By the end of March, we either finished the projects we'd been working on or had to set them aside. It felt like much of what we had been working on disappeared almost overnight, and a whole new wave of totally unrelated creative projects immediately took their place. Now we are in the midst of shifting into a new gear.
April represents the final push to the summit which we will reach in May. It's similar to climbing a tall mountain such as Everest. We are now leaving the various base camps stretched out along the mountain. The push to the summit takes massive effort and requires our full focus. We have to utilize old skills that we have learned throughout many lifetimes and bring forth new skills which we didn't know that we had within us.
While making the final climb to the summit, sometimes we have to jettison old gear (empty oxygen and water bottles), old perceptions and expired behaviors. A critical part of this push to the summit entails removing ourselves from the old linear programming of duality, for if we don't, we won't be able to breathe the rarified air at the top of the mountain.
As soon as we begin our push to the summit, everything moves onto the Fast Track. Numerous situations present themselves which call forth our true mastery. This can be the most challenging part of our journey, for if we try to reach the summit by doing things in the old ways with our old attitudes, we won't make it. We have to make each step the truest step possible, for if we do, we shall not falter.
Once we arrive at the top of the mountain, we will be able to see many things that weren't visible before. The expanded, new vista is far beyond what we can presently imagine and fills us with enhanced clarity. This is when we can know in the very cells of our being that we are no longer part of the old reality and that we are here on earth because we chose to go beyond the old paradigm a long time ago.
April is a super intense month that brings us CHANGE and more CHANGE on numerous levels. It's time to shift from being shocked, enraged or saddened by the events playing out in duality so we can be proactive. If we are constantly reacting to all the wrongs in the world, we are like pawns who get tossed this way and that in the wind. But when we anchor our beings BEYOND duality, we can bring about the changes in the world which are most needed.
To manifest the changes that we most want into our lives, we first have to make the changes within ourselves. If we want new, more loving and more true energies in the world, then WE must become NEW, more LOVING and TRUE. The most important thing we can do is to unhook ourselves from the linear programming of duality and anchor ourselves in the Third Point BEYOND duality. From this position, the desired changes will definitely come!
Repatterning our Responses and removing ourselves from the linear patterning of duality is a key element for us right now and it's vitally important that we put it into practice until it becomes our New Normal.
Shocking events are part of the collapsing of duality and will be occurring all year, so we might as well prepare ourselves not to get thrown off balance by them. We have to train ourselves not to go into reaction mode every time that something terrible happens.
We don't ignore what has triggered us. We don't pretend that it didn't happen. We don't react on a duality-based, linear level of "US" versus "THEM". We don't let it diminish or disempower us. We don't go into fear. We don't collapse into grief. We don't run away and hide. We don't go numb. We don't attack. We don't seek distractions. We don't take endless selfies of ourself to reassure ourselves that we are worthwhile.
What we do is to expand our LOVE and TRUENESS into the Third Point and embrace everything from this new position of true strength. This is how we triangulate duality! And this is exactly what is most needed at this time.
As we increasingly inhabit this new Third Point which is BEYOND duality, we will receive a new operating system that is aligned with the New Reality. When this happens, we will know for sure that we are succeeding in becoming free of duality. At first, it will not be fully operational as it will take us a while to become familiar with it.
During April, we will align ourselves deeper into the Centerpoint of the Blueprint of the New Reality. As we do, more of the seeds in our concentric circles will become visible and germinate before our very eyes. From here, we will be able to strengthen and give firmness to the nucleus of the New Reality, as it expands even more, reaching the darkest corners and furthest extremities of the entire planet and far beyond.
At times, we may feel deeply tired. Much is going on, on so many levels, that it's really important for us to have times when we are absolutely quiet and still. This is when we can work on the pure energy level where we are building things far beyond the visible. And even though we can't see exactly what we are doing when we're not "HERE" because they are on such a vast scale, this doesn't mean that they're not significant. Often these are the most important things we are doing!
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This is a small fragment of Solara's complete APRIL 2017 SURF REPORT. The Full March Surf Report contains sections on: The March 2017 Review, Living our Vastness in the Physical, Shifting into a New Gear, The Push to the Summit, Stepping BEYOND the Linear, Being the Change and the April 2017 Overview.
Solara's Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription for $11 per month in English, German, Russian and Spanish at the Nvisible Mercado: NVISIBLE MERCADO.