lunes, septiembre 14, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - September 14, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place where true Stability can be found.
This message from Archangel Gabriel seemed like the perfect Eclipse message for this September month of incredible change and ascension into greater light frequencies than we have ever known.
It is a time of growth and renewal, a time for breakthroughs into new levels of being. We are in the process of creating the world that responds to the prayers of millions of heart-centered people. It is a time that has never been experienced on the Earth and is jam-packed with awesome potential.
In past centuries, only a few people would have the consciousness to experience their divinity within the human form. Now all of humanity has that potential. We are moving with the power of Divine Light. This allows us each to have the pure alignment to the Source of All Light.

Brenda Hoffman - Earth Angels - Sept 14, 2015

Dear Ones,

The energies bursting upon earth throughout your month of September are to assist you in creating the dream that provides security within your new being. Maybe a relationship, a new home or income stream. It does not matter. Nor is one security blanket dream better than another. It is merely that which your inner-being has focused on for some time that displays to you that you are a new creative being in a new world.

Perhaps you wonder if you are making this transition up so you can create chaos within your being – so you feel the excitement of something new and unproven – so you have something to dream about other than your mundane 3D earth life. Of course, such is not true.

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is always present, like the air you breathe. - September 14, 2015

We are One, there is no separation. Deep within you know that, and we here in the spiritual realms have been reminding you of this regularly for a very long time. Modern physics knows it, but does not wish to state it quite so simply because it would appear to show that physicists have discovered the existence of God and must therefore become believers. That is something the vast majority of them are not yet ready to admit to. The evidence is clear, very clear, but these physicists are focusing on “far more important issues,” they are still seeking the smallest and most basic particles in the universe via the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, and yet Reality is infinitely vast! Meanwhile their spiritual thoughts are kept private and, if possible, left undisturbed.

domingo, septiembre 13, 2015

Judith Kusel - Suns within Suns: – Lessons in Planetary and Soul Mastery - September 13, 2015

We are preparing for the re-entry of massive ancient energies and energy fields which have lain dormant for billions of years.

With it come the age-old challenges for souls who have incarnated onto this planet – some who have been here from the beginning, and some who incarnated in later civilizations and the last huge one, which was Atlantis. Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Mexico, Peru, China, etc. were build on the foundations of what has been before, merely building on the same building blocks, but haven lost most of the higher meaning and the potent energies, higher dimensions of that time.

All of the soul who incarnate onto this planet, are briefed before entering on the conditions on this planet, the life and lifestyle and that they would be entering one of the toughest schools there are in soul growth. In that it is mainly because of old “negative” patterns which mankind created in all those billions of years of life on this planet, which were self-destructive. It was almost a cycling tendency of mankind to always build and destroy and then destroy more.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Inhale - Welcome Home

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - September 13-20, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche. This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time. Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet. As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place. On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.

sábado, septiembre 12, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ I am He that is known as Michael - Newsletter Sept 8, 2015

I am He that is known as Michael. I am He that has stood beside you, who has backed you, who has divided you from your grief, from your angers, from your confines. I am He that walks with you always. Ask for my armor to shield you. Call upon me to stand as guardian of your light. To the front, to the back, to the left, to the right, above and below. Anchor Lock and seal this Light.

As the realms begin to shift like two tectonic plates doing the tango. There is a crack between worlds and between time lines. The energies of this tectonic tilting comes forth as an emotional earth shifts into a new perspective. This tectonic unrest will effect your body as it changes to accommodate the new energies being discharged. This time space sorting is deliberate. There will be delayed reactions as you go thru a time upgrade. This pause in time will give your mind an opportunity to adjust little by little.

Time will be sufficiently slowed down so that you can see the flower bloom, the leaves change color, the hummingbirds wings stand still for a nanosecond. There is a noticeable difference that is felt on the subtle levels of your being. Everyone knows something has changed and they look all around to find it. You are given a slowing of time so that you can experiment with creation without consequences. You are given this pause in time as a gift. In this time slowing event, in this methodical plotting of energies upon a graph of causal and pause-able time you are given a moment of divine hesitation, a flash-dance of peace, a moment to reclaim your true Identity. You are being asked to breathe the force of God into your life and body. Time and energy has slowed down enough to allow you entrance. Receive this ecliptic pause as a respite from an onslaught of emotional mayhem as reflected on the earths ever changing holodeck. 

I am Michael at every angle of your light and life.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ I am Sophia - Newsletter Sept 8, 2015

I am Sophia, I am the breath of creation. I bring within my words and energies a fulfillment that comes not from the substance of earth, but from the Stars. I ask you to taste the sweetness that you are as you kiss the lips of God. I ask you to taste the sweetness that was destined to be your life before you chose the conflict. Come forth into the fullness of your power in this hour of light. Do not wait a fortnight; do not wait another day until the timing is correct in your perceptions. For in the scheme of universal knowledge and the schematics of universal light, there is but this moment. In this moment you need to fill yourself with all that you want to be. Do not talk of what you shall accomplish one day, but fulfill that accomplishment within your mind, within the pictures of your heart and the pictures of your word in this moment, this thought. You will find that as you speak, a gentle hum is heard in your heart as it begins to vibrate with truth so fast that music is created. These are not heart palpitations but the sound of love that hums through the caverns of your being.

