Aloha beautiful beLOVED Light Family,
The deeper you go inside, the more your consciousness expands... the more peace, love and magical magnificence you find.... WE all do/did have to sift through the depths of our human'ness to access our soul, so that we could upgraded our physical body to ascend, activate our higher self aspects, anchor those in our physical body vessel too, connect with/AS the Universe/Source from inside and come to become ONE with/AS ALL again.
Humans use the word "souls", yet they have no idea the depth of how this is. They look at other humans, and the see humans,often referring to the pain or darkness of one's soul, yet the soul holds no darkness or pain, THAT is human separation being felt... or, they see the purity of one's soul and they confuse the two as one. Until a BEing has merged all of their aspects here, to become ONE as all from inside, to walk as a Soul, pure, and as a Master BEing, then they are two (or hundreds) different beings still working to integrate/merge into one. This is a part of becoming multi-dimensional here. This is a huge process that occurs over each's separation of time. As each unifies, this separation of time ceases to exist, therefore does access to higher dimensional existence.
The human aspect is unaware that it is more than one thing... it's "just human" or it claims to be a soul, yet still holds onto separation in it's own mindsets/body/physical reality world.
The Soul, sees all aspects, it is aware of which aspect is present in every given moment. Aspects work in ratios.... one moment the person in front of you may be dominantly more human, yet the next (as their heart opens), their higher selves/soul may come through. Yet, where they are still human, they will still have walls of protection up, still need fear/loss to awaken them, still hold out "things" for their own self.
The human operates very different than a WALKING PURE SOUL does..... The question is.... are you present in every moment, aware and truly seeing... which aspect you are and which aspects others are, and are you standing AS A MASTER and shifting realities yourself? ................ ↓↓↓
There are times that others are not ready yet. We honor this, respect this... and we focus our energy on what we are here to BE/Do and we allow those who are ready/doing to come forth to be a part of our world. Our realities are very different than the old ones where we transmitted and acted from lack. Our NEW Earth realities are comprised of OPEN HEARTED/EMBODIED SOULS, our exchanges are with other SOULS embracing their own responsibility to transcend their own old human separation/unconscious programs, while also focusing their energy on their soul purposes, being productive, making a difference, doing what it takes to bring more NEW Earth here for every one of us. Our immediate physical realities are not filled with unconscious humans anymore... Because we chose...
NEW Earth is vibrational materialization ... in response to what each ARE. It's all around you, waiting to come forth, waiting to be seen, waiting to be experienced FULLY... by your SOUL. It is a culmination place, where all merges in one space. Linear everything went out the window long ago. We do not do linearly, we do not receive linearly. Everything is vibrational here.
NEW Earth is Heaven and Earth in the same physical space. For awhile, as all humans ascend, they will float inside. This is gravity shifting (polar points re-calibrating), this is the Light of your own Soul activating... yes, we do float as angels, archangels, gods.... and after we've done this enough, as we've played in the Lucid Dream in the waking state, to detach from the old 3D/4D (Un)Consciousness, we arrive in 5D (and above). As we realize, we were not those stories, we were not those beliefs... those were our human'ness, our own separation from "Our self as Source", we connect up to a Gridwork of NEW Earth, where our other dimensional existences return, where we FEEL them, understand them and hold the NEW VIBRATION as WHO we are... instead of the untruths from our unconscious existence....
After awhile (it can be months or years), we stop floating as much, for we've cut the cords to the old density planes and transcended the lack energy once held. Feeling this profound peace and frequencies of HOME, this is all that matters now. We descended as higher selves, taking physical form and landing here on OUR NEW Earth.... Our souls continually merging aspects as we continually evolve on a cellular level.
Then it's time to anchor in, anchor ourselves in our NEW EARTH REALITIES, so that we can exist here all of the time, not just when we hit that vibration "for a moment or a day". This is the part where all have to APPLY the knowings, the knowledge, their new truths AS HIGHER SELVES to their own physical reality world. This is where they have to step into CREATOR roles, this is where each moves out of seeker roles and into FULL SERVICE ROLES... with all that they are and do.....
