sábado, febrero 14, 2015

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your Reality is Shifting to a New Paradigm - Feb 13, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention on your perceived reality.  Many are watching as the entire “world” is seemingly in some sort of chaos.  But know that things are not always as they seem to be.  There are many opposing view points that are being brought to the collective’s attention.
Remember, you cannot change what you do not know. These extremes are being brought to your attention, not so that you can force your views upon another but rather so that you can see that all wish for the same end result; you merely have different opinions of how to reach the desired outcome.
Much corruption has been allowed to exist within reality, it has been there all along, however it is only now that your collective is strong enough to redirect it, to shift what you no longer wish to have on your planet.
Most of your policies, institutions, and governments are in need of change as they can no longer be sustained if you wish to create something entirely new. Though, you must know that from every wreckage comes an opportunity to build something much greater.  You cannot have the new unless you are willing to let go of the old.

viernes, febrero 13, 2015

Vinícius Francis - Los Elohim: Realizando vuestros sueños con Postividad y Fe - Feb 9, 2015

La positividad y la fe pueden llevar al hombre a experimentar la realización de todos sus sueños e ideales. Todos ustedes tienen metas en la vida y por eso, decimos estas palabras. Cuando están positivos en sí mismos y convencidos que nada más es que tener y ejercer la fe, los caminos simplemente se abren.
Muchos de los humanos que ahora viven en la superficie de la Tierra  se quejan de sus vidas por no tener aquello que desean y por no usufructuar la vida que juzgan merecer. Sin embargo, nosotros, como energías no físicas que trabajan en la creación de lo que ustedes llaman la materia, comprendemos por qué ciertas cosas no suceden para muchos humanos.
Hay siempre mucho fluyendo en vuestra dirección y eso no sería ninguna exageración de nuestra parte, visto que saben cuán grande e infinito es el Universo. Entonces, si pueden tener conocimiento acerca de la diversidad abundante que en él existe en unión con la extensión del mismo, pueden, en lo mínimo, considerar razonable lo que hablamos aquí.

Jim Self - Webinar - New Platforms to Experience 2015 - Part One

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Ascension Symptoms Alert: I Want to Go Home and Ascend NOW! - February 13, 2015

Most star beings already have or will most likely experience this during their time on Gaia.
Many of the Blue Ray and New Forerunner Star Seeds may be experiencing ranges of intensity of emotions that can include sadness and frustration due to core structuring expansion in the crystalline light body and fields. As you are also entering new time lines and cycle of dimension this can create a sense the job is done and a missing of home—completion.
The endings and beginnings of the New Earth dimensions and vibrations can stir a deep longing for true connections and familiar landscape, as there seems to be no energetic place to go back to and yet not a visible recognizable future space. You, the New Earth Forerunners, Blue Rays, and Gatekeepers are the first to walk through these new parameters of dimension of time and space, decoding and surveying as you go. You, the divine designer, code frequencies carriers and change makers, are the transformers that make palpable a path and a way for others. Your heart spirit longing to connect with your star and soul family is the catalyst that will open these energetic pathways and opportunities for these sacred reunions to occur here on Gaia. 444

Ronna - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “¿Estarán Ustedes Entre Los Escogidos?” - Feb 2015


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amados maestros, para muchos de ustedes, es el comienzo de un nuevo año en la Tierra; sin embargo, cuando ustedes miran al panorama mayor – desde nuestro punto de vista – es el comienzo de una nueva era, y una nueva Era Dorada. Muchos de ustedes protestarán, pero no parece como una nueva Era Dorada. En el pasado, cualquier nueva Creación que se presentaba en el plano de la tierra conllevaba mucho esfuerzo y a menudo dolor, lucha y disputa. Ese es todavía el modo de la Creación en muchas partes de su mundo; sin embargo, no necesita serlo. Les hemos dicho que la Luz se está separando de las sombras, y es casi como si dos mundos se solaparan, uno sobre el otro. Un mundo está lleno de diversos grados de temor, odio, juicio, avaricia y un deseo de control y conquista de todos los terrenos de la Tierra, así como un deseo de dominar y sojuzgar a la gente de la Tierra por todos los medios que sean necesarios. Los billones de hermosas Almas jóvenes atrapadas en el vórtice de este caos en constante aceleración son las que sufren más. Ese mundo se deteriora rápidamente como un manto de todas las formas de pensamiento negativas que descienda sobre aquellas tierras y magnifique los vórtices de odio que se han creado. Oh, sí, hay vórtices de oscuridad, al igual que hay vórtices de Luz, y el Armagedón anunciado ha llegado seguramente a esos sitios.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, February 13, 2015

