viernes, marzo 07, 2014

Karen Doonan - Staying in the NOW moment as ALL dissolves - March 7, 2014
As many of you can now FEEL the New Earth energies are now heightening and expanding in preparation for the BIRTH of the NEW GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANITY which begins to enter the delivery room over the next few linear days (at a human conscious waking mind level).  For many of you the triggering will have already begun, you will be able to FEEL yourself automatically try to apply the brakes to this process. This may confuse many of you as at a very CONSCIOUS waking mind level you are ready for these changes, many of you are literally reaching out for these changes, tired of the holding patterns and yet somehow still unable to fully embrace your creations. The frequencies of the old 3d earth created reality sit at SUB and UN conscious mind levels, so whilst you may state consciously “I WISH TO”, the human logical mind is working on ways to self sabotage, this self sabotage is driven by these lower dimensional frequencies that sit hidden deep within the cellular structure of said human vehicle.

Denise Le Fay - Show Me the Excitement! - March 7, 2014

“Hi Denise,
My name is Alex. I’ve been reading your blogs for several years. They bring me peace, knowing I’m not going crazy. I assume you receive a lot of these messages, so I’ll keep this short.
I believe in the Ascension Process wholeheartedly and can see how it has worked and is working through my life. I can feel myself moving away from a state of “doing” to a state of “being”. The problem with this is that the more the process goes on, the more I feel any and all motivation slipping away and the less I feel like doing anything. Even the things that for many years brought me great joy–writing stories, quilting, creating–now seem backed up by only the tiniest and most fleeting waves of energy, to the point where soon after starting I can’t even force myself to work on projects I would have once dove into with a joyful heart.

jueves, marzo 06, 2014


Holly Hawkins Marwood
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Romanian Translation

“Greetings Dear Ones.
We are the High Council of Orion.
Once again it gives us great joy to connect with each and every one of you to share the messages from where we are to assist you and guide you on your pathway to a new reality, a new time, a new experience of your incarnation.
Today’s message is about connecting to your energetic essence. More simply put it really is about connecting to your essence. As many of you know, and as your scientists have been proving in many, many ways, the essence of All That Is is that same energetic signature. You can reduce down everything within your experience of the world to the same energy. Your experience of your world is about vibrational differences that gives you the contrast to experience yourself as a physical being, the trees, the plants, the other humans, the planet itself, the weather systems, whatever it might be. It’s all vibrational resonance showing up in different ways to give you a variety of experiences, but underneath all of it, or deeper than all of it, wider than all of it, is this same energy of Essence.

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages -The Power Of Equinox – March 21, 2014 Finding Balance In Accelerating Energy – 6 March 2014

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideThe Power of Equinox – March 21, 2014
Finding Balance in Accelerating Energy
Dear Ones,
As the Equinox energy bursts on to the scene of consciousness, remember that the only place where you can find Balance is in the present moment. You are exceedingly fortunate to be a part of the auspicious beginning activity of Light that has enveloped the world in the shifting sands of new awakening. The stage is set and many scenarios will be possible. In fact, there are many possibilities available for you to experience even in your own life. It is these myriad choice points that will determine the world you live in. Your choices will also be the actions that create the pathways of rampant change intensifying on the planet.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 402 – 6 March 2014

AishaNorthWe have come to you today to share another important piece of information, one that for many will perhaps seem to confuse them even more at first, while for others, it will seem to be obvious from the get go. Then, we would like to take some time to delve further into another topic that weighs heavy on many a heart.
So let us begin this missive by talking about the fluctuating manner you are all starting to perceive your reality, and how you seem to float in and out of different states, without any obvious reason for it. For we think many of you can report being in an almost constant state of flux now, fluctuating between extreme clarity and obfuscation, between a surge of joy and knowingness and sense of exhaustion and despair, all coming together in a soup of contrasting and perplexing ingredients. None of them seemingly related to the others, and none of them staying long enough to let you fall into a state of permanence. Well, there is an easy explanation to all of this confusion, and that is the effect of the bleed-through of the unseen.

Selacia – Stand Up for Yourself To Shift Your Life In 2014 – 6 March 2014

SelaciaWhen a friend wants support or simply a vote of confidence, you likely respond and do what you can. After all, compassion and support for others is wired into your nature. It’s encoded in your DNA to care about others and to step in when a loved one feels down or wants encouragement.
Acknowledge yourself for stepping in and being that rock of support. As you help others, in even simple ways, you lift your own energy higher and accelerate your spiritual progress.
Question for March 2014
The question this month is this: Are you able to stand up for yourself as you do for others?
If you haven’t considered this idea recently, March is an excellent time to do so. This month’s energies will catalyze a review of self-worth and self-love – perhaps triggering reflection of how true you are able to be with yourself.

