jueves, mayo 05, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Creating New Foundations to Thrive in Changing Times - May 5, 2016

Dear Ones,

There are moments in life when you need to acknowledge the power working through you and dedicate your lives to something greater. In times of challenge in life, it is especially important to remember what you are truly devoted to, and what is it that you are dedicated to experiencing. It is then that you can participate in creating a new foundation of well-being that allows you to resonate deeply within your heart with what brings you more fulfillment and grace-filled awareness.
When you focus on the world outside of you, it causes you to match its vibration. You find yourself speeding up on the inner levels, breathing more shallowly and perhaps making comparisons that do not create happiness or peace-filled responses.

Sarah Varcas - 6th / 7th May 2016: New Moon in Taurus - 05/05/2016

deep truth, personal truth, New Moon in Taurus, knowing the mind, conscious relationships

Absolutely Relative
Sarah Varcas

The Moon is new in the 17th degree of Taurus on 6th May at 7:31 p.m. U.T. In its darkness we encounter the creative tension between relative and absolute truths.
For those walking a spiritual path, realisation of absolute truth is key. Enlightenment, ascension, oneness with God, are all expressions of the quest to know intimately the ever-present, unchanging unified field of being. But we pursue this quest in a world replete with relativity. All things are conditioned by everything around it and little stands complete in and of itself. Whilst it may well be absolutely true that We Are All One, relative truth is rooted in egoic consciousness which experiences separation and individuality.
To live the spiritual life in the mundane world we must navigate these various levels of truth, knowing when and how to relate to them from the heart as well as the mind. Dismissing loneliness or pain as an egoic illusion overlooks the essential truth that all emotion is experienced at a relative level, where it needs to be honoured before it can be transmuted into the peace of the absolute. To claim that a desire to be treated with respect is ‘just ego’ ignores the fact that ego is the arbiter of relative truth and proportionally acts to protect us from harm and threat when operating in a healthy way.

Natalie Glasson - Mahatma - Advancing the Ascension of Your Physical Body - 5th May 2016

Greetings of cosmic vibrations, I am Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis and the overseer of the cosmic level, I am known as the Cosmic Logos. There are 352 levels of the Mahatma energy which spans throughout all the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. This means that there are 352 levels of my being and the same number of levels which compose your being. With this number in mind it seems more accessible to access all levels of your being and yet each dimension of the 352 levels is immensely expansive occupying vast aspects of the universe and your being. To explore one level of your being can take numerous lifetimes upon the Earth however the energy vibration the Earth is now resonating at is quickening which means your exploration of the levels of your being is speeding up. This signifies that you can explore so much more of your true self in a single lifetime, and also means y our body and auric field have to process more light, love and consciousness. If your body is not aligned fully with your soul then the increase of energy, light and consciousness being discovered, accepted and embodied can create challenges for your body.

52º ALCYON PLÉYADES - VIDEO NOTICIAS 2016: Avistamientos OVNI, Conspiraciones, Fenómenos Extraños

Ailia Mira (Meredith Murphy) - Desplegando La Línea Pura de Espíritu - 24-04-2016



Hola: Soy yo, Ailia, la anfitriona de la fiesta aquí, en Expect Wonderful.(Espera Lo Maravilloso)

¡Espero que ésta los encuentre relajándose de un fin de semana excepcional!

¿Qué tal un postre energético? Un poquito de dulce para ustedes, algo ligero y fresco para finalizar este día?

Me encantaría compartir con ustedes un nuevo mensaje canalizado del Consejo de la Luz Radiante. Los aliento a que lo lean lentamente. Sientan su ritmo.

AHORA es tiempo. Se quien eres.

AHORA es tiempo. Permítete ser libre.

AHORA es tiempo. Aléjate de todo lo que has conocido y permítete descubrir lo que ES.

Lo que ES es lo que es AHORA. Lo que es AHORA es relevante para ti.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Grupo Arcturiano - LOS NIÑOS Y GAIA - 02-05-2016

Queridos, les damos la bienvenida en estos tiempos cuando estados de conciencia nuevos y más elevados están volviéndose rápidamente la norma dentro de una mayoría creciente.
Muchos niños naciendo en este tiempo son en realidad Seres de Luz muy evolucionados que han venido no a resolver karma o limpiar energía personal, sino simplemente a asistir en el proceso de ascensión a través de la adición de su Luz.
Esto puede ser observado al volverse conscientes de muchos “niños prodigio” que parecen estar mostrándose en el mundo en este tiempo – niños lejos de ser considerados normales en inteligencia artística, y habilidades físicas.
En realidad ellos no son niños de Almas que han pasado a través de muchas vidas previas.

