martes, septiembre 13, 2016

Jonette Crowley - Lo desconocido- Uno de Nuestros Mayores Temores - Septiembre 2, 2016

Traducción: Marinella Reumann
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

No es ningún monstruo debajo de la cama o incluso el miedo a la muerte lo que nos paraliza a la mayoría de nosotros. Es nuestro temor a lo desconocido, siempre presente, tan arraigado profundamente que debido a eso nos transformamos en racistas, nos aislamos, nos quedamos atrapados en nuestra vieja rutina debido a eso.

Por supuesto, nosotros argumentamos que es natural tener miedo a lo desconocido. Pero, ¿lo es? ¿No es lo desconocido un lugar de crecimiento? ¿Habríamos podido renunciar alguna vez a gatear y haber aprendido a caminar si el miedo a lo desconocido estuviese arraigado a nosotros? En realidad, los bebes y los niños pequeños, prueban todo lo que no le es familiar, y generalmente lo hacen a través de su boca.

Aquellos de ustedes que me conocen, saben que yo busco lo desconocido. Yo empujo los límites. Aunque ese miedo a lo desconocido este siempre allí, en mí y en todos nosotros. He aquí un pequeño ejemplo que me sirvió de inspiración para escribir este Blog:

Kryon "Ireland Tour" 2016, Part II

Crop Circles from the Air: Highlights of the 2016 Season

lunes, septiembre 12, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Cleaning House and Closing Cycles - Sep 12, 2016

Once again we’re going through a big energy clearing cycle and having our past (going back to September 1997) served up to us as the main course in life’s buffet. Why do we have to go through the same things again and again? Because each time we see a situation it’s from a new angle and a different perspective, or at least that’s the purpose of the repeating cycles. And it’s happening so we can get clean our energetic house and get closure and completion so we can achieve congruence. Congruence is a state of energetic harmony, where everything flows forward with grace and ease and if you don’t have that then you’ll see the situation appear again until you do.

It’s time to clean our energetic house and do some heavy duty emotional purging so we are ready for the integration of new energies. Unless we are healed, whole, and complete with our past and all of its energy, when new energies come in they flow through the holes in our energy field that are there because of past pain, trauma, fears, regrets, and wounds. In fact, the new energies make these feel worse and that’s why some of our big energy shifts and downloads can precipitate equally big life crises. All energy gets lifted, not just the ‘good’ energy. And the more something is able to get our attention, the more we focus on it.

Brenda Hoffman - Your Collective is Likely Pondering - September 12, 2016

Dear Ones,

Others seem to be reporting miracles and glowing feelings that those of you feeling left out do not. Perhaps you once experienced similar miracles or sensations. But that was long ago and does not match the sameness you feel now as you go about your day.
You have evolved beyond the need for daily verification of the rightness of your being. Just as was true when you no longer needed a parent or teacher telling you that your reading skills were progressing wonderfully. You are beyond requiring instant gratification for any part of your being.
In truth, you have arrived at a crossroads most could not envision even a few months ago. For you have evolved beyond the need for teachers and information apart from earth. Even though that information reminds you of details you might have neglected; such information is no more important than was true once you learned to read and no longer required an adult to help you sound out the big words.

Christine Day - Message from the Pleiadians September 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

We, Pleiadians are holding the energy of a powerful Covenant that is creating a series of dimensional shifts designed to break down the illusion that has been forged in your world for lifetimes. These shifts make it possible for you, as an individual to stabilize into the sacred that exists within you and move beyond the currently held illusions on your planet. These illusions have kept you entrenched within the drama of your 3rd dimensional lives.

Each one of you is being called forward to open into a deeper reunion within your own heart structure enabling you to align to the Truth that can be found as you align within your heart space. This Truth reconnects you to the Collective Oneness that is a manifested aspect of you. In reality we, you, are an aspect of the ‘family of light’. Every human being holds an aspect of the One God Consciousness. Remember it is through your heart that you can transcend the illusion that is on your planet. You draw the strength and Truth from the sacred heritage, which exists through your heart connection.

Benjamin Fulford 9-12-16… “It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras”

Posted by benjamin, September 12, 2016

There can be no doubt the Khazarian mafia is in a desperate situation and is about to lose power, as can be seen from multiple events we will mention below. However, it is also a fact that most off the so-called “leaders” paraded before the world at last weeks’ G20 conference still refuse to tell the truth about 911, 311, Malaysia Air Flight 370/17 and many other government acts of terrorism. Until we see leaders who will tell the truth, in public, about these crimes and then order the arrest of the perpetrators, the war to free humanity will not be over.

Vera Ingeborg - Yaaaaawn! Energies are wearing you out to Surrender - September 12, 2016

The September energies are really something, hm? We have to get used to their power, speed and intensity. They are HOT, baby. And as quickly as they burn, as quickly they are causing a feeling of being burnt out. It is like learning to surf this fiery wave. We have these moments standing on the board thinking: ” Yeah, I am standing, I am surfing, I am navigating – what a bliss!” Just to be thrown off the board by an unexpected current and diving back into emotional turmoil and overthinking. Everything is moving much faster and leaves many of us with a feeling of being completely confused and being completely sick and tired of all of this. “I thought I had left all of this behind me a long time ago! Why are you presenting me this sh*t again???” Many of us are annoyed, frustrated, angry and tired. Very tired. Tired of the ascension process and tired physically. Up to a point where we cannot even think one straight thought and all we want to do is sleep. Up to a point where we just say: “You know what, f*ck it. I don’t even care what happens anymore.”