Sandra Walter - Observations on the energies through Equinox - March 6, 2014


I AM called to the Mountain tomorrow for new gateway work. I have no idea what that means just yet. It feels like a big amplification is coming our way. The precog tribe is getting the same messages: Keep it clean, calm and focused through the Equinox. As anxious as we all may feel as the veils get thinner (magnetic squeeze and Solar activity), remember it is purposeful. Break through the last of your barriers (fears) about the internal and external Shifts. If a fear is getting too close for comfort, by all means face it and clear that baggage. We need the Ascension tribe empowered by the new light, not startled by phantoms under your own mask.
A clear focus on simplicity, stability, purity and mastery will serve this phase. Eat and drink clean, operate from the heart, act from the highest integrity in order to create as much stability in your fields as possible. Forget the busy-ness; burn off the excess shakey-quakey energies with movement (cardio for solar activity, yoga/tai chi/qigong/dance for balance), creativity (light-ground ideas and connect to Higher Self) and assist with stabilizing Gaia (get your hands and feet on the Earth and be neutral in pure love). Please don’t stimulate the grids too much; notice the balancing act going on at the moment. Meditate as often as possible, it helps you and the collective.

Meredith Murphy - Infinite Freedom - March 6, 2014

As you open up to more and more of your inner knowing, the clarity you open to shows you, your own infinite freedom. The question is: will you accept it?
Will you traverse the discomfort of the unknown, allowing yourself to expand?
Will you give yourself permission to have more than perhaps you thought was possible? Can you allow yourself to claim as your truth what you know without needing others to have the same beliefs? Will you give yourself the abundance available? Permit your heart to love and want what it wants, trusting its desire as inner knowing and opening to the way the world can meet you, that is so beyond all that you previously expected and most importantly -- beyond all that you previously have experienced?

miércoles, marzo 05, 2014

Dana Mrkich - Step into the New....Literally - March 5, 2014

For the last year or two, particularly since the beginning of our new cycle, a lot of us have felt a strange sense of being in limbo, like we’re floating in a void between the old and the new. So much of who we used to be no longer feels right, or fits exactly as it used to. I was thinking of this the other day, and received the message that it’s like when ghosts don’t realise they are ‘dead’ to their old life. They are confused, and for a time can get stuck in between worlds. To move on, they need to see the Light and step through it, so that they can get on with their life in some other place and space.

Karen Doonan - Unfolding of the dream of humanity - March 5, 2014

silver birch treeAs the energies continue to expand and to deepen and the old 3d earth created reality begins to lose its grip on the outer waking reality of the human race then more and more will begin to unfold at a human conscious waking mind level. Many of you already may be receiving clearer and more easily interpreted guidance both through meditations and also through the dreamtime platform.  Synchronicity in your outer waking life may now expand and seem to speed up with many manifestations appearing almost instantly.  It is to be noted that “synchronicity” is your  ”guide” if you will to how “in flow” you are with universal energy. The more that you can let go and allow yourself to swim with the New Earth energies the more that events and scenarios will begin to unfold to allow for the creation of your dream in TRUTH.

Jeshua - Peace Enforced is Not Peace, It Is But a Temporary Cease-Fire - John Smallman: - Mar 5, 2014
Jesus: Peace Enforced is Not Peace, It Is But a Temporary Cease-Fire. Channelled by John Smallman. March 5, 2014. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:
The wonderfully empowering energy waves that you Light bearers and Wayshowers have been sharing and extending during these last few weeks are bearing beautiful and exotic fruit of an extremely sweet and uplifting nature. If you could see and appreciate what you are achieving in every moment you would be dumbfounded.
Channel Panel with Mother God and St Germain

***Thank you Christine Burk for transcription!***

Dr Kathryn E May

5 March 2014

117:25 – 136:16


“All right Beloved, here I Am. Yes, and I know, everyone wants to talk about the RV.

I’d rather expand the discussion a bit. I do regret it, of course, that you have been told: tomorrow and then tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and then today, and today and tomorrow.

Well, once again, it is my job to reassure and to inform everyone, and I do enjoy that.

I feel the sense of discouragement, and that is worrying me a bit. I hope that all of you will be able to look back on this and remember that this day in March – when we thought it would have been October – this day in March you say to yourself, “I am so over that.”

And probably by the time we are able to accomplish this, you will be so ready to stop thinking about money that all you’ll want is to embrace your Twin Flame and to open your arms with JOY to the Mentors who will be arriving to help you. And I’d like to talk about that just a bit.

Yes, the Prosperity Funds were designed, initially, as a counter-weight to the power of the cabal. It is the only reason that we involved ourselves in this project that was about wealth and about money because it was the most reasonable way to defeat those who were hoarding all the wealth. How do you get to rich people? You become richer than they are. That was the plan, and it has worked. Even though, those of you who are eagerly awaiting your bonuses and your blessings have not yet received your money, it has worked.

It has worked to frighten the cabal because they are easily frightened, you know. They are afraid of losing their power. They’re afraid of not being in complete control. They’re afraid of losing their grip. And so, this entire process of preparing to distribute enormous amounts of money across the globe has been very successful. You know, most of you, about the sting operations. That was integral to this whole process. Though it’s even more intricate than I’ve been able to describe to you because it’s also a psychological sting operation. You see the consciousness on the Planet has shifted.

Even though many of you were impatiently awaiting or wishing and hoping, you began to think differently. You are thinking very differently about money than you ever did before. You think of yourselves as wealthy. You think of yourself as someone who is about to claim their inheritance, and this, in and of itself, has changed the entire planet.

