lunes, mayo 04, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Rebuilding You - May 4, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Every part of your being is shifting rapidly from what was to what is. Some of you question that statement for you have not felt joy to the degree you expected – as 3D you understands joy. Instead, your joy is happening in milliseconds as you adjust to new you.
Have you ever bought something seemingly not quite right for you only to discover that object was exactly what you were pining for but did not realize such was so? So it is for you now. The fear, the discontent of wanting something to move to, are all part of you becoming you.
You probably have glimmers of joy and fun that may even radiate throughout your body. But overall, your sensation is one of, “Is that all there is? Did I work for decades shedding my 3D being only to come to this point of not quite joy or fun – just there?”
You are trading in your dominant fear modules for new vibrant joy, fun, love and abundance modules. It is just that you have not fully accepted those modules because they seem uncomfortable now, but will be your totality as soon as you allow them to be.

SUPERB PANORAMA MARS: Great Mountains & Sky Blue - Sol 956

Wes Annac - Selflessness: The New Normal - May 4, 2015

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
The purpose of our existence, beyond realizing our eternal connection with the Almighty, is to serve others. We’re here to offer ourselves to the awakening of the masses in any way we see fit, and our perspective starts to shift when we realize we can no longer live solely for ourselves.
We can no longer satisfy our own material needs while so many people starve every day, and we have to find the willingness to look at the world’s condition and figure out how we can make a change.
We have to find compassion for the people around us, and until we can transcend selfishness and take a bigger look at our unbalanced society, we’ll continue to struggle without really understanding why.
We’re meant to work together to solve the issues we face – most of which are environmental and economic – but we’ve been kept too divided to become aware of the plight of people in poorer countries, much less to do anything about it.


»The one who does what is sinful is of the devil,
because the devil has been sinning from the 
beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared 
was to destroy the devil's work.« Bible, 1.John 3,8 

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,

The Son of God and human Beings are one!
I am El Morya, Master from the Light and Chohan 
of the blue ray of healing. In my Light the human 
soul is strengthened, the human body becomes 
whole and freed from evil, which has taken 
possession or wants to take possession of it.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Marada - May 04, 2015 -

There is something that is taking place as I speak and it will affect people all around the globe. It is an event that is behind the scenes and when it is exposed it will ring true for so many people, for it will be what resonates in their hearts as well as their minds. As I speak of this I also tell you that when this does come into the open it will be a defined change on how life is lived in so many ways on earth. It will be the beginning of a whole new paradigm not only in the eyes of the beholders, but in the hearts of them too. It will explain to them why there has been this chaos taking place in so many areas around the globe.

domingo, mayo 03, 2015

Theresa Crabtree - Connection to Source: Day 243, Akbal 9 - May 3, 2015

CONNECTION TO SOURCE   As you clear blockages from the electrical circuits in your body, your ability to tune into God Source, your Higher Self and Spirit Guides will increase. Know that every moment in your life, you are at the wheel.
You have the free will to choose the emotions and events you wish to experience. Although you are somewhat hampered due to the rules of your universe and interactions with other Beings, you still choose how to react in every situation. We suggest you work diligently to increase your ability to love all Beings and experiences unconditionally, without any form of judgment. Allow all to be.
Just as you are desirous of the ability to express your free will to do what you choose, allow others the same freedom. Be careful not to judge the choices of others, for you do not know the full reasoning behind their choices or the growth that can occur between those parties. For yourself, if you choose love, peace and joy in each situation, your body will vibrationally increase and your experiences will manifest in ways currently beyond your understanding.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Llena Del 3 De Mayo De 2015 - 1 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena es el domingo 3 de mayo a las 9:42 p.m. (horario de las montañas)

Esta luna llena es una oportunidad de reacomodar tu percepción de cómo son realmente las cosas en tu vida, y apoya el perdón, la creatividad, la belleza, el aprecio y todo lo femenino. Es una oportunidad de experimentar el amor a sí mismo y el amor del espíritu. Es un día para reconectarse con lo que es importante para el cuerpo emocional y para honrar tu conexión con toda la naturaleza.

Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Receiving More Clarity in Life - May 3, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
A Disruption of energy brings more Clarity. Bless it.
Most of the time I have received this card with more irritation than gratitude. Usually this card will come at a time when something I consider disturbing has occurred.

I wish I could say that I welcome this message from the Angels with gratitude and gracefully begin to bless the situation around me that caused my upheaval. Instead, I seem to need to grumble a bit, even though the mere reading of the card has already caused me to smile and shift from my position. It is just so TRUE. I cannot argue with the premise that certain situations can act as a wake-up call to spur me back into alignment with my most divine self.

Huge Cigar Shaped UFO / Enorme OVNI en forma de cigarro, Over popocatepetl On May 3, 2015

Dana Mrkich - La Tierra en Movimiento - 27 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

“Un bloque macizo de la corteza de la Tierra, aproximadamente de 75 millas de largo (120 kilómetros) y 37 millas (60 kilómetros) de largo, se desplazó hacia el sur unos 10 pies (3 metros) el pasado sábado en el curso de unos 30 segundos. Montada encima de este bloque del planeta estaba la capital de Nepal –Katmandú- y millones de nepaleses” – qué descripción del terremoto del sábado hecho por el geólogo Roger Bilham de la Universidad de Colorado, un experto en terremotos en los Himalayas, reconocido mundialmente

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Mayo del 2015 - “UNA NUEVA ALINEACIÓN” - 1 de Mayo del 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema para mayo es “UNA NUEVA ALINEACIÓN”

Hemos tenido en diversas oportunidades el tema de-‘alineación’ pero el enfoque de este mes es diferente, ya que la palabra principal a prestar atención es NUEVO.