Blossom Goodchild - May 5, 2016

Hi once again … All set?
We are willing and always Happy to oblige in communications that allow for the upliftment and pleasure of the soul.
Many are Happy to catch the Happiness Bug and spread it as far as possible. In fact I am going to do a video for Happy Human Day (July 20th) which I thought ties in nicely with all you are speaking of lately. I am asking people to send in clips of them being Happy Humans … What do you think?
Dearest Lady … whatever one does … in any sense … to bring about Joy to themselves and ALL is always accepted in our realms of existence. For it is understood by now … we Trust … that anything that has the intent of LOVE and JOY running through its veins, serves the entirety.
Even a thought of Good Intention, although it may not be carried through into action, serves to assist the upliftment of ALL. Yet, to carry through to an action, multiplies the Energy and brings about CHANGE in Vibration.
Let it be understood too, that Vibration changes within /throughout every moment … every thought. Sometimes, it can be felt on a certain frequency that brings ecstatic Happiness and at others, it may feel like that of downheartedness. Never the less … Vibrational ‘pull’ is controlled by YOU.
You may enter into a situation where by the Energy of the room or a person is not ‘up to scratch’ with the one that YOU are ‘swirling within’. It can easily be that one allows themself to lower their frequency … or simply get ‘pulled in’ … to that lower ‘pool’ without consciously being aware. Before one knows it, they too, are thinking negatively … slumping about feeling sorry for themselves and uttering terms of ‘Why me? Why me’?

Sheldan Nidle - ….. los Nueve Sagrados de AEION…26-04-2016

1 Ik, 15 Kank’in, 12 Manik
Está llegando un punto en el que los Nueve Sagrados de AEION puedan dirigirse a vosotros y hacer una serie de anuncios muy importantes.
¡Dratzo! Se está haciendo un gran progreso para hacer llegar vuestras bendiciones a las cuentas bancarias adecuadas.
Los oscuros siguen intentando retrasar esta operación y en gran parte ha fracasado.
Sin embargo, ocurrieron varios avances clave. China comenzó el proceso para cambiarse a un estándar del oro con el anuncio del oro de Yuan en Shanghai.
Las jóvenes realezas de Europa aprobaron el cambio de enormes sumas de dinero y las antiguas familias de China transfirieron varios depósitos restantes de oro a sus posiciones finales.
Como veis, los pasos finales preliminares que se necesitan para repartir vuestras bendiciones se han cumplido, como se demostró por una serie de acuerdos especiales firmados por el tratado de todas las naciones en la última primavera.
Todo esto está actualmente en una línea de tiempo divina y nuestra flota está observando estrechamente este complejo conjunto de acciones.

BLOSSOM GOODCHILD – Deberán encontrarse a sí mismos ‘Sonando Verdaderos’ - 26-04-2016


Federación de la Luz: Deberán encontrarse a sí mismos ‘Sonando Verdaderos’…… Esta felicidad resonará y “golpeará” a otros que están en necesidad de llegar a sentir lo mismo.
Blossom: ¡Whoop dee doo! Aquí estamos de nuevo… de Muy buen humor, listas para recibir con el fin de dar. Vamos por ello.
Federación de la Luz: En concordancia con aquello que elegimos dar… y por lo tanto, para muchos recibir, ofrecemos este día un reto… de todo tipo.
Blossom: Que interesante.
Federación de la Luz: Debe señalarse que en días futuros sus pensamientos generalizados han de ser de interés para los que no habían estado listos sino hasta estos días actuales… y con el fin de permitir la intriga; con el fin de despertar aquello que duerme en su interior… ¿podemos sugerir que un marco de tiempo para su Ascensión sea provocado?
Blossom: ¿Provocado? Tengo que ir a Google… “Estimular o dar lugar a (sin embargo, dice molestar, etc.) ¿Están seguros de que esa es la palabra que desean?
Federación de la Luz: No sería de nuestro interés o de nuestros SERES desear provocar ira… sin embargo, sí queremos decir, de hecho, “estimular o dar lugar a.”
Blossom: ¿Un marco de tiempo? ¿No le gusta trabajar con ‘nuestro tiempo’?… Estamos pisando un terreno muy poco fiable tan temprano en la pieza, ¿no es así?

Christine Day - A Pleiadian Message: The Joy of Homecoming - May 1, 2016

Beloved ones, we greet you. The winds of change move across your Earth plane on yet another level at this most powerful juncture of your journey. The dimensional settings within the energetic core of your planet are being recalibrated to enable you to move beyond aspects of the illusion that have been preventing you from being able to align and stabilize into Truth. This shifting element is bringing you one step closer to a self-realization experience, to your Higher Realm reality of home.
This whole energetic transfer is designed for your individual homecoming process. This transfer energy is enabling you to create tremendous shifts within your world. You have been waiting to align to this destiny moment of dimensional change. There will be necessary requirements for you to align into this changing profile by allowing this energy to move you naturally through the moment-by-moment experiences in your daily life.
Know that by letting go, and simply meeting this energetic setting, you will find a deep fulfillment within as you are moved to each expanded experience of the moment.
Claiming the moment
As you reach forward into each experience with your awareness, you are actually claiming the fullness of the moment as yours. The process of you choosing is how you can achieve this opening into the full multi-dimensional moment. Through the use of the Conscious Breath, you are claiming and opening up into what is yours; this opens you into your natural experience like unwrapping a gift. The full process involves you surrendering into the moment of your experience.

