We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.
The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated. For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE.
The new creation cycle commences on 1-1 and altho we are already feeling the super refined, highly concentrated (creator) frequencies of the new energy, I am shown the upcoming solstice gateway as quite pivotal in this regard. We are approaching a very sacred portal, a portal that is precipitating a profound moment of coming together, as LOVE.
We also have two more celestial happenings that are being highlighted with regard to our completions:
1) The final supermoon of three in a row (on 12-13/14) is bringing with it some resolute closure…the last of which (on 11/14) was THE biggy of the three, the one that was heralded by the galactics as the end of the (duality) game and the beginning of the dissolution of the karmic (body) template for those who are on the path of embodied mastery. Since then we have been dodging some serious bullets created from collective and personal upheavals, but all in preparation to “begin again”.
2) On 12-19 Mercury retrogrades for the fourth time this year (3/year is more common) and so we have a really great opportunity to get our heads on straight, gain some brand new perspective, after an enormous year of introspection. According to my Sources, this retrograde offers us last minute resolutions, resurrections & especially revelations of the higher mind, those that will help us truly look forward in the new year. This will be a time of reorienting our thoughts after weeks of (necessary) disorientation…a final mental review of our past in order to propel us into the NOW, ensuring that we consciously move thru those last shards of fragmentation before renewal.
I personally can’t think of a better way for this (9) year-in-review to end since we spent so much of the last 12 months in major retrogrades. In many ways this whole year felt like a time warp…like we were transported back to the beginning of our awakening again. It was far from easy but served as an effective & essential year of immersion therapy to condense, highlight and intensify any remaining shadow aspects so that (if we did the inner-work) we can finish the year out in a masterful completion.
Next year we move into many new physical reality alterations as the 1 vibration ensures, but we are having to get there with ZERO attachments & expectations…in complete faith, but with a deep awareness that what lies just ahead is nothing like what lies just behind us. The physicalization of all that we have created during the last creation cycle is clearly calling us forward, but it takes absolute dedication and masterful restraint to not project what that is or will be.
In the meantime, many of us are dealing with the final throes, the last remnants of purging our pasts…surrendering all that which we need to move into complete union with ourcellves. This final emptying out can feel depleting, pushing us to the absolute edge of our comfort zones as our life Force continues to withdrawal from the all that no longer fulfils us. This vacuum state can amount to the withering away of vitality, resources (financial & otherwise), creativity, motivation, etc. but it is all in preparation for ‘entirely new beginnings’. (more on that below)
Technically speaking, the end is already over and the beginning is already here. Any remaining space between those two realities points to remaining separation (fear) left within…space left between you and YOU.
The rest of this month we will continue to be pressed to find any gaps, no matter how small, and fill them with LOVE.
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