You are at that point? Great! Because that is exactly where the Universe wants you to be. In complete surrender, having let go of any attachment still left. Every little bit within you that still needed healing is now being shed in order for you to come into a state of being to be able to completely rebuild yourself. It really is like Phoenix rising from the ashes. The old self, and with it everything that was not authentic about you is being burned away now. Everything you do not need on New Earth has to go. Fear of not having enough money? Burnt away. Fear of never being good enough for your partner? Burnt away. Fear of death? Burnt away…. If you allow the fire to do its work, the energies, that feel destructive first become constructive quickly. You discover a complete new way of living, when you manage to leave your ego/head out of the game.

domingo, septiembre 11, 2016

Kryon "Ireland Revealed" 2016

Sarah Varcas - 9 Septiembre 2016 al 10 Octubre 2017: Júpiter en Libra - 9 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Más allá de la línea divisoria

Júpiter entra en Libra el 9 de Septiembre. Al pasar cerca de un año en cada signo, su entrada en un signo nuevo significa un cambio en términos de cómo le encontramos sentido al mundo, y a nuestra experiencia en él. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de aprender mucho mientras Júpiter viajaba a través de Virgo (link en inglés) : una oportunidad de mirar bajo las piedras y rocas de nuestras vidas, de espiar en sus esquinas polvorientas, y en general, de limpiar nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos y actitudes. Nos ha recordado que somos parte de un todo infinito. No somos un ser solitario viviendo en un vacío. Esta realidad llega con la responsabilidad de que ya no nos podemos evadir, para favorecer los resultados acelerados y el "progreso" rápido. Cada momento de nuestras vidas tiene un impacto y tiene consecuencias; cada decisión hecha y cada palabra dicha, todo lo que hacemos, decimos y somos, tanto dentro como fuera.

Mientras viajaba a través de Virgo, Júpiter iluminaba nuestra relación con la Madre Tierra y las profundas traiciones que la raza humana le ha infligido. Nos pedía el volver a comprometernos para honrar a este hermoso planeta, y no explotarlo ni descuidarlo en igual medida. Las consecuencias de nuestras elecciones diarias son sentidas no sólo en nuestras propias vidas, sino también en nuestro entorno, tanto cerca como lejos; cada elección es una piedrita en un lago, que hace olas a través del campo energético colectivo, que nos conecta a todos con todo, en todos lados. Simplemente no podemos lavarnos las manos de la profunda responsabilidad que llevamos como guardianes de este planeta y de toda la vida que hay en él.

Kryon "Ireland Tour" 2016, Part I

Sarah Varcas - 27 junio - 1 diciembre 2016: Quirón retrógrado en Piscis - 6 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Mary García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Reflexiones sobre Sanación e Integridad

En presencia de Quirón nos encontramos abordando el tema de la curación. Cuando este retrogrado, Quirón se pregunta lo que significa para nosotros, que prevemos cuando contemplamos la sanación personal y como vemos esos aspectos de nuestro Ser al considerar la necesidad de "una reparación". Se fomenta la reflexión sobre los estándares que establecemos cuando se trata de la idea de convertirse en "el todo que es UNO" (un Ser Integral). A veces puede haber un juicio sutil (o, a veces no tan sutil!) Colocado sobre el mal-estar físico, emocional y mental. Las opiniones sobre la causa de la enfermedad, lo que dice sobre el individuo y el papel que han jugado en su propia salud (o falta de ella) puede ser respaldado por una deducción en la que sí están sufriendo de alguna manera es porque no están realmente a la altura, no están 'lo suficientemente espirituales" para estar bien, no teniendo la plena responsabilidad de su propio bienestar: sus pensamientos son erróneos, sus creencias son desequilibradas, no están viviendo en el paradigma correcto.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal de Hilarión - Del 11 al 18 de Septiembre, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Se está produciendo en este momento otro cambio de frecuencia. Muchos de ustedes han estado sintiendo la necesidad de ir hacia adentro, de sentarse en silencio para meditar, contemplar y renovarse a sí mismos; esto es excelente porque significa que están absorbiendo las energías superiores y las están utilizando en forma correcta. Es mucho lo que está ocurriendo en la escena mundial, hay un movimiento hacia una mejor comunicación, hacia la cooperación entre las naciones. Nosotros, desde este lado del velo, vemos esto como un paso muy positivo. Aplaudimos a aquellas personas y aquellos países que han iniciado acuerdos para poner fin a las guerras y traer la paz.

Maryann Rada - Pleyadianos/Teo - De Camino A Casa y Ascendiendo - 17-08-2016

El movimiento dimensional que se ha estado desarrollando está procediendo ahora.
Tienen tan sólo un corto periodo de tiempo hasta que lo que sostiene al mundo que ustedes conocen se derrumbe lo suficiente como para que ya no puedan negar que el cambio es real y total.
La próxima semana los mantendrá enfocados aquí y allá, y mientras sucede esto ustedes sabrán que también están sucediendo otras cosas, ocultas a la vista principalmente.
Aunque aparente que toda clase de cosas está sucediendo, el suelo mismo bajo sus pies empezará a moverse y aparentará abrirse un resquicio en el cielo.
Los instamos a que permanezcan conscientes del ímpetu del cambio y se enfoquen menos en la dirección en que los conducirán las decisiones propuestas.