Mike Quinsey - “viajeros expertos” - 22-04-2016

En vuestros viajes sobre la Tierra habéis atravesado muchas experiencias en niveles muy diferentes, y ahora sois “viajeros expertos” y preparados para dar el salto al siguiente nivel.
Queridos, estáis llevando con buen juicio la presente situación en la Tierra, manteniendo vuestra mirada en la Ascensión.
Se acerca más cada día que pasa, pero aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer antes de que se convierta en vuestra realidad.
En este periodo que se cierra habrá mucho que hacer para que ayudéis a los que están en primera línea de los cambios.
Los secuaces de los Oscuros aún tienen suficiente poder para evitar que sepáis la verdad completa, pero ésta llegará a pesar de sus actos.

MATTHEW WARD – El NESARA auténtico - 20-04-2016

El NESARA auténtico debía ser anunciado en todo el mundo y entrar en vigor el 12 de septiembre de 2001.
Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew.
Comenzamos por abordar el tema que la mayor parte de sus preocupaciones expresadas se refieren al reseteo financiero global.
¿Cuál es su propósito, que hay detrás de él, y cómo va a afectar a sus cuentas bancarias e inversiones?
Si bien no hemos utilizado el término más acuñado recientemente “reseteo financiero global ” hace varios años comenzamos a hablar de lo que es- el cambio de su sistema monetario actual, que no tiene fundamento alguno, a un sistema basado en metales preciosos.
También dijimos que el proceso de transición será manejado de la mejor manera posible para minimizar la interrupción de los servicios financieros y cualquier persona cuyo dinero se ha ganado honestamente he invertido no hay que tener preocupaciones.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización Federación Galáctica y la Jerarquía Espiritual - …prepararos para lo que va a llegar - 19-04-2016


…este gobierno está ya solo y se está aislando cada día más ……..prepararos para lo que va a llegar.

7 Men, 8 Kank’in, 12 Manik
¡Dratzo! Vuestro mundo se está acercando lentamente a la divina resolución de la inevitable bancarrota de USA & cía.
El régimen americano ha hecho lo posible por evitar lo inevitable.
Pero ha llegado el momento de que se manifieste el importante cambio gubernamental del mundo.
La cantidad de artimañas y de abiertas mentiras han hecho su recorrido finalmente.
La continua obstinación a cambiar del régimen americano no puede continuar.
Ya hay demasiados gobiernos que se han ido de su lado.
Demasiadas economías importantes han abandonado su causa.
De hecho, este gobierno está ya solo y se está aislando cada día más de los que antes fueron sus amigos y aliados durante mucho tiempo.

Kryon "Wo and The Salt Mine of Spirituality" 2016

Impresionante Red de Túneles Ocultos Recorren Todo El Planeta

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 05/05/16

miércoles, mayo 04, 2016

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 5-6-16 - May 4, 2016

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Friday, May 6 at 1:29 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

An earthy, robust day for having great gratitude for what is different and moving in your life. Celebrate your gifts and be inspired by what you can taste, feel and exchange with others. This is a good day to put your hands into the earth and do some planting either physically or symbolically.

Bury the past and face the future with your own values, your own intuition, and your own trust. Ask for our great ally, pachamama, mother earth, to nurture those seeds and help you and your new intentions to grow into the most beautiful blooms.

This retrograde time is full of “two steps forward, one step back” experiences. It is important that you honor the step back and use the opportunity to change the game and improve something instead of seeing the step back as a limitation, frustration or nuisance. Relax, keep your eye on your goal and use this great time of going within wisely.



Lisa Transcendence Brown - Unconscious or Conscious... Human Self or Master Self... Merging AS Your Higher Selves Again - 5/4/2016

You can embrace beauty, magnificence, openness, opportUNITY and love or you can hold on to fear, struggle, fight or passive resistance/protection mode....

You can exist in PEACE and hold the higher vibrations intentionally or live in chaos from inside

You can open up to share or try to shut down, keep "it" for yourself, try to hide....

You can be generous or hold back

You can Step UP or Step Off

You can BE LOVE or you can try to pretend

You can SEE the beauty in all and utilize this or waste

You can expand your awareness or contract down and try to go back to sleep

You can experience TRUE UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE in every moment or you can live in lack

Benjamín Fulford - 02-05-16. ¿Es hora de que Francisco confiese su participación en la guerra sucia de Argentina y renuncie?

04 May

(Traducción: en la casa “Conversaciones sobre la deuda de EEUU”, el oso es el arrendador y les dice que le deben el alquiler, del artículo en: http://it15.net/2016/01/01/china-usa-economy/ )

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/05/02/is-it-time-for-pope-francis-to-confess-to-involvement-in-argentine-dirty-war-and-resign/

Tanto los illuminati gnósticos como los militares estadounidenses han dicho a la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco que Francisco debe renunciar debido a su amistad con el ex dictador argentino Jorge Videla y a su implicación en la guerra sucia en Argentina. Las fuentes están de acuerdo en que la renuncia será el detonante de una serie de cambios drásticos en la forma en que se gobierna este planeta. “Ellos van a escribir sobre esto miles de años a partir de ahora”, predice el gran maestre de los illuminati gnósticos “Alexander Romanov”.

