miércoles, marzo 15, 2017

Aisha North - Water Speaks - The drop from the ocean - March 15, 2017

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen 

Drip. Drip. Drip. Life. Motion. Even in the bitter cold. Water keeps flowing. No matter what. The shroud of ice covering the small stream grows thicker. Wider. Day by day. Because the water never stops. Drop by drop. Hour after hour. A trickle. But a steady one. Of life. A force of nature. Powerful enough to flow through any drought. Or cold. Because it comes all the way from Source. The one that never runs dry.

Sheldan Nidle - El Cielo nos asegura...- 14 de Marzo, 2017


3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Los acontecimientos no están avanzando tan rápidamente como estaba planeado. Os pedimos que ejerzáis la máxima paciencia para minimizar los niveles de frustración. Los enlaces de la Federación Galáctica están trabajando cada día para asegurarse de que todo se despliegue tan cerca de las fechas adecuadas como sea divinamente posible. El Cielo nos asegura que se están dando todos los pasos necesarios para llevar a cabo la RV y la República NESARA. Se nos dice constantemente que hay en marcha una compensación especial que muy pronto va a permitir el arresto y el aislamiento de los secuaces de la cábala oscura. También nos estamos acercando a un punto en el que el Cielo pueda autorizar un aterrizaje prematuro para asegurar que se lleven a cabo fielmente todos sus decretos. El grado de retraso que está sucediendo ahora en vuestro mundo de la superficie está totalmente injustificado. Toda la infraestructura necesaria para llevar a cabo una serie de decretos divinos es inusualmente compleja. Puede que necesitéis algún tipo de intervención divina para ver que se lleven realmente a cabo una serie de pronunciamientos clave. Nosotros estamos preparados para hacerlo cuando el Cielo lo decrete. Vamos a contaros la próxima semana, cuando consideremos que es realmente posible algún progreso maravilloso. Nos despedimos hasta entonces.

Canalizado por Sheldan Nidle

Website: Planetary Activation Organization
Traducción Española: PEC

martes, marzo 14, 2017

Ron Head - El Consejo - No interferencia - 31-01-17

https://i0.wp.com/ronahead.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/the-council.jpg?w=324Hay un tema que sentimos que debemos tocar en este momento. Este es un periodo de energías muy caóticas. Queremos que sepan que sería mejor que estuvieran enfocados en las formas que los alejan de interferir con esos resultados a los que se han dedicado por alcanzar. ¿Qué queremos decir con esto? ¿Qué vemos que desde su punto de vista no ven?

Han sido cuidadosamente condicionados en sus vidas a andar en contra de las cosas con las que no están de acuerdo. Les han enseñado a tener guerras en contra de esas cosas. A veces las guerras contra esas cosas de hecho los distraen de tener éxito en las cosas contra las que están peleando o al menos esas cosas contra las que se les dijo que están peleando. Señalaremos la “guerra contra las drogas” como ejemplo.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 26 de Febrero, 2017

Queridos lectores, nos encontramos con vosotros en amor durante estos tiempos de tanto caos aparente. No temáis, porque todo es necesario para la evolución y el crecimiento de la mayoría. Es un tiempo de confusión incluso para los despiertos, y os deja a muchos de vosotros preguntando si realmente está ocurriendo un proceso de ascensión o no.

Estáis siendo testigos de los primeros pasos del despertar para los que hasta ahora han aceptado como verdad todo lo que les dijeron los gobiernos, las iglesias, y los así llamados expertos. Los ojos internos se están empezando a abrir y con ello se están comenzando a desplegar pequeñísimos brotes de consciencia. Muchos se están dando cuenta repentinamente de que mucho de lo que han aceptado sin preguntas no ha sido por el bien de la mayoría, sino que ha sido por el bien de unos pocos.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Presionando los botones - 27-01-17

Los oímos decir, “Algo grande está pasando”. Por favor sepan que están sintiendo como una enorme impresión, la acumulación de un número incontable de cambios de los que hemos hablado por años. Mientras más y más de estos cambios fructifican, habrá momentos cuando ese sentimiento se abrirá camino hasta el frente de su conciencia.

A veces lo atribuirán a una cosa actual, como una onda de energía entrante, por ejemplo. Y en otras ocasiones se sentirán perdidos por causa de ese sentimiento. Pero si amplían sus sentidos lo suficiente, casi serán capaces de percibir el incremento de ímpetu de cambio planetario.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - March 14, 2017

If it doesn't feed your spirit and inspire you, it's not going to work in these higher frequencies. The old realities were brain driven and worked logically, these are the opposite. What used to be true, explanations and beliefs are no longer.

Here everything is heart driven and the higher mind works in conjunction, in tandem. Thinking is different here, which is why the brain does not work when acclimating to higher frequency bandwidths. Here we don't think, we observe and process, compute equations and see by way of energy patterns, feeling all through our entire systems. We are stimulated visually and with our senses and our hearts connect us up. If the heart is not operating at the highest frequencies of purity, then there is no connection and there is no purpose....

Ron Head - El Concejo - Habrá algo grandioso de lo cual emocionarse. Y saben que es mucho más divertido cuando se comparte - 09-01-17

Hoy hablaremos sobre la verdad. Hablaremos de La Verdad, esa que no ha cambiado y que nunca cambiará. No entraremos en discusiones largas sobre lo que es eso, excepto decir que está incorporada en la vida que está a su alrededor.

