martes, abril 26, 2016
Sandra Walter ~ Emergence: Freedom, Creativity and Redesign of Self - Apr 26, 2016
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
For those on the Mastery journey, the completion of cave time is at hand. It is divinely timed with the completion of the second wave of 2016, which has elevated the energies consistently for the past six weeks and flows through the first week of May. After enduring eclipses, the Equinox, Easter, and a Cosmic trigger last week, we now emerge from the cave transfigured into a higher level of consciousness.
Mystery school initiates who have experienced Resurrection in past incarnations will find this state of consciousness more familiar. Wayshowers, Gatekeepers, and First embodiers are experiencing levels of consciousness that feel quite transcendent. Remember it is important to simultaneously surrender to it while recognizing how your service work is changing.
The waves of light will continue to push the Light Tribe into significantly higher and higher states of consciousness. The energy does not step down, ever again. Veils will thin, some souls will use the waves to step out of body. You may remember December’s Gatekeeper visions of thousands leaving this year. No judgment on who goes or how, Beloveds. We are all unified at the highest level of HUmanity; each soul has its role to play in opening us to Divine Love.
Emerging from the Cave
As we enter this beautiful phase of emerging from the cave, we have the divine opportunity to reevaluate and redesign our lives to suit our new level of consciousness. That applies to our services, our habits, our day-to-day activities, our location, our service work, and above all else – our creativity. As we embody more and more Source consciousness, our Creator In-Carnate skills are amplified. We learn to apply this creativity to every aspect of our lives. Recognize where old paradigm habits or service work no longer resonates with the trajectory of your new consciousness. Non-resonate habits (survival, looping, fear, doubt, anxiety, engagement with lower level programming) will cause disease, disharmony and discomfort in the body vehicle if you are calling forth an embodiment – and not following up with your actions.
Habitual programming must be discarded, that has been part of the ongoing process. However, in May we are taking everything that was learned in the cave, all of this transformational work of our Mastery journey, and reevaluating, redesigning and grounding it to suit the skills of the Higher Self, the higher state of beingness.
The New, The Next, The Now
Take note of how old belief systems no longer affect your new state of consciousness. Even with several planets going retrograde this week, from this higher perspective you can see the opportunity for redesigning your lifestream to align with the new self. This True Self is emerging from cave time and is eager to create, to serve, to surrender completely to this higher state of beingness. Renewal has become easy, graceful, simplified on our behalf. Everything becomes easier as we level up out of the density. Mastery is largely about getting out of the way of the Higher Self, and since we are doing this collectively it is available on a larger scale than ever before. For those following the Wayshowers, the only Mystery you need to solve is when are you going to choose to walk the higher path of Light.
The Christed or Unity state of consciousness is completely dedicated to service to others and the overarching mission of cosmic oneness. All thoughts, words and deeds will align with that state of oneness, as long as fears or doubts are actively discarded. Emerging from a year of transformation can be a time of great expansion. There is great power in your new beingness; power to build the new, not to break down the old (that happens automatically when you engage with higher light.) Can feel it in your heart center; the ever-constant flow of love and divine light? You become a pure conduit of the Oversoul of humanity itself, the mighty I AM Presence and beyond. That Presence is not concerned with the unfoldments of lower timelines – at all.
While our Mastery realities may seem to be more dreamy than those encased in the denser dream, understand that is merely a side effect of timeline resonation. Your moment to moment choices determine your timeline trajectories, and there are infinite combinations of choices. Understand that the Mastery journey of internal alchemy, of becoming this Solar beingness, a Sun of God, is happening right here, right now. It is attainable, and we are quietly, discreetly creating an evolutionary trajectory for HUmanity.
Exploring Mastery as One HUman Heart
After a deeply introspective passage, it is time to dream the new dream. Let us explore our Mastery skills to see what is presenting in the now moment; to explore what is new, as well as the skills we have recovered from our past journeys here. Our power is in our Unity, and the implementation of weekly unified meditations each Wednesday (the day of the heart) is demonstrating the realization of those new skills. We had six unified meditation sessions last week, and I received several messages about spontaneous healing, clearing, and deep activations of inner peace. Personally I felt a stronger sense of holding open the Ascension Gateways, including Mount Shasta, for others to experience more activation. The beautiful part is the simplicity: have the intention to unify in Divine Love, call forth the Christ consciousness, and serve as conduits for the higher light to do the rest. Effortless, boundless light. We welcome you to join us in stillness or use the Christ Light guided meditation each Wednesday at 8:11am PDT, 11:11 am PDT and 5:11pm PDT. Check my facebook, twitter or website for reminders.