Romanov también dijo que el jefe mafioso jázaro Heinz (Henry) Kissinger había muerto y que no había nadie para reemplazarlo en la estructura de poder jázaro. Nos han dicho muchas veces en el pasado que “Kisssinger está muerto” sólo para que después lo vea todo el mundo poco después de que se publicase la información. Por lo tanto, Sr. Kissinger, si usted todavía está vivo, por favor, aparezca en algún lugar público para ser fotografiado y filmado. Si él realmente está muerto, sin embargo, esto sería un gran avance, porque Kissinger ha sido el hombre detrás del secuestro durante 60 años por parte de la mafia jázara de los fondos destinados a ser utilizados en beneficio de este planeta.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - May 2016 Energy Report


Presentado por la Dra. Suzanne Lie 

He hablado sobre esta importante investigación antes. Por eso, he hecho ahora una “hoja de estudio” para ella. Es el AHORA en el cual las frecuencias superiores de Luz están entrando en la glándula pineal y cursando a través de nuestros cuerpos para activar este “ADN basura”, el cual es en realidad la llave para volverse el Cuerpo de Luz. 

martes, mayo 03, 2016

Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video).mp4

Sheldan Nidle - May 3, 2016

6 Manik, 0 Moan, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! At present, the movement of critical funds has slowed in order to be carefully protected by new security protocols. The Chinese ancient families are worried since a number of incidents are occurring that threaten the continued flow of funds. The dark cabal is doing everything possible to interfere with this growing flow. The attack on SWIFT, coupled with a general increase in the number of vital “hacks” into the money supply, is temporarily compromising overall security. For these reasons, the process caused the ancient families to order a slowing of the movement of these funds. This hold was only for a brief 48-hour period and was quickly put back into place. It is believed that this precaution led to a positive set of new countermoves, which recaptured any funds somehow lost during this period of brief stoppage. These measures enabled any difficulties to be met with new strategies, which allow these funds to be transferred from point to point in a much more secure way. Any difficulties are thus being quickly met and conquered!

Suzanne Lie - Buried and Forgotten Research - 5-2-16

Añadir leyenda
Presented by Suzanne Lie

I have talked about this important research before. Therefore, I have now made a “study sheet” for it. It is the NOW in which the higher frequencies of light are entering our Pineal Gland and coursing through our bodies to activate this “junk DNA,” which is actually the key to becoming our Lightbody SELF.

The below research has “disappeared” from mainstream literature. Thus most of us have been denied this important information because the powers of darkness have taken a chokehold on most of our media. Therefore, we must go into the past the find our future:

In 1987, at the same time that the holographic research was taking place, Malcolm Simons, M.D., immunologist, and founder of Genetic Technologies in Australia, could not believe that evolution would be so wasteful as to make 97 percent of our DNA junk.

Kryon "Akashic Soul Communication" 2016

lunes, mayo 02, 2016

John Smallman – Jesus - You who are Reading or Listening to this Message are not Doing So by Chance – 5-2-16

Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond.

More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment. Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion.

Something Big is Happening Worldwide! (2016-2017)

Benjamin Fulford 5-2-16… “Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign”

Posted by benjamin, May 2, 2016

The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”

Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information. So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.

Brenda Hoffman - Are You Feeling the Void? - May 2, 2016

Dear Ones,

Are you feeling the concerns that arrive with any void? Feeling that nothing is happening while, in truth, so much is.

Your inner physicality is shifting in ways you likely cannot yet believe, nor can medical science yet detect with current technology. In a bit of time, you will note news stories here and there that discuss ‘strange’ people with more DNA strands than expected. And you will read of medical miracles that seemingly have no reason to be – within current science knowledge and technology.

But for now – with no indicators other than maybe feeling exhausted or with a few other physical indicators that something is happening despite you not knowing or understanding – such is so.

domingo, mayo 01, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - May 2016 Energy Report

You may be wondering whether anything is going to happen this month, if you have been reading various reports about the unusual amount of retrograde activity that is occurring now. But before you think you will give May a miss because nothing important is going to happen, think again because all of the retro activity is an invitation to engage in, not retreat from, our own empowerment and to do that final energetic housecleaning that we may have been putting off. May offers many gifts, some of them hidden, others very obvious. It’s a month to dig deep and fly high, as the past, present, and future will all be features on the ascension horizon, and if we’re paying attention we could reap some big benefits this month.

Sarah Varcas - May 2016 Astro-Energy Report - 01/05/2016

Intuition, Intention and Insight
Sarah Varcas

May begins with five planets retrograde (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) and ends with three (Mars, Saturn and Pluto). Reflection and receptivity are key to how this month unfolds. There will be great motivation to honour the truth, make decisions that serve it well and reflect our deepest knowing, no matter the immediate cost of doing so. Success in those endeavours that truly reflect the deeper purpose of our lives is well aspected. This is not instant success, but progress into a more authentic life for those with the courage and resolve to take the plunge.