All along the way, the physical body is going through a huge transformation and upgrade process. There is sooooo much energy that activates that energy starts to rule our world. We sleep when we feel, for all of this light shuts us down, we awaken with clarity, more energy and it's time to get busy, then 30 minutes later, it's time to sleep more again. After awhile, not as much sleep is necessary, as your physical bodies' Light Quotient (LightBody) has been raised, you've acclimated and it's easier to breathe and function here.... Yet not like old days, for everything is vibrational and energy here. Everything is the opposite of what it once was, and you've reversed the polarity of the dimensions, are vibrating higher, moving slower and really getting it now.....
Energetic realities of NEW Earth mean the physical is soooooo much easier. There's no chaos or drama or lack.... and if they do become visible, you understand how/why/what to do..... from inside of your body.... as a Soul....
Your human has dissolved, back into the PURITY OF LOVE that you are. Thoughts are just programs that hold no power or move us in the direction of that which is for ALL AS ONE. Emotions are a cellular cleansing and energetic release.
Sacred gratitude, love, peace, bliss, magic, abundance, respect, honor, integrity, kindness, compassion and "no" to the human programs... these are our vibrational realities... at all times, for this is our new foundation for all .....
WE are building, creating, transforming all back into love. We touch other souls, recognize other souls, through the PURITY AND LOVE that we all are. We also recognize human'ness and we determine what is acceptable and not. For many Souls have not awoken FULLY awoken yet, just partially, to continually move between aspects until unification can occur. Where the human aspect is more prominent, the heart will be closed/walled up and the soul will not be in charge of their entire reality yet. Inner Light Quotient dictates this, Integration dictates this....
Many still see old earth, many still participate in old earth, because their hearts (the gateway to their soul) are just now opening. The Grand Awakening has awoken their soul, which creates confusion, desperation by their human, desire for more connection, more real meaning in things, instead of the old unconscious realities that once filled their world with attachments, cords, physical world things....
These higher vibrations lift the veils of amnesia so that SOULS can awaken to RETURN TO AN EXISTENCE forgotten, when all entered the sleep/unconscious state. Awakening means each shall see their own human'ness and the human'ness around them, the lack of human(ity) as it was and it won't desire to be a part of those realities anymore. This desire for MORE that IS IN-ALIGNMENT... this is the SOUL aspect of all. The 4th Dimension is where all remain, as they work through the separation between their soul and their human. As each becomes aware of HOW programs work, when their own hearts are open/closed, and master the ability to keep their hearts/minds open all of the time.... NEW EARTH BECOMES VISIBLE ALL OF THE TIME ... IN THE PHYSICAL....
All are evolving BACK to an existence of PURITY, from the depths of their own BEing, where all that they DO is in accordance with Light, with Higher Consciousness.... All are evolving into FULLY AWAKENED SOULS, where all of their aspects return and merge into one space, from inside....
This evolution is us all as LIGHT BEINGS walking in our Crystalline LighBody Form. The Advanced NEW Earth HUmans, our new civilizations materializing all around us as we all contribute to our NEW EXISTENCE from that place that is pure.
This evolution occurs now.... in every moment... The old unconscious dimensional realities increasing extinction, while the fully conscious ones materialize faster/instantly for us now.
WE are in NEW Timelines loves, the lower vibrational ones dissolve instantly now.... WE've emerged/anchored Heaven on Earth as the Gridpoints. WE did this... all of us.... and it's BEYOND OUR HUMAN DREAMS... for our human didn't believe, yet our souls knew.... and as Pure Light BEing Souls.... we vibrated into that which was waiting..... all along... Here, all along... hidden in plain sight.... all along.... we just didn't have the capability before, yet we do now.
Keep embracing, keep focused, keep DOing and BEing, according to your SOUL. Open your heart, mind, body, energy fully... unify all back into the PURITY OF LOVE from inside of you. Choose your realities, invest/put all that you are/do into those.... you are the one... you do this... from inside... as your Divine Essence Self.
NEW Earth is Ascended Master BEings.... It is each one of us holding the gridwork in place. This is not a "part time job".... This is your entire existence now. ♥
I love you!!! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient/Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Speaker, Teacher, Coach, Guide, Master
Credit and appreciation to our SiSTAR, Mary Josephine Hession, for this beautiful artistic creation. Visit heART Light on Facebook to see more of her Light-work-sharings! ♥