Si recuerdan, mencionamos que su mundo está experimentando un gran cambio y que hay varias nuevas realidades desarrollándose en este momento. Dijimos que algunas de estas desaparecerán y otras se mezclarán. Dicho de otra forma, ustedes con el tiempo alcanzarán consenso.

John Smallman - Jesus - God never judges you but only and always loves you infinitely - March 14, 2017


This is a pivotal moment in human history. Enormous changes are underway as your attitudes and beliefs go through extensive cleansing, releasing, reinterpreting, and renewing in preparation for your imminent awakening. It is imminent, and the chaos and conflict that fills your news channels is a very clear indication of this. There are many open hearted and loving people doing great work all across the planet to help the majority deal with all the core issues that are arising within them, seemingly unbidden. Nothing happens to anyone without their agreement and permission. On Earth that often does not appear to be the case, but that is only because your awareness of your true nature is so deeply buried that you cannot access the knowledge or memory of what you incarnated to do. It is very confusing for you as you go through your “dark night of the soul” experience feeling lost, alone, and abandoned.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: YOUR SEEING HEART - 13 Mar 2017


VIDEO (recommended)

Nothing is wasted, no time, no action,
when you see with your Heart That Is Me.

What does it mean to see with your Heart?
It is a state of all-embracing, non-strategic inclusion
and genesis of all that exists.
It is Compassion as your feeling Heart.

That Compassion is not superior and has no objective.
Compassion is a state in and through Itself.
It is an abundant state, untouched, that persists
whatever object is arising.
It is a state of being anchored in your heart,
at home there in your native state of being,
feeling to infinity and full.

Sheldan Nidle Update~3-14-17~Heaven assures us...

Update for March 7, 2017

Dratzo! Events are not moving forward as swiftly as planned. We ask you to exert your utmost patience to minimize frustration levels. The Galactic Federation's liaisons are working daily to ensure that all unfolds as close to the proper dates as is divinely possible. Heaven assures us that all the steps necessary to bring the RV and the NESARA Republic to fruition are being taken. We are constantly told that a special compensation is in effect that is to very soon permit the arrest and isolation of the dark cabal's minions. We are also nearing a point where Heaven may authorize a premature Landing to make sure that all of Heaven's decrees are faithfully carried out. The degree of delay that is now occurring on your surface world is totally uncalled for. The entire infrastructure required to carry out a number of divine decrees is unusually complex. You may need some type of divine intervention to see that a number of key pronouncements are truly carried out. We are prepared to do so when Heaven decrees. We are to talk to you next week when we deem some wondrous progress is indeed possible. 

Signing out till then.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 14, 2017

Dear Ones, please understand when you release a large chunk of emotion that was attached to a specific event, it is not uncommon for other emotions connected to that same event to come bubbling up to the surface in what we call a cascade of healing.

Laura Pleiadian - Crystals of Consciousness ~ Activated for Your Ascension - March 14, 2014

The Sound frequency of your Soul transmits to you though a feedback loop, activating and responding through your DNA as the transmitters and receivers of your crystals of consciousness. The liquid crystalline substance that you are made of.

The filter through which you experience your conditioned self, is the non harmonious aspects of consciousness memories, that you are here to clear.

Your individuated PURE sound, is your frequency, that is the Soul You, the God Self you, The Higher Self you.

lunes, marzo 13, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - IT'S TIME TO GO SUPER QUANTUM - March 13, 2017


Until you actually CARE ENOUGH to open your heart/mind fully and listen/see, you will not understand... because you do not want to know yet.....

When you TRULY want to know, when you truly care to commit, when you truly are ready to embrace and stop fighting a process that your soul came here to INJOY and FULLY EXPERIENCE with all of the wonders, riches, exquisiteness, you will open up and CHOOSE something different.....

When you are READY, truly ready, THEN A PROFOUND SHIFT will occur. Until then, unconscious realities will continue to DRAG out, be prolonged, for what's going to happen anyways....

Angels on Earth, Your Time Has Come (Illuminati's Last Stand) March Equinox 2017

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Ascension Stargate Symptoms, DNA Restructuring - March 13, 2017

Light Bearer, Starseed and Blue Ray, the ascension New Earth shift has brought you to Gaia on your amazing spirit journey of many pathways, raising the frequency through karma, healing and transformation, living many lives in one. Together you have passed through certain gateways and stargates as the 11 11 and 12 12 for the ascension to occur.

Many of you at different phases of this year 2017 are entering the Goddess ascension stargate 13 and will experience intense purging and detoxing of the physical body and DNA blueprint. This cleansing can feel deep within your bones of your human evolution as you transcend old constructs, time lines, paradigms, galactic history and structures.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 10 de Marzo, 2017

Se os ha dicho muchas veces que nada es realmente como parece, porque vosotros habéis creado vuestra propia realidad. Refleja exactamente cómo habéis entendido vuestras necesidades y cómo abastecerlas. También se os ha inspirado para buscar los mejores resultados que gradualmente os llevarán hacia delante y hacia arriba a un ritmo incesante. Naturalmente, el progreso ha sido hábilmente ayudado por la encarnación de almas que han podido inspiraros cosas más grandes y mejores. Sin embargo, como todos tenéis libre albedrío, la decisión final ha sido vuestra, pero los que han gobernado desde elevadas posiciones no siempre han tomado decisiones que hayan sido de vuestro mejor interés. Durante siglos y siglos habéis estado sujetos a muchas guerras y al caos y a la muerte resultante, que han estado llegando una y otra vez en la rueda de causa y efecto.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday March 13, 2017

It is very common for enlightening human beings to be far more comfortable with giving than receiving. It is because you are beings service, on the planet to make a difference. The more you enlighten, the more you understand that being of your highest service is your greatest joy.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - YOU ARE VISIONARIES, CHANGE AGENTS, PROPHESEERS - March 13, 2017


Every moment now, something POWERFUL is occurring....

