viernes, abril 22, 2016
Shanta Gabriel - Message from Archangel Gabriel for Earth Day - April 22, 2016
Dear Ones,
The Earth is an abundant and beautiful place for you to live. It is only on this planet that the ascension process is possible. It is only here and now in this accelerated time on this amazing planet that you have an opportunity to empower the Light of Divinity to work in your human form. This is something that was only possible for a few in generations past, but now a blessing available for every person on Earth.
Even though there is so much potential on the Earth, many are focused on the requirements for greater income and abundance in their lives. While a certain awareness of your needs is important, these essentials cannot be met when your focus is on the lack of what you need.
In life, there are cosmic and natural currents of energy. Bringing Alignment with these natural flows allows you to be greatly inspired and empowered in your life process by using the gifts that the Earth offers and aligning with Divine frequencies to bring Heaven to Earth through your body.
The natural downward flow of energy is a Manifestation Current designed to bring into your life all that is abundantly available in the Universe. We have described this as the Pillar of Golden Light.
There is also a natural upward Liberating Current. This flow of energy is designed to nourish you with the abundant resources of the Earth. As you are being fed by this current, you are magnetizing the resonant frequencies of natural, nurturing energy from the Earth into your bodies. We have called this Alignment with the River of All Creation.
When you are in alignment with these powerful universal energies, all your needs are met with Grace and Ease. From this place, you recognize that you are cared for abundantly at all times by the Divine Love that will never leave you and never ends.
You are experiencing a portal of time that is empowering you to slough off the density in your energy fields connected to old paradigms and patterns that cannot shift dimensions in your ascension process. Please know that you have so much assistance to make that happen through astrological events and connection to the Beings of Light that are working to lift the Earth’s vibrations at this time.
Let this Earth Day inspire you to join with others in a greater alignment with all that you truly want to manifest in your life. Always remember that you are never alone and you are cared for eternally. And so it is.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel