Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Vera Ingeborg. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Vera Ingeborg. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, noviembre 17, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - Get Ready for your Mission. No more Excuses – It is Time…Nov 17, 2016

Wooow, what a crazy period has it been ever since the outcome of US elections. So many people got upset, angry and scared. And they still are. The comfort zone is gone and nobody knows what the future will bring and what this guy is up to. Nothing the ego mind copes well with at all. Along with that, we had an increase in major Earthquakes over the past weeks. This planet is really shaken to the core. In parallel, lightworkers are still busy with lots of physical ailments, last bits of emotional clearing and… the thought spirals are back. But they feel different. They are spiralling around a lot more topics than ever before. And although spiralling deeply in one moment, in the next – you have completely forgotten what you had been trying to figure out. What is going on?

So the neverending story continues. And we have to get used to that! The expansion of consciousness indeed IS a neverending story. Because the Universe keeps expanding and keeps experiencing and expressing itself into matter and form, to gather information before going back into non-matter. This might be confusing to understand, but this is what this whole game is all about. We never stop growing and expanding. But the higher we raise, the easier it gets – because we are getting rid of the fear patterns along the process, so the highs get higher and more frequent, while the lows get less and lose their power over us. Having said that, where are we at right now, and what are we experiencing?

viernes, octubre 21, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - October Part 2: Core Wounds, Soul Family Reunions and Time Glitches - Oct 21, 2016

Two thirds of October are over and a growing impatience in the community is building up. There were such high hopes that everything would change after the shift in September, and yet everything seems to be moving in slow motion. A lot of us are feeling stuck, still do not see any clear direction where to go and are very annoyed because core wounds are flaring up again. Additionally, the world is in chaos, perfectly expressed through the US election show. Will it ever end? As we are so focused on these topics, we miss out to see how much has changed and moved forward. After an explosive and tiring September, October has been a lot calmer. September had emptied us out to make space for new things to come in. October is the month of no-thingness, creating the feeling of a void (as described in this article). Many have a hard time dealing with the sensation of emptiness. But if we shift our focus from the void and pain we are still dealing with to the difference how we felt end of September/beginning of October, to now, we realize: “Wow, even if I freak out, I am indeed a lot calmer in handling it and I manage to get back into my inner balance quicker than ever.” There is a new quality of confidence and sovereignty within us that was not there before. This is another huge sign that everything is perfectly well on its way to prepare us for zero-point: The energetic moment of stillness and harmony when our whole reality will shift. The evolutionary jump. Although we cannot say when this will be exactly, we can already feel how it is coming closer and closer.

sábado, octubre 08, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - 3D, 4D and 5D – The Dimensions and their Differences - October 8, 2016

When going through the processs of spiritual awakening, sooner or later we are confronted with the fact, that there seem to be more dimensions than the one reality we are living in and that we know so well. We start questioning our life and what used to be true for us all of a sudden starts crumbling. We are not so sure anymore if we are indeed living in a reality or if it is not so real after all. The higher dimensional energies are calling us. We start resonating with them and go on our quest to find out more about who we truly are. We learn about universal energies and different frequencies and what ascension truly means: An energetic shift from 3D to 5D by raising our frequencies to a much higher level and transmuting low frequencies of fear into unconditional love up to a point where no fear is left. We come across a lot of information and are learning a lot about ourselves, the Universe and humanity. A question that often keeps us busy is how to differentiate between the dimensions.

To understand the different dimensions and how they feel like better, let’s take a look at them individually.

lunes, octubre 03, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - October and the Void – between two Worlds - Oct 3, 2016

Welcome to October. After a purging marathon in September, we have entered a new month. For many it was a rough start. People are exhausted from the deep cleansing and detoxing in September which included also a lot of physical symptoms. Many are asking: How much longer? It seems like we are never getting anywhere and the ascension turns out to be a never-ending story. It will be – if you think it to be that way. Remember the law of attraction and how easy things manifest now. So it is your choice what you make out of it. October bears great potential to move forward quickly. And it will be calmer energetically. At least it feels like it as we have gotten used to the quick moving and fast burning fire energies. Many of us have learned to handle them constructively to move up in their energetic frequencies quickly. With the start into October, we have entered a phase of rebalancing.