Energetically we are in the most substantial phases ever. This shall continue to be increasingly true. These immense frequencies "take no prisoners", leave no stone un-turned. They support those who are fully on-board and obliterate the realities of those who are not.

This is a deep period of self-love, a deep shift from human to NEW EARTH HUMAN, a deep shift from linear to non-linear/Super Quantum, a deep shift from separation to unity consciousness and from "this" being about any little human individual to "this" being about THE BIGGER PICTURE and all of our HIGHEST EXISTENCES here. This is about all existences, not just the little human/earthly one that you can see. Inner vision gives you access to all existences again.

Suzanne Lie - The Great Reunion-By Our Galactic Family - 3-12-17


By Our Galactic Family

This morning I awoke with a “dream” message from the Arcturians and my Galactic Family. It seems that last night I was likely on the Ship receiving my next Earth Assignment, which is our next Multidimensional School. The name of this particular school is, “From Global to Galactic.”

Therefore, as soon as I awoke, I went to my computer to ask The Arcturians and my Galactic Family about this “dream—inter-dimensional message.” The message I receive is below. It appears that this message was/is from the Arcturians, as well as my Galactic Family, but they speak as ONE voice.

Brenda Hoffman - Energy Burst Needs are Refined - March 13, 2017

Dear Ones,

It is not necessary to assume you have to float within new energies if you wish to be of 5D or more. Just as you do not need to like every food placed before you.

There are no longer shoulds of any kind within your being or your life on earth in this lifetime. Perhaps the new energies feel comfortable and so you will partake of them as is best for your being. Or perhaps the energies are not a need for you at this time or ever.

Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - The Process of Your Transformation - 10th March 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 10th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

domingo, marzo 12, 2017

John Smallman - Saul - We want you to C E L E B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE! - 03/12/2017

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!” On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated. Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature. That has changed, drastically. Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent.

Ron Head - The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (Pt 2) - March 12, 2017

The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (Pt 2)

As promised, we will continue our last message by addressing “When”. And we mean it in this sense:

This council convened before you were born. That, of course, is how you would perceive it with your linearly oriented minds. But we see the necessity of using such ideas in order to communicate certain concepts. We sit convened in each moment of your lifetime. You are the purpose of our gathering, after all. And your non-physical selves are never absent from this council for that very reason. We will not ever be unavailable in the moment that you need us. Now, this is true for all physical beings, so there is no reason to shop for a larger hat size.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - I REMEMBER having to choose between my human reality and my higher self reality - 3/11/2017

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind for sure. Posting some photos of the awesomeness along the way as we slammed through it all. It's been huge timeline collapses/merges/jumps.... coming together with new Galactic Soul Family to create more together, reach more together, accomplish more for all! All kinds of exquisiteness emerges when we release everything of the old that we held unconscious programs for. Seeing many of mine has allowed me to stop unconscious patterns too.

It's so interesting when new clarity comes through in a way that wasn't visible before. We don't get to do the safe/easy thing when it's time for new timelines to replace the old.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday March 12, 2017

The energies have been particularly strong of late in terms of bringing up what is ready for release. When the energies are strong, there is no mistaking what that energy is that is trying to leave. Why is this important? Because it is through your identification that you allow it to leave.

Dear Ones, you are sovereign beings. You are the masters of your own path. The universe is always seeking to assist you but ultimately it is your agreement and cooperation with that assistance that allows it to occur. The energies are bringing up things that are now ready to leave, but it is up to you to allow that to happen.

Sandra Walter - Owning The Embodiment: Preparing for the Timeline Shift - Mar 11, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

As we enter the deeply transformative Gateway of the Equinox, we are presented with another collective trigger passage. It is vital that we unify as one HUman heart grid, one force of Source. I AM confident most of you are aware of what this Gateway will create for HUmanity.

This is not a passage to flail in the distractions. It is a passage to fully claim ownership of your new template, to own your embodiment, your new expression, and stand in your the Divine right to become your Higher Self in form. This embodiment phase is key to the current frequency shift already underway. Your core will need to be stable and aligned with your new template in order to receive the Solar codes and transmit them to Gaia, the old and new grid systems, and the HUman heart grid.

Brenda Hoffman - Nos hemos graduado en la Edad Adulta Universal - 6 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mis queridos,

En los próximos días podrían estar poniéndose a prueba debido a que algunos de ustedes están cambiando de formas su Ser de formas que no imaginaron posibles cuando encarnaron en ésta vida en la Tierra - como si estuvieran viendo su piel original para formar un nuevo Ser de polvo.

Cuando encarnaste en ésta vida en la Tierra, eras un ser humano con un karma lleno de experiencias pasadas y con ADN humano. Ya no eres ese Ser.

Kryon - The Greeting on the Other Side

Kara Schallock - Elecciones - 6 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Como recordatorio, comparto sólo lo que Alma comparte conmigo y sólo cuando soy guiada. Si resuenas con esto, maravilloso; si no; maravilloso. Todos estamos en diferentes etapas de Ascensión y las Notas de Ascensión sirven como una guía general. Estas no son predicciones o reglas, ya que éstas no existen en lo Nuevo.