I am here today to speak with you about the coming times. I am St. Germain, and I am a part of what will be progressing around the world in the coming days. As the situation changes around the world in various ways, and with the people who are at present standing in what they consider to be their power, there will be a noticeable change come into being. These ones who consider themselves to have power over the minions will realize that is all in the past. It was a role they were to play. As the positions changed in the recent past, their positions came into a great deal of power loss. That has brought about a great deal of movement in the ability for others to stand in another place of power, and show the world what will be coming to the whole of humanity and all of life on earth.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Induction Period: the apprenticeship begins - February 13, 2015

Mercury is now direct and we are finally beginning to comprehend what is being revealed within. While we get our bearings and retrace all the necessary mental steps for the next couple weeks, pay close attention to what your higher mind is communicating to you.
There is an important new level understanding beginning to emerge and for those at the frontier of human consciousness, it is becoming increasingly more clear that the game has changed, as has our involvement in it.
We are born again.  For those at the fore, the incomprehensible initiation period ends and each of us is being called to a new level participation with life.  We have broken the mold and together we are discovering what it means to be here in this new now, in a very curious way.  There’s a sense of wonderment and awe, having no idea what is about to unfold, yet with the unwavering certainty that what whatever awaits us will be at once brand new and deeply familiar. There is also a sense of will life become everything I dreamed of, hoped for?  And the answer to that is no…simply because what is becoming of us is not something we, as yet, have a context for.

SaLuSa - February 13, 2015

The Illusion that you live whilst on Earth is of your making, because you were allowed the freedom of choice when experiencing separation from the whole. Naturally those in Spirit accompanying you through your many lives have tried to guide you towards the Light. At this stage the cycle that you are in is ending, and you are being given your last opportunity to reach the stage in your evolution when you no longer have a need to live in the lower vibrations. For as long as you have been in this cycle and for most of you that will be from the beginning some 26,500 years ago, the opportunities have existed for growth through experience. However, some souls have become so lacking in Light and attached to the lower vibrations, that they have little or no concept of how to lift themselves up, or of their true nature. Along with your Spiritual Guides, we also try to enlighten them but many are in denial. So at the end of the cycle you may be sure that every chance is taken and help given to awaken souls to their true selves.

UFO Sightings Of 2015. (February) Part 1

jueves, febrero 12, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - February 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as charity. Charity is the practice of benevolent caring and giving, of being considerate of others and showing compassion for their current state of being. It is also learning about the importance of empathy within self in relation to others, and how this quality of love expressed brings profound joy to both the giver and the receiver. Charity is doing acts out of love without thought for something in return and is beyond mere kindness; it is the pure joy of giving which includes much more than material things. This giving from the heart can have many faces, such as sharing a warm smile with a stranger, an encouraging hug to a friend or family member, or kind and thoughtful word of appreciation. When one expresses the loving quality of charity, it means they have loving tolerance, compassion and patient empathy for the perceived failings or errors of others. All of this is done not out of a sense of duty or responsibility but rather out of the abundance of warmth and love that one feels welling up inside them. The more charity one gives out to others, the more flows back in. This is the joy of love in action, the outward manifestation of charity where one kind action leads to another. A single act of kindness from one person throws out kindness in a radiating circle, and the action taken touches more people than an individual realizes. 

Judith Dagley – YOU Are The Chooser – 12 February 2015

Hello through the warmest of frequencies to You as always, Beloved!
We whoosh in briefly because we feel a convergence of energy in these last 24 of your hours. A NEW awareness is ready to emerge more strongly within You. This NEW awareness is akin to the beginning of a “paradigm shift,” as You call a leap of perspective into a more expanded perception of who You are. It has the potential to be such a powerful leap that we feel compelled to add our frequencies of confirmation to it, as well:
You are free and sovereign to choose your own way in every moment.

Scientists find oddly behaving 'inner-inner core' at Earth's center

Selacia - Desmitifica el Poder de tu Singular Impronta de Vida - 11 de Febrero 2015

por Selacia

11 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

En este año de desafiar el status quo y los usos actuales del poder, una de las aplicaciones más potentes de tu energía es la de comprender mejor tu singular impronta de vida referente al poder. ¿Por qué? Cuando comienzas a comprender a tu propio nivel de ADN condicionante acerca del poder y ves el panorama completo de cómo y por qué a veces inconscientemente reniegas de tu propio poder, obtienes los recursos necesarios para cambiar la situación.