Hemos sido estremecidos, divididos, traqueteados y barridos por lo inesperado. Hemos tenido que aceptar el cambio y abrazar lo desconocido. Los eclipses de marzo y abril nos afectaron a un nivel muy profundo, con la necesidad de reconocer, perdonar y clarificar temas medulares. Todos concordamos en que este es un tiempo nuevo con nuevas posibilidades y sin embargo la claridad de lo que está por venir está fuera de nuestro alcance. Hemos vislumbrado el potencial de más poder, pero ¿cómo lo integramos a nuestras vidas?

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - May 3-10, 2015

Beloved Ones,
As you walk the ways of the world you live in, you are daily changing yourselves and those around you. Meeting self in all of its aspects and nuances requires the utmost courage and sincerity of purpose but the rewards for your persistence are becoming self evident. When you look back in a time not too distant, you can see in hindsight that all of your experiences have brought you to this moment of clarity and inner strength. Every experience you have ever had, has brought you greater insight, wisdom and spiritual growth. As you move forward on your personal journey into higher consciousness, awareness and understanding, you make it that much easier for others to find their way forward also. Through all of your self imposed disciplines and spiritual practices through the years, you have learned that love of self is of the utmost importance on your spiritual quest, for it is from that love that the love of the divine finds expression through you.

Dana Mrkich - May Day/Scorpio Full Moon: Feminine Healing for All - May 3, 2015

Every influence these days feels super-charged, as our increasing sensitivity is responding to all things in an amplified way.

The Beltane/May Day* energies of last Thursday/ Friday, along with today's Full Moon in Scorpio, feel to have created a portal of deep and ancient healing around our inner Feminine. This is simultaneously helping to balance our inner Masculine, and ultimately helps to balance the greater collective Feminine/Masculine we see played out in our world.

Judith Kusel - The Celebration of Soul-Filled love and the adoration of the Beloved….. - May 3, 2015

Love at its very core loves to be celebrated, for it extends exuberant joy, that rapture, the bliss and the infinite euphoria of the coming together of the masculine and feminine God and Goddess within and without.
There is a certain type of adoration of the Divine within each other, which is there in the eyes of the Beloved.  It is the depth of the Mystery of Love itself, reflected in the eyes of the other, in that the depth of soul is revealed.
Two souls who have know each other from the very beginning within the conception of the Goddess and then birthed as one.  Two souls have traversed many galaxies, star systems, dimensions, life forms and parallel existences.  With the soul self there is no division, no separateness, for the soul is At-one.
We are heading into a totally new paradigm shift, which is already making itself felt and it is here truly that souls will come together who are destined to be together and more important work together:  “Love is not so much gazing at each other, but looking outward into the same direction.”



channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlslated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
the gates to Heaven open, you step unto the bridges 
between worlds, and you begin to cross them. 
Unnoticeably you have reached the Garden of Eden, 
the paradise, because you have become it yourself: 
Beauty, grace, joy, Light and Love.
The kingdom of world peace is being built and it 
develops in the hearts of human Beings, who remain 
calm during the great unrest in this world, who remain 
in peace during the great discord, those, who appear 
lovingly while hate discharges in an unbelievable extent. 
One talks about the deeply anchored Light towers of this 
time, of the never staggering pillars of Light, the immovable 
and eternally changing Gods of this world. 

Elon Musk Debuts the Tesla Powerwall

Object turns into Light at ISS.

John Smallman -Jesus - Humanity is demanding to know the truth, humanity is demanding change, and humanity is being heard! - May 3, 2015

We in the spiritual realms are very much aware of your restlessness as you wait hopefully, intending to be patient, for humanity’s awakening. We are also very aware of your doubts about the divine plan as the media continue to report seemingly endlessly about further groups of people all across the world undergoing intense suffering, while nothing appears to be happening to relieve the suffering that so many are already undergoing, and have been undergoing for such a long time. What is occurring across the world is truly the climax that is leading to the release of humanity’s ancient karmic inheritance, a release that is an essential aspect of your awakening process. That karmic inheritance is seen unfolding whenever thoughts, words, or actions that are not in alignment with God’s Will, with Love, direct people’s lives.
As you have often been told recently, and as I need to reiterate, enormous attitudinal changes have been occurring in many cultures and races across the world over the last one hundred years. The two world world wars in the first half of the twentieth century really started the process because the suffering of many who were involved was so dire, and because of the international news coverage that carried the horrific news to every part of the planet. Fixed egoic attitudes that encouraged people to believe that their side in the conflict was right and that the other side was wrong were severely weakened and undermined as the atrocities committed by by all participants in these wars became public knowledge. Initially there were attempts to hide the worst of these, and when that was unsuccessful then attempts were made to justify them.

Тело Света. Второй Уровень. Light Body

02/05/2015 Визуализация тела Света. The Light Body visualization.

Выход в Астрал. Выход из тела. Astral Projection


sábado, mayo 02, 2015

Simon Parkes Part 2: Espionage, Operation Paperclip, and A Conscience Unfold Destiny April 28, 2015

Ann Albers - Even in the Most Difficult Times, Light and Love Shine - May 2, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are times upon this earth where you join with others in solidarity with your tears. When you see those are affected by disasters, tragedies, and other events that seem so random, it is human nature to grieve and wonder why these things occur. We want to reassure you, it is not punishment dear ones. It is not a "balancing of karma," except in the most pure, energetic sense of the word.