Algunos piensan que las cosas deberían ser diferentes. Podrían preguntar "¿Dónde está la alegría? ¿Dónde está el amor? ¿Dónde está la paz? "La alegría, el amor y la paz están dentro. Si buscas la prueba fuera de ti mismo, te decepcionarás, porque lo Nuevo está dentro de ti. Y cuando te das cuenta de esto, cambia tu percepción y te das cuenta de que tu Amor, tu Paz y tu Alegría afectan todo lo que ves. Lo Nuevo debe estar dentro de ti antes de que cualquier cosa en el mundo pueda ser infundida con Luz superior. ¿Con qué estás alineado? Si estás alineado con el mundo que no está lleno de Amor, Paz y Alegría, entonces eso es lo que tú experimentas. Si estás alineado con tu Paz interior, tu alegría interior y tu Amor interior, ves lo externo con esta perspectiva. Todo está dentro. Si tu propia vida no refleja lo que deseas, ¿Con qué estás alineado? ¿Qué es lo que está mal o qué es lo correcto? ¿Agradeces todo en la vida? Cuando estás en Agradecimiento, expandes esas cosas que quieres... Paz, Amor y Alegría interior.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 12, 2017

Dear readers, once again we greet you in love and respect as we witness personal and global struggles. We honor your courage as you continue to unfold into an ever deepening consciousness of oneness much like a bud opens to the fullness of the flower.

You have become the wayshowers, awake and ready to fulfill your chosen reasons for being here at this time.

We see many of you working to resolve day to day issues as well as to spiritually evolve while still using tools that no longer work simply because you have evolved beyond them. They are familiar to you and still work for those who resonate with them, but most of you have evolved beyond them--you are no longer that state of consciousness.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de la Luna Llena del 12/3/17 - 9 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Laura Gualtieri
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el domingo, 12 de marzo, a las 8:54 AM.

Ponte para adentro hoy y centrate en los detalles que necesitan atención. Nuestras cabezas salen brevemente a la superficie de la emotiva sopa acuosa que está apoyando la profunda entrega del equipaje viejo. Podemos sentirnos agotados con el proceso y exhaustos por nuestra propia resistencia. Es hora de tomar aliento, hacer balance, reconocer lo que ha sido entregado y ver qué piezas quedan. ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos que debe tomar para mantener el impulso? Puede haber algunas verdades involucradas y definitivamente hay una necesidad de confianza. Obtenga ayuda si la necesita y asegúrese de estar cerca de personas a las que ama durante este tiempo. Sus niveles de energía pueden ir hacia arriba y hacia abajo así que escuche a su cuerpo y descanse si es necesario, tome un descanso si es necesario, trabaje duro si es necesario y libere un poco de vapor si es necesario.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath - March 12, 2017

Dear One,

Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

Divine Light is showering upon you at all times and it radiates from within your being to the world around you. This light holds the essence of peace and love. The more you are aware of your connection to this light, the happier you become.

Judith Kusel - The Divine Masculine with the Return of the Divine Feminine - March 12, 2017

As the Divine Feminine has truly returned and is being anchored in, the Divine Masculine is feeling this change to the very core of his being. He must now adjust to a new way of life, living, and expression thereof and therefore often is deeply confused of his own role within the change.

Sometimes he feels threatened to the core, for the structures and forms he had set into motion during the time of Avalon, and truly implemented during the time of Atlantis, is suddenly not working anymore. In that as much as he tries to regain control, he is losing control faster than he knows what to do with it.

sábado, marzo 11, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday March 11, 2017

Enlightening human beings are beings of service. How that service appears will be as unique as all other aspects of humanity. Some may serve by helping other people, by assisting others on their own enlightenment journey, by offering healing support, by assisting animals, or addressing environmental issues. For some people, their highest service is simply holding space by being of their highest vibration which assists the grid and transmutes lower vibrating energy.

Asara - The Galactic Council of Light - How To Merge With Your Higher Aspects - March 11, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Many of you are on a journey of discovering who you truly are.

You might be aware that you have many different aspects in the higher dimensions.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Newsletter: Clearing Karmic Patterns (Re-Patterning), Huge Timeline Collapses, Quantum is Non-Linear - 3/11/2017

It's been a BEYOND HUGE TIME of Karmic Clearing for all of us. Karmic Debt and Karmic Patterns means observing yourself and all of your realities to see what's really going on with you and where you operate/function from ALL OF THE TIME.

Now, I don't use the word Karma very much, as on one level there is no karma, it's just unconscious programs to us. Yet, humans have not learned (opened up enough) to see their own unconscious/subconscious programs running in order to dissolve and re-create through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS from within, therefore it's still Karma until all is cleared (and reversed). Reversing huge unconscious realities means a total "stop" and energetic reversal if one desires a different/higher consciousness outcome.


Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul give a synopsis of the current moon energies within the context of ascension mastery.

The full moon is arriving once again. This month being in the Sun Sign of Pisces we will experience the moon cycle within Virgo. This occurs at 7:54 AM Pacific, 10:54 AM Eastern, and 14:55 GMT bringing forth the energies of the Feminine Divine (Emotional Body) within the Physical (pertaining to the Ego).