UFO Sightings Of 2015. (February) Part 1

miércoles, febrero 11, 2015

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Energia Del Futuro - Newport, California, domingo 7 de diciembre de 2014

Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Newport, California, domingo 7 de diciembre de 2014

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido reeditada (por Lee y Kryon) para favorecer una comprensión más clara. Incluso se agrega a veces más información. Suele suceder que en vivo tiene una energía asociada que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje dado en Newport el 7 de Diciembre de 2014.

Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización en particular estará llena de información, como siempre, pero también ofrecemos algo más. Estamos llegando al cierre de su año calendario 2014. Normalmente es tiempo para reflexionar y en este salón en especial, la energía que deseamos generar con el entorno que los rodea, es de felicitaciones.

UFOs ABOVE TOP SECRET HD - Secrecy, Tesla, Energy, Antigravity & Interstellar Travel

LEE CARROLL - February Issue 2015

February is upon us, and it contains many new energies. Those of you who have been reading and listening to the Kryon channels know that Kryon is aware of the times, and he has told you, "This is not your father's New Age."

It isn't. There is something called "enhanced duality" that is occurring, where the black becomes blacker, and the white becomes whiter. You are seeing it on your news, where the horrors are some of the worst ever seen. False truth is being revealed, and it's becoming harder and harder to keep things from the public. All of this is taking place in the 2nd month of the year.

Kara Schallock - ¿Adivinen quién conduce? - 8 de Febrero 2015

8 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Potencialmente estamos en el lugar donde el Alma ha tomado Su lugar por derecho como líder/creadora, con el ego sirviendo como vehículo para la Expresión del Alma. Esto es tan grande que las cosas se sentirán más fluidas y gráciles. Por supuesto que habrá ajustes y liberaciones todavía; sin embargo hemos aprendido a confiar en que nuestro Yo Superior conoce el camino. En verdad, de esto se trata la Ascensión y la Nueva Tierra... el Alma conduciendo, el ego expresando y fundiéndose con el Alma, de modo que todo lo que decimos, pensamos y hacemos sea congruente con nuestra consciencia más alta. Continuamos limpiándonos de viejos programas, creencias y patrones para que nuestro ser entero vibre e irradie sólo la Luz y el Amor del Alma, de la Fuente.

Alcyon Pléyades 25-2ª : Tramas y engaños de la élite. Xenofobia. Energía del Helio 3

Ascended Masters Mystery School - You Are The Change Part 1 ~ February 2015

You came into your present incarnation knowing that you had the potential to make changes that would assist your planet and all life upon her to shift into the higher dimensions of your shared consciousness. Over the last few years, the first levels of this impending shift began stimulating the memory grids of humankind so any thoughts, feelings or patterns of belief that were out of harmony with your ascension could be transformed back into the pure Love and Light of God. This purification process was greatly assisted by an unprecedented influx of Mother God’s Opalescent frequencies of Divine Grace.

Dana Mrkich - Ustedes Hacen Una Diferencia - 26 de Enero 2015

26 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Al mirar al mundo hay realidades múltiples que existen simultáneamente. No permitan que la existencia de los aspectos inferiores de la sociedad y la humanidad, o hasta su propio yo, los haga dudar de la existencia de los aspectos superiores. Cuando ven el extremo inferior de un subibaja no dicen ‘vean, el subibaja está abajo, me cuesta trabajo creer que exista un extremo superior. Me doy por vencido’.

LEE CARROLL - Boletín de la Familia Kryon de Febrero 2015

(recibido el 11 de febrero de 2015)

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Estamos en Febrero, y contiene muchas energías nuevas. Quienes han estado leyendo y escuchando las canalizaciones de Kryon saben que Kryon está consciente de las épocas, y les ha dicho "Esta no es la Nueva Era de tu papá."

Pues no lo es. Está ocurriendo algo llamado "dualidad acrecentada" donde lo negro se vuelve más negro y lo blanco se vuelve más blanco. Estás viéndolo en tus noticias, donde los horrores son de lo peor que se haya visto jamás. La falsa verdad se revela, y cada vez es más difícil ocultar del público las cosas. Todo esto tiene lugar en el 2do. mes del año.

Selacia - Demystify Your Unique Life Imprint - Power - February 11, 2015

In this year of challenging the status quo and current uses of power, one of the most potent applications of your energy is to better understand your unique life imprint involving power. Why? When you begin to grasp your own DNA-level conditioning about power and see the bigger picture of how and why you sometimes unconsciously disown your own power, you become resourced to change the situation.
How You are Wired to Handle Power
Your unique life imprint is not just about power, of course, yet how you are wired to handle power has a huge influence on your ability to fulfill your soul’s life purpose. This conditioning about power is not new and it’s more than childhood experiences. It goes way back – to your family’s lineage, to your own past lives, and across time to experiences of humanity’s collective.
You won’t identify these elements quickly or all at once. They surface over time as you explore what makes you tick and as you find yourself in situations catalyzing issues of power. When you are facing a challenge with power, an intuitive healer trained to see DNA-level patterns can help you identify root causes and remedies. Even without training, you will get some sense of this on your own – clearing the specific blocks requires experience and skill.