You used to think of yourselves as poor, strapped, unfortunate, unlucky – yes, some of you even thought of yourselves that way: unlucky. And now, everyone feels blessed. Everyone knows about the wonderful times that are coming. And yes, maybe sometime you feel, “Oh if only it would come sooner….” But rarely, do you ever think, “It’s not going to come at all.”

How many years ago was it, when you thought you were alone here, when you thought that, you know, slogging along for years on end at a boring job would be your destiny? How many of you were convinced that nothing would ever change? And now, you’re not complaining that nothing will ever change; you’re complaining that it’s not happening fast enough. That is great progress.

Well, when it does begin to happen…fast…it’s going to…well you have that expression: it makes your head spin. You’ll feel like your head is spinning. Sometimes you already do feel that way, don’t you? The energy is increasing. The time is going so fast you can hardly remember what day it is anymore because the days fly by.

Yes, you all wanted to live the life of a ‘rich person.’ Well, would it be sufficient for you to know that you are a rich person, to become a rich person – at least for a short time – and then have the opportunity to give away enormous amounts of money? What could be better? Had any of you really thought you were going to buy a yacht? Probably not. This is what rich people do. This is what the cabal does – most of them, not all, of course. Some live as if they were modest; they’re not.

It is the entire lifting of the state of the consciousness of planet Earth. That is what really matters. It is not how many people have so much money.

We could not have done this without you. And we could not have done it had we given out all the money while the cabal was still in power. It would have completely defeated the purpose because the purpose is to shift the thinking about what wealth is. And you have learned, little by little, haven’t you?

You’ve learned to think about what REAL wealth is, and it has nothing to do with money. It has to do with abundance and fairness. And when every person on the Globe has the conditions in their life that make it possible for them to be free – free in their minds, free in their hearts, free with their families to enjoy their time together – this is what we want. This is the Golden Age we look forward to – not dividing the money more evenly, so that everybody has the same piece of pie.

No one would be happier if all we were distributing was money. I promise you. You know what happens to people who win the lottery. No one would have been happier if we had simply taken all the money on the Globe and redistributed it. Yes, many would have been more comfortable, but would that have given you the opportunity to spend these months thinking about your fellow man, thinking so seriously about what you are going to do to make it better.

And you know you have the power. You know you will have the resources. THIS, this is the great growth. This is the wonderful development: all of you shining brighter day by day.

We do not say that this was the plan – that the longer it dragged out, the more brilliant you would become; although, we suspected that might happen, but IT IS what’s happened.

The more you think about the wealth that you are entitled to, the wealth that is coming any day, the more eager you are to create something wonderful that will help others to be at Peace. And just by thinking this, you are manifesting it.

Look at this incident, where a war was threatened. Did anything come of it? Nothing. Remember when Kim Jong Un in Korea was threatening? Did anything come of it? No, nothing. Even (in) Syria, the pot is no longer boiling. In the Middle East, it’s strangely quiet, isn’t it?

All over the Globe, the Sun is rising. The energy is changing. Where things were harsh, angry and brutal, it has become quiet. In many places, you might even say it’s strangely quiet. The ones who are enthusiastic about their brutality, have suddenly become subdued. This, Beloved Ones, is your work.

You are succeeding, and you are nearly at the point, where manifesting your dreams is the same as having the money. This is what we wish, you know. This is what we teach: you will manifest this New Golden Age.

Yes, we do have every intention of making this happen the best we can. And by WE, I mean, The Company of Heaven overseeing those on the ground, who are actually making it happen.

Yes, it is in place. The larger agreements have been accomplished, several times already, and it will play out. There may be variations in the way it plays out. We will see in the coming days.

Nevertheless, the leveling and the rising of the consciousness – especially here in the West because of all the talk about what it will be like after the RV, what will the world look like after the RV? How many friends and families can you help? How many people will be raised up?

It is happening. Look around you. You are manifesting the vision that would have been created had the money already been distributed.

Now, we certainly wish for it to happen, but this is what your part of it was. And you are accomplishing it brilliantly.

I ask you: Continue! Continue! Show your friends what Hope really means, and show them how it can change the world.

Do not be discouraged, Beloved Ones, for the time of meeting your Twin Flames and your Mentors and your Star Brothers and Sisters is very near. And when they arrive, they bring with them the same kind of abundance and joy in their hearts that you feel when you envision the wonderful future ahead. So that, when they arrive, you will be completely in tune with them.

You will welcome them with curiosity, and love and excitement. And when they teach you the wonders – the wonders – that they have in store for you, you will think that the abundance you were going to create with the RV is a very small thing compared to what you are going to do in the phase that immediately follows. You will look back and say, “Oh yes, that stuff about the currency… yes, it was hoped that we would change everything, but we realized it took more than that to change everything, and we were already well on our way!”

And so it is.

You are succeeding. We are succeeding in the Vision we had. It is now just the details that need to be brought into line.

And it will be done.

Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being here with us, for following so closely, and most of all for raising your consciousness, lifting your hearts, remaining steadfast, and we will do this together.

