miércoles, diciembre 14, 2016

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LUNA LLENA 13-12-16 - 12 de Diciembre de 2016


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el martes, 13 de diciembre a las 5:05 PM Horario Estándar de las Montañas

Los temas para esta luna llena son la verdad, comunidad, inspiración, creación de una nueva visión y por supuesto la compasión y bondad. La paradoja es ser capaces de sostener una visión muy clara de lo que quieren crear en el futuro a la vez que mantienen una verdadera “mente de yo no sé” y de desapego tanto al proceso como al resultado.

Dediquen algún tiempo hoy a sentirse inspirados por su propia vida. Olviden lo que otros hacen por un momento y enfóquense en lo que ustedes están haciendo y en lo que quieren hacer. ¿Son leales a sí mismos, a su brújula moral y espiritual y a sus verdaderos deseos? Si no es así, ¿por qué no?

Reconozcan todas las experiencias como útles aunque sean incómodas. Ante aquellas cosas que les ocurren en sus vidas que son algo menos que “geniales” adopten la siguiente actitud: “’¿Me gusta? No, ¿se siente bien? No. ¿Es necesario? Probablemente”.

Y por sobre todo sientan gratitud por todo ello. Después de todo es un gran viaje.

Bendiciones, Lena

Suzanne Lie - Conversation With the Arcturians Part ONE - 12-12-16

Part ONE

Shawnna & The Arcturians Through Sue Lie

SL:      Hello and blessings to everyone.  We are here today to have a conversation with the Arcturians.  So, I Sue Lie, will be Sue sometimes and sometimes I will be channeling the Arcturians.  I’ll try to keep that clear so that you, the listener, will know when it’s me and when it’s the Arcturians.  So, Shawnna, why don’t you start with a question?

SD:     Yes, well thank you for taking the time to provide insight during these exciting times that we find ourselves.  We always value your information and guidance.  We were curious if there was any information you wish to share with us at this time with so many energetic fluctuations and potential realities.  We’re open to hearing what might be helpful to us.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - December 14, 2016

Divine Ones, we greet you in celebration!

We greet you in love but we also greet you today in celebration. The December Solstice is approaching and this time of celebration is so appropriate given your expansion and the emerging potentials for humanity!

We greet you in celebration!W are celebrating your recent shifts, your recent decisions, your choices and your focus on aligning with your own higher consciousness.

We have seen a lot of devotion around this and about this we have that to say, Bravo! Brava! We celebrate you! So much brilliant joy is surging through so many of you more often as you make these simple direct choices to be who you want to be and love yourself as you are now and feel empowered in the present, and claim your ability to choose what this moment is for you, as energy.

martes, diciembre 13, 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update ~be prepared~be patient...much is unfolding - December 13, 2016


10 Caban, 0 Mol, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Events are moving forward. The top of the RV payout is now in place. This means that the deliveries of the prosperity funds are very close to actually occurring. We expect this process ultimately to lead to the formal announcement of NESARA and the new American Republic. This series of operations is to follow in a set sequence, and a number of joint legal decisions are to ensure that it is quickly and efficiently carried out. Thus, we anticipate that numerous actions are to follow one another so this new reality can be properly manifested. These sequences are to be followed swiftly with full disclosure of our benevolent existence! At that time, as noted previously, we are to broadcast a brief outline of possible actions that are to lead to a potential time for mass landings. Each of these events is linked to the other. A long series of meetings involving the different factions has contributed to a very complex timetable. This process has brought together various teams, assisting us in moving forward! Hence, we ask for patience as these joint timetables are taking place.

L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “3D Does Not Change, it is a Dimension ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness” - December 13, 2016


~L’Aura Pleiadian
So many are STILL attempting to view the frequency SHIFTS through the FILTER and changes viewed externally  in 3D consciousness.
3D is a DIMENSION of consciousness and will continue to exist, for those at the level in this Earth SCHOOL, that still need (as part of theirs Souls journey) to go through initiations and experiences, that ONLY exist in 3D.
We do NOT change 3D. Again, it is a DIMENSION of consciousness that is NOT a mistake. IT is a school of consciousness. 3D level of consciousness.
When you GRADUATE and are INITIATED and Activated within YOU, you shift in awareness to a higher DIMENSION.
This may be 4th or 5th. words on Earth are JUST a translation. Do not get caught up in their 3D meaning.
Again, WHEN you shift and experience initiations (and graduated, so to speak) You THEN See a different world.

Kryon "Numerology" Part II, 2016

Kryon "Numerology" Part I, 2016

Celestial Memory and DNA Light Codes

Lauren C. Gorgo - End of The END: liberation of the human slave race - December 13, 2016

http://static.wixstatic.com/media/b83194_b813941257374544806068f047211e35.png/v1/fill/w_438,h_413/b83194_b813941257374544806068f047211e35.png And so here we are. The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation.

We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.

The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated. For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE.