Sandra Walter – A Brief Message On Star Lineage And Guidance – 11 February 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I was asked about creating a class for Starseeds, and wanted to share my response here. Even though the messages I channel are of a Galactic nature, they are intended to assist those engaging with the HUman experience. The Ascension Path class is direct and deeply comprehensive guidance for the Divine HUman Ascension Process. All of my service work is designed for the profound work of Self-Realization and Self-Empowerment of HUmanity. That said, you might still question, What about the Starseed aspect, the Galactic Self?


Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 11 February 2015

AishaNorthBy now, most of you have discerned that the forward momentum has yet again been increased, and this time, it is not by a small increment either. Rather, the surge is such, it is apt to sweep more than a few of you off your feet. And when we say this, it is not to imply that this will be detrimental in any way, simply to say that whether you like it or not, this time you will all be literally swept up in this oncoming surge of light, and it will serve to pry loose many a grasping hand still trying so hard to cling on to yesteryear. You see, this upcoming increase in incoming light will help to sever some of the last straws that so many have been clinging to, the straws that for them symbolize the last link to the known. In other words, the old illusion, the one that feels slightly more comfortable than the seemingly unknown void that looms ahead, and even if this old illusion in more ways than one can be described as a less than beneficial place to inhabit, to some it is still preferable over the choice of stepping away from it to fully enter the New.

Swirling UFO? Recorded with two different cameras at once 2015.02.09

martes, febrero 10, 2015

Celia Fenn - Solar Expansion, the Divine Mother Energy and Multi-Dimensional Experience - February 10, 2015

Beloved Family of Light, as you prepare for the powerful incoming energies of the Equinox and Eclipse in March of 2015, you are currently feeling the effects of dynamic activity and expansion in the Sun and the Solar System. The Sun/Solaris is experiencing an "upgrade" in its Light Body Field, to bring it into harmonic resonance with the new Galactic/Cosmic Light Codes transmitted from the Great Central Sun at the center of the Galaxy. This process if being guided by the Solar Council of Solaris and the Galactic Council of the Golden Rose Galaxy (Milky Way).
As these necessary Solar adjustments are made in the Light Body of Solaris, it will, of course, also be felt as similar "upgrades" at the Solar level of your own Light Body.  This will initiate a recalibration of the frequencies in your Light Body and your Physical Body.

‘The Council’ via Ron Head: We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These Councils - Feb 10, 2015

councilThe Council: We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These Councils, Channeled through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, February 4, 2015
We have determined that it is now time to explore for and with you, as you read or hear this message, your purpose and chosen journey from this council to your current incarnate state. You often hear this mentioned in one way or another, but seldom do many of you allow yourselves to truly understand the magnitude of the thing you have chosen to do.
After all, you are just another in a long line of billions of personalities in body on your beautiful blue orb, are you not? Well, no. You are not. But also, yes, you are. It is the amazing value and worth of this that we would discuss today.

Brenda Hoffman – Play Is Your Lesson Today… And Forevermore – 10 February 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
You’ve endured, you’ve rested and now it is time to bask in the sunshine – something you have neglected for so long. It is as if you hid yourself in a very small closet so others could not guess who you really were. You dressed as they dressed. You walked and talked as they did – but you are not them and never have been. You merely pretended to be them for eons on earth.
Who are they? Anyone but yourself.
But fitting in and following rules so no one knows your truth is becoming a problem as you realize you no longer have to worry about others or put others first – even though that is your first inclination.
You have yet to internalize that you are a god or goddess.

