For the first time ever I found myself
actually wishing I could return to it…that somehow it felt better (?)
inside the birth portal than to be thrusted into the intensity that was
waiting for me at the other end.
Tumultuous or not, every single one of us has been altered in the
most fundamental ways…to the point that we still don’t completely know
what that means.

April is always a month of obvious
transition, both within and in the world around us. It is a time of
being suspended between realities, of shedding our old skins and stories
while beginning the intuitive foray into new, deeper level truth. Many
souls also utilize this powerful energetic window of transition
(literally) for their physical departure and so we have all have been
deeply letting go in one way or another.
With so much intense transformation in
so little time it is has been pretty difficult to determine which end is
up but from what I am hearing, that familiar ass-over-teacup feeling is
about to ground into something very productive.
If you are reading this then I am sure
you are aware that in just a few days we will be in quite an
extraordinary and rare celestial passage as FIVE planets will be
retrograde…at once. (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Pluto & Mercury) Not
knowing how to even process this I asked for a clearer understanding of
what this will mean for those of us who are deep in the throes of
What I was given was an image of a
bulldozer clearing mountains of rubble from a roadway with the
understanding that the next few months are going to provide us with
quite an assortment of supportive energies to move some BIG things out
of our way in order to clear the path to our new life and purpose…in
some pretty permanent ways. Ways that will serve to finally reveal our true nature.
It feels like we are being given a
really extraordinary opportunity to release, remove, reset, restructure,
resurrect so much from our past before we move into the second half of
2016. This reads like a housecleaning of the highest order…even if very
literally in that the deeper we descend into our bodies, the more
we inhabit our dwelling spaces which always prompts us to let go of more
stuff, to eliminate excess and to simplify.
For so many years we did not feel “at
home” in ourselves or on the planet and that transient feeling of being
between worlds has been reflected in our physical homes/living
situations and lives. But now, after carving out so much internal
space…dissecting & decluttering, detonating & dismantling our
entire human existence…we are now ready to create some serious external space, for our new Self to fill in.
So just like the Phoenix rising, we get to…erm…sweep up our ashes. Who knew.
In the bigger picture, because the new
reality system (grid) is now anchored (go team!) we too can finally
anchor…both in our bodies and in our true lives. We diligently
dedicated ourselves to building the foundation and framework for our new
life template, and now we will get to embody it.
And because we let go of so much
heaviness within, we can now more effortlessly…and with great
universal support…bring the world we inhabit into greater alignment to
more accurately reflect our hard earned lightness of BEing.
We seem to be headed for some very long-awaited cathartic moments…a monumental release of years, if not lifetimes, of spiritual imprisonment.
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