Your mother earth loves you as her own children. She never has an intent to harm, but she is like a body in which you are the cells. Like a body there are times when pressures and toxic energies build up and must be released. If human beings do not resolve their conflicts with one another, and allow kind release of their own emotions, there is great deal of energy that gets pent up within her field - at times so much so that she must release this pressure through what you call disasters - earthquakes, storms, volcanoes. These are all natural ways of moving and releasing the energy that humanity has not allowed to move and transform into greater love.

Navigating Dimensions Book: Memory Loss: Your True Memories Are Buried Under Your Human Ones

I Robot, You Robot - Post Human - Trans- Human - A Must Watch!

UFO San Diego 2015 - One Of The Best Ever

viernes, mayo 01, 2015

Celia Fenn - Bringing Back Balance - May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015
603766 865556303510857 7092557855587782149 n
Beloved Family of Light, in this past period of your Ascension Journey you have experienced an intense time of change, with Eclipses and Equinox shifts creating much tumult in your lives. Many of you may feel that you are adrift in your own lives, and not sure of where to turn. You may well be awakened and on your spiritual journey in a conscious and enlightened way, and yet still feel that you do not really understand why the Earth is in so much chaos and why things could not be easier.
Indeed, Beloved Family, times of major change and transition are never easy on your Earth, but especially now. Never before has the Earth been through such a huge change with so many incarnated souls who are all co-creating this change together. Yes indeed, that is the nature of the Fifth Dimension, that you all co-create and make choices together to create another Reality. Some of you are awake and doing this in a conscious way, but many are still in the “sleep” state and are making their choices without consciousness and based on old energies and patterns. This is why there is so much chaos and confusion. Those who are still making the same unconscious choices are finding that these choices are not leading them to places that they want to be, and they are becoming angry and anxious. They seek to make new choices and discover the New Reality, but are still searching.
You, on the other hand, are conscious and you can see that the shift that needs to happen in each incarnated being is to move from the ego/mind to the Heart/Soul as the center of their being and life on Earth.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 5-3-15 - May 1, 2015

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Sunday, May 3 at 9:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This full moon is a chance for a reset in your perception of how things really area in your life and supports forgiveness, creativity, beauty, appreciation, and all things feminine. It is a chance to experience self-love and the love of spirit. It is a day to reconnect with what is important to the emotional body and to honor your connection to all of nature.
Anything you do today will be supported to be practical, grounded and nurturing. Give yourself time to be out in nature and to appreciate all the beauty around you. Also give yourself the gift of something of the physical realm that you can indulge yourself in. Be grateful for your ability to manifest and honor all the things you have manifested in your life, without judgment. Allow for something new and different to settle into some kind of new alignment. A new friend, a new experience, a new idea…

Sarah Varcas - Reporte de Astro Energía Mayo 2015 - La Honradez es la Mejor Forma de Actuar - 1° de Mayo 2015 1° de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mqyo del 2015 enfrenta el tema de las relaciones: con nosotros mismos, con los demás y con nuestro entorno, tanto cercano como alejado. No podemos hacerlo solos, es el mensaje básico de este mes, ni podemos esperar que los demás lo hagan por nosotros. Es tiempo de asumir plena responsabilidad por nosotros mismos a la vez que reconocemos simultáneamente que no hacemos nada en aislamiento. Cada pensamiento, palabra y acción impacta y es impactada por todos y todo lo que nos rodea. Actuamos tanto como individuos y como un colectivo, solos y por siempre entrelazados. Dentro de esta paradoja central de la condición humana se encuentra el misterio de lo divino que se expresa a sí mismo a través de nosotros, como nosotros y aparte de nosotros. Ahora es necesario reconocernos tanto como instrumentos de la creación como creadores en nuestro propio derecho, porque debemos en los próximos meses, ser claros en nuestras acciones, sabiendo lo que se necesita para promover el bien común en lugar de enfocarnos solamente en lo que sirve a nuestra ganancia personal. Los dos no pueden separarse ahora, porque si el beneficio personal contraviene al bien común solamente cosecharemos aislamiento. Y si el bien común parece ser un obstáculo al beneficio personal se requiere un realineamiento de las prioridades.

Lena Stevens - The theme for May is “A NEW ALIGNMENT”. - May 1, 2015

We have had the theme of “alignment” before at various times but this month’s focus is different as the main word to pay attention to is NEW.
We have been shaken, rattled, taken apart, and sideswiped by the unexpected. We have had to accept change and embrace the unknown. The eclipses of March and April affected us on a very deep level, with core issues needing to be acknowledged, forgiven and cleared. We all agree that this is a new time with new possibilities and yet the clarity of what’s to come is just beyond our reach. We have glimpsed the potential of more power, but how do we integrate it into our lives?
These times are amazing, unsettled, a bit overwhelming and confusing, scary but awesome at the same time, and full of new opportunities. What is needed now is integration and assimilation that will help create a new alignment serving as a new platform from which we can move forward.
Because everything is different, NEW is the word to keep in mind. It would not serve to try and force things back to an old alignment. Don’t wait for things to “get back to normal” because you may be waiting a long time. The key is to embrace what is new and different and allow the new and different to integrate into your life in some way. This may require really letting go of old expectations or the way you thought things should have been. Work with what you have rather than pining after what you don’t have.

Kara Schallock - La Conciencia De Unidad….El Fin De La Dualidad - 28 de Abril 2015
30 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Entiendan que cada uno está en una fase diferente de su Ascensión. Lo que se comparte aquí es el potencial de todos los seres sentientes. Así que miren verdaderamente a donde están realmente, y entonces den un paso adelante.