Our spirits are being strengthened for the long haul. Iron woven through our soul. We may receive intense visions of how life could be and the world along with it, for good and ill. The veils between worlds and realms are thin this month and many may pick up on information, experience and vibration otherwise out of reach. If we’re used to such experiences they will be stronger and more vibrant. If new to us they may be unsettling in their accuracy and accompanied by the desire to write them off as meaningless coincidence. But they will only be meaningless if we choose to make them so. If, however, we decide to watch and learn, allow the breadcrumb trail of clues lead us where they do, we may discover some truly astonishing connections and unearth information that could change our life if we let it.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Re-Enciendan Su Conocimiento (18) - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana Columbus, Ohio - 9 de Abril de 2016

Saludos, queridas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético. 

Lo hemos dicho antes.  Solo hay damas presentes aquí.  En el futuro habrá muchos de otro género escuchando, pero aquí solo está el género femenino.  Queremos que no hagan caso del hecho de que oyen una voz masculina. Hablo a través de mi socio.  Es un tiempo precioso; le pido que se vaya, no que se haga a un lado.  Él escuchará la canalización más tarde: aquí no hay secretos; es simplemente en homenaje a lo femenino.  La Fuente Creadora no tiene género, y sin embargo su naturaleza sin género está realmente más sintonizada con lo femenino que con lo masculino.  Como ya dijimos antes, en este planeta, del género femenino son las que dan a luz; como dadoras de vida, su intuición es más elevada, y su conexión con la Fuente Creadora es más rápida.  Esto debería por sí solo mostrarles y probarles que miles de años atrás, en el comienzo de todas las cosas, cuando hubo un tiempo en que tuvieron la opción entre luz y oscuridad, comprendieron lo que significaba la Fuente Creadora y de dónde venía, esto debería mostrarles por qué fueron las mujeres las que llevaron la antorcha de la divinidad.  Es intuitivo, absolutamente intuitivo.  Es casi como ver a la mujer y verlo como natural; hoy en día miran lo femenino en el planeta y dicen: ellas son las que dan a luz, es lo natural; es automático.
También les hemos contado que en aquel tiempo su ADN funcionaba en un nivel mucho más alto de eficiencia; la consciencia era más alta cuando comenzaron; bajó unos pocos niveles: más que unos pocos; durante miles de años con libre albedrío, eso fue parte de la causa para que ocurriera el cambio en los géneros y los hombres tuvieran hoy el control de casi todo lo que es espiritual.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Encarnación del AMOR: Fase de Revelación - 25 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Aquí estamos del otro lado de esa robusta experiencia de eclipses, castigados pero más sabios….y por Dios, qué experiencia ha sido esta. 
Por primera vez quise regresar a ella realmente…porque de alguna forma se sentiría mejor😳¿? estando dentro del portal del nacimiento que arrojados a la intensidad que me esperaba del otro lado.  Tumultuoso o no, cada uno de nosotros ha sido alterado en formas fundamentales….al punto que todavía no comprendemos totalmente lo que significa.
Abril es siempre un mes de transición obvia, tanto interna como del mundo que nos rodea. Es tiempo de quedar suspendido entre realidades, de despojarnos de nuestra vieja piel y de historias a la vez avanzamos hacia la intuición de una nueva verdad a un nivel más profundo. Muchas almas también utilizan esta poderosa ventana energética de transición (literalmente) para su salida física, así que todos estamos soltando profundamente de una manera o de otra. 

Sarah Varcas - 28/29 de Abril – 22 de Mayo 2016: Mercurio Retrógrado en Tauro - 27 Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Magia Misteriosa
Mercurio se estaciona retrógrado a las 5.15 pm UT el 28 de abril en el grado 24 de Tauro. Formando una alineación con Urano, Eris, Quirón y la Luna, este paso de Mercurio promete exponer verdades, revelar piezas perdidas del rompecabezas y ofrecer lo que necesitamos para el equilibrio de la mente y el espíritu. En Tauro, Mercurio busca certeza y hechos, prefiriendo evitar el mundo más efímero de fantasía e imaginación. Favorece la comunicación clara y la expresión de pensamientos y sentimientos que han tenido su tiempo para filtrarse a través de los muchos niveles de ser antes de la articulación. Si la vida ha sido algo engañosa últimamente, planteando cuestiones con las que no hemos podido lidiar satisfactoriamente, este paso del retrógrado de Mercurio ofrece esperanza en la forma de nueva información, oportunidades hasta ahora ignoradas y algún sentido común para anclar el discernimiento. 

Jennifer Hoffman - Honren el Dolor, Entreguen La Fuente del Mismo - 28 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada acción e intención crea un desenlace de dolor o libertad. El dolor es resultado de una desalineación energética entre la intención y la alineación y entre la realidad y la verdad. La libertad existe cuando las energías están alineadas y congruentes, resonando en la misma frecuencia energética y fluyendo dentro de la misma intención, enfocado singularmente en un desenlace particular. Los desenlaces que causan dolor suceden cuando la verdad de una situación es reemplazada con la esperanza y la realidad actual se confunde con el potencial. Cuando honran el dolor y reconocen cómo se creó pueden entregarlo a su fuente y pueden realinearse con su verdad y con los potenciales que son una verdadera posibilidad y no un deseo. Pueden sanar el dolor sólo si entregan la fuente del mismo. 