Namaste All. Namaste.”

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast March 2014 – An Unexpected Revolution

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you again in this way. Over the past few months, a great shift has taken place that has set the tone for a powerful yet unexpected revolution to make its way into the mainstream.
In the summer of 2013, a fun animated movie titled Despicable Me 2 premiered, and instantly became a hit with children of all ages around the world. But like the lifespan of most movies, it quickly came and went.
While the movie was in theaters, there was no real attention given to its soundtrack, which included a song that was little-known at the time, called “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.

Wes Annac – No More Pain – 5 March 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
In this time of widespread awareness, let pain be a thing of the past. Let the unbearable weight accompanying earthly existence fade away from us now, because we’re destined to do wonderful things that we’ll need to be able to transcend density to do.
We each have an important role to play, and if we can move beyond pain and darkness and into the brimming, motivated love that spirit has to offer, we’ll be able to transcend the heaviness of the earth and step into our full potential as light bearers.

Karen Doonan - Archangeloi of the ELOHIM message to humanity 5th march 14

Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as ALL now move into position and take their places in order to guide the human race through the PORTALS to the New Earth dimensional reality. The PORTALS are now powering up, by this we mean that those who are here to move through said portals are now receiving the coding and the updates necessary to their human energy signatures in order that they may now fully ALIGN and MAGNETISE with their CHOSEN New Earth reality.
It is to be remembered beloved ones that at SOUL level the picture is CRYSTAL clear, the movement of energies around you, through you and within you is guidance from YOUr SOUL who watches and expands every movement that occurs at a human conscious waking mind level. We are with you ALL at this time, we are making our presence known in both our human and our non human forms and many are now actively working with the symbols that their SOUL has presented to them in order to further align with TRUTH.

Carolyn Ann O'Riley - Archangel Michael - All Ahead Now Warp Speed - March 5, 2014

Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Greetings and Salutations! My Beautiful Beings of Light. All ahead now at warp speed. The energies are ramping up stronger and stronger each month Do you feel it My Beloveds?.
It is the moment in NOW to go within yourselves to ground and center in order to maintain your personal inner harmony and balance. In times of high energy it is extremely important for each of you to watch your stress levels My Beloveds.
Even though it appears to be chaotic on this side you are emerging on the other side of the energy vortex in a more centered and higher vibrational place. The higher vibrations My Beloved Angels of Grace are going to feel so much better to your highly sensitive natures.

martes, marzo 04, 2014

Drones Over Dolphin Stampede and Whales off Dana Point and Maui

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

The turns of all life are inexhaustible and 

unswervingly give birth to new being and new realities.
God’s grace is omnipresent and now perfects what 

strives for completion.

Silent Winds Of Change – Incarnated Avatars – Who Or What Are They? – 4 March 2014

An Avatar is a supreme act of white magic done in order to bring divine influences and light to earth at certain cyclic times.
Incarnated Avatars act as spiritual guides meeting and assisting people in dream-time. Frequently meeting them in 3D life and the other person recognizes them from the dream.
Typically they have had strong inner guidance (HigherSelf) since birth and may not have other obvious higher realm guidance.
Most of their life they have traveled the path less traveled.
They see through falsehoods in 3D and wonder why no one else does.
They naturally have people drawn to them and assist these people with guidance that just seems to “pop into their head”.
They realize that strict specific ways of doing things are only that teacher’s egoistic rules.  There are many ways of accomplishing the same things.
In truth all those who feel an affinity to the Lighworker title are incarnated avatars.  Only their own beliefs are limiting them from their true inner powers.

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: Love Is Intoxicating – 4 March 2014 following was written by Wes Annac for the ‘planetary healing’ section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about enlightenment as a means to heal the planet, and like I mentioned last week, this is because I think it’s important. I created this planetary healing segment with the goal of exploring some of the ways we can heal this world physically, but I’ll admit that these days, I feel led to talk about enlightenment and becoming aware of spirit.

Judith Kusel - Cosmic Law 3: The Law of Request - March 4, 2014

Have you ever had someone making a decision for you, without letting you know?  When you were presented with the whole thing afterwards, was there not a measure of resentment, that you were never asked whether you wanted this or not in your life?
The Law of request, states that every soul has free will and choice.  It is given a framework, or master plan to live in while on this planet called Earth.  Therefore it has the freedom to do and to be, as it wills.
This is also the Law of Non-Interference with the free will of others.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Peace Meditation For Ukraine – At 9:12 PM Ukraine Time – 4 March 2014

Dear friends,I have been asked, to publish this on my blog.
Please participate in the Global Meditation for Peace in the Ukraine, on March 4, 9:12PM Ukraine time.
You may use whatever form of meditation you prefer.At 9:12 PM Ukraine time there is the exact astrological constellation with a high possibility of military conflict – or peaceful resolution.
Other timezones can be seen here:

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 4 March 2014

As many of you have already noted, the lingering sensations from the get together you were all a part of a few days ago are still rather difficult to correctly identify, for what you did take part in, was of such a magnitude, nothing like it has ever been staged before anywhere in Creation. And so, we would like to take this opportunity to first of all thank you all on behalf of All of creation for what you have accomplished, for it is nothing short of miraculous. For during that period of time, and this is indeed still going on now, you managed to hook up to so many new lines of transformation, and when we say transformation, we mean as in a merging together of old and new, in a very new way. And old in this context simply means those parts of you that you have been without for such a long time, and with new, we mean you, those shining beings encased within a physical human body, but who now are composed of so many new components, we will henceforth refer to you as the new humans.