Shelley Young - Arcángel Gabriel - “incomodidad/molestias” - 09-09-2016 - Daily Message- Friday-September-9-2016



Queridos Míos: Si están experimentando incomodidad/molestias en sus vidas, éstas son las posibles causas y remedios:
Si tienen un profundo dolor, la causa más probable es la resistencia.
Su ser siempre está buscando crecer y evolucionar.
Lo único que esa resistencia creará es incomodidad.
El propósito de la incomodidad es imposibilitar el seguir resistiéndose, y su remedio es la entrega.
Si están sintiendo ansiedad y temor por estar en un flujo acelerado, la causa se debe a no confiar en que todo saldrá bien y que están a salvo.

Mike Quinsey - de mi Ser Superior - Hay inmensas cantidades de Seres avanzados - Sept 9, 2016

El tiempo marcha y se sigue haciendo mucho progreso en el comienzo de los cambios que tanto habéis esperado.
Desde vuestra perspectiva experimentáis lo que parecen ser una serie de retrasos, aunque son pasos necesarios que aseguren que cuando se lleven a cabo nada pueda evitar el resultado esperado.
Estad seguros de que se hace mucho trabajo tras las escenas y el “¡Adelante!” se dará cuando todo esté preparado como es necesario.
Hay poderes mayores que los de la Tierra que supervisan todas las acciones para que podáis estar seguros de que el objetivo último sea la completa victoria de la Luz.
Por lo que lo más importante es que estéis siempre enfocados en los cambios deseados que pronto van a comenzar.
La planificación para este periodo se ha hecho durante mucho tiempo y no se permitirá que nada retrase más el resultado.

Sandra Walter - Gateway Reminder: Acceleration underway this day - Sept 11, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Gatekeeper reminder:

Today there is a large team of Gatekeepers and Gridworkers at work on the accelerated timeline. We request your participation this day.

Get out on Gaia, open your heart, meditate, anchor crystals (we will connect with every crystal placed by a lightworker), in peace and clemency command forth the removal of anything which inhibits or limits the collective consciousness or Ascension process (we request your permission), and light up your territory.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love -September 11, 2016

Dear One,

You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness. This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present. We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.

When the healing light of Love, Compassion and Acceptance shines on old patterns and fears, they lose their power and are easier to release. Once you let go of old habits of thoughts and feelings, you become free to turn your attention away from the past and to focus on creating the future you would like for yourself and for your world.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – September 11-18, 2016

Beloved Ones,

There is another frequency shift that is taking place at this time. Many of you have been feeling the need to go inward to sit in quietness, meditate, contemplate, and renew yourselves and this is excellent for it means that you are absorbing the higher energies and are utilizing them in the correct manner. Much is transpiring on the world scene, there is a movement towards better communication, there is a movement towards cooperation between nations and we from this side of the veil see this as a very positive step. We applaud those people and those countries who are initiating those agreements to end wars and bring about peace.

Marilyn Rafaelle - the Arcturian Group - SEPTEMBER 11, 2016

Beautiful-sunflower-butterflyGreetings dear ones on this day that commemorates an event so many still remember and mourn. Know that nothing happens for naught and that those whose physical bodies perished, chose pre-birth to be a part of some event that would help to awaken others. No one ever dies, although their coming home so suddenly created tremendous grief and loss for loved ones left behind.

These dear ones chose to serve in this way for the purpose of helping to awaken a complacent and somewhat "protected" society to the horror and pain that violence causes as well as to open those sleeping eyes to many heretofore hidden issues. This event was an important lesson for the country of USA which has often under the guise of "actions necessary for peace" and righteous protection, brought about this same suffering to others.

sábado, septiembre 10, 2016


By Liza the Human—Through Sue Lie

Chapter 23
Liza’s Journal

Hello, I am Liza. If you do not know how I ended up on a Starship, please HERE

Sharman valiantly rescued my father, John, my brother, Shawn, and I, Liza. Our father had a long recovery from the injuries that he suffered, so Shawn and I were watched over by Sharman and his Divine Complement Shelia. I did not know what a “divine complement” was before I came on the Ship.

In fact, before the adventure with my father’s wounding, and Sharman’s essence going into my father’s body to keep him alive, I was just a regular Earth teenager, and my brother Shawn, was just starting school.

Everyone knew that Shawn was super smart, but no one really knew that I could see and hear things that other people could not. Because I could not talk about my most favorite part of my self with my friends, I did not have many friends at all.

Selacia - Council of 12 - Days You Will Remember -How to Process Days Like 9/11- Sept 10, 2016

Days You Will Remember -How to Process Days Like 9/11-
by Selacia

There are many days you will remember in this life. These are times that had such a profound impact on your view of existence that when you reflect on them, you have either great joy or deep sadness.


Most of us can remember where we were on 9/11. That day 15 years ago is one of those significant life moments we remember, indeed one that we can't forget. The September 11th attacks are forever etched in our minds as a moment when the world all of a sudden felt less safe.

Processing Your Experience

In this article are some suggestions for processing key dates you remember - the good ones and the ones that stir deep sorrow.

John Smallman - Saul - None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid - September 10th, 2016

Your loving intentions are changing the world – MIGHTILY! As you visit your favorite on-line news and spiritual web sites you are presented with enormous amounts of information confirming this. All that is required of each of you is that you relax daily into your holy inner space, where the divine Light of Love burns constantly on your holy altars, and restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that is what is changing the world.

