viernes, abril 22, 2016
John Smallman - Saul - The Light of God’s Love shines brilliantly upon you dissolving all obstacles and misunderstanding - April 22, 2016
We are all one, if we were not we would not feel this intense sense of longing for relationship, to be connected, to be loved, to be seen, to be recognized, because to be truly separated would mean that there was no need and no longing or desire for connectedness. Oneness is our eternal nature from which we can never be separated. The sense of separation that almost everyone on Earth experiences is due to a sense of loss brought on by the lingering faint memory that all have of connectedness to Source.
You are One with Source, but in the game of separation that humanity is playing it seems that Source is an external Entity utterly removed from humanity, perhaps even unaware of humanity. And that is extremely painful for one who feels lost and whose only wish is to be eternally loved – and every human is that lost one, adrift in an ocean of Love and seemingly unable to access It.
Access is always available, but it requires you to release your hold on the illusory aspects of the illusion, namely, to name just a few: judgment, blame, guilt, envy, resentment, hatred, and any desires for restitution from those who have wronged you, or for their punishment.
Love is Love. Within It there is no space for anything that is not in complete alignment with It, because in Itself it is already utterly complete. All sentient life is complete because it is Love, and there are no exceptions to this. All the negative judgmental and condemnatory aspects of the illusion, and the other aspects that are in concurrence with them, are unreal and cannot enter into Reality, the only state of existence. What is unreal remains forever unreal, unseen and unacknowledged by Love because it is absent, not present, not anywhere.
For eons holy ones, mystics, guides, and prophets have come among you to inform you of this, and for eons they have been ignored or misunderstood. Finally, however, awareness that conflict, hostility, hatred, and a desire or intent to punish wrongdoers or enemies is self-defeating and does not work is being acknowledged by large numbers of humans in all parts of the world. As a result, at the grassroots level, choices are being made to come together in friendship with those of different beliefs, cultures, nationalities, and lifestyles, to discuss and identify the many areas in which they have the same needs and desires, and to understand the differences between them that lead to conflict in order to resolve them for the benefit of all.
What is occurring all across your beautiful planet at this moment in your spiritual evolution is truly amazing. Suddenly, over a few decades, people, who lived in constant fear of those who were in any way different from themselves, are coming together respectfully to honor one another in peaceful dialogue and to learn to understand each other’s customs and lifestyles so that humanity may be healed. Love heals, and all across the world people are coming together with the intent to love and heal each other. The collective intent has been made to accept and honor one another without exception, and so it will be achieved. Yes, of course there will be backslidings, and errors will be made, but the collective intent to heal one another has been made, and so worldwide healing of enmities and disagreements will be achieved.
And what is your task as a Light bearer, Light holder, or Light worker? Well, you do know, because you have been told and reminded so often, and it is to be loving in every moment and in every situation, knowing, as you do, that all are One, and that when you honor and respect this truth the Light of God’s Love shines brilliantly upon you dissolving all obstacles and misunderstandings, allowing peace to prevail.
However, to the vast majority of humanity, the illusion appears to be very real, and there is definitely great suffering being experienced all over the planet. It also seems that to be vulnerable and loving leaves one open to abuse and betrayal, and it can be clearly seen that abuse and betrayal have been endemic on Earth for eons. What has now entered humanity’s awareness is the realization that attempting to heal the people and the planet without changing the whole system of hierarchical governance which benefits only those at the centers of power cannot succeed. Continuing to use militaristic methods of problem solving that blatantly do not work to establish peace on Earth is clearly insane.
Those methods were devised to maintain the power in the hands of an oligarchy of major world powers that in turn supported sycophantic autocrats placed in strategic locations to control and enslave their respective populations. The latter would from time to time be overthrown by local revolutions giving the impression that people power could be effective, while at the same time ensuring that the oligarchy continued to hold the reins of power.
As education became available to greater and greater numbers of people, first through the invention of the printing press which led to large numbers of formerly illiterate peoples learning to read and exchange ideas, followed much more recently by instant worldwide communication becoming available to all, awareness of the hypocrisy in the rhetoric used by those in high places as they have struggled to maintain their positions of influence and power is now widespread.
There are now movements and organizations established all over the world that are working most effectively to build new smaller systems that will suit the needs of their own local communities and fill the void as the old system crumbles, as it is now doing, and then collapses. They are based on respecting and honoring the people they will be serving – in the true sense of that word – as they operate locally with proper understanding of local needs. The time of vast governments and international business conglomerates is coming to an end because it is clearly seen that they have been extremely damaging for humanity and the planet – enslavers and destroyers instead of guardians and mentors, humanity’s true rôle.
Change is in the air, and there are very few who are not to some extent aware that this is so. As enlightened groups of loving people all over the world continue to set up caring communities to assist in creating a New World where Love is the energy that flows creatively and harmoniously, all will find that they have an essential part to play and for which they will be truly honored. No one will be abandoned, left by the wayside struggling to adapt, because the sense of community that is growing worldwide will lovingly embrace all who are in need, ensuring that all are seen, acknowledged, and encouraged to take their place in the community of which they are members.
The Tsunami of Love is all-encompassing, all-embracing, and now fully established worldwide. When you make your daily or more frequent journey within, to your holy inner sanctuary, open your hearts W I D E so that the full intensity of Its Presence suffuses you with the warmth and certainty of your complete acceptance as a beloved child of God in an unchanging and eternal relationship with your loving Father.
With so very much love, Saul.
[Sorry there’s no audio, the mike is playing up!]
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Saúl-John Smallman