Huge fireball explodes over Norway on December 6, 2016 turning night into day

lunes, diciembre 12, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - A New Message from Archangel Gabriel about the 12:12 Portal of Evolution - December 12, 2016

Dear Ones,

The gateways of Higher Consciousness open during the 12:12 portal of time. In this most powerful season of Divine Love, those portals are opening in an expansive new way.

We have focused on the High Heart as your receptor vehicle during recent 12:12 portals. When you expand in this sacred vessel you can access the Heart’s Wisdom allowing yourself to receive the Christed Light as it fills the sacred chalice within your being. This allows you to be attuned to the unconditional love and expanding frequencies of Divinity that activate pure wisdom and love in your heart.

Disassociation versus Integration

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 12-13-16 - December 12, 2016

By Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,

The themes for this full moon are truth, community, inspiration, creating new vision and of course compassion and kindness. The paradox is being able to hold a very clear vision of what you wish to create in the future at the same time as keeping a true “don’t know mind” and being unattached both to the process and the outcome.

Spend some time today being inspired by your own life. Forget about what others are doing for a moment and focus on what you are doing and what you wish to do. Are you true to yourself, your spiritual and moral compass, and your true desires? If not, why not?

Acknowledge all experiences as useful even if uncomfortable. For things happening in your life that are less than “great”, adopt the following attitude: “Do I like it? No. Does it feel good? Not really. Is it necessary? Probably.”

And most of all, have gratitude for all of it. After all, it is a great ride.

Blessings, Lena

Kara Schallock - ¿DÓNDE ESTÁ TU CENTRO DE ATENCIÓN? - 8 de Diciembre 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Cuando ves la vida de adentro hacia fuera, no te seduce nada fuera de ti mismo, por el contrario, la ves desapasionadamente (sin apego) como un observador, y encuentras un mensaje en toda ella. Comienza con una práctica de meditación, ya que la meditación atrae toda tu Percepción hacia tu interior. Eventualmente, lo ves todo como si fuese una meditación….de adentro hacia fuera. Cada libro que lees; cada show que ves; cada canción o conversación que escuchas o en la que participas… todo está diseñado especialmente para que evoluciones. Esto no quiere decir que todavía haya situaciones que “presionen el botón” en ti pero sin embargo esas influencias te muestran qué creencia o patrón todavía se manifiesta en tu vida. Cuando esto me ocurre a mí, doy gracias sinceras, porque de lo contrario pudiese engañarme pensando que ya me liberé del pasado. (No utilizo la palabra “disparar” porque me parece violenta y siempre vigilo las palabras que debo emplear). Cuando “se presiona” un botón en particular yo escribo en mi diario y creo una Rosa Sagrada por encima de mí para recoger las viejas creencias y patrones para que se puedan transformar en Amor.

Kryon - Multiple personalities 2016 Newport Beach Channeling




The profoundness, the magnificence, the magical'ness of all things pure.... there is a SACRED LOVE, a DIVINE LOVE that emanates from DEEP within you. It is the Light of your Soul and it is completely pure. It is connected to ALL THINGS AS ONE and it is THIS LOVE that you came here to experience and BE in everything that you are and do.

This pure love has no attachments, expectations or cords. It does not impose to try to make anything be any way at all. It is all accepting, all acknowledging, all understanding.... and it exists within all.

Ron Head - The Council - Another Look At Oneness - December 12, 2016/

Once again we return to one of our favorite topics. And once again it is because when we do this you are able to see it with new eyes. Your understanding is growing day by day.

First let us take a little journey outward. Let us see the Oneness as what we call The All That Is. As we look outward, we imagine that we can see in all directions as far as the most powerful telescopes that you have invented can see. Still. We know, do we not, that even this vastness is only a very limited extent of what truly is? And yet, even this not only boggles your minds, but boggles your computers.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 12, 2016

The enlightenment process really is a process of coming Home to yourself. It is about acknowledging your own divinity, your own innate wisdom, your own beingness, your own belonging as an incredibly valuable and beloved part of the greater whole. As you are peeling back the layers of self denial through your releasing process, you are discovering this more and more, and the entire universe is assisting you in this process.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING 12:12 - December 12, 2016

***From your Hostess of Light

***All of your choices Echo throughout time without any resistance at all
*** The fear fields

From Your Hostess Of Light

As we move forward in the dimensional fields of inquiry and out of the 2016 flux zone we come to a place of reckoning. Reckoning is defined as the time when one is called to account for ones actions, to pay debts or to fulfill ones promises or obligations and settle accounts. This is not a one lifetime accumulation, but eons of time has come to a head and stops at your feet. The end of this year is a perfect time to clear out what no longer fits who you are in this time and place. Clear out the skeletons, the armor, the loves, and the hates.

Dimensional flux can be pretty nasty stuff pushing us into the gutter of self-asking how did I get here? Like Alice in not-so-wonderland you will not feel as if you do not belong in some circumstances that choose to clear. Feeling Like you are a stranger in a strange land becomes stronger in scent, as you make your way thru your life like a time traveler on a booze excursion. Of course you feel like you have jet lag, of course you are dizzy and disoriented, you dear ones are surfing thru time without even knowing you are at the airport.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - December 12, 2016



domingo, diciembre 11, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Raise Your Frequency HIGHER To Intentionally Transmit MORE LIGHT To ALL - 12/11/2016

​It'so been a week of sending/radiating blasts of love and tons of light to peeps as their own lack of self-love/respect shows up in their world, as their separation, unhappiness, anger and everything not at peace inside surfaces....