Dana Mrkich - La Era de la Transparencia - 9 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Está sucediendo TANTO en términos de energías justo ahora que no sé por dónde comenzar.

Primeramente ocurre MUCHA sanación dentro de nosotros y entre nosotros ahora. Realmente, la sanación no parece la palabra apropiada. De todas formas recibimos ‘ajustes y correcciones de la perspectiva’ que nos permiten decir “Ohhh y Ahhh, Ahora veo. Ahora entiendo” Y esto se siente como si fuese sanación porque de pronto el corazón ya no está tan apretado. Nuestra tensión cuando se conecta a algo o al alguien, se suaviza. Estamos sintiendo amor, compasión, perdón o hasta un ‘vive y deja vivir’ neutral para situaciones que pudiesen habernos afectado durante años o eones. Y esto se siente…..liberador. También se pueden sentir muy emotivos y pueden querer llorar. Así que lloren.

Jonette Crowley - El Gran Panorama de la Conciencia Ahora - 7 Septiembre 2015


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

MARK Canalizado por Jonette

“Todos ustedes vinieron conscientemente para estar en este planeta en este tiempo porque ustedes tienen las habilidades y la compasión para estar en el servicio ahora, sin dejarse desviar por el ego o el temor”

Bienvenidos Salvavidas…

Quisiéramos hablar sobre su papel en el panorama mayor. Los llevamos a lo largo de viajes de experiencia tantas veces y no les explicamos por qué. Hay una razón para eso – porque el por qué nunca es realmente el por qué. Es solamente un ‘por qué’ que la mente de ustedes puede captar y que les da permiso para ser el USTEDES Grandioso.

La conciencia es una piscina que necesita salvavidas. Ustedes son los salvavidas mientras que los demás nadan en la piscina con diferentes niveles de habilidad. Ustedes saben lo que ellos hacen. Ustedes saben cuándo ellos están en peligro. Ustedes saben cuándo ellos necesitan ayuda, y ustedes saben cómo ayudarlos cuando ellos lo necesitan. La mayor parte del tiempo ustedes están en su puesto de vigía y la presencia de ustedes les brinda seguridad a los que están en la piscina, aun cuando ustedes nunca salten dentro de ésta. Su tarea es la de estar entrenados y ser habilidosos, sin interferir con los nadadores. Ayudan cuando deban hacerlo pero siempre ayudando desde los aspectos superiores, desde su yo superior, y desde las partes de ustedes que no están dirigidas por el yo inferior.

Brenda Hoffman - El Inicio De Su Cielo En La Tierra - 7 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Hasta ahora han estado ocupados despejando, aclarando y soñando. Algo parecido a Cenicienta queriendo asistir al baile del Príncipe mientras limpiaba las cenizas. Y aunque algunos de ustedes crearon partes de su mundo de sueños 3D, ya han evolucionado más allá de eso.

¿Hacia qué y hacia dónde han evolucionado?

Ustedes continúan en su vida, familia, comunidad 3D con unos pocos cambios aquí y allá – no obstante, captan atisbos de su nuevo ser y su nueva vida. Esto no quiere decir que sean atraídos inmediatamente hacia esa vida, sino que se están ajustando a pensamientos de esa nueva vida.

viernes, septiembre 11, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2015 - Conspiracies, The Transgender Agenda and More

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Report for 9/12/15

Cosmic Weather: New Moon & (partial) Solar Eclipse

The Big Re-set, Rusty Cages & The Way Through

Hello friends. Welcome to the Fall “Eclipse” season. This year promises not to be your usual order of business or even bag of tricks. Fitting really, as either has this year in any way, now has it?

The effects of eclipses can be felt for weeks and even up to six months. Based on my research on these two upcoming eclipse (Lunar Eclipse to follow on 9/28) are going to be of the latter variety. Pack a punch? You could certainly say that, but based on the energy and other astro-energy of this year, we have been preparing this Summer (Winter) for another “dose” or vibrational upgrade. It’s definitely upon us.

Natalie Glasson - The Simplicity of Love by Mary Magdalene - 11th September 2015

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

As love becomes a key focus in this period of ascension upon the Earth it is wonderful to take a moment and one cycle of breathing to examine and familiarise ourselves with the energy of love.

The love you experience, receive and share with loved ones, family members, friends, animals and so forth is only a small aspect of the Creator’s extensive love. The love of the Creator in many ways doesn’t need a physical expression as it is simply present powerfully and eternally, yet as humans you are encourage to express the love of the Creator in order to fully experience and embody the energy. Imagine for a moment that the love you share with yourself and loved ones is only a small aspect of the love readily available within you, you begin to allow yourself to contemplate how powerful, valuable and expansive love is. Your capacity to express and receive love is one hundred times greater than you are currently experiencing and even then you wouldn’t truly be able to embody the immense love of the Creator at a physical level.

Kryon "Your own Time Machine" Mini Channelling, Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kryon "Your own Time Machine" - Vancouver,Canada Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kryon - Where is god? Vancouver, Canada, Sunday, September 6, 2015

Kryon - Where is god? Vancouver, Canada, Sunday, September 6, 2015

Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - The Eclipse Cycle Begins - September 11, 2015

Greetings Divine One,

The Eclipse Cycle begins this weekend with a new moon and a partial solar eclipse. We want to offer you some energetic support for this alignment, so if you would like this, please pause for a moment now and go inward. Connect through the center of your chest, your heart chakra, with an openness within you. A calm, quiet stillness. To do this, is to tap into an access-way to all that you are.

SaLuSa - 11 September 2015

All of sudden after waiting for some considerable time for positive news about Ascension, you are finding that a number of sources are receiving positive information. You are now repeatedly being informed that the 28th. September is the high point of the month, as the day on which the photon energies peak. Not only that, but to a level that has not been previously experienced. If you ever had any doubts about the progress being made towards Ascension, they have surely now been removed. You will now begin to realise that so much has been happening “behind the scenes” that you were not aware of previously. As you have often been told, that has been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long as possible. Different civilisations have been involved in the action, not least of all the Shelves from the 6th. dimension who have suddenly made themselves known to you. They are of the Light and will ensure that you succeed in making your way through to Ascension, and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry on interfering with your progress. As you look back you will realise that since 2012 there has been steady progress made, until suddenly you have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop your completion.

Lena Stevens - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Update 9-13-15 - Sept 11, 2015

Dear Friends,

The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse is on Sunday, September 13 at 12:42 AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time).

This is close to midnight on Saturday, September 12 and for some time zones it is actually on September 12. So pay attention to the full moon and its influences on Saturday night.

This new moon is the opening act of the play called “now or never” or “what are you waiting for?” You may feel a desperate desire to get on with your life but without the understanding of what that means or how to go about it. Be careful with impatience and being irritated by what you perceive to be standing in your way. This is a great time of change but if you try and micromanage it from the position of ego attachment, you will be missing the gifts. So sit back, be clear, and have Spirit do the rest.

Selacia - Cambien Su Vida En La Estación De Los Eclipses --Nuevas Energías, Nuevos Potenciales - 6 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Justo ahora con un cambio de estaciones en el aire y un dúo de eclipses poderosos en camino, no se sorprendan si a veces se sienten dispersos y como si estuviesen ‘en medio’ de cosas. El cambio y las transformaciones de energía pueden ser perturbadores, por seguro. Estos ciclos naturales sin embargo, pueden ser catalizadores asombrosos respecto a los cambios positivos que quieren crear. En este artículo describo lo que esto puede significar para ustedes - y lo que pueden comenzar a hacer ahora en preparación.

Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders September Transmission ~ The Pyramid Above the Arctic and Wave X - Sept 11, 2015

The Elders September Transmission ~ The Pyramid Above the Arctic and Wave X
Transmission by Anrita Melchizedek
You Tube video
Mp3 download

There does exist a pyramid above the Arctic whose purpose is
balancing the poles of the planetary grid and of consciousness
once frozen in time now melting down and shifting on all levels.

The Keeper of this Pyramid is known by the frequency name,

Sophia Hokhmat, Creator of all knowledge and wisdom.

Sophia creates an ever-expanding body of knowledge
flowing through the consciousness matrix,
where souls experience.
There they may study the natural laws of creation,
then learn and develop their abilities to think and
understand that which is occurring in their realities.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Lady Portia ~ Un nuevo comienzo surge de las profundidades de nuestro ser - Sep 8, 2015


Original Source:
Thank you to Gloria Mühlebach for the translation in Spanish!
WebSite :


A medida que continuamos asentándonos en esta base y rejilla de Amor y empatía, de potencial Divino y de creación Dimensional, hay mucho que nuestros seres y corazones están absorbiendo. Las energías están cooperando en un nuevo sistema divino de Alquimia donde todas las bases de los sentimientos y creaciones del corazón son una parte de este nuevo sistema y forman el nuevo sistema llamado Humanidad, Una raza y Un ser. 

En consecuencia, está surgiendo un nuevo comienzo de las profundidades de nuestro ser y sistema que nos están llevando a este hermoso punto de vista donde todo lo visto como una frecuencia Dimensional más baja ya no va a permanecer en nuestra realidad. La dependencia en las formas y sistemas externos seguirá derrumbándose pues solamente existe la independencia del Yo y el ser autónomo y autosuficiente. Las creaciones componen la formación del mundo de uno, y por lo tanto, se requiere una manera más asentada de vivir a fin de poder.crear una experiencia de vida más estable y gozosa. 

jueves, septiembre 10, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - September 10, 2015

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as intelligence. When an individual is open to accessing the abundance that is constantly present in and around them, they receive all that they need from that divine love and intelligence which is the Source from which all things arise. As an individual taps into this infinite well which is available to all, they find that peace, help, guidance, inspiration and sustenance come to them and everything in their life flows more harmoniously. The more they align to this divine intelligence, the more they are able to learn and accomplish. They come to understand that they are truly capable of manifesting anything in their life when they are constantly attuned to this Source. They know that everything they desire that is beautiful and good will be accomplished with the direction and guidance from that divine intelligence. It helps them to do the things they need and to be all that they can be and even more beyond the moment. This divine intelligence brings out the best in them and they become aware that all they need is already there within them, always available from this invisible force of divine love and intelligence which created them.

Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - "Nine Eleven With Solar Eclipse" - Sept 10, 2015


(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This week we have kind of a big energy for the world, with the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Then we also have the Nine Eleven memory for the USA and other places that were affected by that. So I want to say, also, we’re getting ready for a Mercury retrograde and a few other things going on.

So the energies are rather intense while, Rosh Hashanah also, I didn’t want to forget that one. So we have intense energies building, some miscommunications firing and a lot of old memories or emotions building as well.


VIDEO (recommended!)

Beloved Friends!

There is nothing that can separate us.

Us: the Heart that is Humanity.

There is only One Heart, that is God, that is Humanity. That is Divine Consciousness. That is Self-Radiant and Love-Bliss.

I know this idea of non-separation is somewhat scary for many. You rather would prefer some distance. But that distance belongs only to a specific world in the mind, a creation of the brain-washed mind that never can tolerate Oneness and which does not belong to true humanity.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, September 10, 2015

I am here with you on this day to bring to you a short piece of news. There is coming a time when you will all see the changes about to open up, and as they do you will understand why they have taken the time that they have. Over the past 15-20 years much has been set in place in order to begin the squeeze of the old paradigm into the newness of the freedom that has been awaiting your claim. It is a time for you to express that which you find to be what makes sense, and what you can feel and know is the exact way that all of the mess is going to be cleared away. It is a matter of speaking your mind when someone asks for some clarity and then allowing that person to take it as they will, and to not try to convince them. It will be their journey and their freedom of choice in what is about to come to the front for the people to realize has been taking place in the closed doors of the underground.

Suzanne Lie - Perceiving New Earth

Benjamin Fulford - September 7, 2015: Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution

Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.

The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP.

To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.

The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Saint Germain ~ Taking matters into your hands and shift! - Sept 10, 2015

My dear friends, 

You call forth the momentum of some grand inner forces to come and play along in your world of existence. It shall be the allowance to be so as you are becoming aware of the indefinite play that is at hand here. Are you seeing the momentum at hand within your hearts? Is it not calling you to join and play along so that you can have a more fulfilling experience of joy and experience the influx of these Cosmic waves of energy?! Is it not that what you all have been joining and doing in groups to come and find what you seek?!

And that is the inner peace that is at hand, a moment of clarity as to where you are defining the natural state of consciousness to be within your own awareness as you experience the full potential of it within that momentum of peace. You see, all that is you comes about and is at hand for you all. This means that there are windows of opportunity which entails the submerging on different planes as to where all that you are has now the free access to join within this Dimension and elevate you into the Spheres and vibrations of the Stars.

Jim Self - Actualización Planetaria - Septiembre 2015

Traducción Audio: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Yo soy Jim Self.

Bienvenidos a la Actualización Planetaria para el mes de Septiembre de 2015.

Existen varios asuntos de cuales podríamos hablar. El mundo comienza a ser muy complejo. Hay muchos puntos de inflexión que se establecen, que ofrecen oportunidades con potenciales de crecimiento positivo significativos. Hay puntos de inflexión importantes que apuntan a un significativo trastorno del sistema y en el status quo de los acuerdos que tenemos acerca de cómo vivimos nuestras vidas.

Hablamos sobre el mercado de valores mundial, el cual acaba de tomar una dirección muy sorprendente y al final del día ustedes podrían decir “qué fue todo eso”. Existe un nivel de miedo y preocupación ya que se construye un sistema a costo de mucha gente en situaciones extremas.

miércoles, septiembre 09, 2015

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn - La Naturaleza Divina del Reino de las Plantas ~ La Energía Sagrada de los Árboles ~

(YouTube: The Divine Nature of the Plant Kingdom)

¡Saludos, queridos! Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz, y en esta sesión se une a mí James Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Damos la bienvenida a cada uno de ustedes, oyendo o leyendo estas palabras en este momento sin tiempo del ahora. Como siempre, es una reunión verdaderamente auspiciosa y les aseguramos que reconocemos a cada uno de ustedes con pleno conocimiento de sus energías individuales en tanto sintonizan la trama de nuestras palabras amorosamente elegidas y nos da alegría; esperamos que estas reuniones sean significativas y beneficiosas para ustedes, ya que son profundamente significativas para nosotros.