And of course you are not doing it on your own, the full power and might of God’s Will is added to your intent. You cannot fail because God’s Will is always achieved, so let go of worry and anxiety, both are distractions from living, and you were created to live. Instead, intend to deal successfully with whatever arises in the moment that it does so, and with the firmly held intent to be loving in every moment you will find you have whatever you need to deal with it. Life can be very simple if you allow it to flow through you instead of focusing on certain moments and attempting to prolong or resist them. There is only flow! To be motionless is impossible. When you sit quite still meditating all your bodily energy systems continue to function, and the life force – Love – continues to flow through you, and in your meditational state you are more likely to notice this constant and loving flow bringing you to a beautifully relaxed state of inner peace.

Mike Quinsey - de mi Ser Superior - 02-09-2016


El movimiento contra los Oscuros está cogiendo ritmo porque cada vez más grupos realizan acciones contra ellos.

El efecto en general disminuirá su poder y evitará que lleven a cabo su plan.
Esto capacita a los de la Luz para trabajar con poca interferencia y así poder lograr sus objetivos.
Por lo que los tiempos finales darán plenitud a sus primeras promesas sobre asegurarse de que tenga lugar plenamente la Ascensión.
Exteriormente hay una imagen de continuo caos, pero con el tiempo llegará a su fin o serán forzados a detener sus acciones.
Sed conscientes de que hay Seres como los Esferas que están muchos miles de años por delante del Hombre, y tienen tecnologías que van mucho más allá de cualquier cosa que alguna vez hayáis pensado como posibles.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - Septiembre 6, 2016


3 Cauac, 2 Zip, 12 Caban
¡Dratzo! Están ocurriendo ya muchos acontecimientos interesantes.
El más importante es que los que están al cargo del reparto de enormes cantidades de fondos humanitarios se están preparando para hacerlo.
Esa vasta transferencia de fondos promete globalmente crear los medios para transformar la forma en la que funciona este mundo.
Muchas partes de este globo han estado privadas de los medios necesarios para construir los sistemas necesarios de agua, depuración y transporte moderno.
Con los fondos, esas naciones de las que el viejo sistema financiero abusaba o ignoraba pueden comenzar el complejo proceso de diseño y construcción.
Esos diversos proyectos pueden llevar rápidamente incluso a las regiones más primitivas el agua necesaria, la sanidad y la electricidad para que puedan ser partes modernas y auto-suficientes de este mundo.

viernes, septiembre 09, 2016

Sarah Varcas - 9th September 2016 – 10th October 2017: Jupiter in Libra - 08/09/2016

Beyond the Watershed
Sarah Varcas

Jupiter enters Libra on 9th September. Spending about a year in each sign, its entry into a new one signifies a shift in terms of how we make sense of the world and our experience within it.

We have had the opportunity to learn much while Jupiter travelled through Virgo: a chance to look beneath the rocks and stones in our life, to peer into its dusty corners and generally spring clean our thoughts, feelings and attitudes. It has reminded us that we are part of an infinite whole. Not a solitary being living in a void. This fact comes with responsibility which we can no longer shirk in favour of speedy outcomes and rapid ‘progress’. Every moment of our life has an impact and consequences; every decision made and word spoken; all that we do, say and are, within and without.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - NESARA - 30-08-2016


8 Batz, 15 Uo, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! Este mundo está ya bajo estrés. Sigue habiendo conflictos finales por todos los sitios.
La Luz ha conseguido tomar ventaja en todos estos acontecimientos concluyentes.
Los oscuros pueden ver claramente que sus últimas luchas solo van a terminar en derrota.
Esos últimos argumentos, que incluyen el nuevo sistema monetario y el acompañante nuevo sistema financiero, han sido decididos desde hace tiempo.
Incluso ha comenzado la introducción de los cambios de moneda.
Se espera que muchos de vosotros recibáis pronto información vital que va a permitiros coger vuestras antiguas monedas y cambiarlas por enormes cantidades.
Esto es solo parte de una forma de iniciar los tan esperados cambios de moneda que prometimos al principio hace unos años.
Los principales obstáculos vinieron de un régimen Americano de facto, que temía grandemente los resultados de un cambio de moneda tan grande hecho por los que nunca antes se les había dado una serie tan extensa de tremendas oportunidades.
Pero esto es solo un principio causado por los diversos retrasos que obstaculizaron el envío de los así llamados “programas de prosperidad”.

Patricia Cota-Robles - A GLORIOUS SUCCESS! - September 9, 2016

By Patricia Cota-Robles


The Divine Mission for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination was God Victoriously accomplished through events that transcended even our greatest expectations. As the Divine Plan unfolded, in ways that no one involved in orchestrating this Activity of Light consciously anticipated, we realized that our I AM Presences and the Company of Heaven were well aware of what needed to occur in order for this vitally important facet of Humanity’s Ascension process to be successful. The Company of Heaven and our I AM Presences took full dominion of the situation and guided each of us unerringly through the necessary steps of preparation. As you read these words they will resonate in your Heart of Hearts, and you will realize how you too were guided through these miraculous days step by step into the Immaculate Concept of God’s Eternal Victory in the Light.

This sharing is a little long and may seem complicated, but if possible please print it out and read it when you have time to focus on the magnitude and wonder of what has taken place on this sweet Earth. This is just the beginning of the manifestation of the Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God that are now flowing through the newly opened Portal of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection that pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Alaska.

