lunes, marzo 13, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - IT'S TIME TO GO SUPER QUANTUM - March 13, 2017


Until you actually CARE ENOUGH to open your heart/mind fully and listen/see, you will not understand... because you do not want to know yet.....

When you TRULY want to know, when you truly care to commit, when you truly are ready to embrace and stop fighting a process that your soul came here to INJOY and FULLY EXPERIENCE with all of the wonders, riches, exquisiteness, you will open up and CHOOSE something different.....

When you are READY, truly ready, THEN A PROFOUND SHIFT will occur. Until then, unconscious realities will continue to DRAG out, be prolonged, for what's going to happen anyways....

You just get to choose how you experience THIS MOMENT that is just one continual moment that never ends.....

Unity, love, together, sharing, as a part of the BIGGER PICTURE or continually excluded because things don't match up to what your little human wants, what your mindset was, what's in it for you.....

NEW EARTH REALITIES won't tolerate the old.... WE AS NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS don't either. We collapse realities intentionally, because they have to be... We didn't come here to be liked, for when we have to ACT from a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS STATE, we get okay with "BEing the "BAD Guy" when we have to hold everyone accountable for their vibrational transmissions....

When we are shown to step-up, we step up. When we see something that needs to be done, we do it. We don't sit around belly-aching (we might complain consciously for a moment, yet we are just expelling energy so we can git'r'done) and obliterate the old, for it takes an immense amount of energy, focus and dedication to overcome the lack of those not ready yet.

WE ARE IN VIBRATIONS of the Game Changers to come together more than ever before, for those who are DOING and always stepping up, challenging themselves from inside, overcoming their own humanness, embracing our deep connection as Star BEings and Souls and existing/functioning from a place of deep sacred respect.

Each of you are going to find that standing in your power is going to require you to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to move realities yourselves. You will find that others around you are not always ready and you'll have to move on, step up and into a timeline where others are already there, already doing, not waiting for everyone else too. You will have to go inside and SEE what's holding you back and why you keep allowing this. Not one of us signed on for "easy" when it comes to "dealing" with human realities. The easy part is once we do...

You did not originate from this planet. You landed here, incarnated here, walked in/arrived here, woke up here... in a physical form that is not going to fit most of the time. This DENSITY SUIT has a lot to cleanse so that it can hold PURE SOURCE LIGHT, so that you can fulfill your Soul's Purposes/Galactic Missions here. You will have to identify everything in your reality and why you created everything you experience here. You will have to use your higher mind to see and shift out of your little human mind that keeps you in a "prison" of "hell"/unconscious programs....

Heaven is achieved inside. Home is too. Then they arrive "outside" in your physical for you. The PURE EXISTENCES that you seek come from inside of you. As you apply purity, love and unity to everything that you are, everything that you do, everything that you allow, you re-learn how to love and respect YOU. You will stop tolerating less, yet you will see less as created realities that served a purpose of TRANSCENDENCE.... and how each of you chose that, individually and collectively.

When you DECIDE that your entire existence is WORTH SOMETHING, that you are WORTH MORE, that you have something to offer, that you ARE THE GIFT, you will open up and start to share to make a difference here. Things are just resources, opportunity to support. When you realize that things are a response to you, where you come from, how much you share, how much YOU SUPPORT & CONTRIBUTE, you will REVERSE the old ways and stop waiting for anything. You'll step into your own POWER and BEcome a PART OF SOMETHING that makes a difference here. You will get over your own separation, you will come together and point the finger back at yourself.....

This is on "all of us" and it takes all of us to DO what we came here to do. When you need a "reason" to do what your soul tells you to do, when you need proof to get you to do, when you "need" something first, this is your separation....

WE do not "need" anything to connect to the GRIDWORK of NEW EARTH AND GET IN-SERVICE.... WE only need our hearts & minds to be totally open and to get over our own selves/stuff....

When you realize that everything that you HAVE is so that you can fulfill what you came here to BE/DO, then you will shift to a timeline where you don't require loss to show you what you didn't want to see/listen to/do before....

EVERYTHING OCCURRING is to get your heart open, get your mind open and to bring your own Soul through. Everything has a purpose, is the purpose and serves a purpose here. Everything shows you something, everything is a result, everything is a vibrational RESPONSE to that which you hold....

When your SOUL IS PRESENT, your little human mind doesn't get to run the show. When your heart is closed, your mind is too and you shift into a different timeline than the one that delivers magnificence and brilliance to you.

Get ready loves..... you/we ain't seen nuttin yet. We are always just getting started. Jump. Huge. For you. Unify. Let all that old stuff go and stop making excuses. Listen to your stories, pay attention to your energy. This creates your realities FOR YOU.

Super Quantum means "super all-over the place".... to keep up, you gotta go Super Quantum too. Everything slows down and comes into full-alignment as you do. Everything becomes EASY and DIVINITY is restored to everything again.

I love you. Let's do this! Super Quantum Style NOW!

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Galactic Guardian of NEW Earth, Super Quantum Light BEing and Carrier of our Galactic Schematics for all of HUmanity here.