Lo más importante para ustedes es ser honestos consigo mismos; porque es esencial para su verdadera elevación como un Ser Divino de Amor. Ser auténticos es ser verdaderos con su Alma: su Divinidad. Su vida les reflejará su verdad. Si uno es defensivo, esto verdaderamente es el ego separado intentando retenerlos en lo viejo. Si uno es juicioso, entonces eso también es de lo viejo, anclado en la dualidad del bien/mal, amor/odio, bueno/malo y así. El potencial del Ahora es que la dualidad se disuelve y la Unidad es la vía del ser altamente evolucionado.

PACHAKUTEC - Tiempo del Cambio - El Retorno de la Luz

Natalie Glasson - Moments of Silence by Archangel Raphael - 1st May 2015

It is with the deepest of love I, Archangel Raphael, embrace you now, I bring to you through the vibration of my love deep healing for all aspects of your being. I wish to encourage you to access and witness moments of silence within your being as a tool of accelerating your ascension and discovering your truth. I do not necessarily invite you to seek quiet spaces within your reality and daily routine, as although helpful you are seeking outside of yourself and your truth. Instead I encourage you to access and witness moments of silence within your being as this will connect you deeper into the core and essence of your truth; all that is the Creator.
A moment of silence is a moment of being at peace with yourself and your reality, a moment of resonating in harmony with the Creator to encourage your Creator vibrations and essence to strengthen and be empowered. A moment of silence is when you allow yourself to realise your divinity, rejuvenating your entire being with sacred vibrations of your soul and the Creator while also recognising your expansion and connection to all aspects of the Creator. It is to recharge your faith and belief in yourself and the Creator allowing yourself to feel tranquil and supported. A moment of silence is like taking a breath in harmony with the Creator feeling the benefits of this connection flowing throughout your entire being and reality while allowing you to feel limitless and free.
The greatest tool of connection with the Creator and to cultivate numerous moments of silence within your being and reality is to focus upon love. As a soul in a human body upon the Earth love is the energy, experience and embodiment which is most likened to the vibrations of the Creator. It is not that love is powerful, more so love is the vibrations and resonance which is most similar to the Creator and therefore leads all into states of resonating and vibrating in harmony with the Creator. Love is a tool which can return to you your Creator consciousness, memories of your divine truth and the powers existing within your being. A moment of silence within your being is actually a moment of experiencing love, which in truth is a moment of embracing and surrendering to the Creator. When you allow yourself to vibrate as love everything within you and around you becomes peaceful, flowing and supportive. One of the easiest ways to navigate the Earthly reality is to resonate with the Creator so you become the vibrations of the Creator. This can be achieved through expressing the energy vibrations of the Creator through your being, focusing upon being and expressing love or simply allowing joy to bubble from your being as often as possible. Joy and happiness can be accessed through gratitude. There are so many different pathways to reuniting yourself with the Creator which is in truth remembering yourself as an aspect of the Creator.
I wish to invite you to choose a simple tool which resonates with your own truth and essence, inspiring you to experience the support of the Creator more fully within your reality every moment of every day. Whatever your chosen tool, let it be simple and something you easily believe to assist you in experiencing the Creator more fully within your reality. Let your focus be dedicated to this process with an inner knowledge of your achievement and success.
I wish to propose to you the tool of a moment of silence to enhance your resonance with the Creator.  When you believe that silence can only be born from within your being and can be achieved without the need for peace or quietness outside of you, then you let go of allowing the outside world to impact your being and reality; in truth you detach. From a space of detachment you are far more able to navigate your earthly reality and inner reality with clarity and kindness.  No longer do you take things as a personal insult, impact or rejection, more so as a simple occurrence from which the truth of the Creator can be accessed.  With a greater sense of freedom you are able to move into and cultivate a space of love which can be achieved through recognising a trinity of love which is always present. The trinity of love is to realise you are loved unconditionally and wholly by the Creator, you have a natural ability to love all that is the Creator unconditionally and wholly and you have the capacity to love yourself unconditionally and wholly. This realisation is immensely powerful, the trinity of love is your natural truth, even when your physical body no longer exists you will still experience the trinity of love; it is your eternal experience. When you remind yourself of your natural trinity of love you connect into your truth and move into a space of consciousness aligned with the Creator, where the Creator can be present with you. You can never escape the trinity of love no matter what you do; it is eternally present with you.
You may wish to use these words to support your mental understanding; however it is your emotional resonance which is of greatest importance in accessing a moment of silence:
‘In this moment I love myself unconditionally and wholly, in this moment I love all that is the Creator unconditionally and wholly, in this moment I know in every aspect of my being I am unconditionally and wholly loved by the Creator eternally. This is my moment of silence which will continue to reside within me and emanate from me forever more. I thank myself for allowing this moment of deep resonance with the Creator as I permit myself to be completely supported and loved by the Creator.’
You may wish to read through my words until you feel yourself aligning, resonating and awakening to become the energy and meaning of the words. Alternatively you can simply allow yourself to focus upon love building within your being abundantly, emanating from every aspect of your being. In this moment and in the coming moments as love builds and overflows from your being notice how the presence and focus upon love allows for experiences of silence, as if your entire being rests, relaxes, rejuvenates and recalibrates. I invite you to use this practice as a tool to support you in experiencing moments of silence.
Other tools are to imagine yourself as a radiant beacon of light with the light of the Creator streaming from every cell of your being. To allow yourself to be grateful for all the blessings you have manifested within your reality however small or large, with the knowingness that you determine the blessings you allow yourself to receive through your willingness to receive and recognise yourself as being worthy. Another tool is to focus upon your breath as often as possible throughout your day knowing your breath is a conscious flow of the Creator and a gateway to an illuminated state of the Creator, allowing yourself to move beyond separation. You may wish to focus upon a deep purification with my support, Archangel Raphael, as a tool of moving into a moment of silence. Simply invite me to shower you in soft green and pink light born from my healing Angelic vibrations to dissolve all resistance and f alse illusions hindering you in making space for moments of union with the Creator. Invite me to bring forth my healing as often as possible. You may wish to call upon me to remove old wounds of pain with my Angelic Healing Light.
You may also wish to sit peacefully and ask your soul to inspire you with a new tool to support you in experiencing moments of silence which are moments of resonance with divinity and healing.
While many techniques may feel appealing to you or you may feel the need to focus upon several in one period of time, I wish to invite you to dedicate yourself to one alone, even if only for a few days, knowing within your heart and soul that the tool will support you in moving to the next stage of your ascension. While also knowing you will allow yourself to devote your focus to your chosen tool whatever may be occurring or distracting you in your reality. Please know I am a healing supportive presence in your reality eternally.
At this stage of ascension I invite you to enhance your devotion, focus and determination to recognise yourself more fully as your divinity and all that is the Creator. This will strengthen your energies and understandings while allowing you to open and surrender more fully to the Creator, awakening your deep unity with the Creator.
With Angelic Blessings and support,
Archangel Raphael