Kara Schallock - Expandiendo la Divina Femenina - 25 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González 

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Aunque la fusión de la Divina Femenina y el Divino Masculino es importante para el equilibrio, ahora la Divina Femenina necesita atención, apoyo y cuidado. Recuerden que la Divina Femenina es Fuente y tiene esencias de recibir, ser, permitir, fluir y otras cualidades yin. Al honrar nuestra Divina Femenina ayudamos a elevar nuestra propia conciencia y la global, porque la vibración y poder de la Fuente/Divina Femenina aumentan al enfocarnos en ser la Divina Femenina, y así ayudamos a traer la conciencia de ella a la tierra. Presten atención a quien se acerca a ustedes ahora, porque está respondiendo a su Fuente de Luz de la Divina Femenina y reconozcan que están portando los Códigos del Alma de la Fuente para que puedan despertar y/o empoderar los códigos dentro de los demás. Los que se acercan a ustedes no antagonizan ni resisten la conexión, no hay antagonismo involucrado. No hay emociones de tratar, controlar u otras basadas en las emociones, porque el Flujo es la forma de la Divina Femenina.    

Brenda Hoffman - Amar la Tierra, Amarse a Sí Mismos - 25 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Ahora experimentan muchos cambios internos sin saber que esto está ocurriendo. Quizás noten cambios en su preparación o elección alimenticia. Quizá los amigos estén cambiando, entrando y saliendo de su vida. Son indicadores menores de enormes volcanes – y esa es la palabra correcta – de lo que está sucediendo en su interior.

Han avanzado a lo largo de muchos cambios desde que comenzaron esta transición hace eones. Este cambio, este volcán, está directamente relacionado con la tierra. Porque a medida que la tierra cambia también lo hacen ustedes. Algo señalado antes como preparación para el ahora.

Quizás se sorprendan con nuevos intereses y acciones. Pero entonces, quizás no tienen indicaciones de que están cambiando de la manera que lo hacían antes cuando la tierra estaba en otros lugares.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message - May 1, 2016

Dear Ones, we welcome you in these times when new and higher states of consciousness are rapidly becoming the norm within a growing majority. Many children being born at this time are actually very evolved Beings of Light who have come not to resolve karma or clear personal energy but simply to assist the ascension process through the addition of their Light.

This can be observed as you become aware of the many “child prodigies” that seem to be showing up in the world at this time–children far ahead of what has been considered normal in intelligence, artistic, and psychic abilities. In reality there are no children for every soul has been through many previous lifetimes. Allowing the soul in a child body to evolve into their own person is the sacred task of every parent or caregiver.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - May 1-8, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Many of you have been experiencing the feeling of sadness and observing these old emotional patterns from moments of time in your past life experience and it is good to see that you are becoming more proficient at just noting and releasing these moments as something of the past instead of dwelling in those old energies yet again. Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! You may also have noted that these memories are those that have been buried deeply in your consciousness which go back further to more youthful experiences. This means that the cleansing of your cells is working more deeply than ever before. Let it through and intend to replace these with the pure white Light of the Christ energy.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 01/05/16

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - May 1, 2016

Dear One,

You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

The truth is that there is an increase in the energy of the Earth's vibrational field. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do. And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you. Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas.

sábado, abril 30, 2016

¿Qué Está Pasando? Lagos y Ríos Desaparecen en Todo el Mundo

Selacia - Accelerate Your Ascension in May 2016 - April 30, 2016

Connecting with Wesak Season Blessings
by Selacia
The month of May can be a very potent time with Wesak season blessings in the air and more energetic support for connecting with spirit and your inner wisdom. Yes, we are in review mode because of both Mars and Mercury being retrograde. That review however can be just the catalyst needed to break free of longstanding limitations! In this article, I'll outline a few ways you can use the May energies to accelerate your ascension, propelling your enlightenment to a whole new level.

viernes, abril 29, 2016

Christine Meleriessee - MASTER THOTH ~ THE SYNCHRONICITY OF LIFE - April 29, 2016

Master Thoth teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist the Mirror of the Self to be clearer: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

I Desire to Be the Mirror of Myself in All that I Am, Do, Relate, and Act Upon ~ Master Thoth

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain and the Andromedans - Supporting Transformation Cycles - 28th April 2016

It is with a focus upon high frequencies of transformation that we, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, join our energy and consciousness together to be of service to you.