This will give us a rare opportunity to truly work within our Emotional Body to assist our Physical Body in realizing that healing is possible in all areas. If you are working with any emotional issues (or Inner Child), you may find that this moon will assist you to have some pertinent revelations of healing that may be needed in your physical awareness.

viernes, marzo 10, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday March 10, 2017

Dear Ones, the more you move through your enlightenment process, the more you operate from a space of surrender and flow, moving easily with the subtle bumps and nudges of the universe.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 March 2017

You have been told many times that nothing is really as it seems as you have created your own reality. It reflects exactly how you have understood your needs and how to cater for them. You have also been inspired to seek the best results that will have gradually moved you onwards and upwards at an ever increasing pace. Progress has of course been ably assisted by the incarnation of souls who have been able to inspire you to greater and better things. However, as you all have freewill the final choice has been yours, but those who have ruled from high positions have not always made decisions that have been in your best interests. For century after century you have been subjected to many wars and the resultant death and chaos, that has been coming again and again on the wheel of cause and effect.

jueves, marzo 09, 2017

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - Full Moon Update 3-12-17

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Sunday, March 12, at 8:54 AM Mountain Daylight Time.

Pull yourself inward today and focus on the details that need attention. Our heads surface briefly out of the emotional watery soup that is supporting the deep surrender of old baggage. We may feel worn out with the process and exhausted by our own resistance. It is time to take a breath, take stock, acknowledge what has been surrendered and see what pieces are left. What are the next steps you need to take to keep the momentum going? There may be truth involved and there is definitely a need for trust. Get help if you need it and make sure you are around people you love during this time. Your energy levels may be up and down so listen to your body and rest if you need to, take a break if you need to, work hard if you need to and blow off some steam if you need to.

We have an interesting but challenging blend of the instinctive center being activated by deep survival issues and the higher intellectual center pushing us to expand our sense of what is possible and to be inspired by the potential. You may feel slightly disoriented as these two expressions fight for the front seat. This is why taking care of the body and nurturing yourself is so important at this time but don’t forget to also be inspired by expansion, possibility and potential. Be a bit spontaneous and try something new.



Jamye Price - Stillness - Mar 9, 2017

Stillness and Movement

As you are beginning to choose more of what you are creating, quite often you begin noticing how much is out of your control. You observe all that you (and humanity) are experiencing and recognize the lack of control. It creates confusion of what is actually controllable to you.

We want to give you some areas of focus with this basic drive of seeking control, so that you can begin to shape your inner world and feel more of the progress of creativity and empowerment growing within.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday March 9, 2017

Dear Ones, remember each and every person’s soul journey is unique. You all have different speeds, different paths, different gifts and abilities, different areas of service that draw you. There is no one size fits all path to enlightenment!

miércoles, marzo 08, 2017

Sandra Walter - Conscious Media Festival Notes: Pure Creativity and the Creator State of Consciousness - Mar 8, 2017


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

I had the honor of speaking at the Conscious Media festival in Austin, Texas last weekend. Festival Creator Giselle Koy launched a brilliant platform with this inaugural event. It was wonderful to witness the emergence of a new tribe of truly heart-based beings focused on manifesting conscious content through various creative mediums.

The topic was Pure Creativity, and we shared some Mastery practices which would assist creatives as the energies shift to support our service work. I promised to share my notes here, and there is also a facebook live version of the talk shared on my facebook page.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality - March 8, 2017

When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred
The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality
Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We embrace you in a vector of unconditional love.

In the present time of global unrest, there is a rising tide of resentment among the religions spawned of Abraham. And one of the necessary resolutions that will result, in time, is the harmony of these 3 patriarchal religions. Even that which you think of as negative, in time resolves back into love, albeit the hard way.

Religion & Truth

We wish to speak to you in this channeling, of religion. For the understanding of your existence and relationship to All That Is, is expanding. God is Love. Masters, we tell you that the time is coming for humanity to consider spirituality and embrace highest human ethics beyond dogmatic religion altogether. We tell you that God, 'All That Is' knows no dogmatic religion, other than the kind heart.

It should be no surprise to the aware human, that all of you in your various reincarnations have experienced most of your present religious doctrines & teachings, as well as other formats & forms of spiritual wisdom, well outside of your conscious memory, before your recorded history.

However, in the current times of 2017, year 5 of the New Earth paradigm, religious programming still has a far reaching influence. Sadly, few of your present major religions fully encompass or embrace the vast truth of your reality. Among these, Buddhism comes closest, but still leaves vacant, certain areas of importance. The total release of desire taught in certain Buddhist traditions can lead to self-denial. The 3 Abrahamic religions, with their varied versions & degrees of exclusion in zealous teachings of 'my way or no way' damnations, with original sin and a wrathful God are sad distortions that have led to many conflicts and wars.

Evolution & Self Discovery

In the transitioning energies of the expanding 'New Earth', a new way of thinking will emerge in humanity. The new human will not find the Truth beyond religion by darting from doctrine to doctrine, nor guru to guru. Nor will you find, or experience your true self by zealously adhering to any specified form of theology. It does not happen by reading books and blindly accepting & believing everything you read. The burden of proof, the journey of self-truth cannot be found from another. It is a false path to count upon any leader or teacher to prove to you your own relationship to divinity, or your own valid identity in relation to what you think of as God. More often than not, such a process leads merely to one subjective cage after another.