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ascension & Energies Updates - May 1, 2015

Aloha ,

NEW Earth vs. Old Earth
NEW Earth emerges from within you to become an actual REAL place that you come to live and exist in. There are many perceptions of "what" NEW Earth is and all seek "how" to get here. How is inside of you. When is up to you. 
New Earth is a place you arrive ... access is buried deep within you. Your own vibrational frequency, attention, commitment, focus and opening up to NEW is what allows you to come to BE here again. I say again, for it's a part of the REMEMBERING process that comes forth as all let go and release the NEED for the old ways. As all transcend what was "human" within them, all come to LIVE and BE on NEW Earth again.
It looks the same, but it's different. It's so subtle that many cannot yet see. It's the paying attention to the little things and observing absolutely everything. It's achieved through one's own inner connection, ones own CHOICE to let go of the old, one's own dedication, commitment, openness and embracing. Where one has resistance, (the perception of) suffering is created to experience to POINT one inward and in the direction of Awakening & Ascension, which is the most important PURPOSE all have here. 

4/30/2015 -- New 1.5 mile wide Island growing from the sea @ Nishinoshima Volcano in Japan

SaLuSa - 1 May 2015

We are keenly following your progress as you get nearer and nearer to the first positive signs that will indicate that the New Age has begun. By now you should have a good idea of what to expect and you will not be disappointed. Most of you have had many lives in this cycle both as Man or Woman, and hopefully you will find a balance between the two. There will come a time when you will not be concerned with gender as you are at present. In your dimension whether you are male or female tends to dictate where your place is in your society, and your roles are clearly defined. Yet as you rise up the differences between you will largely disappear, but the feminine and male energies will remain.

Jim Self - Planetary Update - May 2015

Diana Cooper - A healing for Nepal and higher perspective on the disaster. #prayerfornepal

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué Edad Tienes? - Bologna, Italia, domingo 19 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente, mi socio da un paso a un lado. Para él esto es un proceso. Después de tanto tiempo, pasa por el mismo proceso, porque dar un paso fuera de sí mismo a veces requiere un linealidad de unidad. Le requirió algún tiempo aprender cómo, pero en este proceso flota por encima, observa; podría entrar en cualquier momento, él puede fundirse con Kryon. Aprendió estas cosas. Pero en general tiene que salir de en medio, en esa pureza que durante estos años ha aumentado más y más a medida que comprendía que tenía que salirse completa y totalmente del camino. Solo menciono esto por lo que va a llegar en los próximos minutos.

Quiero darles una mayor perspectiva de la benevolencia del Creador. Mi socio ya oyó esto en su idioma, pero quiero exponerlo otra vez para los italianos, para honrar esta cultura y para que quienes oigan esto sepan un poco más sobre la grandeza de quiénes son ustedes. Para esto, deberán suspender su creencia por un corto período.

Ron Head - No decision is ever made without your express consent. - May 1, 2015

Michael and The Councils
 Our topic for discussion today is The Councils.  All of you have experience of these.  Many of you have memories and dreams of this.  Even the very best efforts to describe these to you will fall very far short, but you have reached a level of awareness now that makes it possible to begin acquainting your conscious minds with this image, this interpretation of ‘how things work’.

More and more of you, in your remembrance of dreams or meditations are seeing what you variously call auditoriums, amphitheaters, or council chambers.  Most are seeing these as of immense size and participation.  This is, in actuality, a representation you have constructed to allow understanding of an energetic event which you have witnessed.  Such things must be ‘seen’ by you in this way in order to understand the events you participate in.


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

“Filosofía Espiritual Para La Evolución De La Humanidad”

Amados maestros, muchos de ustedes se sienten como si estuviesen en el último tramo de una larga y difícil carrera y su energía y entusiasmo decaen. Se están desencantando más y más con el glamur de su existencia mundana y las cosas que los entusiasmaban parecen algo aburridas y opacas. Esto se debe a que están cambiando, entrando y saliendo de dos realidades totalmente diferentes o de varias dimensiones a la vez. También, sus cuatro sistemas corporales inferiores (físico, mental, emocional y etérico) están tratando de ajustarse y ponerse a tono con las muchas Facetas de su Yo Superior, las cuales están integrando en una base regular y acelerada. Esto ha recargado con mucho estrés y esfuerzo su vehículo terrenal.

Benjamin Fulford - April 27, 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.

To bolster is bargaining position, the Pentagon is undertaking some large scale moves against China. Pentagon sources say last week’s earthquake in Nepal was generated using high energy electronic waves. The aim was to send a message to both China and India prior to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s planned trip to India next month, the sources say. The basic message was “only the Pentagon can defend India against China.”

This demonstration was part of a concerted push by the Pentagon to get India, Russia, China and Japan to see recent Chinese moves in the South China Sea as evidence China is an aggressor that needs to be contained. As a part of this push, the Pentagon is about to announce an end to its arms embargo against Vietnam and the construction of 8 US military bases in the Philippines, the sources continued. The Pentagon sources say that deep seated Russian fears of the “yellow peril” are coming to the surface again and that Russia will cooperate with them against China militarily.

Crop Circles 2015 - Hoeven, Netherlands - 28th april 2015 - UFO 2015 UK

Star Children and Indigo Children [FULL VIDEO]

Sarah Varcas - Honesty is the Best Policy - May 1, 2015

May 2015 raises the issue of relationship: with ourselves, each other and our environment both near and far. We simply cannot go it alone, is the basic message of this month, nor can we expect others to do it for us. It is time to take full responsibility for ourselves whilst simultaneously recognising that we do nothing in isolation. Every thought, word and deed impacts and is impacted by everyone and everything around us. We act both as individuals and as a collective, standing alone and forever entwined. Within this central paradox of the human condition is found the mystery of the divine which expresses itself through us, as us and aside from us. Recognising ourselves as both instruments of creation and creators in our own right is necessary now, for we must, in coming months, be clear in our actions, knowing what is needed to further the common good rather than focusing only on what serves our personal gain. The two cannot be separated now, for if personal gain contravenes the common good we will reap only isolation. And if the common good appears as an obstacle to personal gain a realignment of priorities may be required.

Pixels Movie shows September 23rd as start of "alien invasion" and meteorite strike

Messenger's final image before crashing into the surface of Mercury The Cosmos News The Cosmos News

jueves, abril 30, 2015

Kara Schallock - Unity Consciousness...The End of Duality - April 30, 2015

Realize that all are in different phases of their Ascension. What is shared here is the potential of all sentient beings. So look truthfully at where you truly are, and then take a step forward.

Most important is for you to be honest with yourself; for it is essential for your true rising as a Divine Being of Love. Being authentic is being true to your Soul; your Divinity. Your life will reflect to you your truth. If one is defensive, it surely is separate ego attempting to hold them back in the old. If one is judgmental, then that one is also of the old, anchored in the duality of right/wrong, love/hate, good/bad and so forth. The potential of Now is that duality is dissolved and Unity is the way of the highly evolved being. And it is true that we are anchoring more and more of our Higher Selves; our Newness. There may be those in your life who will rebel against your New self. Let them, while you maintain your loving kindness, realizing that all have a choice. The schism between New and old is quite prominent now and as you disengage from battle, you strengthen the New within you. If your separate ego is begging you to engage to prove something, either ignore the urge to be pulled back into old behaviors or write it out. Journaling is a powerful healing tool.

Celia Fenn - El Baile de la Libélula: Perspectivas del Nuevo Chamanismo - 26 de Abril 2015
26 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La Libélula baila de un lugar a otro

Con alegre e inefable gracia

Alas luminosas y un tono de esplendor

Les recuerdan a ustedes que también son el Bailarín

Su baile de luz crea todo lo que ven

Girando, rodando, danzando y en libertad

Ha sido una jornada realmente poderosa e intensa a lo largo de los portales del eclipse y del equinoccio. El cambio ha sido inmenso y tenemos que aclimatarnos lentamente a una nueva realidad multidimensional. Como Humanos Galácticos de Novena Dimensión, estamos aprendiendo cómo desplazarlos con fluidez entre las dimensiones de conciencia o más importante, como mantener diferentes dimensiones simultáneamente como un acorde musical. Esto es lo que significa ser un Maestro de Luz en el Planeta Tierra.

Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Archangel Gabriel - April 30, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as truth. A person who embodies the quality of truth within them always appears to others exactly as they are and are honest in all the things they say and do. They stay true to the integrity of their spiritual being and divine essence. They are open and transparent and are without pretence. They know that if they want the best results in any given situation, they must be completely truthful. The greatest quality at work in a person’s life is the quality of truth. Applying one’s personal value of truth not only has the magnificent power to ennoble and uplift one’s life, but can also attract beneficent responses from life as well. When people are being truthful and honest with one another, they embody a general belief in the practical values of integrity, decency, and virtue. The truth becomes their own knowledge base and they will feel it clearly inside of them without the need of either thinking or meditating about it. Their inner voice is the unerring connection between their spirit and the light of truth and they perceive clearly in every moment of their life what is or is not in harmony with Creator’s natural laws and therefore, that which is for their highest good.

SUZANNE LIE – Suzanne Lie ~ The Process of Ascension Part 1 ~ The Arcturians and your Galactic Family – 4-30-15

Suzanne LieSuzanne Lie
Process of Ascension Part 1
The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
Quietly and introspectively the changes are slowly, yet steadily taking place in your consciousness. You are now beginning to loose “time” in your daily life and, simultaneously, have brief experiences of being in the NOW. Within the NO-time of the NOW there are no expectations, disappointments, failures or even victories, as these are all time-bound concepts. You may briefly feel these concepts in the NOW, but they usually “live” in the past or present.
For example, “expectations” live in the future, “disappointments” live in the past, “failure” is a fear that can haunt you from the past or frighten you in the future, and victories are something that you hold on to from the past or hope for the future. However, in the NOW there is no past or future.
Life in the third dimension has trained you to live in the past or the future, but offers very few models of living in the NOW. Therefore, as you begin to experience what almost feels like a frozen moment of the NOW, it is difficult for 3D brain to grasp it.