The other day in the post office, one woman walked in, so angry at everything...it was so apparent that she had no idea about what is going on on earth and she was venting out all of her own separation and frustration at others...Everyone in the post office, in a different place, most happy, light, conversing in the long lines, chilling.... with a few caught up in their heads and emotions that bubble up/boil when suppression no longer works anymore....

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Diamond Light Razors have begun again...- 12/11/2016

These "cut through the chit/veils" fast. Activate the "frenzy" more for human aspect. Super mega charge our Quantum Cells beyond! These can target the nervous system..... LOTS GOING ON these last couple of days and so much more to come! These "stimulate" nerve endings, unanchor where any trapped emotions/beliefs were "caught". These move through the physical Crystalline LightBody. These stimulate sexual energies, that trigger any distortions, trigger obsessions where there are any... For the SOUL Light BEing these stimulate inner intimacy and a sexual connection with our own bodies that the human cannot understand. You will see more sexual stuff play out "out there" when these trigger. This is strengthening LOVE WITH OUR OWN BODIES for further intimate soul embodiment to occur.

Jennifer Hoffman - FAROS EN LA NOCHE- ILUMINANDO LA OSCURIDAD PARA LA LUZ - Noviembre 14, 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


La pasada luna llena trajo consigo la entrada de mucha energía y sacó a la luz numerosas cuestiones en todos nosotros, quizá en ti también. Aunque podría alarmarnos observar lo negativas que están tantas personas en este momento, forma parte del proceso de liberar capas de densidad para que la luz pueda emerger. Dicho proceso de liberación puede ser un poco desagradable. No podemos evitar los pasos incómodos del ciclo de Ascensión, y este es uno de ellos.

Actualmente, contamos con mucho apoyo del Universo para esta transición. A nivel astrológico, hay un planeta en todas las casas que van de Virgo a Piscis. Y Urano, el rebelde solitario, en Aries, está en el signo de los pioneros, la casa de “yo, mi, me, conmigo”. Sin embargo, tenemos a Marte en Acuario, el signo regido por Urano y que representa la comunidad, los grupos y el colectivo. Por tanto, se está uniendo el concepto de lo individual con la idea conectiva de que todos somos Uno, la familia de la humanidad. Tal vez no estemos viendo muchos ejemplos de ello ahora mismo, pero lo haremos más adelante. Estamos camino hacia la congruencia de la unidad y nada podrá impedirlo.

The Crystalline Grid and the Great Awakening

UFO Disclosure: Antarctica, Base 211, and Vril

Jenny Schiltz - Update on the New Earth & Incoming Energies - December 11, 2016

I wanted to take a moment and share some really incredible information that was shared with me. About a year or so ago, at the suggestion of my guides I stopped sending a grounding cord into the earth core crystal. They told me that it was more important that I ground deeply into my body and send a cord upwards to the galactic core. The other day I woke and I could feel that there was a group wanting to communicate with me, but I couldn’t pinpoint who. So I went about the task of clearing my aura, aligning my charkras and setting intentions for the day. As I was scanning the heart chakra, I heard my highest aspect say “Send a cord down into the earth”. I was surprised that as I sent my cord down I saw a huge tree growing out of the huge rose quartz crystal.

Selacia - ENCUENTREN SU ZONA TRANQUILA - Consejos para Escalar la Ola de Energía de Diciembre - Diciembre 1, 2016

Después de este año de inexorables e implacables cambios, intensidad y agitación, Diciembre se desarrollará con una continuación de estos temas, pero también con el potencial para encontrar su centro antes que el 2017 comience. Establezcan su intención ahora para hacer lo que puedan para calmar los nervios raídos, obtener perspectivas frescas, reparar la discordia de la relación y encontrar una nueva inspiración para su sendero de vida.

En este artículo voy a describir algunas de las energías que vamos a tratar en Diciembre y lo que pueden significar para ustedes en un nivel personal. En primer lugar, como fondo, es bastante común que la forma en que un año termina establece el tono de cómo comienza el siguiente. Estoy hablando en general aquí, no tanto sobre sus vidas personales. Mientras siguen leyendo inviten a su sabiduría interior para que les muestre lo que se refiere a ustedes personalmente y cómo pueden poner en acción algunos remedios sencillos para las energías desafiantes.

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Enfócate en la Luz Dentro de Tí - Noviembre 20, 2016

Hola Queridos Seres:

Los vemos viviendo con más conformidad con todo lo que son y dándose cuenta de cuán bien se pueden sentir así. Los vemos permitiéndose abrir a quiénes quieren ser realmente y a cómo desean que vaya su vida, Los vemos dejando ir ideas de quiénes se supone deben ser, dejando que estas ideas sean menos activas en lo referente a quiénes son ustedes, y queremos celebrar esto. Éste es un hermoso regalo a sí mismos, el permitirse enfocar en lo que de verdad consideran importante, lo que les importa. Es maravilloso para nosotros verlos confiando en sí mismos y permitiéndose ser cada vez más quiénes son ustedes.