Christine Meleriessee - March 4th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “5″

Unity Number 5In the Science of Numerology the number “5” is represented by the energies of feeling free and expecting the Unexpected. 

Keywords are:  Freedom-loving, activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, change, idealistic, personal freedom and individuality, motivation, making positive life choices and major changes, transformation, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness and auspicious opportunities.
We arrive at the number “5” through the summation of 77 = 14 =5.  “77” represents an amplification of spiritual enlightenment and awakening; the number 14 is about diligence in achieving your intended goal.  Both of these combinations truly set the energies to move into the essence of 5 with a strong foundation and determination of the desired energies to become manifest as five represents change and being able to move through any situation.

Anna Merkaba - The Triumph Portal Next 21 Days Andromeda - March 4, 2014

~The times of change has finally arrived and we welcome each one of you to partake of the wisdom that has indeed been brought down through the central sun of Alcyone in the Pleiades. The time of change has indeed arrived, and the gates of foreclosure have indeed been lifted. Know that for the next 21 days of your earthly reality the gates of great change and tremendous opportunity to channel this energy into the type of life you wish for your selves and others shall be open to you ~

Dearly beloved children of the universe,

The time has arrived for great change that shall unfold before you in your present reality on GAIA. For the informational decree that has indeed been delivered into the sub-atomic structure of the DNA and psyche of those dwelling on GAIA, has taken place.

Karen Doonan - The EVENT in TRUTH - March 4, 2014
Many of you may have questioned why I have been reticent to talk in depth about the EVENT, many channels have also touched upon the EVENT but with little depth and there is a solid reason for this. Many filter out that the reality that exists around you, through you and within you INTERACTS with you, through you and within you at all moments of all moments.  In other words the old 3d earth created reality is not a “static” reality, it moves and shifts as ALL move and shift.  You are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth created reality that you are born into the human race and that you are then affected by all that is ALREADY here, this is highly distorted for human life expands and shifts at all moments of all moments, for energy JUST IS and energy flows constantly at all moments of all moments.  The difference between the old 3d earth created reality and the New Earth is that the old 3d earth created reality has a LIMIT, it has a CEILING as it were, so you can have expansion but only to a certain frequency level, beyond this you are contained and suppressed and the way in which the teachings of the old 3d earth created reality are designed you are SELF POLICED at various points up until the very last edge of the bandwidth.

Secret Ancient Knowledge Gregg Braden The Divine Matrix


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

Inside as well as outside – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn March 04, 2014

(Translated from original language german)
My child, stay in balance. This is very important. Don’t let what might happen in your outside bring you out of your inner balance. Stay calm and relaxed and your inner peace will be transferred to your exterior. Your inner peace and serenity settle like a balm to your near and far.
You can therefore even affect your weather so that it returns more and more back into balance and thus also the extreme weather phenomena decrease or even disappear. You know “as the inner – so the outer”.

Karen Bishop - ~ LA SIGUIENTE OLA ENTRA EN POSICIÓN ~ Ene 22, 2014


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Update by Sheldan Nidle~3-4-14~Events are now occuring…

Events are now occurring that is the actual start of a process to give freedom, prosperity and new governance.

by PAO

10 Etznab, 1 Ceh, 10 Caban

Selamat Bratzo! (Sirian for “Be in Satisfaction”) We return now with some news. The RV issue continues to move forward as a number of new currencies are ready to be issued and exchanged. This is yet another sign that the power of the dark cabal is waning. On another front, approval was obtained on the final wordings of the new international banking regulations. These new rules are to lead to investigations that will permit governments to break up the illegal large banking institutions that created global fraud in the post-World War II period (1945-2013). Their greed-based manipulations and resultant cover-ups were the true cause of the numerous “wars” fought during this time period. Presently, a broad-based coalition of governments and well-placed individuals are legally proving the cause of this fraud and providing the needed evidence for arrests and many banking breakups. This will accelerate as new governance emerges and the prosperity programs start to be rolled out. However, this series of actions is only just a start.

lunes, marzo 03, 2014

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 3-1-14 - La Luna Nueva del 1° de marzo 2014Por Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles
Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Saturday, March 1 at 1:00AM Mountain Time, Midnight on Friday, February 28/March 1, Pacific Time. The time to celebrate it in the US would be on Friday night.

