Yesterday I sat with the Equinox energies and felt this overwhelming need to journey. The purpose of my journey was to obtain information on what was needed to get us through the upcoming time period. I found some great drumming music, gave myself a full hour and let myself go.
I found myself walking to my familiar spot and I saw the woman I am familiar with that told me to simply call her grandmother, sitting around a huge fire. I sat on a rock around the fire and just then a warrior appeared and began dancing. He was dressed in full gear including leg wrappings. His performance was incredible and hypnotizing. He comes up to me and smears black on my face and tells me that I need to be a warrior. I protested and said “I don’t want to fight! I don’t like to fight!” he smiled and said that a true warrior does not need to resort to violence.
He told me that a true warrior is also a leader. That they listen to all sides and often choose not to respond, but simply observe. Warriors also trust their team. He looked at me and said “Do you trust your team?” The team he was referring to are my guides, the ones here in form on earth and the ones in the etheric. He was asking can I trust that I will always be provided for, cared for? Can I trust my team regardless of what appears to be chaos all around me? He told me that this trust is vital to maintain my energy and vibration.
He also told me that warriors also have to have thick skin. That there will be those that want a reaction for the reaction sake and those that will judge when no reaction is given. That to be a warrior means being strong in your own conviction, your own strength and path. Can I be my own warrior? Can I consistently do what it takes to honor who I am and my path?
He then had me stand and placed a hand on my solar plexus and said you have to be the eagle. Just then an eagle flew from my 3rd chakra, high into the air. I saw the eagle soaring, landing on a tree which held a nest so high above. He told me that eagles spend most of their time high above, only swooping down when it is necessary. They raise their young high in the sky because it is safer, in this realm they are protected. I then saw an eagle flying down to pick up food and it was hit by a car. He then explained that when an eagle go towards the ground, it is at its most vulnerable. That the safety is staying above. That I needed to be the eagle.
I then saw another guide walking up and he asked me if I was ready to be shown more. I said yes and followed him out of my familiar area into a clearing in a meadow. Before me was a ship. I looked at him and he asked if I was ready. I said yes and entered the ship and seated at a table was a beautiful blue being. She looked at me with so much love. She said “To move through the upcoming energies, all that people need to do is love.” She explained that while this sounds simple it is not always. I saw a news feed and saw article after article of riots, looting, shootings, and humans harming one another. That we need to look upon each person and simply say “I love you” no buts. Not “I love you, but I don’t like what you did”, just simply “I love you”. No, not always easy to stay objective, non-judgmental, but it can be done. We can be the eagle and stay above.
She went on to explain that there are souls that have chosen to help with the mass awakening. That often as the catalyst they will participate in events that shock the human, impacting them in such a way that it alters perception, makes people question. She explained that it is both the perpetrator and the victim who are in service and both deserve to be told “I love you”. With emotions so high in my country with police brutality, racism and inequality it is easy to see why I would need to have thick skin. To say I love you to the officer that shot and I love you to the person gunned down is not going to be popular. To some this will look like I don’t care. Yet, I can see how these situations are making it so that emotions and fears that led to this state of affairs cannot longer be denied and for that they both deserve an ‘I love you’. That each person needs to do their best to see the bigger picture and send love and gratitude. She also explained that a person’s heart cannot be changed by showing them where they are lacking. Instead, showing love without judgement, invites the person through a door way to self.
She asked that I share this message as it was not just for me.
I hope this message finds you well and flying high in the trees. Sending all of us lots of love! Thank you to all who share this work! It is so greatly appreciated.