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - the Andromedans – New Earth is Freedom - September 28, 2016

Our dear brothers and sisters on planet earth. We are communicating with you today to share some more details with you on what you will be experiencing on planet earth soon as you move higher in your energetic frequency and as you are getting in alignment with the heightened frequencies on the planet. Many of you are ready now to hear this message. Many of you are experiencing the first big shifts in reality now after the deep cleansing in September. This will still be ongoing until everyone who has decided to ascend while being in a human body has been mentally, emotionally and physically completely cleansed and healed, and the body has been upgraded to a crystalline, less dense and more flexible, lighter structure.

viernes, septiembre 23, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - Ascension Hang Over – The Blues, the Rage and the Flu - September 23, 2016

Waaaaah, September has been a ride so far. A burn out mixed with emotional explosions. Depending on the individual’s journey and ascension wave they are part of, people have been experiencing intense purging for self and the collective and intense physical symptoms. As already described in the last article, the September energies were really wearing us out into surrender. Anger, frustration a feeling of not belonging and being homesick were predominant for those still going through emotional breakouts. Others experienced a complete emotional healing, ‘only’ having to deal with new physical ascension symptoms. After the eclipses and two 999 portals, including a Mercury retrograde that ended yesterday, it felt like a huge ascension hangover: Intense fatigue, flu symptoms and vertigo were accompanying many. September 22 was a peak date up to a point where people just thought they would die because the pain was almost unbearable. The good news: There is a shift coming up, soon.

lunes, septiembre 12, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - Yaaaaawn! Energies are wearing you out to Surrender - September 12, 2016

The September energies are really something, hm? We have to get used to their power, speed and intensity. They are HOT, baby. And as quickly as they burn, as quickly they are causing a feeling of being burnt out. It is like learning to surf this fiery wave. We have these moments standing on the board thinking: ” Yeah, I am standing, I am surfing, I am navigating – what a bliss!” Just to be thrown off the board by an unexpected current and diving back into emotional turmoil and overthinking. Everything is moving much faster and leaves many of us with a feeling of being completely confused and being completely sick and tired of all of this. “I thought I had left all of this behind me a long time ago! Why are you presenting me this sh*t again???” Many of us are annoyed, frustrated, angry and tired. Very tired. Tired of the ascension process and tired physically. Up to a point where we cannot even think one straight thought and all we want to do is sleep. Up to a point where we just say: “You know what, f*ck it. I don’t even care what happens anymore.”

You are at that point? Great! Because that is exactly where the Universe wants you to be. In complete surrender, having let go of any attachment still left. Every little bit within you that still needed healing is now being shed in order for you to come into a state of being to be able to completely rebuild yourself. It really is like Phoenix rising from the ashes. The old self, and with it everything that was not authentic about you is being burned away now. Everything you do not need on New Earth has to go. Fear of not having enough money? Burnt away. Fear of never being good enough for your partner? Burnt away. Fear of death? Burnt away…. If you allow the fire to do its work, the energies, that feel destructive first become constructive quickly. You discover a complete new way of living, when you manage to leave your ego/head out of the game.

martes, septiembre 06, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - 15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies - August 28, 2016

Processing Abstract Visualization

So often we hear about lightworkers being here to transmute energies and raising the frequency of the planet to help humanity ascend. In the article “Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork” we had a closer look into the Universal energetic dynamics at play and why there is no way around the pain we experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good methods to ease the process of transmutation and to get back into balance again. This process is like a boot camp to prepare you for the mission you came here for: Helping humanity and planet earth to ascend. It is not for the fainted heart and not a walk in the park. But there are many helpful tools to make it as smooth as possible and learn how to be an alchemist – because that is what energy transmutation is all about. And: The rewards are real! Doing the work is so worth it. Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix.

viernes, septiembre 02, 2016

Vera Ingeborg - Andromedans - New Earth is approaching fast -

Ware in exciting times. Everything is accelerating, can you feel it? This may seem exhausting and too much to take, but this is really a reward. As a collective you have managed to shift energies so quickly, that you have decided to move into a faster timeline than planned. We, your brothers and sisters, are observing what is going on on planet earth with pride. Ascension is happening even faster than planned, in terms of linear time. At the same time, linear time is dissolving, that is why you often feel completely lost in time and space and everything seems to happen simultaneously in one moment, followed by a feeling of nothing happening at all the next. You are realigning to the new environment and the laws of the fifth dimension. Any scheduling, planning ahead and keeping appointments can feel very uncomfortable.

The 5th dimension in the physical is all about living in complete freedom, oneness, authenticity and unconditional love. Structures are ending. Structures are what kept you in 3D. Routines, habits, recurring appointments, time tables – they are all ending. You are adapting to New Earth. As the new chosen timeline accelerates, a lot of people feel even more intensified emotional breakouts, mental spiralling and heavy physical body pain. The linear time slot to go through healing and releasing is compressed even more, so are the wave patterns used to do the purging.