This New Moon is especially potent in providing an opportunity to ask the question, “where am I committed?” And if not why? It is never too late to weed out what does not serve you and commit to something that does. Take some time on this New Moon to revisit intentions and goals that you set back in December and at the beginning of this year and just take note of where you are with them. If some intentions were too ambitious, scale them down to something more practical without judgment. If they were not ambitious enough, refine them and dream bigger. If some have already been realized, be grateful. Notice where you are lacking in resolve and commitment. Perhaps it is with your practices or with taking action. If you feel unsupported, recommit to receiving support. It’s out there. You just have to ask. Set a new set of resolutions for yourself that will support your intentions. Be committed.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Energies of March 2014 - March 3, 2014 - Las Energías de Marzo 2014 por Jennifer Hoffman - Mar 3, 2014

As the saying goes ‘March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.’ That may hold true for the weather, as March typically begins with winter weather and ends with warmer, spring-like temperatures. But for everything else, I think that March is going to enter like a semi-toothless lion and end like a hungry one, with a new set of teeth, looking for its next meal. We have endured many months of inaction and we’re now ready for some changes, nearly anything will do at this point. Those will come in April, as for March, big, life changing outcomes aren’t quite supported, but the decisions and choices behind them are.


Pamela Kribbe - El Ciclo de Vuestras Estaciones Pamela canaliza a la Tierra -

Traducción del inglés por Sandra Gusella

Soy la voz de la Tierra que les habla desde el suelo debajo de vuestros pies. Les hablo desde el corazón del invierno, que es una estación del año que les trae mucho aunque ustedes no siembre lo crean. En el invierno hay una retirada de la fuerza de vida hacia el núcleo. La estación del invierno gira en torno a ese núcleo: el núcleo de luz dentro de ustedes, el fuego que arde profundo adentro, el poder del espíritu en ustedes. En el invierno el exterior se cae; las ramas están desnudas. La vida se retira hacia el tronco y hacia las raíces y hay silencio y tranquilidad en la naturaleza. Pero este silencio, el vacío y la esterilidad, no está sin vida y sin alma “ siéntanlo. Cuando ustedes caminan a través del bosque o en los campos, la vida está ahí “ invisible, pero tangible. La vida se retira hacia el núcleo donde cobra fuerzas para brotar otra vez en la primavera.

Karen Doonan - Dissolving the linear concept in TRUTH - March 3, 2014
Many of you at this moment may be struggling with balancing how you FEEL with how you SEE, by this I mean that you can FEEL the heightening and expanding energies and FEEL movement but may be at a loss at to how this will manifest in your outer waking life.  It cannot be underlined enough the need to let go and to allow to dissolve the LINEAR CONCEPT that is TAUGHT to your human logical mind within the old 3d earth created reality.  The energies at this time seek to dissolve this fully but the reaction of your human logical mind to the trigger that these energies bring in with them is to find some sort of “salvation” in the “routine” of what you are taught is modern life on this planet. This will now work against you and will seek to lower your vibration causing many unpleasant symptoms.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Entering a Period of Deep, Deep Transformation – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 2, 2014

goldenYeshua and the Company of Heaven (Received March 2, 2014):
Greetings, fellow travelers of the Light. You are so magnificent. I just want to tell you that first off. It has been a while since I have greeted you through this channel, but nevertheless, I come in with full force and Light and Love to deliver this important message to you all.
You are entering a period of deep, deep transformation. For this I urge you to prepare yourselves in a very diligent and loving manner, dear ones. You do not want to miss the fragrant and deep and whole enhancement of your Beings as you learn to absorb and integrate more and more Light into your cells and overall Beings.

Wes Annac - Never Let it Rest - Mar 3, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Growth and evolution are constant, and we’re always moving forward. Our minds and hearts are being continually activated in preparation for our collective entrance into a higher vibration, and even when we reach that vibration, we’ll continue excelling. From the fifth dimension, we’ll continue to learn and grow until we re-reach Source.
The realms between us and Source are practically endless, and apparently, even when we attain undistorted Christ consciousness we might drop our vibration again just for the sheer joy of ascending. Our craving to grow will actually cause us to purposely regress our growth just so we can experience it again!

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward – March 3, 2014

Matthew Ward 222Matthew Ward as received by Suzy Ward, March 3, 2014 – | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
Despite what may appear to be the contrary, happenings around your world are steadily moving your society forward. Citizens’ protests against government leadership or policies from community level to national is forcing resolution of issues that have been causing considerable dissatisfaction—this is releasing negativity so it cannot become entrenched.

The collective will of humanity to awaken has been roused, and it will not go back to sleep - John Smallman - 03/03/2014

Here in the spiritual realms (which are far closer to you than you imagine!) we continue to observe your sterling efforts to bring humanity to its awakening and we delight in the amazing effect you are having all across the world.  You are making it happen, and the momentum that you have established is utterly unstoppable. Remind yourselves of that when you are feeling alone or down; you are, of course never alone, and down is just a mood swing or very temporary energy drop that will not last.
You have enormous support from the divine field of Love that constantly embraces you which is why, despite your doubts, fears, and anxieties, you never give up.  You know at your still-point, your energy center, deep within you, that all is divinely taken care of, and that your doubts and worries are totally illusory, even though they can seem very real and valid.  And that seeming reality of doubts and worries that you consistently succeed in overcoming is one of the many reasons why you are so honored, so admired here in the spiritual realms.  Great joy awaits your awakening, and you will not be denied it because your Father’s Will is never denied, and His Will for you is eternal joy.