Pamela Kribbe - a message from Mary Magdalene - Learning to Understand Illness - February 10, 2015

Dear friends, I am here filled with respect for the path you are on. I am Mary Magdalene, and I have also been on Earth in an earthly body. I have experienced the confusion, the emotion, and the darkness that can be present in a human life. I have also experienced the light, those moments of insight and deep ecstasy, because I sensed the presence of my soul, and that experience lifted me out of the confusion, and away from the loneliness of earthly life.
This going back and forth between light and dark is characteristic of being human. It is also the purpose of earthly life to get to know and respect these opposites which occur both in yourself and in the world. The light, as well as the dark, carry treasures within them. From the perspective of unity, that which transcends the duality of earth life, there is no conflict between light and dark; there is only the dynamic between these two opposites.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 10 February 2015

AishaNorthHere we are again, ready to impart another message into your system, for as you already know well by now, these missives are not just simply a conglomeration of words, they also contain layers of information that may not be visible to the untrained eye, but will be very noticeable indeed to anyone who chooses to connect fully with what it is we are trying to convey. Let us explain. It is not by accident that you have been drawn to this space, for the signature frequency that is yours, is one that matches very well with the inherent frequencies of these messages, and so, the two are made for each other in every way. You see, in order to assist you through this ever ongoing ordeal that this continuous process of elevating the frequential status of this planet may be likened to by some of you, it is indeed necessary that what we provide will give you the support you need in order to fulfill your part of this multi-layered and indeed extremely complex operation.

lunes, febrero 09, 2015

Geoffrey Hoppe - Permitir y Observar - Febrero 2015

Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Articulo de la Revista Shaumbra Febrero 2015

Traducción: Hector Santos Ramallo

Me encanta Permitir. Me encanta enseñar el taller del Permitir Cuántico, y me encanta Permitir en mi vida personal. Me he convertido en un Feliz-Bobo Permitidor. La premisa de Permitir es simple:

• Soy un ser Soberano de Conciencia, pasando por una experiencia humana.

• Mis experiencias humanas están llenas de limitaciones extremas y desafíos, así como de brillantes descubrimientos e ideas.

• Todas mis experiencias humanas son destiladas en sabiduría pura por mi alma, sin juicio ni remordimiento.

• La Iluminación es la integración total de lo humano y lo divino, así como todos los aspectos y el alma. No hay partes o piezas de mi Ser que se queden atrás, o no sean amadas.

Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Picture the Wings of Angels Enfolding You in Light - Feb 9, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Call on us often and picture the Wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.
We are continuing the Angelic theme in this week's inspiration. The Angels are reminding us that we have assistance to call upon in every situation in our daily lives. If we are receptive to it, we can imagine ourselves wrapped in Wings of Light, and we can feel that energetically. You may even notice your heart feels softer.
In a time of rampant change and acceleration, many people are feeling alone and alienated from their inner spirit. A recurring theme from the Angelic Dimensions has been their commitment to our awakening process.

Geoffrey Hoppe - Divagando - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Noviembre 2014


Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Noviembre 2014
Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Hay tantas cosas que pasan en estos días eso es que es difícil escribir un artículo acerca de un solo tema, así que voy a divagar. Como dice Adamus, todo es en capas y multi-dimensional. Ya no vivimos en una realidad lineal singular. ¡Hay que acostumbrarse a eso!


Un acontecimiento histórico (pero afortunadamente no histérica) sucedió en el reciente taller UMBRAL en Vernon, Columbia Británica, Canadá. ¡Fue el primer evento del Círculo Carmesí en el que todos los asistentes eran mujeres! Varios hombres se habían inscrito, pero parece que la diosa hizo que cancelen. Hubo 25 participantes femeninas y 3 miembros del personal femenino. Por lo general, los talleres son alrededor de 70% de mujeres y 30% hombres. Éste era 100% puro Diosa. ¿Qué pasa con eso?

Black Hole Son - Saturn EL Is The God Of The Bible!

Benjamín Fulford - 09-02-15. La derrota zionazi es ahora inevitable, el Pentágono hará la vista gorda mientras Rusia, Irán y Turquía tomarán Arabia Saudita

09 feb
La derrota de del cabal mafioso internacional Zionazi * es ya inevitable debido a los hechos que están teniendo lugar rápidamente por todo el mundo, principalmente en Oriente Medio y Ucrania. La detención por parte de Alemania la semana pasada (como se informó en este blog) de un funcionario del gobierno de Estados Unidos que llevaba miles de millones de dólares en billetes falsos de 100 dólares estadounidenses con destino a Ucrania ha tenido enormes repercusiones y estas continúan. El Pentágono contactó este escritor que decir que es “inteligencia procesable”. Esperemos que esta acción incluirá detenciones de todos los Zionazis superiores, comenzando con la familia criminal Bush. Todos hemos esperado demasiado tiempo para que esto suceda ya. Recuerde, Washington DC no es en realidad parte de la República de los Estados Unidos de América, sino que es más bien un enclave extranjero. Es hora de quitar el cáncer de la República y restaurar la independencia americana.