Maestros, en nuestros mensajes siempre deseamos ayudarlos amorosa y amablemente a penetrar en la trama de conocimiento y consciencia de su propio magnífico ser dentro de la variedad de los Reinos de la Tierra en el cosmos multidimensional. Y, queridos corazones, al recibir estas palabras, sepan que nuestro mensaje contiene una energía sagrada, una energía codificada que abre puertas de conocimiento en su ser mayor, en una energía codificada sagrada que les enviamos, energía divina que reciben y amplifica la energía de luz que ustedes son. De este modo, estos momentos que compartimos no solo se ofrecen para brindarles mensajes selectivos de información expansiva, sino también para darles vitalidad y códigos de luz de fuerza de vida, y les decimos y aseguramos nuevamente que la fuerza de vida está impregnada en las palabras que compartimos, una energía nutriente que pueden recibir a través de sus corazones y se da con amor desde los nuestros, y cada uno de ustedes la recibe en el momento exacto en que oyen o leen este mensaje. Y, queridos, estas energías de dimensiones más elevadas que proyectamos en este momento de canalización se envían a ustedes en un vector frecuencial de amor incondicional, de modo que les pedimos que se abran a esta energía benévola.

Blossom Goodchild - Sept 9, 2015

Once again, I greet you my friends. At last back home in Australia. Purposely, I haven’t read much of others work regarding the changes that are to come, so as not to be influenced in anyway. Yet, I am aware that much excitement is occurring due to a New, Higher Wave of Energy that is to come through … I leave this transmission in your very capable hands.
(The Federation of Light spoke through me. Here is the audio link with the transcript below. It is recommended that you listen to the audio, rather than just read the transcript ... as the Energy that comes through, penetrates deeply into the soul.)
Dearest Souls of Earth … We offer this day, through the Energy of our words … Love … Peace … Joy … Happiness. We offer to you ALL things that fill your heart with LOVE.
We come this day also, to bring you words of wisdom. To offer you Knowledge … that perhaps, needs to be remembered from deep with inside your Being. Yet, most of all … we come to let you Know how much WE LOVE YOU … How much we care for you. We have been walking this journey with you since it began … yet, there are many of you that know not of our existence.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 9-9-2015 Cosmic and Personal Completion

Cosmic and personal completion! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing of self first. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and become more than you are at this very minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have!

Kryon "Your own Time Machine" Mini Channelling, Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kryon "Your own Time Machine" - Vancouver,Canada Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kryon - Where is god? Vancouver, Canada, Sunday, September 6, 2015

martes, septiembre 08, 2015

Sandra Walter - The Final Equinox-Blood Moon Eclipse Gateway Sep 8, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Significantly higher frequency light has been consistent since the Cosmic Trigger at the end of August. I AM sure you are experiencing the wild and wonderful aspects of this influx. It launched us into the completion of this two-year project of Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse Gateways. While it is by no means a final gateway, it is interesting to see so many awakened to this project as it reaches completion. This tetrad of Gateways activated the embodiment phase of Christ Consciousness, and for many of you the reality of the Golden Race upon Gaia has become quite vivid.
It is important to stay focused as anxieties – and rampant sensationalism – attempt to distract from this project’s true purpose. Many of you remember the beginning of this tetrad in early 2014; the entrance of energies which would accelerate the Shift for those choosing to Ascend. The completion of this tetrad sends Gatekeepers into a new phase of service work, while simultaneously supporting embodiment of the new consciousness. In the last few articles, it was revealed that the Solar Cosmic Christ templates, which have been used as a path to embodiment thousands of years, are being alchemically transformed by the collective. We are creating something brand new which supports the evolution of consciousness, as well as the dissolvement of that which does not serve a new Universal agenda of uncompromised Peace.

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: Mother Mary on Divine Purity and Divine Grace - September 8, 2015

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comFran: Blessings Everyone! In meditating on Mary Magdalene’s recent message I AM the Magdalene, with the desire and intention to illuminate and expand more on the Divine Aspects of Creator, for all to benefit from in our continued embodiment and ascension, and as a result of inquiries from readers, I received two transmissions from Mother Mary, on Divine Purity and Divine Grace. And I offer them here following a quote and link to Mary Magdalene’s message that inspired these transmissions:

Celia Fenn - El Tsunami de Luz Radiante y el Regreso de la Frecuencia del Divino Masculino: Septiembre 2015 - 5 de Septiembre 2015


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Imagen por DebAura en www.Andromedanlightwork. com

Querida Familia de Luz, así que han entrado ahora al mes de septiembre, y están cabalgando la ola de Luz Radiante recibida en su tierra el 8/8/8, o la Puerta del León. Han sentido la intensidad de esta nueva ola de Códigos de Luz ya que les han ayudado a cambiar su propia frecuencia personal y a ajustarse a las Frecuencias Superiores representadas por estos Colores Luminosos y Tonos. En septiembre, se les brindarán oportunidades adicionales para incorporar y abrazar estas frecuencias permitiendo que su Alma baile al compás de estos nuevos tonos y sonidos.

El propósito de este tsunami de Luz Radiante es el de ayudarlos a medida que llegan finalmente a su destino de plena encarnación Multidimensional o de 9D en el Planeta Tierra. La Tierra se ha trasladado plenamente a su Matriz 9D y quienes están listos están cabalgando el Tsunami de Luz hacia la Conciencia 9D.

Brenda Hoffman - “Ascensión y Miedo” - 31 de Agosto 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Muchos hablan de la ascensión. ¿Significa eso que ustedes tendrán una muerte terrenal temprana? ¿O que se convertirán en una nueva persona? Tantos conceptos respecto a un cambio simple. Simplemente están regresando al ser que eran antes de su primera entrada a la tierra.

Cuando entraron a la tierra 3D, añadieron capas de protección física, espiritual y emocional. Tal protección los separa de sí mismos, de todas las entidades de la tierra y ahora de la propia tierra. La protección que se ha convertido en una barrera para su futuro.

Psychic Self-Defense - Essential Keys of Auric Maintenance - Brilliant !

Update by Sheldan Nidle – Galactic Federation - Spiritual Hierarchy – 9-8-15

4 Batz, 4 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Jarin! The world continues to slowly change. This transformation is destined to remove the last vestiges of the dark cabal from your life. During this millennium, the dark rose to a high point with the advent of 9/11 and has since faded ever so slowly. Our allies are bravely encountering this vile slime and are forcing it to retreat. We are most grateful for their dedication to the cause of freedom and for their diligence in legally creating the means for our joint success. The ancient families likewise applaud their mighty efforts. A number of agreements were signed and then used by our brave associates to push these heinous villains back toward the oblivion they truly deserve! These malcontents have illogically divested themselves of the amount of precious metals required to fend us off and have devoted their strategies to somehow starting some type of a global conflagration. The same can be said for how they counted on a series of illegal financial activities to somehow circumvent our efforts. All of these worthless shenanigans have brought us to the very brink of success. Their continued failures are the reason for their inevitable demise.

Benjamín Fulford - 07-09-15. El caos en el sistema financiero controlado por el cabal crea oportunidades para la revolución

08 sep

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

El caos y el conflicto en la parte superior del sistema financiero occidental ha creado una oportunidad única para poner definitivamente fin al control de la mafia jázara de Occidente. Por otra parte, un nuevo grupo de líderes esta asumiendo el poder en el Pentágono y, si son capaces de coordinarse con los movimientos de resistencia en todo el mundo, la Humanidad puede liberarse de la esclavitud de la deuda de Babilonia incluso este mismo otoño. Lo importante que deben meterse en las cabezas militares, policías y funcionarios de inteligencia de todo el mundo es que Occidente ha sido tomada por un grupo de pandilleros de asesinos en masa que es necesario sean detenidos y retirados del poder lo antes posible. Para decirlo más claramente, debe ser explicado a los indecisos militares que la turba jázara ha estado tratando activamente de matarles a ellos y a sus familias con enfermedades manufacturadas, productos químicos tóxicos, alimentos poco saludables, múltiples intentos de comenzar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, etc. lo que significa que sentarse a mirar desde la valla ya no es una opción. La legítima defensa es obligatoria.

Judith Dagley - The “SHIFT” Begins When There Is Nowhere to Hide From the LIGHT… Do You FEEL It? - 9.8.2015


This is Judith. I feel magic in the air! There is a NEW Light-ness beginning to filter through the sunlight, a NEW luminous incandescence within the moonlight. I feel a transformation, a shattering of divisions– like tiny hairline cracks in a hardened heart– beginning to spread over the planet on an energetic level. If you feel it, too, amplify the Light with me! A single candle can light another, and then another… and then 7 billion!

lunes, septiembre 07, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Thoughts from your Hostess of Light Sept 2015 - September 7, 2015

We all come to the apex of our being in-between the light and the dark of the moon, the sun, the self. We run from our own shadow as it comes up every morning to teach us how to connect with our personal dark matter universe. Like a personal pan pizza the shadow fits all sizes. It taunts us seeding our thoughts with little deceiver nouns and pronouns, First names, past actions, deceits that went unexplained, plausible deniability all comes knocking at our subconscious filling our psychic in-box.

Brenda Hoffman - Initiating Your Heaven on Earth - September 7, 2015

Dear Ones,

Until now, you have been busy clearing, cleaning and dreaming. A bit like Cinderella wishing she could attend the Prince’s ball as she cleaned cinders. Even though some of you created pieces of your 3D dream world, you have evolved beyond that.

To what and where have you evolved?

You continue your 3D life of job, family, community with a few changes here and there – yet, you catch glimpses of your new being and life. That is not to say you are immediately drawn to that life, but that you are adjusting to thoughts of that new life.

Jennifer Hoffman - Disappointed or Inconvenienced? - September 7, 2015

When talking to clients who are preparing to make big life changes, especially those who are kind hearted, gentle, forgiving, and compassionate empaths (which includes many of you), they will inevitably say that they don’t want to disappoint someone in their life. It can be disappointing to someone who is very connected to us and who counts on us and our presence in their lives to have that suddenly disappear. But are they really disappointed, in the real sense of the word, or just inconvenienced because now what they depended on you for has to be done by someone else, or they have to do it themselves? Disappointment or inconvenience — there is a huge difference that you should know so you make choices that serve you and your intention from an empowered, guilt-free perspective.

The Legend of Atlantis

An Unusual History Of Illuminati Public Rituals (2015)

domingo, septiembre 06, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Giving Yourself Time to Receive - September 6, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.
To bless means to confer energy on whatever person or situation you are focused upon. It is a wonderful way to bring Divinity into our daily lives, and this practice honors the Oneness within us at all times. And even if the reality of where we are is not what we like, it is important to bring conscious awareness to the place of "what is" so that we can expand our perceptions to what is possible.
It is important to recognize and honor what is truly manifesting in your life. It is a recognition and gratitude for the abundance that is there for us to notice when we focus our attention. Without that level of honoring what we have already in our lives and being grateful, we are not in a place of magnetism for what we want to experience.
For many years I seemed to be waiting for something else to change before I could be happy. I kept thinking that "soon" I would have the situation in my work I had been wanting, or the people I lived with would finally change and then all would be harmonious. This led me to living in the future, out of balance and out of touch with my present life. It was not a resourceful state for me to be in, and when the life I was leading went through a very radical change, I was not prepared to lose everything I thought was important to me. It could be called involuntary simplification, when the Universe uses anything it can to get our attention.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 06 al 13 de septiembre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Se ha producido un cambio en las energías de la Tierra y en ustedes. Se han mantenido en el umbral de dos mundos, y han hecho su elección. Se han reafirmado en su compromiso al crecimiento y evolución de sus almas, y ​​esto les ha llevado a las mayores frecuencias que ahora los envuelven. Hay un nuevo aspecto de su ser que ahora está saliendo a la superficie. Muchos de ustedes todavía están en pleno proceso de purificación, la purificación de los cuatro cuerpos inferiores, y continuarán experimentando los efectos de este proceso de limpieza. Algunos de ustedes están a veces sorprendidos por las palabras y los pensamientos que entran en su conciencia... esta es su mente egoica tratando de regresarlos a su control a través del intento de distraer su renovado compromiso consigo mismos. La buena noticia es que ahora reconocen lo que está ocurriendo y son capaces de contrarrestarlo cambiando esos pensamientos a medida que ocurren. Se están realmente convirtiendo en alquimistas, cambiando el liderazgo de las dimensiones inferiores de la experiencia de vida en el oro purificado de su Santo Ser Crístico.

Jonette Crowley - Despertando A La Nueva Tierra - Mark - 31 Agosto 2015

“Bienvenidos ‘Atlases”(n.t. según la mitología ‘Atlas’: el Titán que soporta un peso descomunal sobre sus hombros). Este es ‘MARK’

“Despertar no es la tarea difícil. Lo difícil es mantenerse despiertos”

Es el que ustedes hayan sido conscientes de las oportunidades lo que les ha permitido abrir su naturaleza multidimensional. Ser siempre conscientes respecto a las voces pequeñas, casi silenciosas que sugieren apoyo y les recuerdan cual es la acción o el pensamiento correcto.

¿Están asumiendo el liderazgo de sí mismos? Sí, hay guías y ángeles, más que nunca antes, pero ustedes están al mando ahora. Ellos simplemente les ayudan a navegar en el mundo que ustedes eligen, en el que ustedes mandan. La Nueva Tierra es una celebración de la mayoría de edad de la humanidad.

Suzanne Lie - Creating Multidimensional Thought-forms by Mytre, The Pleiadian - 9-6-15

Free download of “Back to the Future, A review of 2012 Ascension Articles”

Back To The Future

Creating Multidimensional Thought-forms
and Energy Fields for Gaia’s Ascension

Mytre, the Pleiadian

Dear volunteers to take an earth vessel, we want you to know that we, your galactic and celestial family, are here. We are here on Earth, but we resonate to a slightly higher frequency pattern that humanity. This frequency pattern serves as a camouflage so that we can walk freely through your habitat zone without being seen.