Although there may be an initial state of comfort or security in following any given leader or teaching, the responsibility of finding answers is squarely upon each of you, especially as you move into areas of higher development. Dear Human, it is by finding solitude and looking deeply, serenely and openly into self, that you can gain experiential knowledge of your own truth, discover & truly experience the inner self and vast multi-dimensional nature & reality of your expansive source. This requires effort. Indeed one must feel the hunger, the deep desire. There is a willing surrender involved, an overt acquiescence into focal realization.

Historic Distortion

There have been many 'Cristos Consciousness' incarnate on your planet. Most of their messages were lost or distorted in history. None of them were actually crucified as depicted in your biblical text, though there were martyrs. That however, does not imply that the event as implied in Christendom does not have a deep symbolic message or valid hologramic reality. Any event deeply embedded, programmed into belief into vast numbers of humanity will assume a certain 'projected-psychological' reality, through the co-creativity of the collective mind. In this sense the crucifixion story has a greater reality that the actually occurrence. There was indeed a 'historic' enlightened Christ, incarnate as Jeshua ben Joseph, but much of his true message was later diverted by the organized governmental church for 'fear-based' control and political manipulation & convenience.

We are not saying that devotedly practicing an orthodox religious discipline, with certain universal tenets of love & morality, is incapable of providing comfort to those that devote their faith and belief into such an ecclesiastical organization. Communion with Spirit, and interface into higher realms is absolutely possible to those in any religion or belief who earnestly and devotedly seek light and love. Rather we are saying that most methodized spiritual persuasions in current times have a limited scope, a minimal grasp of the true nature of reality, and dictate a program with a set doctrine and fear-controls, including a paradisiacal heaven for obedient believers and a raging torment of a burning hell for everyone else. The original teachings and undistorted message did not contain the concept of original sin.

There have been through the eons of time, many bearers of truth, often referred to as 'speakers'. Jeshua ben Joseph was such a speaker, as were Pythagoras, Zoroaster, and Siddhārtha Gautama, among others. John the Baptist was actually an aspectual part of the soul of Jeshua ben Joseph, the Christ, as were the 12 apostles. The 12 apostles were symbolic of the 12 virtues of human attribute patterns, objectively associated to the 12 major zodiac templates of human experience in the earthplane. Paul became a Christos, and it is his work that truly initiated the wider reach of Christianity. Both Paul and John the Baptist were historically martyred. Paul was aware of the greater truth, but he only shared certain more mystical aspects of the message to an inner circle of devotees.

And we tell you that there have been enclaves of secretive monastic groups that have maintained records of the more expansive teachings of the Christ. As did sects of the Essenes. There are yet monastic caves and hidden chambers within monasteries in parts of Europe, particularly northern & western Spain, in which there are ancient books and encrypted scrolls of the greater truth. Most however were destroyed by the Vatican authorities and the Inquisition sources, although some encrypted versions are presently remain in the hidden vaults of the Vatican, and certain antiquity museums in Europe, albeit too faded & fragile to decipher.

The Coming Golden Age

The 'Golden Age' that Edgar Cayce prophesized to begin after the 21st century, and biblical texts loosely refer to as the Thousand Years of Peace', can be considered to have passed early benchmark dates. These would be as follows: benchmarks passed in red...future targets in blue:
1987 - The Harmonic Convergence
1998 - Deflection of the 'Death-Star' meteorite optional ending of 1998
2012 - Earth Expansion from 3d to 12d.
2038 ~2044 - Return of the Avatar, 4th Personification of the Cristos.
2075~2077 - Completion of the Primary Avatar Mission
2150-2300 - Mass Incarnation Return of the Law of One Soul group(Edgar Cayce Soul Returns - Incarnates in 2158)
2300~2375 - Humanity Exceed 50% Critical Mass (Populace) of 'Enlightened Duality Consciousness'
2350 ~2375... Golden Age Begins

The Light measurement of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence (which occurred on Mayan Calendar 1144 point, at an eight planet alignment Grand-Trine) which involved 144,000 people meditating together across global powerpoints, enabled, co-creatively seeded in divine intent the movement toward the ascension of earth in 2012, and ascension of mankind in tow. (Averting the cataclysmic reboot). Yes!

What many of you, do not realize is that the global cataclysm predicted by so many seers, including Edgar Cayce was averted because of the Harmonic Convergence. The probable reality of cataclysm would otherwise have occurred between 1998 and 2012, triggered by a massive 1. 5 kilometer meteorite striking the earth. Sensitives among you were aware of this potential. Interestingly several movies came out in this time of the 90's and early 2000's about asteroids potentially hitting & devastating the planet.

What occurred on the 1144 year (1987) with the 144,000 brought transition without reboot, from probability status into physicality. It 'harmonically' manifested a new path toward peace and ascension thru conscious co-creation. It changed the nature of the 2012 point, from reboot by cataclysm, to dimensional expansion.

And so it is that the true dawning of the Coming Golden Age dimensionally spawned & frequencially dawned in 2012. But it will take approximately 15 to 20 generations, 300 to 400 linear years, to truly occur as a 'Golden Reign of Peace'.

Between your current time in 2017, up until 2038, changes will be gradual, seemingly slow to the casual observers among you. However, as 2038 approaches, there will be a marked quickening of induction effects, thru these ongoing essential changes & the upshifts of frequency. These transitional energies and their influxes of ions with coded light are slowly but surely permeating onto & into the planet, and will in-kind, play major roles in the transformation of humanity.