Brenda Hoffman - Tú REALMENTE eres de 5D o Más Allá - 5 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Natalia Lescano

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Los mensajes a los que acceden confunden a muchos de ustedes – Desde “Eres de 5D” a “Puede que no seas de 5D hasta que hagas esto” a “No serás de 5D en esta vida”

De esta manera viran entre sentirse bastante agradecidos con lo que han logrado a sentimientos de desesperación en el que todo el trabajo (y ha sido trabajo) no sirve para nada en esta vida, que algún día sus nietos puedan experimentar los resultados de esta grandiosa transición, pero ciertamente no ustedes en su cuerpo físico actual.

Tu estás, de hecho, en un camino único – un camino que tu creaste. Los mensajes que parecen contradecirse unos a otros son para humanos que están en distintos niveles de evolución.

Tal vez tu mejor amigo recién comienza a entender su valor. O alguien que conoces comienza a interesarse en cristales, chakras, astrología o canalización – partes a la que tú accediste hacen años, tal vez décadas.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Activation: The Holy Grail: The Keys To The Grand Kingdom (Only The Pure Ones) - 9/9/2016

Through the years, when I have achieved a certain place within me, I bring through activations that I write and record to assist others with this too. I share as may as I can, as these SPEAK directly to your SOUL, to your other dimensional aspects, encoded in your cells/DNA/Consciousness, so that you can do this "easier" yourself. Today, was yet another, a "message to me" from that space of ONENESS that we never separate off from anymore. For we come to realize that we hold all within our self and we just activate it when we have achieved the frequency inside to do this. It's up to us to HOLD it/embody it as our existence and how we function here. How "fast" the physical culmination is, is determined by us and how unified we already are, what we allow, what our focus is, what we do in every moment.....

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Re-Vamping Everyone's Value System: Huge Upgrade & Overhaul Phase Now... - 9/9/2016

La imagen puede contener: flor, planta, naturaleza y exterior

Lately I've re-focused my own energy on what is truly important right now, observing the re-vamping of everyone's value system, the cleansing of all that was held in separation, created out of separation, the evolution of HU-man-kind... to a whole new existence....

I've pulled away to focus on my own SOUL EMBODIMENT completion phase that I am in now... I saw to block off the rest of the year, through mid-January and to only DO that which supports what I am here to BE ,DO, share... and I have...

It's been liberating to let everyone do their own thing, experience however they choose and to assist those ready, truly ready and truly committed to their own process here. It's been freeing to refocus ... knowing all is perfectly in alignment exactly as it is... to observe the codes and sequences as everything re-configures continually now.

These higher vibrational existences... these make all visible now. Where one comes from, their integrity, their commitment, what they place their own priorities on, where they contribute, where they hold back, when it comes from the purity of their own soul and when it does not yet....

Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders Equinox transmission ~ Activating the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth and the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration - Sept 9, 2016

The Elders Equinox transmission ~ Activating the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth and the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration

You Tube
Mp3 download

Welcome precious hearts, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of September as you entered into the third wave of photonic light frequencies through the New Moon Solar Eclipse on September 1st, and the next Christ Consciousness level of the I Am Avatar Race.

Sweet ones, this is a time of accelerated change for all Life on this sacred earth. The first wave in December/January, followed by the second wave in April/May, brought about an increased level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and interconnectivity, while clearing the remnants of misaligned energies. And now sweet ones, through this third wave, you deepen into the quantum starlight streaming of your multidimensional selves and the New Earth geometries as well as deeper into alignment with Source, with a renewed sense of freedom and truth and expression of your Soul's note and authentic selves.

Blossom Goodchild - Sept 8th. 2016

Good morning! I have recently been putting all your messages into yearly blocks for my new website. It would take me too long to read them all, although I feel I would like to take the time to do so, at some point! There sure is a lot there. I am reading bits, due to spelling, grammar corrections coming up etc. and as far back as 2008 … there we are … having the same kind of conversation as we do today. It made me smile and I wondered if we will still be having the same conversation in another 6 or so years’ t
Greetings of warmest enthusiasm to you … in bringing forth this message of Peace. To read back on all that we have offered would indeed Enlighten your soul. As an ongoing /daily practise it would assist you in bringing ‘yourself’ forward.

I might look into it at some point. We sure have been on a long journey … hundreds and hundreds of pages of chat!

We are very much aware of all that has passed between us. Some messages with much humour, others with much frustration.

Yes. Yet, I am over all that stuff now. Our Trust has grown greatly.

Ours never once doubted.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de Energía de Septiembre 2016 - 3 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¡Bienvenidos al mes de Septiembre! Creo que esta frase debería aparecer en luces de neón, porque, después de la intensa energía de los últimos meses, Septiembre será como un esperado oasis de alivio. El tema de este mes es “un Nuevo Amanecer”. Traerá consigo una energía de gran actividad que nos proporcionará un significativo impulso hacia adelante, con menos asperezas que en los anteriores meses. Pero, a cambio, nos impondrá ciertas condiciones: podremos ver cómo reaparece buena parte de nuestro pasado para su revisión y nos veremos obligados a elegir qué camino seguir -el pasado o el futuro. Recuerden que el amanecer llega después del momento más oscuro de la noche. Creo que todos hemos atravesado algo parecido, ¿no creen?

