Two thirds of October are over and a growing impatience in the community is building up. There were such high hopes that everything would change after the shift in September, and yet everything seems to be moving in slow motion. A lot of us are feeling stuck, still do not see any clear direction where to go and are very annoyed because core wounds are flaring up again. Additionally, the world is in chaos, perfectly expressed through the US election show. Will it ever end? As we are so focused on these topics, we miss out to see how much has changed and moved forward. After an explosive and tiring September, October has been a lot calmer. September had emptied us out to make space for new things to come in. October is the month of no-thingness, creating the feeling of a void (as described in this article). Many have a hard time dealing with the sensation of emptiness. But if we shift our focus from the void and pain we are still dealing with to the difference how we felt end of September/beginning of October, to now, we realize: “Wow, even if I freak out, I am indeed a lot calmer in handling it and I manage to get back into my inner balance quicker than ever.” There is a new quality of confidence and sovereignty within us that was not there before. This is another huge sign that everything is perfectly well on its way to prepare us for zero-point: The energetic moment of stillness and harmony when our whole reality will shift. The evolutionary jump. Although we cannot say when this will be exactly, we can already feel how it is coming closer and closer.
We are truly breaking free from the old and are not letting anyone or anything control us any longer. We are emerging from our unconscious past and are growing our wings to fly. We are starting to live in accordance with our truth. We stop fighting and start flowing. We step into authenticity and are not afraid any longer to express ourselves with love, without having the need for any confirmation from others or having to convince anyone.
Core Wound Finals
As we move towards the completion of the year of endings and Chiron is still in retrograde until December 1st, our core wounds and fears show up for their final release. We will be presented with them in the last weeks of this year again and again until we have fully transmuted them. The good news: This will be it! Those of us that have bravely worked through all their issues and fears, will have healed their emotional body completely the latest by the end of the year. There will be no buttons left that anyone could push for you when you continue to embrace your shadows to let them go with love and gratitude. You have made it to the center of the onion after having patiently peeled of layer by layer.
“There are some major collective core wounds prevailing right now, resulting from the wave of masculine waking up.”
There are also some major collective core wounds prevailing right now, resulting from the wave of masculine waking up. There is the fear of losing control and struggling with trusting in letting go. And a big one is the one of not being able to survive, when letting go of jobs that do not make us happy anymore. For many of us, the last big resort is the fear of not being able to make enough money to sustain ourselves and provide for ourselves and our families with our mission. It takes a lot to trust that we will always be taken care of when we see our savings melting away – if we have them at all. The fear around money was an still is the most prevailing one on this planet. The whole matrix was developed and programmed based on this fear. It was THE core ingredient to keep people in dependency and under control. As the old system collapses and as we connect more and more to our soul family, we learn that we always have brothers and sisters to reach out to. And we start to trust, that there will always be a way, as we help each other out, knowing that we are all one. We get glimpses of how new earth will feel like when we live in oneness.
In parallel, our physical body is spitting out core issues as well. After we have cleansed out emotional and mental bodies, the road is clear for the stuff to release that we had stored in our physical body. Chronic illnesses are showing up for final release. They can appear so fast that they do not leave us any time to suppress them with medical treatments. Our physical body does not want to suppress them any longer but truly wants to release. This can get very uncomfortable. Candida, neurodermitis, Herpes, Rheumatic joint issues, stomach inflammations are just a couple of examples. No matter if we experience emotional or physical pain, if we accept the pain as a blessing, as a cleansing fire, we no longer fight it. The pain is still there, but it becomes part of our healing experience. That is the way to transmute this pain for good. (If you are worried and need some peace of mind, please do seek medical advice)
Soul Family Reunions
“By connecting with our soul family physically, we are not only strengthening the energetic grid around the planet further, we are also exchanging and activating energetic codes with and for each other.
By connecting with our soul family physically, we are not only strengthening the energetic grid around the planet further, we are also exchanging and activating energetic codes with and for each other. This speeds up our own spiritual growth even further.