These shifts will enable a greater connection to multi-dimensional cognizance & wisdom. Humanity, as we have shared previously are shifting, slowly, into the new crystal-esque (silicon based) body type. We tell you that the new generations born into the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil, are already beginning to take on subtle physiological changes, although these benevolent mutations will not begin to be medically recognized for another generation or two.

The human brain will begin to activate in previously dormant areas, to encompass greater awareness. With this is the ongoing expansion into the 33 chakric system, expanding from the 12 physio-chakras.

In this process, will evolve new spiritual awareness centers, whose full activation will result in a much greater elasticity of paradigmic understanding. Duality will still exist, but with a lesser arc swing, meaning there will be a lessening of 'gray areas' in terms of understanding right or wrong. This does not imply that there will not be obstacles, issue or problems to resolve, for that is the nature of the earth as a testing ground in the free will of 3d duality. Rather that the forks in the road, and decisions of which path to take will be more concise, easier to discern... a more black & white choice. In areas of conflict there will be a much greater awareness that two wrongs never make a right.

As these changes evolve, year by year from 2017 to 2038, and in collative phases: 2075 to 2100 and 2150 to 2300. More expansion & awareness will lead to the masses of human seekers rising beyond and above the parameters of orthodox thinking and 'religion'. Spirituality will make a major shift into a more individualized concept, combining 'divine illumination' interface experiences thru self-tailored, personal versions of sacred metaphysical practice.

Human experience will extend, expand in awareness. This will enable a more tangible reach into differing brain wave states of consciousness, and thus facilitate not only a greater interface with the 12 planetary dimensions but also, on a visionary level, into grater cognizance of other time epochs relating to past life personalities & connective communicative capacity with both future and past incarnations.

The Requisite Cleanse

Masters, in the present era of expansion, all of you are now and will continue for several years, experiencing varying intensities of what we have termed as 'Crucible Astrology'. This is a necessary cleansing, that must occur. All areas of conflict are rising to the surface in order to be confronted and resolved. But within the nuances of this patterning, are also phases in which you will question the status quo, the old energies around religion and personal systems of belief. Beliefs are changing, and to a large degree are influencing new beliefs, by shifting the attributes of the physical environ in undeniable ways.

Areas of academia and main stream science are beginning to make discoveries and uncover new workable theories which involve paradigm shifts in regard to the fluidic nature of physics and reality.

A more natural, a more spontaneous form of illumination is evolving, and will replace orthodox religious disciplines. In the not too distant future, brain scan technology will reveal increased activity in previously dormant areas. The medial temporal lobe will reveal in brain-mapping, a greater activity in the limbic system.

There will also be noted changes in the base of the brain, effecting the endocrine system, hypothalamus & pituitary. The human body's natural endogenous production of specific neurons and dimethyltryptamine will increase, and will be studied from the aspect of consciousness expansion. It will be discovered that stimulation of certain brain areas can consistently produce distinct past life memories. Human abilities of telepathic communication will also significantly expand.

This expansion is influenced and driven to no small degree, by solar activity, and the resulting shift of the ionic ratio via coronal mass ejections bombarding billions of tons of anionic particulate into the earth's atmosphere.

All of this is gradual in human sense of sequential linear time, but rapid from an over-view.

Our Intent

Our intent in this channel, is to assure you, that despite the chaos occurring in the crucible patterning of the planet, all is on track. Humanity is indeed on track for ascension albeit still generations away. And so it should not be a surprise to you, that most of you on the path of ascension will choose to reincarnate several times between now and humanity's graduation. The actual moment of the majority of humanity being 'enlightened' cannot truly be pin-pointed, both for practical reasons and the fact that ascension occurs one heart at a time, and free will is ever involved. But from our perspective, it is not a matter of 'if' it will happen, simply an evolving into what is now firmly on-track and manifesting its landing place in space & time.

By the middle of the next century, (2150) the collective vibration & group light quotient of humanity will be much higher than it is at the present time. Using this projection, by the year 2300~2350, the majority, approximately 70% of humanity incarnate on the earth plane will be in high light quotient. There will be very few conflicts that escalate into violence on an individual level and virtually none between sub-governments of the United Earth.

By this time, mankind will have changed concepts of religious beliefs to such an extent that there will be only a fragmentized historic similarity in comparison between what is understood in 2300 to those of the present time in 2017. In fact, by 2300, the word religion will no longer be in use, no longer be part of the vernacular in reference to spiritual awareness. (You will, in that future vector of time, be amazed at how limiting and narrow orthodox religious beliefs were in the past.)

The greatly anticipated 'contact' with your 'Star' Ancestors will have occurred by the 23rd century. You will be in the new body type predicted by Cayce and others. The basic shape will be the same, but the silicon base flesh will be more luminescent. Human auras will tangibly glow, and to an extent, each individual's auric identity will take precedence over the physical attributes. Racial differences will still be present, but less distinct. The colors and energy projected from the 'auric' spiritual essence will take antecedence over physical characteristics. Human bodies will be less dense in '3d matter' composition, thinner, and virtually hairless. The cranium will be slightly more elongated, with wider foreheads, increased size will be induced by the greater brain activity.


Masters, you live in a rather chaotic phase of time in which it may be easy to sense despair, to be discouraged and feel like human advancement is taking a backward step. Religious conflict is erupting across the planet into war & extreme violence.