Este mes tendremos que tomar grandes decisiones, pero también tendremos la ayuda necesaria para hacerlo, gracias una fabulosa energía de apoyo que nos permitirá ver más claramente, elegir de forma más acertada y actuar con confianza. ¿Están listos para un poco de acción? Entonces, están listos para Septiembre.

Natalie Glasson - the Celestial White Beings - 2017: Love in Action

In order to share with you what awaits you in the energetic cycle of 2017, we must first share the purpose of the past few years. In 2012 each soul upon the Earth and even souls on the inner planes began a new cycle of ascension, we, the Celestial White Beings and many others, label this the Era of Love. The Era of Love had been long awaited and anticipated through many lifetimes by you and all. It represented that those upon the Earth were ready to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth, that they had reached a pinnacle point where their vibration was quick, remembrance of the Creator more expansive and the awareness of their soul’s purpose and service for the Earth more grounded. Each person was given the choice; they could choose to focus upon the creation and experience of love, most probably for the rest of their lifetime or they could continue to linger in the energies of fear, blame and hatred. Many souls choose to be an anchor for the benevolent love of the Creator into the Earth and consciousness of humanity. This set into motion a cycle of tremendous spiritual evolution, which could be recognised as a new pathway not previously explored.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – September 9, 2016

Time marches on and much progress continues to be made in the commencement of changes that you have long awaited. From your perspective you experience what appear to be a series of delays, whereas they are necessary steps that ensure once they are taken nothing is able to prevent the intended outcome. Be assured that much work goes on behind the scenes and the “go ahead” will be given when all is in place as necessary. Greater powers than those on Earth oversee all actions, so you can be certain that the ultimate aim is for a complete victory for the Light. It is therefore most important that you always keep focussed upon the desired changes that are soon to commence. Planning for this period has been taking place for a very long time, and nothing will be allowed to delay the outcome any further. Lightworkers are to be highly commended for their undying support and positive faith in the future.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 09/09/16

Aisha North series 86 - 2

miércoles, septiembre 07, 2016

Anna Merkaba - Harvest Moon – Abundance, Success, Rewards – Portal (Sept 15 – 17) - September 7, 2016

Greetings Everyone! I hope you are all doing phenomenally well as we move into a beautiful moth of September. This month promises to be a true gem and gift from the heavenly realms! A month in which we are going to collect all of our rewards that we have been working towards all of last year (sept 2015 – Sept 2016).

I am sure that many of you are feeling excitement in the air, for some of you the projects that you’ve been involved in are finally finalizing, for others it feels as if something BIG is coming your way, yet some of you are finding yourself in a bit of a “stuck” mode, where certain projects you’ve been working on have suddenly “hit a wall” of sorts and you are feeling a bit lost. If you find yourselves in the third group, this is a wonderful time to go deep within and re-examine what you are doing, where you are going and where you wish to arrive at, as this is simply a way of your higher self to give you a “time out” if you will to focus your mind on what is truly important, so listen to your intuition! All in all, a wonderful month full of loving, tender and peaceful energies is coming our way. This is a time for celebration! A time of HARVEST.

Benjamín Fulford - 06-09-16. Los jefes de la mafia jázara ofrecen devolver el oro de los zares a Rusia a cambio de refugio

07 Sep

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Tanto contactos rusos fiables como de la CIA dijeron a la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco que los jefes superiores de la mafia jázara están intentando intercambiar refugio en Rusia por oro.

Esto es sólo la última de una gran cantidad de señales de que el dominio de la mafia jázara sobre el planeta Tierra se está desmoronando. La Sociedad del Dragón Blanco y sus aliados seguirán presionando la ofensiva con el objetivo de poner fin a su dominio de forma permanente tan pronto como este otoño.

Otra gran señal de la derrota de la mafia jázara ha sido el trato degradante dado al portavoz de la corporación de los ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA Barack Obama en Asia y en otros lugares. Se le negó a Obama el tratamiento de alfombra roja literalmente a su llegada a China para la cumbre del G20 de la semana pasada.

Esto ocurría en marcado contraste con el tratamiento súper VIP dado al primer ministro canadiense Justin Trudeau, que ha sido recomendado a China por el SDB como un mejor líder para América del Norte que Hillary Clinton o Donald Trump. Trudeau fue tratado como una superestrella en China durante una visita de una semana que acabó con Canadá públicamente tirando a la basura su apoyo al gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos al anunciar su intención de unirse al (banco) AIIB liderado por China.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación Galáctica - PENSAR A LO GRANDE - 02-09-2016


Blossom: Buenos días. Estoy feliz de poder decirles, sin embargo, supongo ya saben, que desde la canalización de la semana pasada, ha habido un alto el fuego de 52 años de guerra en Colombia.

Por lo tanto, yo estaba muy impresionada con su predicción mis amigos.
Bien hecho. ¿Estamos preparados para una sesión?
Federación de la Luz: Lo estamos. Y le damos las gracias por los elogios y, sin embargo, no es en absoluto necesario.
Simplemente nos gusta ayudar en los asuntos en curso que tienen por delante, haciéndola consciente de los “acontecimientos” que pueden o no ocurrir… porque en Verdad, no está en nuestras manos.
Blossom: Eso lo entiendo. Sin embargo, yo estaba impresionada. ¿Por qué camino vamos a viajar hoy?
Federación de la Luz: Permítanos considerar asuntos que puedan ser de su interés.
Parece ser que aunque hay mucho entusiasmo en las “filas” podríamos decir… que muchos han sido sometidos y estos son ‘los últimos coletazos’ correspondientes a este “juego de espera”… como se le podría llamar.
Blossom: ¿De veras? En realidad no he oído hablar mucho sobre eso últimamente.