Queremos explicar esto un poco más en este mensaje de hoy y hablar un poquito sobre cómo vivir con una mayor claridad. Hemos estado hablando más sobre la claridad porque el alineamiento — particularmente el alineamiento soberano expandido — es un estado de claridad.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 11, 2016

So many of you feel you lose the magic of the holidays as you get older. Let's explore why that is.

As a child, you were filled with wonder. You were fully present and open to possibilities, with eyes that could see the magic of an individual snowflake, and a playful heart that followed the path of joy. You were open, with all of your senses, to fully experience.

Dear Ones, you can decide right now to bring that wonder back into your holidays. Allow yourself to feel. Take a moment to stop and be present. Bask in the influx of the golden Christed energies or whatever higher dimensional energies feel good to you. Choose connection. Sing. Create. Love. Give thanks. Believe in magic and miracles.

Mensaje de Matthew - DICIEMBRE 9, 2016

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Siempre las emociones se intensifican a fines del año mientras la gente de todo el mundo celebra con sus servicios religiosos tradicionales, música conmovedora y festividades con la familia y amigos. Es durante esta temporada que aquellos cuyas vidas son satisfactorias se sienten más agradecidos que de costumbre y aquellos cuyas vidas son sombrías se sienten más desesperados. Este año, con las vibraciones planetarias más altas que nunca en su historia, los sentimientos de gratitud por las bendiciones y de llegar a los necesitados se acentúan en consecuencia. Queremos que ustedes puedan ver el brillo de esta gratitud ampliada, generosidad y agradecimiento por compartir-es un espectáculo para contemplar.

Sarah Varcas - Mercury Retrograde: Our True Face - December 11, 2016


Sarah Varcas

Conjunct Pluto as it stations retrograde in Capricorn, this is an incisive Mercury with little patience for subjectivity, or sensitivity for that matter! We may be disappointed if we want life to go gently with our feelings as the year closes, for there are more potent agendas at work, in service of truth-telling and revelation no matter the cost. This Mercury wants to squeeze the last drops of wisdom out of 2016 before the new year begins, and won’t let anything be swept beneath the carpet for a more convenient time. In the spirit of effective closure and resolution of unfinished business, this is an important time to clear the air and face up to whatever in our life has become undeniable.

Asara - AA Michael's Important Energy Update - December 11, 2016

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart for our message for you...

You are currently paving the path to the New Earth, even if the current illusion of your experience is trying to tell you otherwise.

The dramatic events that you are experiencing right now have caused humanity to wake up and to come together to create a better world.

Brenda Hoffman - Freedom for You and Me - December 11, 2016

Dear Ones,

You have passed through another veil to sense pieces of yourself not possible just days ago. So it is you are differentiating between society and yourself – perhaps for the first time since you entered earth many lifetimes previous to your current life.

For some, that remembering of your totality in this physical body means you feel different emotionally or physically. For others, it is a deep understanding of new you. And for still others, it is the sense that your 3D life is not all that there is.

Each of you is approaching this transition in the manner best for you. The only sensation for all is that you are different and you know you are different from the you before this transition even though you may not understand how you are different.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear - December 11, 2016

Dear One,

Your life is divinely guided and directed at every moment. Calling on the Angels for assistance gives you a direct link to your greater good and aids the wisdom of the universe to flow through you. When you dwell in fear or doubt, this constricts your perception and does not allow the natural out-flowing of good to come through you into your world.

Whatever situation is occurring in your life, allow the Divine Light to show you the possibility for benevolent outcomes. Ask for Creative Solutions for the highest good for all concerned. This will open the door for the Angelic forces to begin their work. Receiving the assistance of the Angels is truly a cause for celebration. Celebrate the fact that you are not alone. Celebrate the fact that all you do is now divinely guided, because you asked.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure + St Germain, December 11, 2016

I have been wanting to communicate with you again, and this time it is very timely. It is about what is taking place not only around the world, but out into the universe as well. I am Ohmnipure, and I am here with St. Germain. We are seeing what is taking place around the corner and under the hills. It is a resounding ring more or less like what you have been hearing. That is why we put it in place for you to hear in hopes that you would remember the repeat of the sounds calling you for a message. I will now go on with the message and then St. Germain will add his 2 cents worth.

There is coming a great deal of chaos that will be very short lived. It will be the impact of what has been being released from underground pits and several closures of the Sea of Galilee and the part of the ocean that is under shore now since Atlantis went under. As this ringing goes on it is representing the ungoing tribute to what is taking place in the caverns and the underwater seas that are springing forth the energies that have been being brought to the surface. They are about to carry forth to the surface of this globe.