What is taking place, as confusing & contradictory as it may seem, is a clearing. In a manner of speaking, you are taking one step back before taking two giant (quantum-leap) 'steps' forward. This violence and turmoil will in time have resolution. It is vitally important that you do not lose hope. The seekers among you, the wise among you are needed in your now, more than ever, to project love and positive co-creative energies. In doing so you provide essential fertile energy toward the seed-core manifestation of the changes that will come.

Changes are in place that will allow you greater union with Universal Truths. Truths that are instinctively understood and cohesively in place. Wisdom involving your place in the Cosmos, purpose in life and relationship to the Divine, will be devoid of dogma, separated from current restrictive religious structures. Actions & thoughts which maintain and reflect joy, kindness and respect, to others and self, will be seen as the retrievable, belief worthy basic 'Truths', salvaged from the 'old time religion'.

And there is an underlying bliss in knowing what is true and having the ability to believe based on your individualized expression.

Masters, in the purposed illusion of duality, everything and nothing are opposite sides of the same coin.

When nothing makes you happy, you will have made a quantum leap. For maintaining a vibration of joy, unswayed by the events around you, is a great goal of human existence. In that sense, you may indeed say, (humorously...), that 'Nothing is Sacred'. Masters when you learn to project joy and bliss, it has a far reaching influence and effect. We tell you that there is no joy greater, more exquisite than the true self-realization of Truth.

I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. A magnificent graduation awaits you. Dear Humans, you are dearly beloved.

And so it is...And it is So...

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John Smallman - Jesus - There is no one God does not love - March 8, 2017


All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned and intended, there are no other options. Humanity has collectively chosen to awaken spiritually, and evidence of that choice is appearing all across the world and is being reported on by many news and alternate news sources. Underlying all the disturbing or unsettling events is an intense desire and will for change, and that is what is driving humanity powerfully forwards towards awakening. Your awakening is imminent! Expect it because you have chosen it, and know that your choice is confirmed by your constant intent to terminate the game of separation which does not serve you.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Discovering the Perfection of You

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are excited because you're starting to discover your capacity for unconditional love. You're starting to pay more attention to your ability to choose what you focus upon, and many of you are taking to heart this idea that you might focus on what you easily love. That is the most effortless to bring more ease and alignment into your experience.

You're also discovering that ease comes from allowing yourself to flow, allowing yourself to flow, allowing your life energy to flow freely, from not pushing yourself, not making so much effort, not trying so hard, to flow more easily, to flow with more allowing, is to let yourself flow as it feels right.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 8, 2017

As you consistently respond to yourself from a place of love and compassion, you automatically start to heal old wounds and reassure your way back into wholeness. It is showing up for yourself as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. It is moving beyond abandonment into secure attachment and security.

When you start to love and nurture yourself, this will not mean that you do not need others. Far from it! It means that you will release others from the thought that they are responsible for your emotional state, which will allow you to show up for others from a space of giving rather than taking, honour rather than neediness, love rather than blame. This shift supports acceptance and unconditional love, ease and beingness with each other, and connection from a space of authenticity which is what you truly crave from each other.

Christine Day - Message from Pleiadians March 2017


Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Beloved ones we greet you,

Today, in this moment you can move into a place of power, to reclaim that which is rightfully yours. This is the timing for blessings to be bestowed upon you. With the new frequencies of light flowing onto the planet since late February you are enabled to enter a higher realm connection to Self. We remind you of the importance of letting go of the old traditions you have with

Ron Head - The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? - March 8, 2017/

The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

We have spoken more than a few times explaining who are. Some prefer to have names attached to this sort of message. We understand that. But you have been reading our messages for a few years now as being from The Council. Why is that?

First let us say that many who sit on this council either do not have names and have no need of them. Then there is also the fact that even upon your planet the beings sitting on this council are known by many names in many languages. You are not used to thinking in such terms, but it is true nevertheless. And even beyond that, you gave these names to us when you thought you were the center of a universe that you had no idea of the extent of. Now, when you are aware that a limitless universe is teeming with life, do you imagine that those names remain the same everywhere? Of course, we will answer to them. But we wish to cause you to ponder larger concepts. And so, when our channel began referring to us as The Council, we considered it appropriate. That is the “Who” in the title above.

Sheldan Nidle - 7 de Marzo, 2017


3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! Todo va extremadamente bien. Los oscuros están conmocionados, porque es muy evidente que su supuesta victoria se está desvaneciendo rápidamente. La cábala oscura está ahora corriendo en vano para preservar de alguna manera lo poco que aún tiene solvente. Es como si se hubiera añadido inesperadamente a la mezcla un repentino spray de ácido. USA s.a. está a punto de disolverse, porque se hace cristalinamente claro que la nueva República NESARA está de nuevo en el horizonte del mundo. La cábala oscura ya puede ver el inevitable rótulo en la pared. Sus viejos métodos se han acabado y la vieja guardia ya espera su largamente retrasado castigo. La auténtica Constitución con sus muchas necesarias revisiones va a hacer pronto su aparición, y el Congreso y el resto del régimen de los oscuros va a quedar interrumpido temporalmente. Las nuevas políticas del régimen legal van a convertirse pronto en algo normal de cada día. Este globo ha esperado mucho tiempo para lo que está a punto de ocurrir rápidamente. Este proyecto es uno que ha estado esperando la Luz durante mucho tiempo. Estáis a punto de recibir vuestra libertad y de obtener los principios de vuestra prosperidad.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Posted on March 8, 2017

Posted on March 8, 2017 by • Bente Amundsen