Jahn J Kassl - 30 WAYS TO SELF-EMPOWERMENT, JJK - April 30, 2015

Motto of this End Time
written and channeld by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Readers,
Due to the special resonance to the “30 Ways to 
Self-Empowerment”  I have decided to exclusively 
publish here this excerpt from the contribution  
“2015 The Year of Truth”. 
More than ever it is up to each one of us to courageously 
stand up against the dark forces, which wrestle against their 
survival on all levels, and at all opportunities to withdraw our 
energy from them. The global and planetary change, which 
takes place now, is based on it and initially it is necessary 
to revolt against our own inner lethargy and be the change 
ourselves, which we demand from the outside.

miércoles, abril 29, 2015

Suzanne Lie - The Medicine Man from "Reconstructing Reality" - 4-29-15

The Medicine Man

A Story from Reconstructing Reality

After communing with her beloved Venusian Nature, Shature was ready to review the next life.  When she entered the domed room, she walked straight toward her chair, but her Guide stopped her.

“You no longer need to go up into the dome.  Instead allow your own consciousness to project the hologram.  Remember, dear, you are not limited to the portion of yourself standing before me.  Close your eyes and allow the vision of sixth dimensional Arcturus to ignite the memory of and connection to your completeness.”

Shature closed her eyes and remembered Lamerius, her complete self.  As united androgynous beings, they had traveled through the vortex to Arcturus. Shature remembered the lightness of their sixth dimensional star body and could feel the vortex in their heart. The pod was around them and unconditional love filled her awareness.  She then heard a beautiful tone that was accompanied by a burst of light so strong that it penetrated her closed eyes. 


FUCHSIAFUSIONGreetings Everyone, before I begin this channeling I would like to add a short personal note with a much longer one after you read the channeling as I am guided to do so. What I am being told is that at this moment in time all of you who are presently in twin flame unions are about to completely release all the blockages standing in your way before the final merger.
For those of you who have been in a relationship for a while and have been trying to conceive a child and were unable to do so, this may be your year! Those of you who are in business together as partners and are in a twin flame union, this is the year for incredible success!
Bottom line is this: everything that you wish to conceive of as a union should happen for you this year. Everything that you both wish to occur, as your energies will be deeply magnified and as long as you both remain on the same wavelength, and utilize these creative manifesting energies in line with a mutual goal and take action it should come to path.

Linda M. Robinson - AA Zadkiel - “Clarity and Your Energy Field” - April 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss the clarity and purity of your vibration and energy field.
Your energy field reflects your vibration. It is mirrors your intentions, thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Each intention, thought, feeling, or action carries its own vibration. Thoughts and feelings such as love and kindness carry a higher vibration than those of anger and resentment.
Each time you experience a thought or a feeling, it is recorded and reflected in your energy field. It is a record of who you are, and it changes based on your current state of being.

Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman - Spiritual Philosophy For Evolving Humanity - April 29, 2015

Beloved masters, many of you feel as if you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, and the things that used to excite you seem somewhat tarnished and dull. It is because you are shifting in and out of two vastly different realities or several dimensions at once. Also, your four lower bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional, and Etheric), are trying to adjust to and catch up with, the many Facets your Higher Self, which you are integrating on an accelerated, regular basis. This has put much stress and strain on your earthly vessel.
A vast number of you have and are preparing to make a quantum leap into a Fifth-Dimensional consciousness, whereby your old world State-of-Being is falling away much faster than you can integrate the refined energies/vibrations and concepts of your new, higher frequency existence.  As you become aware of what is taking place, you will not be so stressed out and confused. Please believe us when we say, “Relief is at hand.” One of our greatest desires is to assist you in the process so that your transition can be accomplished with ease and grace.

Jahn J Kassl - COME TO THE SOURCE, MASTER EL MORYA - April 29, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
I am Master El Morya
Human Beings wake up! Human Beings rise up!
Human Beings come to the source of all sources,
Enter into the Glory of All-That-Is, God.
I am Life, the Light of Clarity,
And I am the Chohan of the blue flame of purification.
Transformation, knowledge and grace are your gift, 
after you have walked through the valleys and you 
have reached the summit of the ascension portal.

martes, abril 28, 2015


Gratitude Subliminal

Benjamín Fulford - 28-04-15.- El Pentágono juega la carta militar contra China mientras Washington DC lucha para conseguir efectivo

28 abr
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
La quiebra de Occidente se pospuso nuevamente la semana pasada gracias a una contabilidad amañadas que evitaba la quiebra tanto de Washington DC como de Grecia (por lo tanto a la UE) mientras continúan las negociaciones de alto nivel sobre un nuevo sistema financiero.
Para reforzar la posición negociadora, el Pentágono está llevando a cabo algunos movimientos a gran escala contra China. Fuentes del Pentágono dicen que el terremoto de la semana pasada en Nepal se ha generado utilizando ondas electrónicas de alta energía. El objetivo era enviar un mensaje a China y a la India antes del viaje previsto del secretario de Defensa estadounidense Ashton Carter a la India el próximo mes, dicen las fuentes. El mensaje básico es “sólo el Pentágono puede defender a la India contra China”.

Active Lava Lake At Highest Point In Hawaii Volcano Vent

Dana Mrkich - Where Are The Results of My Inner Changes? - April 27, 2015

So often when we make inner changes we want to see the outer results fairly quickly. So when we don’t see change we get frustrated, upset and angry, which can take us right back where we started! When our mind and emotions are in a constant battle with our physical reality, it sets up a two steps forward and one or two steps back groove.