Judith Kusel - The High Path of the Mystic Rose - December 11, 2016


The High Path of the Mystic Rose is one of the most challenging paths of the soul, which can be chosen by an elect few.
It is the most challenging path of the true Mystic, the one who seeks the unfolding of a very deep connection with the Divine, but also the knowledge of all which is there to know under the immensity of the vast knowledge banks of the 12 to 24 Central Suns, and then in depth walk the path of the Central Sun in which they original were created as SOUL.
It is a depth of seeking which goes beyond words, and it is a path which seeks absolute purity in both embodiment and form, as well as soul and then, also that of spirit.  It seeks perfection, reflection of Divine perfection, and therefore is one of the highest pathways to experiencing Divine within itself, within the soul and its sojourns all over the cosmos in parallel lives, in cosmic existences and therefore then, in multiple forms and expressions.

Kryon - The Symbolism of Holidays Newport 2016 Channeling

sábado, diciembre 10, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - StarGates Activating to Cycle Through 12/21 Aligning Phase - 12/10/16

Aloha beautiful Star-Light Family,

We had a bit of StarGate activity this morning/over night... which continues....

Years ago, one sequence dialing would have shaken my world. Everything goes sideways so that we can see what is out of alignment within us and bring our inner/outer realities into alignment ourselves. Then, the next StarGate(s) re-dial a new sequence and boom, that fast, we are in another reality, time to observe, release/cleanse cellular programs, get those realities straight, then another StarGate will re-dial, do it all again.

The 12/11 12/21 natural Gateway Alignments are systemically increasing profoundly as we go. In 2012, we started with one dialing at a time that would last days/a week or more to resolve then shift. In 2013, we were up to a 3-4, then in 2014 were up to 12 cyclings in one day. Talk about multi-dimensional wow'ness. In 2015 we hit 33! Today, we began with 13 to continually increase as we continue through this initiation passageway now.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 10, 2016

We were recently asked, "Why does my ex keep coming back?" We would like to address this topic today.

Sometimes it is as simple as there is still growth that can be achieved through your connection to another that keeps them looping around into your awareness. If you are feeling like you are ready to step out of that dance with them, we recommend quietly taking a moment and feeling into your connection with that person. Ask, "What am I missing?" "What do I need to do to clear this once and for all?" "What last bit of growth or understanding do I need to achieve to move on?" If you don't get the answers immediately, trust that they will come. You can also ask for assistance from your guides, angels, and masters to help you heal and release this relationship for the highest good of all.

Essentials of the Metatronic Keys - Auric Integrity & Circuity- Tyberonn

Star Wars UFO in our solar system? December 10, 2016

Yahuwah’s Game…It’s Just A Ride In The Matrix | Episode 6 | Sandy Bergen talks to James Gilliland

Jamye Price - Weekly LightBlast - Foregoing Control - Dec 10, 2016

Blessed Being, you are a powerful flow of Life Force on Earth. It is within your realm of experience to shape your life into a form of creative enjoyment from your perspective. You may not enjoy every moment, but every experience is worthwhile for your expansion.

This path of openness also entails strength. The two are not exclusive. You have natural survival mechanisms that protect your physical body and your emotional/mental complex that teach you healthy openness.

You naturally evolve through experience to better understand the self, others, and Life. This understanding, your emotional/mental bridge, creates a connection to your spiritual and connective nature of Life.

Mike Quinsey - De su Ser Superior - Diciembre 9, 2016

Se están desarrollando acontecimientos más rápidamente que nunca y no hay duda de que la verdad de los asuntos está saliendo a la luz. Nada puede parar el sentimiento general de que ya no es posible evitar que lo que ha sido ocultado le sea revelado a la gente. Como vosotros diríais “la marea a vuelto”, y así hace la verdad que está liberando a la gente de ser manipulada y de las mentiras que se han transmitido como verdad. Son (la gente) mucho más sabios y ya no confían en los que sus palabras eran consideras honestas y fiables. Es el comienzo de la oposición a los que han sido descubiertos distorsionando y retorciendo la verdad para ajustarla a sus propios fines. En algunos países ha resultado en manifestaciones contra los culpables, que conocen el poder de la gente. Cuando llega la hora de votar ya expresan fuertemente sus opiniones y eliminan a los que les ignoran.

Death - The Bardo & Stages of the Afterlife - J Tyberonn - Fascinating!!!

viernes, diciembre 09, 2016

Natalie Glasson - Mother Mary - Ascension of Your Inner Child - 9th December 2016

In a period of ascension shifts, transformation, and new beginnings, when your soul is drawing closer into your being, your mental and emotional bodies are healing, and new perspectives connected to your inner truth are awakening, there is one area of your being we cannot overlook. Your physical body, auric field, and chakras are currently experiencing tremendous change because aspects of your ego are falling away to be replaced with enlightened aspects of your soul. Old limiting, destructive and negative perspectives are rising to the surface of your being to be recognised, healed and erased in order to make space for the new loving, life enhancing and enlightening perspectives of your soul. There is one aspect of your being which is affected deeply by the transitions taking place within your being and yet this aspect may go unrecognised, transforming without you realising. I, Mother Mary, am speaking of your inner child.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy/StarGate Update: - December 9, 2016

Energy/StarGate Update:

Yesterday, cosmically/energetically.... all came to a halt.... slowing down to zero point for "reverse field spin" to kick in when our StarGates fully activate sometime around 12/12.