However, if you expand your innate multidimensional consciousness into the resonance of the fifth dimension, you can close your physical eyes and look through your Third Eye. When you “look” through your Third Eye you will have an awareness of our presence.

In other words, those who can expanded their consciousness, and hence their perceptions, into the frequency of the fifth dimension can perceive our presence. At first you will only perceive us as wavering energy fields because it will take a bit of your “time” to remember how to accept the fifth dimension into your perceptual field.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ Sept 6,2015

Greetings dear ones, we are happy to meet once again. The channel needed a break as she too is evolving and growing into the new energies all are experiencing at this time.

Much continues to happen on all levels as more and more awaken out of the dream. Many of those awakening do not yet understand what is happening but instead see inner change simply as changing their minds or having a new opinion about some issue. In actuality it is an expansion of consciousness allowing them to move beyond many old fear based beliefs.

Rejoice my friends, for you are emerging out of the dense cocoon of ignorance and becoming butterflies of awareness even if you do not think you are.


Méline Portia Lafont ~ Lady Portia ~ A new beginning arises from the depths of our being - Sept 6, 2015

picture source

As we continue to settle in this foundation and in this grid of Love and empathy, of Divine potential and of inter Dimensional creation, a lot is being absorbed by our beings and hearts. The energies are co-operating into a new divine system of Alchemy, where all the foundations of heart based feelings and creations are part of this new system and form the new system called Humanity as One race and One being.

Saul via John Smallman – Love is all powerful, nothing can defeat It. – Sept 6, 2015

With the illusory world apparently in chaos it is very unsettling for you all to be constantly made aware of the enormous suffering that is occurring and which it seems you cannot personally ease in any way at all. You can pray for those suffering, you can send charitable donations to appropriate organizations that offer assistance, you can call on your politicians to address the situation with ultimate compassion, yet despite all of this the suffering continues seemingly with no solution anywhere to be seen.

The illusion, being intended to separate you from God, cannot but cause suffering. You all, without exception, desperately want to be unconditionally loved. To be unconditionally loved by God is your natural and eternal state of existence, and to be separated from that state is terrifying, humiliating, and very painful. Of course you have never been separated from God as you well know because God is All That Exists. But your choice eons ago – but in Reality only a moment ago – to separate yourself from God could only cause you pain even though it is an unreal state, because your immense power enabled you to build something imaginary that seems utterly real to you.

Graban OVNIS En Formación en Tijuana Mexico▬UFO,s doing Formations in Tijuana Mex 04/09/2015

Selacia - Shift Your Life at Eclipse Season - Sept 6, 2015

Shift Your Life at Eclipse Season
- New Energies, New Potentials -

by Selacia

Right now with a change of seasons in the air and a duo of powerful eclipses on the way, don't be surprised if you sometimes feel scattered and like you are "in between" things. Change and energy shifts can be unsettling, to be sure. These natural cycles, however, can become amazing catalysts for the positive changes you want to create. In this article I describe what this can mean for you - and what you can begin doing right now in preparation.

Since cycles like season changes and eclipses happen annually, why would things feel either more unsettling or more intense in these moments? And why would you simply sense that the energies had been amplified several notches?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (13) - Minneapolis, 1° de Agosto de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Cada vez que me presento ante ustedes, reconozco que en el salón son distintas. También muchas están escuchando esto pero no están en el salón. Cada vez digo lo mismo: no permitan que la voz de varón las engañe; yo no tengo género, aunque hable a través de un varón. Yo estuve allí cuando estuvieron ustedes.

En breve quiero hablar un poquito sobre dos o tres cosas. Suposiciones, presunciones sobre quiénes son ustedes, quiénes han sido, y de qué se trata esto.

Comienzo con esto: una revelación para Yawee. Ahora bien, para quienes recién se integran, Meli-ha está aquí, y es lo que llamarían la líder de la Hermandad Femenina que estuvo en Lemuria en sus últimos días. Yawee está aquí también. Ahora bien: Yawee tenía el Templo de Rejuvenecimiento en la cima de la gran montaña que hoy llaman Hawái. Para poner esto en su lugar, de modo que comprendas, Yawee: no todo se transmite como piensas, cuando te hablo. Es verdad que nunca recibías lo que era la belleza del rejuvenecimiento en el templo, siempre estabas dándolo; eras un técnico usando lo que tenías, y como tal siempre podías dar ese proceso de rejuvenecimiento y, como ya sabes, estaba involucrado un recién nacido con la plantilla de las células de génesis que hemos descripto hoy. Eso es lo que hacías.

Dolores Cannon at the 2012 Transformation Conference - Entire Lecture

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - September 6-13, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you. There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process. Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self. The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Graham Hancock - The Love & The Will - Brilliant ! 2015 His Latest !