Tom Kenyon

N.T.: En este nuevo mensaje, los Hathors nos brindan una meditación de sonido para limpiar la toxicidad emocional y psicoespiritual que invade nuestro mundo.

Se da el mensaje original que ellos canalizaron a través de Tom Kenyon, las observaciones de canalizador, y luego un pequeño texto que no está disponible en castellano en el sitio web, que aclara la cuestión de María Magdalena.

La pista de sonido se debe descargar desde el sitio de Tom Kenyon, está el enlace.

Afectuosos saludos de Cris.


a través de Tom Kenyon

Un Torrente desde Mundos Más Elevados

En nuestro último mensaje planetario titulado el Eterium, compartimos una meditación de sonido para ayudarles a atravesar los niveles cada vez más intensos de caos mundial, disminuyendo el estrés y aumentando la coherencia en su cuerpo y su mente.

En este mensaje les damos otra meditación de sonido llamada “Un Torrente desde los Mundos Más Elevados”. El propósito de esta ayuda sónica es asistirlos en purificar la negatividad y toxicidad emocional así como psico-espiritual contenida en lo profundo.

A medida que su mundo entra en un Nodo Caótico cada vez mayor, existe un aumento correlativo de hostilidad y antagonismo. Esta toxicidad emocional está ciertamente tan extendida que puede afectar incluso a los más avanzados espiritualmente entre ustedes.

Kryon - The Basic Principles of Non-Physical Communication

Crop Circles 2016 - Overton Hill, nr East Kennett, Wiltshire, UK - 27th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Tom Kenyon - A Hathor Planetary Message - A Stream from the Higher Worlds - August 15, 2016

A Stream from the Higher Worlds
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity.

As your world enters an ever-larger Chaotic Node there is a corresponding increase in hostility and antagonism. Indeed, this emotional toxicity is so pervasive it can affect even the most spiritually advanced among you.

Crop Circles 2016 - Sutton Hall, Nr Rochford, Essex, UK - 29th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Communicating With the Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times

Kryon - Future is full of Surprises

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Encouragement - Sept 7, 2016

Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Beings Embodied Here on Earth...

Take a deep breath and let your shoulders sink in. Take another deep breath and blow the air out with force.

Let yourself relax a bit.

Shake your shoulders now and then let them fall. Let your belly rise and fall with one more deep breath.

Now, turn up your frequency. Imagine you are choosing to rise in vibrational frequency and your particles moving faster. Continue to turn up your frequency and move your lips into a smile. On purpose.

Holding your smile, open up your crown chakra. Call upon the Divine Light within you (telepathically) and bring that connection to the forefront. Lighting up your field. Inviting expanded flow. Calling for more connection and closeness and support. Notice what you feel. Do you feel warmth? Tingling? Call that energy in, until you feel the sensations which confirm your conscious connection.

Then let go. Let it all go.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, Sept 07, 2016

There is something coming for all of humanity, and it is waiting in the wings, in a certain respect. It is not only the funds that are being talked about around the globe, but it is as well what will be done with them as they come into the hands and the people begin to explore what they will do with them.

I am Ohmnipure, and I am here to say that there are many people who already have their destinations for the wealth to go into place and begin the means by which the first stages of the reversal of the way things are around the globe come into order. As this begins, it will be obvious to many people that the designation of the energy of exchange will show them how in the reversal it is imperative that the energy of Love be the beginning factor for the distribution of the funds to the various places and causes that are being instrumented as I speak.

Magenta Pixie - Triple Nine Stargate 9/9/2016 (The Creation Codes)

martes, septiembre 06, 2016

Sarah Varcas - 27th June – 1st December 2016: Chiron Retrograde in Pisces - 06/09/2016

Reflections on Healing and Wholeness
Sarah Varcas

In the presence of Chiron we encounter the issue of healing. When retrograde, Chiron asks what it means to us, what we foresee when we contemplate personal healing and how we view those aspects of our self we consider in need of ‘repair’. It encourages reflection on the standards we set when it comes to the notion of becoming ‘whole’. There can sometimes be a subtle (or at times not so subtle!) judgement placed upon physical, emotional and mental dis-ease. Opinions about the cause of disease, what it says about the individual and the part they’ve played in their own health (or lack of it) can be under-pinned by an inference that if you’re suffering in some way it’s because you’re not really up to scratch, not ‘spiritual enough’ to be well, not taking full responsibility for your own well-being: your thoughts are wrong, your beliefs are skewed, you’re not living in the right paradigm.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - September 5, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I continue to work full time with the Earth Council like I have for the past five years.

Our focus is on you, ground crew. We need you to be vigilant too about what is occurring on the planet. We are a co-operative unit with you. We are the galactic alliance. We are here to assist in fulfilling our missions and to see that you achieve yours.

We do this in tandem. Everything that you glean from events we also experience. We need to know your spin on these events. We know that there is much that is contrived in your media so we rely on you. We watch how you are doing physically and know that it has been challenging for many of you. We see how hard you are working to release the past and become the new humans that you are intended to become. We understand how tired you are of the lingering third dimension and what is required to remain in a physical form. We assure you that as you rise in consciousness your efforts to live and thrive will become naturally easier. Those that have been holding you in their stronghold are losing their grip. You are already beginning to see what we mean.