In this space it can be beautiful, yet for human's this creates a void space that will fill with more light consciousness love when we do. All of the cellular cleansings that many are going through create this SPACE inside.....

WE fill this space with love.... with that which fulfills inner soul desires and what we are here to be and do.... We focus on unity, kindness, respect and holding the higher vibrational realities in place by not participating in, allowing or feeding any energy into the old anymore....

Last night and this morning are high crystalline activations.... Rainbow frequencies and Diamond Light Code frequencies prominent as our physical bodies integrate more of our Crystalline LightBody encodements in our structures....

Matthew Ward - December 9, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always emotions intensify at year’s end as people around the world celebrate with traditional religious services, stirring music, and festivities with family and friends. It is during this season that those whose lives are fulfilling feel more grateful than usual and those whose lives are bleak feel more despairing. This year, with planetary vibrations higher than ever before in your history, feelings of gratitude for blessings and reaching out to those in need are correspondingly heightened. We wish you could see the brilliance of this magnified gratitude, generosity and thankfulness for the sharing—it is a sight to behold.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - Diciembre 6, 2016

¡Selamat Balik! El proceso de derrotar a la cábala no es fácil. Ellos utilizaron estas recientes elecciones para reinsertar su dominio. Lo bueno de esto es que su gran deslizamiento hacia esta recién elegida administración ha hecho fácil preparar los auténticos escenarios de arrestos. ¡Mientras, la estrategia para la distribución de la inmensidad de fondos continúa avanzando! Actualmente, está preparado el surgimiento de vuestro nuevo sistema bancario. Los viejos bancos han revelado cómo intentaban reconstruir sus arcas para un último intento de volver a una posición de dominación. Esta estrategia tan insidiosa está fracasando. Los Ancianos y sus contrapartes de la Realeza están ahora ocupados en arrestar a los que tan duramente deseaban “engañaros”. Esto ha permitido que nuestros socios tomaran una serie de bancos con cuartel general en EEUU y en sus contrapartes de Europa. Esperamos que las distribuciones iniciales sean primordiales y la primera parte de la vasta riqueza pueda darse a muchos que han esperado tanto tiempo recibir sus prometidas ganancias. El resto de este complicado proceso, de igual manera, está avanzando gradualmente hacia su emocionante conclusión. El futuro es brillante para la Luz y para sus numerosos asociados. ¡Tened paciencia! ¡Lo mejor está aún por llegar!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Report - December 8, 2016

Aloha beautiful love family,

We are nearing the activation of our 12/12 Stargate/Gateway... and a powerful one it shall be!

I was surprised last night that I "forgot" about it. lol... because normally it/they would have activated by now....

As we near, usually it opens about 3 days early, so we shall see. I will post, of course...

Each December Gateway has been substantially more powerful than the one before. Starting with 2012, and this one is surmountable (not one of my words and had to look it up).

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (28) - Wilmington, Carolina del Norte, en Noviembre de 2016

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aleja: muy lejos. No reconoce estas cosas. El arreglo que tengo con él no es el mismo arreglo que tengo con ustedes. Lo diré otra vez: no permitan que la voz las engañe; es masculina, pero el lenguaje no lo es.

Ustedes tienden a colocarse en cajas; cajas de expectativas, de lo que piensan que va a suceder, de lo que presumen sobre cómo va a ser. Y hay algunas cosas que nunca se les han ocurrido. Se ha hecho una pregunta sobre el misticismo y la magia. El misticismo y la magia son simplemente multidimensionalidad. Parece misticismo y magia a quienes viven en 3D. Ustedes contienen eso; las mujeres fueron las primeras en contenerlo. Hemos hablado de esto en numerosos mensajes. Aquí vienen ustedes de nuevo: no es por accidente que en esta vida, ahora, son mujeres. Y la verdadera pregunta es: ¿qué viene ahora? ¿Cómo pueden tomar en la sociedad un lugar que antes tenían? De modo que la primera pregunta que les hago es: ¿a quién van a desplazar? ¿De qué se preocupan? Revisemos eso por un momento.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday December 9, 2016 -


If you could look at each other and love each other with the same patience, love, and acceptance as you give small children, you would honour everyone for exactly who they are and where they are on their life journey, and you would become so much easier with each other. Who ever decided love, patience and acceptance was only for the young? At what point did you decide others didn’t deserve that and replaced it with judgment? How powerfully would all of your relationships shift it you decided to move back into acceptance and love for others? How powerfully would you shift if you decided to move back into acceptance and love for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated, THANK YOU and good luck! Your loving donations help more than you know in supporting us to be able to continue to offer you free daily content all year long. For the entire month of December, make a donation of any size and get entered in THREE draws! You could win a free hour long reading, the Partnership With Spirit course, or the Drawing Divine Love course! If you have found Gabriel’s messages helpful and you feel guided to do so, you can make a donation to trinity3339@hotmail.com via paypal or e-transfer to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com (make the answer to the secret question gabriel) if you are in Canada. As always, I am so very grateful to all of you and so honoured to be connected with you during these amazing times. Wishing you all things bright and beautiful during this holiday season and beyond.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 9nd December 2016