Benjamin Fulford - February 9, 2015: Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

Benjamin Fulford - February 9, 2015: Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was “actionable intelligence.” Hopefully this action will include arrests of all top Zionazis starting with the Bush crime family. We have all waited too long for this to happen already. Remember, Washington D.C. is not actually part of the Republic of the United States of America but is rather a foreign enclave. It is time to remove that cancer from the Republic and restore American independence.

In any case, there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already.

There is a G20 meeting going on in Turkey which, according to Russian sources, is part of a series of meetings aimed at being the equivalent of the 1945 Yalta conference held by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. It was the Yalta conference that created the post-World War 2 order we still live under. So, the implication is that a series of ongoing meetings will herald the biggest changes in international architecture since the end of World War 2.

domingo, febrero 08, 2015

Kara Schallock - Guess Who's Leading? - February 8, 2015

Potentially, where we are is that Soul has taken Its rightful place as leader/creator with the ego being the vehicle for Soul Expression. This is so great, as things will feel more flowing and graceful. Of course, there will still be adjustments and releases, yet we’ve learned to trust that our Higher Selves know the way. Truly, this is what Ascension and the New Earth is all about…Soul leading, ego expressing and Soul-merging, so that everything we say, think and do is all congruent with our highest consciousness. We continue to clear ourselves of old programs, beliefs and patterns so that our entire being vibrates and radiates nothing but the Light and Love of Soul; of Source.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - An Opportunity to Add to the Light of the World - February 8, 2015

Miracles took place last year that allowed the New Year, 2015, to be birthed in a star burst of Celestial Light. That influx of Divine Light has catapulted Humanity and the Earth into higher frequencies of energy, vibration, and consciousness than we have ever been able to withstand. The miracles of 2014 included an unprecedented activity of Light that empowered the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to begin the initial impulse of Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness en masse.
(An important note: Some people resist the term Christ Consciousness because they feel it is based in Christianity, but that is not true. Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we were invested with at our inception, the moment we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God.

Karen Downing - Soul Mission and Life Purpose - February 8, 2015

Mastery of life is mastery of yourself. This is something that can be achieved by each and every individual, but it takes careful mindfulness, attention to your inner dialogue, and most of all, patience. Each Soul moves through cycles of incarnating again and again, learning things all along the way. During that process you also transform some of the energy you held onto from previous lifetimes, completing those specific lessons.
In your life now, you still retain all of the memories and experiences, and you can draw from them in different ways. Sometimes, that is by transforming the pieces you no longer want to carry, and other times, it is by playing up the expertise and experiences from before. When all of your experiences, expertise, and challenges line up together, they give you information about what you are here to do in your life now. That is what you call your life purpose. On a larger scale, your Soul also has a mission, a mission carried through all of your past lives and into this one.

Benjamín Fulford - 07-02-15. La guerra en Ucrania fue originada por los sionistas del Departamento de Estado y el Vanguard Group con el fin de crear la nueva Khazaria, y empezar la Tercera Guerra Mundial al forzar a Rusia a traer fuerzas militares a Donbass:

08 feb
Fuentes y comentarios en inglés:
Más inteligencia en bruto de los rusos:
  1. La Vanguard Corporation está imprimiendo miles de millones de dólares de “dólares de pega” y paga a los mercenarios de Greystone, Academi y algunos como el grupo ABC, etc. Había unos pocos empleados de Vanguard, algunos de ellos empleados del Departamento de Estado, que tenían acceso a miles de millones de dólares falsos que tiene mejor apariencia incluso que el dinero real …
  2. Los empleados del Vanguard tenían autobuses (llenos) de estos dólares (miles de millones), y financiaban a ambos lados de la guerra ucraniana … Ellos compraron una gran cantidad de armas del ejército ucraniano y de forma regular se las suministraban a la milicia de Novorossiya (Donbass).

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 08 al 15 de febrero, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


La vida en el planeta se está acelerando en respuesta a las energías cósmicas que se están vertiendo sobre la superficie y en lo profundo de su núcleo. Innumerables cambios están ocurriendo dentro de los campos de energía de todas las formas de vida. Todos y todo están tratando de adaptarse al aumento del nivel de frecuencia que ahora rodea la tierra y a todos sus habitantes, tanto visibles como invisibles. Estas energías son ahora incluso más poderosas que antes y están trabajando para aflojar y disolver todos los bloqueos dentro de cada individuo de una manera que permita la liberación de todos los patrones restrictivos del pasado.