Have you noticed that with your continued focus upon receiving love, embodying love and expressing love that you are experiencing a constant process of transformation? Love transforms your being by encouraging you to let go of all forms of illusion you are holding onto to reveal the greater light, truth and love within your being. While the letting go of illusion through spiritual practices and physical circumstances can be challenging it is often more challenging to allow yourself to realise the truth arising once the illusion has been dissolved. Often it is the process of embodying the realisations within which can create inner resistance. The easiest way to allow processes of love, transformation, the release of illusions and the gathering of truth to take place is through acceptance and surrendering. When you accept that as a being you are constantly transforming and that transfor mation is a natural pathway for you then you begin to realise that every experience in your reality is to support your transformation. From a seemingly negative experience to a blissful experience, all are arriving in your reality with divine timing to allow your inner transformation and blossoming to take place. This also encourages you to realise there is a purpose for every situation and experience. It is the same for circumstances worldwide, all are opportunities for humanity to transform, to truly begin to embody love. When you have the focus of receiving, embodying and expressing love, even when you are achieving this it is only a focus or an intention. In order for you to truly embody love there is a need to release that which hinders the love labelled transformation and dissolving illusions. Then the truth which already exists within you will manifest thus the desire for embodiment becomes the experiences of embodiment from the truth within.


Beloved masters, all of Creation expands from the Heart Core center of the Supreme Creator outward. The closer you are drawn toward the Core Center of Creation, the more God Power and radiance you will possess. As you progress on the path of higher Self-awareness as a shining Being of Light, you will embody more Sacred Love, and a joyful, serene demeanor, along with an intense desire to be of service to others, will prevail.


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to discuss being fully present.

Being fully present in the moment is very important. Waves of higher frequency energy are continuing to reach your planet. This offers you an opportunity to move forward on your ascension path as well as to be of service to humanity and your planet.

When you are fully present, you have your attention in the present moment. You are not reminiscing about or reviewing the past, nor are you planning for the future. You are not distracted by what else you could be doing. You are fully focused on where you are at the moment and what you are doing. If you are talking to someone, your attention is focused on them and what they are saying. You are aware of your immediate environment. You are in the moment.

Patricia Cota-Robles - MAY 2016 IS INITIATING ANOTHER QUANTUM SHIFT - April 29, 2016

May 2016 is initiating another quantum shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I know that those words will create some anxiety and even a little resistance in many people since it seems that every time we go through one of these major opportunities to move forward in the Light the events in our lives become more intense. In anticipation of that response, the Company of Heaven is reminding each and every one of us that we have been preparing for many lifetimes to not only withstand, but to God Victoriously accomplish this unparalleled Divine Plan for Planet Earth.

The Ascension process we are experiencing at this time has never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never has a planet that has fallen to the depth of separation and duality the Earth fell to been given the opportunity to move forward in the Light in such a short period of time. We are truly in uncharted waters, but you and I and every other person on Earth already have all of the skill, knowledge, strength, courage, and heart commitment we need to accomplish whatever it is that we have volunteered to do during these Cosmic Opportunities. That is true, or we would not have been allowed to embody on Earth during this auspicious time. Keep that profound Truth in the forefront of your heart and mind and KEEP ON KEEPING ON! Ask your I AM Presence to take full dominion of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and you will be guided unerringly through this difficult, but most wondrous, personal and planetary transformation. The time for you to fulfill your unique facet of the Divine Plan is NOW!

Lena Stevens - May 2016 Monthly Forecast - April 29, 2016

We have survived the energies of April (some of us barely) and are now facing a new game, a new dream, new possibilities, a new sense of self and a lot of unknown. Just as powerfully as April shook things up, May provides us with a potent opportunity for changing our game and moving into that new dream we all so desperately want. For some of us it will require a leap of faith and for some simply a willingness to allow new things into our lives in a new way.

This will take a great deal of trust as well as discipline in eliminating any attachment to old ways of thinking, judgment, and doubt. The most important lesson this month is to trust and allow your life to be supported in unfolding in a very new way, one that you are not familiar with but you welcome and receive. It is helpful to keep a “don’t know mind” and to trust that all is manifesting as it should. It is also important that you notice your expectations and assumptions that lead and lock you back into old experiences from the past.

Anna Merkaba - Sirian High Council – Transitional period of the beholder Next 16 Months (April 2016 –August 2017) - April 29, 2016

Greetings everyone, before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.

As many of you are aware a lot is happening at the moment. With recent planetary alignments we are being ushered to take action, rearrange our life, perhaps take a step backwards and examine what we have accomplished thus far, preparing for the leap that waits ahead. Preparing for tremendous changes coming our way. Invoking our true essence and heart’s desire. Making changes. That is the theme for the next several months – change.

Ron Head - The Council - What do you see when you look in the mirror? - April 29, 2016

We will discuss today a subject that seems necessary as we see you, in some instances, losing focus and hope, as you do not perceive in your surroundings the things for which you have been hoping. Let us point out some of the things that you have missed or not placed enough importance upon.

You want to see a great and lasting change burst upon your world, solving all of the perceived problems that you observe around you. Stop and think for a moment how very catastrophic that could be in the short term. Your higher selves, those with whom we work constantly, agree with us, in fact have requested, that while these changes are necessary, it will be far better for all concerned if they are brought about in a much more gradual manner. We have spoken of this before. This slower implementation of the changes, because of the importance that you correctly place upon them, and because of the perceived slowness of the passing of time in their regard, is causing many of you to think that nothing is happening when the truth is that everything is happening. We have also said thus before.