Events are unfolding quicker than ever and there is no doubt that the truth of matters is coming to light. Nothing can stop the general feeling that it is no longer possible to stop what has been hidden from being revealed to the people. As you would say “the tide has turned” and as it does the truth is setting people free from being manipulated and the lies that have been passed on as the truth. They are so much wiser and no longer trust those whose word was considered honest and reliable. There is the commencement of the rejection of those who have been found to distort and twist the truth to suit their own ends. In some countries it has resulted in demonstrations against those who are guilty, who know the power of the people. When it comes to voting they are now strongly expressing their opinions, and removing those who ignore them.

Kryon - The Earth is Our Mother (Wilmington 2016 Channeling)

jueves, diciembre 08, 2016

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - December 7, 2016

From Archangel Gabriel about the Portal of Evolution
Open from 12/12 to Solstice, 2016

Dear Ones,

You committed spiritual warriors stepped foot on this path the moment you were born. You witnessed dedication in the world around you to all that you considered untrue. You picked up your Soul’s banner of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began moving in directions that were met with fear and controversy. This may even have caused dissension in your family dynamics that continue to this day. Through it all, you were committed to your belief in Divine Light and the process of evolution – a way that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.

Kryon - The Creator is Here (Wilmington 2016 Channeling)

Natalie Glasson - Los Seres Blancos Celestiales - Ascension del Alma: Madurez Emocional y Mental - 2 de diciembre de 2016


Somos los Seres Blancos Celestiales, llamados así debido a la luz blanca celestial pura que emanamos del núcleo de nuestro ser y fuente. Hemos estado supervisando y apoyando la ascensión de la Tierra y la humanidad desde su creación. Añadimos nuestra energía a cada transición que tiene lugar sobre la Tierra y dentro de cada alma. Es nuestro propósito crear y reactivar la vibración y la perspectiva de la bienaventuranza dentro de cada alma. Cuando la vibración de la felicidad se manifiesta, sin razón externa, desde las profundidades de tu ser, simboliza el recuerdo de tu conectividad y unión constante con el Creador. La dicha es un estado más allá del amor, es la energía creada y experimentada cuando te reconoces como una encarnación del amor puro del Creador. Es nuestro propósito apoyar tu realineación con el Creador a través del despertar de tu recuerdo del Creador.

Mysterious "vibration" detected around the World | Source: Unknown!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday December 8, 2016


Many of you deny your feelings and needs for so long that you become completely out of balance and that causes you to become reactive. As you start to honour yourself and your own needs as being as valid as everyone else's, you create a space of greater comfort for yourself.
Because you have become accustomed to becoming reactive as a precursor to change, many of you feel that a strong energetic response is necessary to be heard or to create change. But the true change comes from the moment you have decided that you energetically no longer wish to play in certain energies. Simply put, anger may be a catalyst, but all change is a choice.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon habla de la frase YO SOY - Wilmington, North Carolina, el 20 de noviembre de 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Wilmington, North Carolina, el 20 de noviembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esperaremos solo un momento. Quiero que se reajusten a sí mismos y a su pensamiento, en un tiempo como este, dando permiso por un instante para las cosas multidimensionales. Las canalizaciones como esta, al final del día, una vez dadas las lecciones, son distintas. No es tanto un mensaje de enseñanza como un mensaje para la familia.
Empezaremos a resumir algunas cosas que debieran ser evidentes por sí mismas pero que no lo son. Les hablo desde la Fuente Central, y les digo que todo está de acuerdo al programa. Pero parte de este programa en curso va a requerir que ustedes se unifiquen más; no que se unifiquen en su creencia sino que se unifiquen en amor. Y puede que todos sepan qué es eso, pero tal vez no lo saben.

miércoles, diciembre 07, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Identifying First Cause - 12-4-16


Identifying First Cause

By the Arcturians through Sue Lie
Immediately after I wrote the above Blog, Inner Reflections on 11-30-16, I received this message from the Arcturians:
Beloved Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians are within your NOW to assist you, our brave ascending ones, to move through your ever-expanding transition. First, we invite you to allow your body to feel the fatigue of your hyperactive mind. 
Your mind is so active because it is trying to adapt to the higher frequency of light, which is always information. Your brain is accustomed to translating third and, if your consciousness is expanded, fourth dimensional information.
We are happy to remind you that, within the NOW, many of you are in the process of transmuting your third/fourth dimensional, space/time brain into your fifth dimensional, Here/Now Multidimensional Mind. 

