Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Gatekeeper reminder:
Today there is a large team of Gatekeepers and Gridworkers at work on the accelerated timeline. We request your participation this day.
Get out on Gaia, open your heart, meditate, anchor crystals (we will connect with every crystal placed by a lightworker), in peace and clemency command forth the removal of anything which inhibits or limits the collective consciousness or Ascension process (we request your permission), and light up your territory.
You may connect to the new line from Shasta to Hot Springs, Ark; it is complete. The Shasta gates are very present and assisting the crystal beds with releasing Ascension codes and frequencies. Peak focus from 11:11am - 1:11pm Central Time today, however we are holding this space and intention all day as the work unfolds.
In Love, Light and Service,