Mahala - Planet Alert May 2016 - April 29, 2016

Welcome to the beautiful month of May, I just love this month. My rhododendrons are in full bloom and they are gorgeous. I have light pink ones, two bright pink ones, a white one, and two bright red ones. I also have two purple ones that are not in full bloom yet. They make my yard look very beautiful. No wonder Mother’s Day is always celebrated in the month of May when so many flowers are in bloom.

Mother Earth is in a birthing process right now. A friend of mine named Mona Delfino channeled for me last week and what she said is very beautiful. She said that Mother Earth is in a rebirth process right now from the core of her Being and the core is in the process of polarizing itself to become aligned with the Universe in a different way.

jueves, abril 28, 2016

Suzanne Lie - MENSAJE DEL CUERPO DE LUZ - parte 2 - 20-4-16

YO SOY tu Cuerpo de Luz aquí para darte otro mensaje. Han aprendido que "no es el cuerpo que hace al Alma, sino el Alma que hace el cuerpo". Si saben esto, saben que ustedes son lo "suficientemente buenos" para liberar sus hábitos y adicciones de su vida tridimensional. 

De hecho, saben que son lo "suficientemente buenos" para regresar a su SER del Cuerpo de Luz, quien soy YO. Regresar al Cuerpo de Luz no es un proceso de aprendizaje, trabajo, sacrificio y disciplina. Esos conceptos son la perspectiva del ego/ser. 

miércoles, abril 27, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Your NEW Sense of SELF--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie - 4-27-16

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ones,
There are many initiations that accompany ascension. Because you are not concerned with your personal ascension and are working for Gaia, there are certain dispensations that are available. For one thing, because you have put the needs of the planet before your personal needs you consciousness will greatly expand, as will the scope of your creative sharing.
We the Arcturians are commending you because many of you have not taken your “time” to commend your self. We want to remind you that there is no “conceit” in the higher frequencies. In fact, the dark ones created the concept of “conceit,” so that people would not understand and accept their own higher abilities.  
We want you to know that the darkness is losing its choke-hold on the people. Many people on your world were never aware of the dark underbelly of their country. All they knew was what the propaganda on the television and public media told them.  

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Hearing the Voice of Spirit - The Dark and Light Balance - 20 February, 2016 at Sarasota, Florida

Greetings, dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The energy of the day is so different than when my first experience took place with my partner. So much has taken place in the way we expected. My partner teaches about potentials verses reality, and when I met him in 1989 the information I presented was as real then as it is now. I told him that there would be no nuclear war at the millennium; there would be a change of consciousness instead and that the magnetic grid of the planet would move. Now science has established a connection between Human consciousness and that very grid I spoke of. Everything I mentioned has taken place.

What I present next is one of the most esoteric things you can imagine: I will tell the story about free choice and where it has taken you and about Human consciousness development. It's not complex, but if you just tuned in, it may be a little strange.

Humanity has free choice, not just to do what it wishes to do without intervention from Spirit, but it also decides where it takes itself and the energy and level of its own consciousness. Humanity decides how it works and thinks and if it cooperates with itself or not. This is the free choice of humanity. This entire free choice puzzle is not a test of the Humans, but rather it is a test and battle between dark and light.

We have told you that your soul is eternal and that you live over and over and over. Your life experiences on this plant are vast and many. Do you think it's possible through many generations that you might be able to raise yourself from your bootstraps, increase the consciousness of humanity, and graduate into that which is peace on Earth? If so, it would require a totally different paradigm of existence. Can you change this much? I came in 1989 because that is the exact potential now, and it's measured by something that I will now speak of.

Benjamín Fulford - 26-04-16. La guerra híbrida continúa con la destrucción de bases militares subterráneas japoneses mientras la mafia jázara está bajo ataque en todo el planeta - 27 Abril, 2016


Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/04/26/hybrid-war-continues-with-japanese-underground-military-bases-hit-as-khazarian-mafia-under-attack-around-the-planet/

La batalla por el planeta Tierra ha dado un giro dramático con la destrucción de las tres principales bases subterráneas japonesas, la aceleración de la búsqueda de oligarcas mafiosos jázaros, las negociaciones financieras de alto nivel entre el complejo industrial militar y las sociedades secretas asiáticas y más.

En primer lugar acerca de los terremotos: se da por hecho en grupos de chat de Internet japoneses que la reciente serie de terremotos en el sur de Japón eran todos terremotos artificiales. La evidencia presentada es que en todos los sismógrafos (los gráficos de los terremotos) se parecen a los terremotos causados por las explosiones con un shock enorme repentino seguido por réplicas disminuyendo constantemente. Ver los siguientes enlaces para ver evidencia de esto:




También hubo informes de una fuerte explosión como el ruido de los terremotos. Por otra parte, todos los terremotos tuvieron epicentros muy poco profundos, menores de 10 kilómetros bajo tierra, lo cual es muy raro en los terremotos naturales. Además de esto, el centro predicción de terremotos del gobierno de Japón dijo que había renunciado a la predicción de los terremotos debido a que no se ajustan a ningún patrón de terremotos naturales conocidos. El factor decisivo, sin embargo, fue que los epicentros de los tres grandes terremotos eran todos ubicaciones de bases militares japoneses.