Massive Plasma Filament Faces Earth | S0 News February 8, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - February 8-15, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Life upon the planet is quickening in its response to the cosmic energies that are pouring upon the surface and deep within its core. There are myriad changes occurring within the energy fields of all living life forms. Everyone and everything is trying to adjust to the increased frequency level that now besets Earth and all her inhabitants, both seen and unseen. These energies are now even more powerful than before and are working to loosen and dissolve all blockages within each individual in a way that will enable a release from all restrictive patterns of the past. It is a potent and oftentimes, uncomfortable process, but be assured that the end result will be a good one for all. There are many chaotic forces at work and it seems as if the world and everyone in it have succumbed to madness. This too, shall pass.Those who continue to resist surrender to the purging process are finding it more and more difficult to wield their agendas with the ease of accomplishment they were once privy to.

Blossom Goodchild – 8 February 2015

bloss arizona biggerThis channeling was today posted by Blossom
Here we are, once again. I AM FEELING REALLY BACK ON TRACK. Amazing what a good look into One’s Truth can do … to find out exactly what it is! Moving right along … what offering do you see fitting to impart in this communication today?
Many greetings of sincere and uplifting, encouraging Love to Each and Every One. We are delighted indeed … that One is tending to their garden … sorting out the weeds and leaving only all that FEELS correct and nurturing. We are so very aware of the individual journey that each is travelling … and as much as we cannot or would not choose to interfere on that journey … we FEEL so very honoured to be able to be a ‘café’ … where upon we can provide sustenance along the way.

DL Zeta – Our Lens Of Perception Determines The Nature And Quality of Our Experience – 8 February 2015

DLZetaThe nature and quality of our life experiences are directly related to our levels of seeing. Everything is here and has always been here. We are only limited by what we are willing and able to see through our lens of perception.
There has always been so much more than what we have seen. If we expand our current level of seeing a million times we would only see a speck of what there is to see. Our potentials and capabilities offer our best window into the infinite nature of the universe. This divine pattern flows around and through us. Every particle of existence is alive with codes and information. These codes have always been available to those who were ready to awaken inside the dream of their earth life. This awakening enables new levels of inner seeing.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 8 February 2015

Here we are again, ready to impart another message into your system, for as you already know well by now, these missives are not just simply a conglomeration of words, they also contain layers of information that may not be visible to the untrained eye, but will be very noticeable indeed to anyone who chooses to connect fully with what it is we are trying to convey. Let us explain. It is not by accident that you have been drawn to this space, for the signature frequency that is yours, is one that matches very well with the inherent frequencies of these messages, and so, the two are made for each other in every way. You see, in order to assist you through this ever ongoing ordeal that this continuous process of elevating the frequential status of this planet may be likened to by some of you, it is indeed necessary that what we provide will give you the support you need in order to fulfill your part of this multi-layered and indeed extremely complex operation.

Brenda Hoffman - Súper Seres - Enero 2, 2015


Por Brenda Hoffman

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Muchos estaban excitados con lo que ustedes llaman el Súper Bowl - supuestamente lo mejor que hay en partidos de fútbol. Un equipo es el ganador supremo - hasta el día después del partido, cuando todos empiezan a adivinar qué equipos participarán en el próximo Súper Bowl. No es que esté de más cumplir con las tradiciones 3D, es sólo que cualquier súper-cosa tiene vida corta en el mundo 3D.

Benjamín Fulford - 07-02-15. Noticias de última hora de mis fuentes rusas

08 feb
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Los alemanes han detenido al asistente de Victoria Nuland, quien además, es un empleado de Vanguard Corporation, con casi mil millones de dólares falsos de alta calidad, impresos por Vanguard Corporation. Este empleado (es miembro del Departamento de Estado), y ahora, durante los interrogatorios, ha puesto “contra las cuerdas” a Vanguard Corporación con todas sus empresas y ha “puesto contra las cuerdas” a Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan y otros …
Él testificó que la Vanguard Corporation ha impreso miles de millones de dólares falsos de alta calidad y ha pagado con ellos a mercenarios en Siria, Irak, Ucrania, Libia, etc y a mercenarios de Greystone y ISIS. Testificó acerca de las conexiones y los acuerdos petroleros entre Vanguard Corporation y ISIS.

sábado, febrero 07, 2015

[UFOs File] Alien Technology Will Blow Your Mind - Full Documentary (NEW+)

Natalie Glasson – Are You Willing To Become Love? By Lady Pallas Athena – 7 February 2015

natalie glassonWith a breath of love exhaled from my soul which expands for eternity I bathe you in the presence of my love. Serenity, truth and unity are the qualities I express and demonstrate to you in this moment so you may see, sense and acknowledge yourself more fully and consciously. Your recognition of yourself as the essence of the Creator expressed in
this moment in unique and wonderful ways is the reason for your presence upon the Earth. It is for you to see, sense and acknowledge aspects of yourself within others and your surroundings. If you do not resonate with or feel happy in these reflections then there is a need for you to dive deeper within your being. To ask yourself as a wise and expansive being to illuminate and let go of all barriers which are causing you to see, sense and acknowledge yourself in a way which doesn’t resonate with the truth,

