Greetings everyone, before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
As many of you are aware a lot is happening at the moment. With recent planetary alignments we are being ushered to take action, rearrange our life, perhaps take a step backwards and examine what we have accomplished thus far, preparing for the leap that waits ahead. Preparing for tremendous changes coming our way. Invoking our true essence and heart’s desire. Making changes. That is the theme for the next several months – change.
For many this time may be turbulent and yet with everything that we have learnt thus far, all the seeming pitfalls, will instantly turn into phenomenal opportunities for us to partake of. What is important right now as it has always been is listening to your intuition, taking great care of your body, by giving it much needed rest and healthy nutrition when you are being prompted to do so, drinking plenty of liquids, paying attention to Liver and Gallbladder as well as your whole digestive track as at this time it seems to be clearing and cleansing the most for so many of you who come to me for a healing session.
However, no matter the turbulence know that we have accomplished a lot as a whole. This has recently been confirmed to me in a healing session that I was doing for one beautiful soul. Whilst preparing a report for her I started receiving a transmission, part of which I’d like to share with all of you today as I feel that it is pertinent for all of us to hear this:
“The connection to the heavenly abodes, the mother/farther god continuum, expanding further into the universal spiral of life, and with it and through it you are able to co-create a new universe and superimpose it onto the one that is presently occupying this time and space continuum. Know that you are not alone working on this endeavor. For not only is your GAIA expanding and changing her vibrations, but all of the universe in which GAIA and human souls dwell.
What this means for humanity is that not only shall they find themselves on a new earth platform but they shall find themselves in a completely new universe altogether. With a different set of decrees, laws and bylaws. With a completely new set of alternative energies, alternative healing modalities and abilities thereof, technological prowess which has not yet been seen on this very planet. For indeed the planet on which they shall finally arrive will not have been the same, for it is moving into a completely new uncharged territory, continuing her pilgrimage back home, to her natural state of being, of pureness.
Humanity of course shall not fully continue their journey with planet earth, for they shall be transported into a different dimensional reality and most importantly choose to leave this planet eons into the future. For this generation and those to come shall increase their vibration so much so, that it will absolutely be possible to translocate their physical vessels of time and space into a new continuum from which they shall be able to manufacture space crafts of such caliber and might as to take them into a different galaxy altogether. But all of this is yet to come, and shall occur eons into the future, providing that at this very moment in time, humans choose the path of freedom of thought, realigning with that which they truly are, as they continue to be supported and assisted by those of your caliber.”
Now having said this, here is a channeling that I have received from the Sirian High Council.

Melchizedek Reconnection Disc – Melchizedek’s Reconnection Device is imprinted with energies which assist all three of your subtle bodies to come into complete alignment, balancing out various energies and helping you to heal your body. This disc is The Healing Key, that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase your feeling of well-being, and neutralize negativity. The disc can be placed on specific points of the body for 10-15 min or so ,to bring relief. Keeping this tool near you also help ameliorate various conditions. To learn more please click on the picture above.
Transitional period of the beholder Next 16 Months (April 2016 – August 2017)
Unequivocally agreed upon actions of human consciousness have led to the unification of various polarities and revocation of various paradigms as the world shifts further into the chaotic order of things, new beginnings and prowess shall emerge from the very depth of your hearts and souls. New energies and realignments shall see you through the next few weeks, as you transition and reexamine all that you have accomplished thus far.
Sudden new directions and redirections shall occur for you now. Projects that have been worked on, may suddenly take a sharp turn in another direction or end abruptly altogether prompting you to let go of that which no longer works and fully attune yourselves with that which does. Directed by your higher selves in order to fully awaken to the truth of your life purpose and the recognition of the hidden potential therein.
No longer shall you be led astray from your life missions, as you shall diligently and urgently be rushed to make the necessary amends and to make the necessary changes in order to alight with your true souls’ purpose.
For the awakened ones the process shall be a swift one, for you shall immediately recognize the potential of a new direction, understanding and trusting that you are being led in the right direction for your soul. Albeit the temporary swift painful moments of saying goodbye to the project, relationship, idea that you have been working on, you shall be ignited with passion and assurance of high proportions that shall allow you to bypass all the” human paradigms “of misunderstanding of this redirection and allow you to move confidently further in your endeavors and development of your life mission and course and right action.
And so, in the weeks to come, much shall begin to swiftly change for many of you. Yet again will you be faced with various decisions that is bound to take you back into your past, and the memories of the past, the situations of the past shall once again arise for you to learn from, give gratitude to and finally release, taking only that which shall assist you moving into the future, whilst letting the rest fall away into the eternal abyss.
Nevertheless, having had the experience of liberation from outdated paradigms and freedom of thought you shall be able to easily maneuver through various obstacles, releasing every last drops of debris and forever saying goodbye to the triggers of yesteryear in order to move vigorously, confidently and assertively in the direction of your life’s purpose.
Various encounters with those of higher vibrations shall leave you wanting more and eagerly seeking the answers as to what you have just experienced or seen, many of these encounters shall prompt you to search for the answers, many of said encounters shall truly ignite your old passions, the passions and informational encodings that you have arrived with to this very planet. Many of these ignitions shall be the driving force behind the change of your life’s route course. As you are led “as if by the and” in the right direction for your life purpose.
Let it be known that you are being supported, and the seeming pitfalls, tribulations and rapid changes, are there in order to assist you in pushing you in the right direction for your life purpose. Know that the seeming road blocks, shall be placed upon your path for a reason, in order to sway you in the direction in which you surely must travel, as you shall be redirected and shown a “short cut” of sorts that shall lead you to the answers you seek. Success both in the material as well as spiritual is guaranteed for you now, only if you continuously listen to your intuition and make the necessary adjustments as swiftly as possible.
The time has come to fully awaken, and walk into your power. The time for action has indeed arrived, and you shall be aligned with the necessary steps allowing you to fully take control of your very own “destiny” swiftly changing and rearranging your life in order to align yourself with your very own blueprint for the next 16 months’ time. A very successful, rapidly changing time is approaching and you shall be guided urgently and prodded ahead into making the right decisions for your very own selves. And so, once again you shall be guided, provided for, and recalibrated throughout all the steps of your journey.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
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