Anna Merkaba - Melchizedek and The Company of Heaven - December 31, 2016 – Portal of Divine Manifestation - December 7, 2016

Greetings Everyone! Today I come to you with very interesting and exciting news from our benevolent counterparts. Once again we are not only given an opportunity to change the landscape of our reality, but are asked to fully participate in doing so! Therefore it is once again time for ACTION.

On December 31st, 2016 mere 10 days after the Twin Flame Union Portal of which I spoke about in my previous message to you. Massive energies and various little portals around the globe will open up fueled by the merger of said twin flames.

The merger of twin flames is going to be just one part of the equation as on that date enormous energies will be generated by many on this planet. Energies which shall allow for fabulous transformation and transcendence to occur. Coupled with a direct signal from the center of our galaxy, which will have already arrived on our planet following the 12/21/16 portal we are going to be literally swimming in a sea of light, love and manifestation energies!

I will not go into details at this moment and simply allow you to fully immerse yourself into the channeling that I have received from Melchizedek and the company of Heaven. Following this channeling. I will go into details on what you are to do on December 31st, 2016 to help make incredible shifts happen not only for yourself but for many on this planet.

Personal Transformation *Through The Dark Night Of The Soul * Guided By Lilian B. Eden

Emmanuel Dagher - The Final Stretch - Into the New Horizon December 2016

energyforecastbanner 2015
As I wrote in the November 2016 Energy Forecast, “A Time of Completion – The End of the 9-Year Cycle,” we are at a pivotal moment in humanity’s awakening journey, one that will change the landscape of our personal and global reality forever.
So here we are, with just a few weeks left in the year 2016, and wow, have things changed since last month!
The Final Stretch
These next few weeks leading up to the brand new 9-Year Cycle starting January 1, 2017, will give us the opportunity to tie up any loose ends we are still choosing to experience.
This is an excellent time to take inventory and decide which life lessons, people, places, experiences, and practices you’d like to take with you as you move forward on your journey.
This is also the time to release what you know deep down is no longer aligned with your most authentic and true self.
Some of the patterns that can move us away from our most authentic, true self include worry, guilt, fear, shame, judgment, lack, and doubt. The simple way to know which you need to release is to take a moment and look at each of these patterns, and ask yourself how each one makes you feel.

Kara Schallock - Where Is Your Focus? - 07-Dec-2016

When you view life from the inside out, you are not seduced by anything outside of yourself; rather, you view it dispassionately (without attachment) as an observer and you find a message in it all. It begins with a meditation practice, as meditation brings your entire Awareness within you. Eventually, you view everything as if it was a meditation...from the inside out. Every book you read; every show you watch; every song or conversation you hear or take part in...all is especially for you, designed for you to evolve. This is not to say that buttons don't still get pushed and yet those buttons show you what belief or pattern still is creating your life. When this happens to me, I give sincere thanks, for otherwise I might fool myself into thinking I'm all clear of the old. (I don't use the word “trigger,” as that seems too violent to me and I am ever-vigilant with the words I use.) When a particular button is pushed, I journal and create a Sacred Rose above me to gather the old beliefs and patterns so they may transform into Love.

Ron Head - The Council - You are not separate from each other. This you will come to know intimately - December 7, 2016

You are not separate from each other. This you will come to know intimately -The Council

At this time, in this season, we see that those who have come to this earth as workers for the light may easily see before their eyes all of the conditions that have been spoken of for so long.

We have told you that all that was hidden would be revealed to you. And that is happening each day, each hour. And we hasten to say once more that it is far from complete even now.

But we have also told you that this is necessary to clear the way for the new world that you will construct. This has happened before many times, and yet here you are. Once again there will be a new earth.

Acceleration: Sandra Walter & John Burgos - Soul questions for Ascension Preparedness

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 7, 2016


As you look forward to a new year, you are going to be creating in unprecedented energies. The question to ask yourself now is what will bring me joy?

Many of you have been done a great disservice in your life. You have been taught that to follow your joy is somehow wrong or frivolous. In truth, the things that bring you joy – your innate passions and interests – are present within you for the purpose of guiding your life expression and helping you find your highest path and service. You chose those specific interests and skills to add to the beautiful mosaic of the whole in your own unique way. To be taught that is somehow wrong has conditioned you to deny your soul calling and the very things that bring you deep satisfaction.

Many of you have denied what brings you joy for so long, you don’t even know what that is anymore. We have some tips to help you with that. First, think back to your childhood. You are least resistant and most plugged into who you really are when you are children. There are clues there for you. Did you love animals? Art? The earth? Story telling? Acting out plays? Singing? Moving your body? What did you gravitate to naturally?

If you still require more clarity, we suggest you spend an afternoon at a book store or a library. Take your time and browse up and down every aisle. Where you linger longest is a good clue of where to start. This allows you to expose yourself to many different potentials without having to make a big investment of your time or money.

Dear Ones, we urge you to put joy back into your lives. Become joy detectives! Recognize it is such an important part of your life that is ready to be brought back to the forefront where it always has belonged. Allow yourself the space to explore and experiment and honour the importance joy holds in your life, and you will find yourself truly embracing living again. ~Archangel Gabriel