Christine Meleriessee - Unity Number “4″ -March 3rd, 2014

Unity Number4In the Science of Numerology, the number “4” represents organization, creating order, and managing your affairs to create a solid foundation.

Keywords are:  practicality and responsibility, illumination and initiation, stability and ability, determination and endurance, hard work and progress, organization, and purging what we no longer need.
Today’s number is derived from the sum of 67/13 = 4; 67 represents taking care of your home, family and giving service with the heightened energies of the self through your higher essence, your gift to the self from the soul; 13 is a number of synchronization within your highest ideals of unity in your existence with your expanded growth cycle; 4 is a number of organization, putting your thoughts into action with a sense of stability and purpose.


translated by Franz

Dream: I see Georg’s wife, being very sad, sitting on a rock
in front of their house. I am told that the family has been
evicted because they could not pay the rent of 1000 Euros anymore.

domingo, marzo 02, 2014

Denise Le Fay - It’s 2014 & I still feel like #%*!

I’ve always believed that most people are more interested in the truth, even when it’s not all fluffied-up, intentionally made to sound completely bright n’ shiny, pain-free, negativity-free, and wholly easy and wonderfully fabulous. The people who want and need to hear the fluffied-up versions of the Ascension and Shift Process don’t read what I have to say. But, if you’ve been living and struggling through this Divine, this amazing, this amazingly difficult Ascension Process for many years and/or decades, then you’ve been through so much already that hearing me talk about a bit more Ascension related aches and pains in 2014 isn’t much of a big deal at all.

Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – “Celebrating A Spiritual Reunion” – 2 March 2014 - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Celebrando Una Reunión Espiritual”

Beloved masters, let us join together during this sacred time as we share our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future. Yes, we also have great hopes and visions of what miracles will be wrought by you and for you, the Starseed of planet Earth.

Close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply as you settle your awareness into your Sacred Heart center. Now envision, if you will, that in this timeless moment, we are all coming together to rejoice, remember and reestablish our Divine relationship, one with another. See within your mind’s eye, and feel the emotions of recognition well up from within your Sacred Heart, as your vast spiritual family, past, present and future, come forth to greet you. Watch as shining Facets of our Father/Mother God, and all the shining, radiant Beings from throughout this Sub-universe, down to the tiniest elemental Beings, present themselves in their magnificent splendor, as they surge forth to walk amongst you. There are no limitations here, no one is excluded, for in this great gathering in the higher dimensions there is room for all—every soul who has ever incarnated on Earth is present in his/her Etheric bodily form, as well as all the precious Beings from throughout this solar system and galaxy. You see, it is a grand reunion reminiscent of the time when you all gathered in celebration before beginning your many long sojourns into the physical world, on planet Earth.

Karen Doonan - The disconnection of the male in HUMAN FEMALES - March 2, 2014

As I have stated on the previous blog this blog is written to address the disconnection of the male from within the human female, if you are in human male form it may be helpful to read the blog “the disconnection of the male in the human male”  first of all.  The teachings that are anchored deeply in the old 3d earth created reality by both human males and human females seeks to teach the respective forms to filter each other out, therefore one blog written to address both would seek to trigger and not to illuminate in order to dissolve.

Sun-Diving Comet : March 2, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 2 March 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 2 al 9 de Marzo 2014

March 2- 9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is important to connect into one’s heart and follow its counsel and to remember that some people are going through experiences in their present moment that require one’s empathy, compassion and understanding as they deal with their feelings in their own respective ways. Remember the love that lies at the core of their being and in yours and just let it be however it wishes to express itself. Some changes that occur in people’s lives are those that create a total revaluation of how one views their own and that can be a difficult process as it is experienced. At the core of all changes in one’s life lies a lesson of acceptance that not everything can stay the same and that events happen that leave a void that nothing can ever replace. In this, it is only the passage of time which heals these realizations.
Love in its many facets of expression is a most potent force and can heal even the most cynical of expectations. When love is held foremost in a person’s heart, the world conspires to bring one experiences that reflect that love. Allowing one’s heart to stay opened during times of sorrow and sadness assists in the healing process of each individual. Oftentimes, these expressions come from a place of woundedness within the person’s psyche and this allows the person to go within and examine these feelings with greater focus than would be given otherwise. It helps them grow and expand their understanding of themselves and others around them so that they understand that each person has similar events in their own lives that help shape them into more open and loving expressions of the Creator’s attributes.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele – 2 March 2014

Greetings to all. We observe Light on Gaia increasing each day, and bringing with it a new world wide awareness of issues and problems that the majority were heretofore unable or unwilling to see. Appearances would say that the world is getting worse, but what you are witnessing is the Light now shining into the dark places and bringing to the forefront all that needs to be addressed in new and higher ways.
Many governments are starting to understand that the old self serving ways of doing business are no longer working. Many “leaders” choosing to resist any change, and will eventually find themselves in one way or another removed. All, from world leaders to so called “common folk” who insist upon holding tight to energies that are finished will begin to experience difficulties because the new energies do not nor cannot support anything held in place only through belief and concepts. Go within dear ones, and honestly examine what concepts and beliefs you may still be rigidly holding on to.

