest and best for us. Be in Silence, breathe deeply into your Heart and meditate. When you do, you create an open and willing space to be filled with Love. Spending time alone, in Nature and in meditation shows that you are willing to be more and all responds to your Willingness and Openness. While much seems to be on hold, realize it truly is. All is waiting for you to embody more Love and Light; to be that sacred being you, in Truth, are. Rest when guided so you can detox the old from you. Yeshua told us long ago that we would be bringing a new way of being and living on Earth, that time is now. Ascension is not about leaving Earth; it is staying on Earth as masters of Love. We began our ascent well before 2012 and yet, that is when our Ascension peaked. Since then we have been taking steps to rearrange ourselves so that we may be ascended masters on Earth. The return of Christ is often misconstrued as a savior returning to Earth to save us. No; the Christ is within. No-one is coming to save us. We are sovereign beings of Light. It is up to each one of us to embrace mastery with the choices and actions we take. There is no forcing; there is only Free Will choice. Last night I was given a dream that illustrated this. We cannot choose for another; each must make their own choice; all we can do is stand in our own Light so that it radiates to others in order for them to wake up, if that is their choice.
As each being chooses, their choices are reflected in their lives. We need not wait for governments or corporations (or anyone) to change to prove to us that there is a big shift occurring. In fact, as governments, etc. lollygag, we can have Compassion for them and realize that they help us be sovereign. They are not here to save us. Complaining about government only delays their Transformation. One's life is not the fault of one's government. Each one of us is responsible for ourselves. Know too that the changes cannot be merely intellectual; they must be felt in every part of us. This change is occurring for everyone and everything. Those with Awareness understand what is occurring; yet many do not and continue to blame anything except themselves for their lives. The perceived outer chaos is actually a beautiful sign that things really are transforming. Nothing can transform without an acknowledgment (Awareness) of what is occurring. When one is aware, they can then choose to take Responsibility for themselves and their creations and then make the choice to change what they are aware of..if it no longer serves them. The healing/wholing we choose for ourselves actually helps others make similar choices. When a being is clear, they then help the Earth evolve. What we do for ourselves, we do for all others.
Mastery is having preferences, but without attachment to those preferences. Attachment is when we have an old expectation that someone or something should behave in the way we think they should or based on when we think something should manifest. We choose in every moment. We can be pulled back into old ways of acting/reacting or take a moment to decide to not just react, but choose a new way of being. We need not get pulled into others' drama or chaos. We can choose to be Angels and allow everyone the choice to be new or old.
Masters do not judge and rather, accept self and others just as they are. No matter what a being chooses, they are never separate from Source. What helps us ascend is to be aware of our thoughts, for thoughts create. If we find ourselves thinking negatively, we can release the negative thoughts, which are energy, in the Sacred Rose and replace them with Source Love and positive thoughts. Be aware of what words you speak as well, for thoughts and words create, as all energy creates. Make sure your words are congruent with what you intend to experience. What do you wish to create? Your thoughts and words will definitely create in your life. Do you want to be Love? Then have your thoughts, words and intentions be Love. Negative thoughts, words and intentions lead to physical disease. You can also release any negative thoughts by writing them down, burning the list and then flushing the ashes. Clear your hands afterward with salt and water.
Know and trust that everything and everyone serves as a mirror to what energy exists within you. When you do not take anything personally and observe without judgment, you can see what is within you, even when you cannot consciously relate to what a person is mirroring to you, for much exists in the subconscious, which creates. Clear what you find and fill with Divine Love afterward. Before taking an action or making a choice, ask “How would an ascended master respond?” Meditate, for it helps guide and helps to keep you balanced. Drop all labels for yourself, for they are designed to keep you contained in a small box. When people tell you what you are, it is a way to control you. Then you take that label on and create from that small place. Labels are false. You are much more than any label. Labels keep you stuck in a role and you are meant to continually evolve. Let go of the imposed (by self or others) roles. We are not human; we merely have a body on Earth. All of us are from the stars; we all are Souls expressing through our mental, emotional and physical bodies.
We are the Light inside our physical forms. We are of One Light and One Love. We are not separate from Source or from each other. We are not limited; we are limitless. This is what must be embodied now...nothing less than this Truth. Once we do, life begins moving again.