martes, abril 19, 2016
Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 4-21-16 - April 19, 2016
Dear Friends,
Full Moon is Thursday, April 21 at 11:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
Reach out to your community today and have some quality fun and social time. This is also a good day to put yourself first. Do a ceremony or give yourself a gift. Unplug for a few hours and spend some time in beauty, being inspired and exploring the higher mind and new ideas.
Astrological Notes
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
Sun in Taurus ~ Moon in Taurus 2º
Thurs., April 21, 11:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Friday, April 22, 5:23 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
The Sun moves into earthy Taurus on April 19. The energy shifts; Venus becomes the ruling planet in Aries (20º). She’s our connection to pleasure, beauty, social graces and relationship. She’s now closely aligned with Uranus (21º) who’s not that into conventionality. (Eris is right there, too, 23º). So excitement, exploration, disruption, platonic adventure is helping us look through a new lens. We’re finding love, pleasure, connection in places where we never thought to look.
The T-Square is still active with Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. The spiritual practice you commit to now can make a big difference in your life. The Grand Trine with Pluto/Capricorn, Jupiter/Virgo and Mercury&Vesta/Taurus is still greasing the wheels of change as we begin to turn the wheel and move by increments out of Aries and more fully into Taurus. You can take a big risk and experience lots of support.
The month ends with Mercury joining the bandwagon and turning retrograde on Thursday, April 28 for the second time this year. It will appear to stop at 24º Taurus and regress until May 22 to 14º Taurus and will not fully regain its original degree again until June 7. Taurus wants us to figure out what we value, see where our loyalties lie, conserve our resources, and take a deep look at our self worth and self esteem. You may become aware of the stubborn, fixed, acquisitive aspects of yourself. Consider others. It’s a good time to slow down and turn to artistic, aesthetic pursuits and to really indulge in the pleasures of nature- so rejuvenating and revitalizing at this time.
All times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT):
04/21 Scorpio Full Moon 2º 11:23 PM MDT
04/28 Mercury retrograde 23º Taurus until 5/22
05/06 Taurus New Moon 16º 1:30 PM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Lena Stevens,