Repost - 8/10/2013
2nd Part of Communication received 8/11/13 (a.m.):
Lyran Energy of the Galactic High Council
Through Lisa "Transcendence" Brown
Higher Realm Frequency Bands exist within you as the sounds you hear in your head or ears.
There are certain times right now that they are more "open", if you will. They have always been present, yet you now are able to achieve the frequency in order to hear.
Close your eyes and imagine opening a portal within you. Your heart, solar plexus or pineal gland are all places you can "go" to do this.
Tune TO the frequency of LIGHT.
You can tune, just by thinking, seeing, speaking this in a deep state from within.
See the Light Frequency streams that connect you with all-that-is, with all others, also connected to the light grid.
These bands/streams/frequencies, if you will, allow for multi-way communication now, whereas in the "past", you transmitted out OR received, now you can transmit and receive at the same time. YOU limited this, yet this is no longer.
That too was dualistic, to see either/or. Yet now, this too merges within.
You will have to "work" with this new communication, to continue to expand it beyond that which you currently perceive.
Your antennae, if you will, go inward, not outward, and reach as far as your mind can comprehend.
These bands that you have been hearing is the "new" (forgotten) communication being built between all of you there, The Grid of Light, as you perceive it, together, as one, with all-that-is.
You are needed to intentionally connect to these streams.
At that point I asked: "What do I do"?
LHC: "You trust, be patient and wait. Honor all that you hear, see, feel in frequency. You translate. This is very important for those who cannot yet "hear".
So then I asked: What do WE do?
LHC: "You are being prepared for "The Rising". We need you to strengthen your communication in frequency. What you perceive as telepathy, is just you connecting & communicating as energy, as energetic beings. (Then they showed me us, as big crystals.) Those who cannot yet hear, are given rays of light to use to connect to (Sun Rays, Stars, etc.). If one does not know of this yet, just ask to receive this. Until you activate this, do not worry, just connect to the light that you can see, either inside of you or externally. For they are the same, the only difference is how you see. Tune to the frequency of nature, the ocean, of dolphins. You go wherever is sacred for you, outside or in. All hold a vibration that allow you to connect within. In or out doesn't matter. Again, they are the same.
I activate within me an upgrade in communication.
I hold within me the power to activate all within me in frequency.
I tune to the frequency of Higher Communication.
I tune, I activate, I hold this frequency within me.
I see in Light Communication
I speak in Light Communication
I receive in Light Communication
I transmit in Light Communication
They are not separate within me.
They are one and the same.
I activate Energetic Communication within me, as me & me as it. One.
I am an Energy Form
This is my natural way & form of communication
I am only re-activating that which I have forgotten to be
I activate my entire BEing as LIGHT ENERGY
I activate the Light Codes within me to upgrade my energetic communication.
Only when I "forget" shall I again separate from the ability to connect and communicate as Energy.
I connect with the Energy of the Earth, the Stars, The Trees, The Seas and all Universes & Galaxies from inside of me.
I tune TO the frequency that activates the Light within me.
I tune TO the frequency that activates my ability to communicate as Energy.
I tune TO that which allows me to BE, hear, feel, see AS ENERGY.
Part 1 of this transmission here:
I will be recording this for an MP3 Frequency Activation & will post that here and on the MP3 page too.