Procrastination in Mission
Closely related to our core wounds and the soul family reunions we experience, is the sensation of procrastination with our mission. Although we are not as tired anymore as we were in September and beginning of October, and we had some creative moments in between, we still feel that we do not really get the foot onto the ground and finally get started with our new projects and ideas for our soul mission. We still need to sleep a lot to process all the changes and integrate the light. Also from a soul level, something seems to hold us back and prevent us from moving forward with it. We don’t really know why but we have the feeling that we are still waiting for something before we go ahead. And we do. We are asked to work through our core wounds first and to connect with our soul family all over the planet to build a strong foundation what is to come.
“The Universal energies are aligning now for the big shifts to come. All of this delaying has the purpose to fully bring us into perfect inner balance.”
The Universal energies are aligning now for the big shifts to come. All of this delaying has the purpose to fully bring us into perfect inner balance. The balance between aloneness and community, between the masculine and the feminine energies within, between being and doing, between giving and receiving. We have to trust that we will get the energetic push to move forward, as soon as we are ready. This is the ultimate letting go of control and letting Source work through us and guide us.
Learning to Receive
Nevertheless, in parallel to this, we are also learning that abundance means so much more than money. Abundance is the expression of unconditional love. Somebody invites you and hosts you in their home, somebody buys you lunch or dinner or somebody helps you carrying your suitcase without expecting anything in return. When that happens we automatically go into the programmed pattern of: “I have to give something back to this person. If not I feel guilty to receive. ”Most of us are really good at giving and are struggling with receiving. We feel bad if someone does something for us and we have nothing to give in return at that moment. But is it really that way?
“We are all one, we are all part of a bigger organism, so we have to let go of the idea that the balance of giving and taking is established between two people or parties only.”
We are all one, we are all part of a bigger organism, so we have to let go of the idea, that the balance of giving and taking is established between two people or parties only. We are giving our talents and gifts to this planet and its inhabitants, so it is perfectly fine to receive something in return from someone else. We all have to allow ourselves to receive with gratitude and seeing that the balance of giving and receiving is taking place on a much larger scale. Compare it with our body cells. A heart cell will always do the job of a heart cell and do that with full dedication for the whole system, while a brain cell will always do a different job. Both are part of an organism and relevant for the functioning of the whole. And both of them are provided with what they need for example through the job the blood plasma is doing. That keeps the system healthy and balanced. The blood plasma, providing protein would not expect a direct return of service from the heart cell
Mind Fog and Time Glitches
So please be aware that we are moving forward much faster than it feels. We are simply not used to be in “being” phases that much, as we have all been trained by the matrix system to be in doing and implementing mode constantly. We have a hard time to just trust the energetic flow and timing, knowing that we get the energetic impulses exactly in the right moment.
“Many of us are still too busy with 3D issues. As we move into Unity Consciousness and as the duality field collapses, all of this will be taken care of by its own.”
Many of us are still too busy with 3D issues be it the elections, the world hunger situation or resource exploitation. Yes, from a 3D perspective, these things are awful. But – As we move into Unity Consciousness and the duality field collapses, all of this will be taken care of by its own. These were manifestations of the old 3D patterns and paradigms. When we jointly create with love, we create a new reality of abundance. The US elections are nothing more but the physical manifestation of the last stretch of the dualistic field before it will implode. It is a universal law, that a system needs to go into chaos first in order to change its structure. For example if you want to form something new out of old steel, it needs to be heated up significantly, i.e. the frequency must be increased, before you can create something new out of it. It will have no meaning for 5D and new earth who wins or loses this election. There is no winning or losing in a dimension without duality. In 5D, we are the leaders. Unity consciousness is the leader. We are leading this all together! Stop giving your and the collective power away to politics or 3D problems and conflicts. Choose wisely, what you dedicate your precious energy to. Focus on love, on all the good things happening around you. Keep feeling into the energies within you and surrounding you. Enjoy the loving ones, transmute the dark ones. We are all capable of doing this.
Nevertheless, don’t be surprised if you experience intensified pain during the next weeks. The geomagnetic activity is forecasted to be heightened during the last weeks of October. These storms can intensify our core wounds and will also help us to further integrate more light and transform our physical body and DNA. Spiritual experiences such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance are likely to increase. There is also a high chance of an increase in earthquakes during the next weeks, which can shake us up even more. Just stay calm, continue your wonderful work of embracing, allowing and grounding during this time and you will realize that you find back into balance quicker than ever before. All is well!
The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg
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