Benjamin Fulford -The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria - Feb 7, 2015

http://api.ning.com/files/PZjn-E6mESK2mQYJYI1AirnGCBoKkoPmv34piqwlR4oSnC8J60FmWKzdbyvu6WUHIRSQYPMaPqOd6-JHt7RSc4l4OKkcQKuT/ben_fulford.jpg More raw intelligence from the Russians:

1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars…

2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.

Benjamin Fulford - Breaking news from my Russian sources: - Feb 7th 2015


Breaking news from my Russian sources:

Feb 7th 2015, 01:52, by benjamin 
Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…

He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.

Méline Portia Lafont – The Tsolians – Integration Of The Infrared Spectrum Formation – 7 February 2015

MélineConveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings to you,
Today we wish to speak with you about the integrations of the Infrared Spectrum. We have spoken of this before in one of our first messages and we will elaborate on this matter now a little bit more profoundly. The infrared spectrum is capable of providing you with a certain degree of illumination as it contains fractals and a diaphragmatic composition that such views of other vibrations may become your reality and senses. (“diaphragmatic meaning that it vibrates as a response to certain waves and brings out signals or to produce waves”)

Humans Are Free.Rags-to-Riches in the Anunnaki World - Feb 7, 2015

In this world, nobody is born equal. There is lip-service paid to the illusion of equality and the premise that everyone has an equal chance of success if only they work hard enough.

This is rarely the case; it is the exception. In fact, most people are stuck in the situation into which they are born.

There are many factors affecting an individual's future. These include: financial and social status, nationality, race, intelligence, health, physical appearance, education, gender, religion, political leanings, connections, character, personality, skills, abilities, family ties and other factors.

Some people are born rich, while others have to work very hard to survive. Some children are born with disabilities while others are basically "normal" or even "gifted". It requires a combination of many factors to lead a child on the road to success.

Sandra Walter – The Currents Of Cosmic Intervention – 7 February 2015

Ascension Path LogoBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Thank you for your patience as I completed the Ascension Path upgrades. I AM very pleased with the new videos, meditations, techniques and materials. I welcome all who are guided to participate to register now. I AM honored to serve both your personal journey and our collective evolution in this way.
Equinox Floodgates OPEN
On January 24, during the last gateway, a giant energetic door was opened. In my visions, it presented like a giant wall of rock splitting open, like the gates of a damn swinging wide. It was a massive floodgate releasing the accelerated energies of 2015; specifically, the Equinox through Blood Moon passages in March/April and September. I have described these before; this series of four passages serve as an attunement device for those who will experience dramatic shifts in consciousness and embodiment of Christed states of consciousness before the rest of the collective.

Eliza: On New Horizons - February 7, 2015

Eagle Cap from Zumwalt Prairie
Eliza: On New Horizons
The past couple of weeks have been challenging for me (and others) for many reasons. Odd feelings like anxiety, melancholia, grief and a sense of hanging out in unknown space have been emerging into waking consciousness.
In the morning, I often wake up from intense, lengthy and colorful dreams, only to lose the story line quickly, like a fading glimpse into another world. I remember one scene, where I looked up a road that went straight up into some green mountains. I could see every tree in detailed shape and color, the various ridges ascending into a violet sky. It was a world that I knew and did not know.
Walking between worlds is something that many way showers have been experiencing of late. There are moments of visionary flashes and peeks under the Veil into what is beyond, which we cannot quite see or understand at this time… but will as we learn to let go of the last vestiges of the conditioning from our old world.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Spiritual Evolution: The Energy of the Future - December 7, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This particular channelling will be filled with information, as it often is, but there is also something else that we offer. We're coming to the close of your calendar year 2014. It's normally a time for reflection and, in this particular room, the energy that we wish to generate with the entourage around you is that of congratulations.

I want you to sit and bask in honor and, in these next moments, I would like you to try to disengage from the issues and the problems that you came with. As you sit there, if you have pain in your body - disengage. If you have pain in your heart - disengage. Corporeally, we understand fully that you are what you are, and you must go through what you go through, but you have the power to disengage from it for a while - for the next few moments.

Irene Aura - The Return Of Lemuria And The Golden Age - Feb 7, 2015