Here’s a tip if you are looking at some aspect of your life that you have wanted to change and are doing all the ‘right’ things but it’s yet to shift: Think of this aspect as simply being a result of your many yesterday’s. Kind of like a cake you baked a few days ago when you happened to be craving a certain flavour, but that flavour just isn’t doing it for you anymore. It doesn’t reflect who you are right now.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - The Meaning of Divine Timing - April 27, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Without patience, you will never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

Patience is tricky sometimes. It is often difficult to allow the situation to be as it is and surrender to the process that is afoot. Sometimes when it seems so difficult for me to do any detail work or create new things, I have to let go of doing what I think I am supposed to be doing. If I allow myself the experience of taking a walk when nothing else is working, I can expand into brilliant, spacious Beingness, especially in Nature.
This spaciousness allows me to move into an expanded perspective, one that may not give me any clear information but provides a lovely experience of being supported and inspired by the beauty in the world. Nature raises our vibrational frequency and allows us to feel happy and uplifted. It is that frequency that will attract all the good that we want to experience.


My beautiful friend,

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. As always, on behalf of all humanity, thank you for choosing to be dedicated to your inner expansion and your journey to Divine remembrance.

It’s because of your willingness to align with your Truest Self that the consciousness of the world is rising so quickly.

The month of April will bring a much lighter and more joyful energy, where these new possibilities can flourish.

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - The fate of the world rests in your hands” - April 28, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of probable outcomes. In a sense we would like to discuss your role as a creator being and the power that you hold in determining what kind of a world you wish to create. We are aware that many humans seek change at this time; both change in their personal lives as well as on a global scale but are often left feeling helpless. We are here to assure you that you are not helpless, and in fact, the fate of your world rests in your decisions. This is what we wish to further explain.
As we have shared in some of our previous messages, you are surrounded by an infinite number of parallel realities which contain every conceivable outcome and scenario you could possibly imagine. However you will not experience each and every one of those realities consciously, your choices that you make in this now moment will govern what you do and do not experience in a conscious manner.
Let us briefly touch upon the topic of parallel realities before we begin to explain the crucial role that you play in determining the outcome of your world.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - "Kryon Habla A Los Italianos" - Bologna, Italia, 19 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estas sesiones matinales son dulces. Aquí estamos todos, listos para este día. Ustedes no ven lo que nosotros vemos; hay aquí sistemas de energía hermosos. Quiero que se acostumbren a algo: lo que ustedes llaman Dios es benévolo y ama a la humanidad. Esa es la energía de Dios: amor y compasión; no es juicio, no es ira. Todas esas cosas que tal vez les han enseñado que vienen de reacciones humanas; no de Dios.

Es comprensible que creas que Dios piensa como un humano. Dios está muy, muy por encima de tu intelectualidad, y sólo tiene para ti amor y compasión. Aquí hay sistemas hermosos. Si yo te contara todo lo que involucran, verías qué complejo es; lo llamo la complejidad del alma humana. Si crees que a nivel del alma eres eterno, sabes que el tiempo en que llegaste al planeta no era el comienzo; siempre has sido y siempre serás, pero has elegido atravesar este escenario peculiar llamado Tierra, una y otra vez hasta que esté completado y ascendido. Entonces irás al próximo y luego al siguiente.

Tal vez consideres esto y digas, "Bueno, eso es muy ambicioso para que yo decida hacer eso." Oh, sí, lo hiciste, alma antigua; tienes energía angélica en ti, y gran parte de ella está aún del otro lado del velo, tú la llamas tu Yo Superior (se ríe); es parte de ti; cuando estamos aquí juntos y no estás en el planeta, brillas como el sol. Sabiduría infinita; parte de la familia de Dios; toda la experiencia en la Tierra es apenas un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - April 28, 2015

 We possess the energy to alter this reality and to permit all to transform the struggles that surround you. Inside you, waiting to be revealed, are ancient wisdoms, which you innately possess. This is the time to go inside and let this greatness out.

from Planetary Activation Organization

1 Etznab, 16 Kank’in, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come bringing happy news! The initial tests of a most thought out and prepared distribution system has begun! Many of the bankers involved in this system have much experience for this system to succeed. In addition, certain European members of these ancient families are specially qualifying the funds. They know what is needed for these monies to cross the Atlantic and be sent swiftly to your bank account. All precautions are being taken to assure that these blessings serve the uses intended for them. Arrests of malevolent bankers and the like are happening as well to assure that these operations are quite successful. Hence, we ask you to be patient and know that each aspect of this process is carefully supervised and as funds are received, the next step in this most complex working is done. It has taken us much longer to recover all the stolen funds and to begin a new process, which is now to allow you to obtain your blessings. We therefore ask you to become more patient. It has taken us a very specific period of time to reach where we are now!

UFO Caught watching Calbuco Volcano Eruption in Chile

The Best UFO Sightings Of 2015. (March and April) -UFO OVNI-

Dana Mrkich - Cambios en la Tierra – Limpieza y Gratitud Triunfan Sobre el Temor - 25 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hay dos temas que surgen en casi toda conversación que he tenido o escuchado en el final de las tormentas de esta semana en Sídney/Costa Central/Hunter. Limpieza y gratitud. La gente dice que se siente como si hubiese ocurrido una gran limpieza y cuán agradecidos se sintieron esta semana por cualquier cosa pequeña: algo de calor, la luz de las velas, un baño caliente en casa de un amigo.

A lo largo de los años la gente ha escrito expresando preocupación respecto al potencial de los eventos relacionados con los Cambios en la Tierra. Lo que he escrito sobre el tópico en el pasado se refiere a que nuestro temor sobre un evento futuro es usualmente muy diferente de la realidad.