How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts Online | Big Brother Watch

Steve Rother - Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~ 18 de febrero de 2014

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~
18 de febrero de 2014

~ Tan solo SER (como una abeja) ~

(en inglés Just BEE)

(NT: juego de palabras, en inglés ser (be) y abeja (bee) se pronuncian igual)


Los Faros de Luz, Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y publicadas aquí los días 15 de cada mes. La traducción al español se publica entre el 25 y 30 del mismo mes.

La próxima emisión de Lightworker será el:
Sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014
11:00 am hora del Pacífico de EE.UU.

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

Nota: Este mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar en algunas partes con la supervisión de El Grupo para una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos queridos, Yo soy eM.

Un cambio en la polaridad del sol

Estoy muy emocionado de estar hoy aquí con ustedes. Hay muchas cosas que están comenzando a abrirse en la Tierra y les compartiremos un poco sobre el próximo paso que dará la humanidad. Está ocurriendo a la velocidad del amor, levemente más rápida que la velocidad de la luz. Ni siquiera Einstein sabía eso. Muchas cosas están sucediendo debido a sus movimientos, a su elevación y capacidad de hacer circular la energía completamente por sus cuerpos sin sentir efectos negativos. Han hecho un trabajo increíble hasta este punto, principalmente al ignorarlo algunas veces. ¡Oh, sí! Los humanos pueden mirar hacia otro lado muy bien, pero eso se debe también a que han puesto las cosas en orden. En realidad, es muy interesante. Ustedes tienen una nueva relación con el tiempo y el Guardián del Tiempo les ha estado hablando de ello por algún tiempo. Sin embargo, representa mucho, pero mucho más que solo mirar su reloj o planificar su día de acuerdo a lo que llaman el tiempo.

sábado, marzo 01, 2014

Wes Annac - Let the Meek Inherit the Earth - Mar 1, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
All around this planet, there are people who have the potential to really make a significant change for the better. Billions of brilliant minds exist that deserve to be given an equal opportunity to make decisions that affect all of us, but unfortunately, most people are kept down so the elite can continue to live lives of luxury.
The poor have been oppressed for centuries, and an active effort is being made to keep us unaware of the reality of our existence. Most people are given sparse opportunities to excel like they deserve to, but in a new paradigm, rampant inequality will be replaced with prosperity and the ability to have a say in the decisions that are made.

Suzanne Lie - Transmuting Gaia's Core Crystals

Dear Arcturians:
I have many questions, but I know the answers are inside and I got lost in the third dimension again.  I had this meeting that I was looking forward to and I got busy.  I got busy again and I missed out, and I wonder how many things I miss out on because I’m so busy – so busy in the 3D world doing this right thing, this good thing, this important thing.
My focus is on outside – on the outside world that I’m trying to see beyond.  I ask you now to speak through me and I will take a moment of the time that I have wasted on busyness and dedicate it to going inside to find myself and you dear Arcturians – the higher component of the me the is wearing this Earth vessel and having a hard time not getting lost inside of the Earth vessel.
Our beloved Suzelle we speak to you within your very same voice, therefore you know that we are within you and that we are speaking through you – for we are using that body in which you have often become lost.  We are using that mind, that brain, those vocal cords, those lungs, that heart.  Do you see how we are one?

RT - Plastic Chemical Found In Nearly 500 Foods Sold In US – 1 March 2014

RT logoNearly 500 food items commonly sold in the United States contain a chemical compound also used in synthetic leathers and yoga mats, but a health research and advocacy organization is aiming to change that.
Fast-food chain restaurant Subway made headlines earlier this month when it announced that it would no longer be including that compound — azodicarbonamide, or ADA — as a “dough conditioner” in the sandwich bread used in thousands of locations around the globe. But researchers at the Environmental Working Group say Subway isn’t the only guilty party, and that roughly 130 other companies mass-produce and sell an array of products that should have that chemical from their recipes as well.
According to a report released by that group on Thursday this week, consumers are just about as likely to find azodicarbonamide while at the grocery store as they would be inside a plastics factory. The Environmental Working Group, or EWG, has been constructing a database containing the ingredients of 80,000 foods sold across the US, and say Subway shouldn’t be the only ones changing their recipes.
Read the full story at: /link to original article

Christine Meleriessee - The Theme for March 2014 is COMMITMENT.
This is a month of putting yourself 100% behind your choices and decisions. It is about setting new rules, weeding out what doesn’t work, being disciplined about what it takes to manifest your intentions, and doing your work. It is about taking all of the grand dreams and goals and grounding them into a practical “to do” list that you follow even when you don’t feel like it.
This month you will see what you are made of and you will be inspired by your ability to persevere and take action. How you handle this month will set you up for managing any challenges that may come your way in the future. There will be opportunities to handle more power and to be resolved in your choices and decisions. It will be critical to anchor your commitments in your heart and to be clear from that perspective about what you are willing to get behind and what you are not willing to put any more energy into.