Promise Kept: The Physical Experience
I had promised to share some of the more physical experiences over the last few weeks. A few observations on the bizarre and beautiful aspects of veil-lifting and Mastery:
Significant increase in the diversity of ET races in meditation and dream state. A lot of interaction with beings that I have not seen before. All positive, and very curious about our Christed transformation.
A Divine etheric connection with the elementals, kingdoms and Gaia as the Christ consciousness takes over. This leads me to believe that phasing into the higher realities is going to be practically seamless when the time comes for us to transition into that Christed timeline fully and completely (as opposed to walking between worlds as we do now.)
Hearing, feeling much higher frequency tones, and much louder. A complex mix of cosmic tones, light language, ringing, singing, which is consistent since the beginning of the year. My tones began 17 years ago, so a jump like this shows a significant increase in incoming codes. They are aimed at/picked up by the vagus nerve, which wraps around the back of the ear, which is why we *hear* these frequencies.
While I don’t like to dwell on the physical symptoms of Ascension, I will share that the intensity of the energies have really pushed the physical to the point of discomfort and fatigue latey. It is what it is, and we understand that evolving a body vehicle in one lifetime from carbon to carbon-silica is not an easy endeavor. I find that yoga, Earthing, Solar exposure, creative projects, hydration, green juice, mineral spring visits (or epsom baths) and restful time in nature have been helpful when the body feels beaten up. Some days are drowsy days, and I rest or meditate a lot. I learn to take advantage of the hyper-charged active energy days.
Dramatic increase in Solar light codes within the Ascension column, especially when expanding the torus to Source level. Blinding beautiful light! My pineal, crown and heart have been busy, busy, busy with expansion and light. Also having a stronger sensitivity to the incoming crystalline light codes (working my nervous system lately – ouch).
Clearer, stronger visions of expansion and resurrection. Still seeing many going through the Gateways. Consistent lucid dreams. Good for communication/interaction, staying centered and grounded with it.
Consistent unwavering Divine Love for all that is. The higher my vibration grows, the more telepathic I have become and the less I want to speak out loud. This is on my May redesign list for what is next.
A genuine excitement for coming out of the cave and realigning everything to this new level of light. As a Wayshower, I know it is my responsibility to show what is next, what is new. While we still use the tools available to communicate these things to the Tribe (articles, videos, books, radio), I AM excited to unify those who are embracing Mastery and demonstrate our higher capabilities. Not in an egoic miraculous healing or walk-on-water demo; that is not what this is about. Rather there is a collective unification in this silent presence, this subtle realm of divinity, this invisible angelic service of compassion. A gentle – yet powerful – amplification of this higher reality, which disperses the lower reality quickly and gracefully. If we may unify without ego, without the mind level agendas, we may direct our intentions to let Christ consciousness emerge and accelerate exponentially.
May: Celebration, Creativity, Emerging to the Next Level
May follows the consistent up, up and away pattern of 2016. Gaia Gridworkers: Stability will be necessary since so many are embracing this higher level of consciousness, which in turn alters the noosphere of Gaia, which means she will need to adjust and release as necessary. No one in the Light Tribe is preventing Earth changes (those delay tactics are reserved for lower consciousness), however it is our intention for this to unfold with as much ease and grace as possible. From this higher perspective, when we let our Higher levels take over, without any judgment of the external, with complete forgiveness, neutrality, humility and gratitude for the gift of getting to this state, we allow Source wisdom to use us as conduits for the highest outcomes.
It is with an overflowing heart that I congratulate the Mastery Tribe in enduring an extraordinary phase of our HUman evolution. We now move gracefully into the integration of what it means for us personally, shift where needed, and redesign with a new sense of freedom. Let us take a moment to recognize what it means to Gaia, the kingdoms, elementals, the Galaxy, the Universe and Source itself. Be content for a moment that we have progressed in our pursuit of peace; that we were capable of enduring, and continue to endure, transformation in the face of extraordinary odds, intense energetic shifts, with an unwavering dedication to the greater good.
On a personal level, I feel excited about what the next few weeks will reveal about this new Self. I already feel transcendent most of the time, so new thoughts and actvities are welcome in this next phase of our Ascension. Most of the time it feels like I AM going to transition any moment. That is freedom; cave time loosened the grip of the lower consciousness and we welcome the Higher Self to just take over. With our fears faced and dissolved, we won’t go back to what we were ever again.
As we come out of the cave, the new light can be blinding. We welcome it with an open-heart, open mind, and the wide-open blank book on which to write the story of the new HUmanity.
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Sandra Walter