John Smallman - Jesus - Stop judging and judgment will no longer be reflected back to you - September 7, 2016

You all know at the depth of your being, deep within you where the flame of Love burns brightly and constantly, that there is only the One. But, having chosen to experience separation from that inseparable state, you closed your awareness of it many eons ago and are only now allowing awareness of It to arise within you once more. Many are now telling their stories of this personal awakening, and of the peace and joy it has provided for them, and are encouraging others to seek within themselves what all can and will find there, the absolute and unassailable knowing that there is only the One, You and God.

It is there for you all because it is your nature and your inalienable heritage. Now is the time to release your grasp on any sense of guilt, sinfulness, or unworthiness that continues to persuade you that God finds you in any way wanting, unacceptable, or unworthy of His Love, and that succeeds in convincing you that to attempt to make contact with Him is pointless.

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Sept 6, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization

3 Cauac, 2 Zip, 12 Caban

Dratzo! Many interesting events are now happening. The most important is that those in charge of delivering the vast amounts of humanitarian funds are preparing to do so. This vast transfer of funds globally promises to create the means for transforming how this world operates. Many parts of this globe have been deprived of the means needed to construct needed water, sewage and modern transportation systems. With funding, those nations that the old financial system either abused or denied can begin the complex process of design and construction. These various projects can swiftly bring even the most primitive regions the necessary water, sanitation and electricity so they can be modern and self-sufficient parts of this world. Then, a more contemporary education system can also be provided. These projects are to ensure that every part of this globe is connected to the worldwide net, as well as enabling all to have those things that are considered a part of the accoutrements of this modern world. Thus, these funds will end the disadvantages of the previous financial realities!

Benjamin Fulford 9-6-16… “Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter”

Posted by benjamin, September 6, 2016

Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.

Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.

Suzanne Lie - Sharman el Pleyadiano - PREPARÁNDOSE PARA EL PRIMER CONTACTO Capìtulo 22 - 9-3-16

Sharman el Pleyadiano - A través de Sue Lie


Compañeros de Luz con la Naturaleza

Saludos. Soy el Comandante Sharman hablando con ustedes desde nuestras Naves Estelares. Digo, "Naves Estelares" porque hay muchos de nosotros que estamos manteniendo una conexión constante con Gaia dentro de las versiones tetradimensional superior y pentadimensional de Su realidad.

Los Humanos han adoptado la creencia, o el prejuicios, de que sólo los humanos tridimensionales están vivos, y todo lo demás va bajo la categoría de "naturaleza", ya que la categoría "humano" era más importante que la categoría naturaleza.

El hecho es que la naturaleza pudiera, y lo hizo, sobrevivir y luchar mucho mejor antes de lo que los humanos se volvieran "civilizados". En realidad los humanos no - civilizados estaban mucho más sintonizados y en cohesión con la naturaleza, que lo que ha sido llamado "el hombre moderno".

Lisa Transcendence Brown - HOLY PURITY.... Literally.... - Sept 6, 2016

La imagen puede contener: noche y texto

I was awoken by my Universe to get up and start working at 4am, as I have a slamming day and lots to do, and I always take the first few hours to just BE in my space, create, share, work on whatever needs to be done before I go into scheduled stuff....
I awoke to very active Stargates, Quantum Cells moving, crystals jingling... after we got activated huge amounts of Diamond Frequencies yesterday afternoon to evening. (Upper chest/head/breathing adjustments/sneezing come with these)...
After a few moments, the entire gambit of frequencies totally shifted and went mega-ultra high in pitch to "silent" (but we can hear silent), then "above silent" (the only way for me to describe, as I can hear this too). They all combined into one and became ultra-pure... started tuning our frequencies to PURITY..... so I went looking for a picture to "show" what I see... Now we are on hour 3 of these, solid, continuing stronger, higher we increase....
The straight line down the center, this is what it looks like. The other frequencies representing "out of tune distortions".... all being brought into purity.... These are working their way through the physical body, every cell, every body part AND the physical realities too (it's always simultaneous). These hugely re-configure & re-align all....

Vera Ingeborg - 15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies - August 28, 2016

Processing Abstract Visualization

So often we hear about lightworkers being here to transmute energies and raising the frequency of the planet to help humanity ascend. In the article “Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork” we had a closer look into the Universal energetic dynamics at play and why there is no way around the pain we experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good methods to ease the process of transmutation and to get back into balance again. This process is like a boot camp to prepare you for the mission you came here for: Helping humanity and planet earth to ascend. It is not for the fainted heart and not a walk in the park. But there are many helpful tools to make it as smooth as possible and learn how to be an alchemist – because that is what energy transmutation is all about. And: The rewards are real! Doing the work is so worth it. Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix.

Emmanuel Dagher - Becoming Your Awakened Self - September 2016

Hi My Friend,

The momentum of energy has been building, in both our individual lives and in the collective.
The winds of change are blowing through every area of our lives!
Have you been feeling it?
This great shift is becoming more apparent than ever, and it’s stirring up a great deal of energy in our mental, physical, and emotional bodies.
If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered, or emotionally charged than usual, know that all of that is part of the current wave of energy that’s moving us in brand new directions.
Some of these directions may come as a complete surprise, and some may have been years in the making.