I’ve always believed that most people are more interested in the truth, even when it’s not all fluffied-up,
intentionally made to sound completely bright n’ shiny, pain-free,
negativity-free, and wholly easy and wonderfully fabulous. The people
who want and need to hear the fluffied-up versions of the
Ascension and Shift Process don’t read what I have to say. But, if
you’ve been living and struggling through this Divine, this amazing,
this amazingly difficult Ascension Process for many years and/or
decades, then you’ve been through so much already that hearing me talk about a bit more Ascension related aches and pains in 2014 isn’t much of a big deal at all.
Of course we all want the pains,
pressures, insanity and growing physical chaos to end–which believe it
or not is happening faster than it seems from lower levels of
awareness–but, when needed, it’s helpful to admit to yourself and others
that you’re feeling slightly less than Divine, less than Angelic, less
than 100% sheer Loving and Light Perfection constantly. Example: there
was a recent mid-range X-class CME blasting us as I began writing this
which, typically, makes my body/head hurt in rather weird ways even in
my sixteenth year of this Ascension Process. To be perfectly
honest, I simply don’t care any more about any Ascension and Shift
related symptoms and side effects. They are what they are, plus they
show the profound trans-formative changes more and more people continue
living through and being further evolved by. To me that’s nothing but a
grand positive, plus, after so many years of experiencing so much worse, these 2014 physical body aches and pains are rather minor in comparison. (It’s a different story out there in the old patriarchal physical world reality now however, but this too is a necessary part of the entire Ascension Process.)
Winter 2014 Review
Because I’ve experienced such
improvements (in comparison to the past horrific fifteen years I mean)
due to our entry into the NEW energies that came in at January 1, 2014,
I’ve needed to spend more quiet time, more reflective and restful winter quarter time
from within my High Heart to get my NEW footing and bearings so to
speak. That plus do plenty of Conscious Creating/Intending/Visualizing
for the first spring
Equinox (March 20, 2014) completely within the NEW energies! Growing
numbers of us are absolutely having to do this during the 2014 winter
months (in the Northern Hemisphere, summer in the Southern). Do whatever
it is that feels correct to you now to navigate this Shifting Process,
and of course, be prepared for it all to change repeatedly as you
continue evolving and changing.
January and February 2014 have been an
extra quiet, extra internally focused, reflective and restful period
while simultaneously extremely creative and busy in both nonphysical and
physical terms. I know how contradictory that sounded, but this and
plenty of other seeming contradictions are simply how it is during this
Shift phase out of the old and into the NEW. This highly unusual (in
multiple ways) 2014 winter quarter tells me that this first March Equinox is going to initiate some major
NEW energies and physical changes into this world, reality, dimension,
and very importantly, human consciousness. And then comes April
2014, but that’s a whole article unto itself! What mass changes in the
USA the April transits (the fifth of seven Cardinal Squares) are going
to activate!
(In case anyone hasn’t noticed–which would be hard to do–we’re now deeply in another level or stage of what began astrologically
in the volatile, revolutionary 1960s. I lived through that intense time
as a teenager and energetically and socially recognize we’re (the USA
specifically I mean) again within the intense, nitty-gritty phase of
that lengthy astrological energetic process during 2014–2015. More about
this in upcoming articles.)
Hopefully you realize that I’ve deliberately typed the word NEW in caps for a while now in an attempt to help visually express
that these new energies are indeed NEW, meaning radically different
from what we’ve lived within all our lives up to this point.
And, as with the physical body aches and
pains I experience due to the Ascension Process and energetic Shift into
the NEW Evolutionary Cycle with its energies/blueprints/consciousness, I
don’t much care about how this entry into the NEW impacts global
societies, cultures, mass humanity, the old negative global patriarchy
and their corrupt, greedy structures and systems, the past Piscean Age
belief systems and religious beliefs, methods, tools, habits,
addictions, delusions, lies, consciousness etc. I simply do not care from a lower consciousness, lower frequency, lower emotional ego level.
I Volunteered to incarnate within
physicality on Earth to help bring in the NEW higher frequency energetic
blueprints for humanity and all life and I don’t much care about the
aches and pains–physical, emotional, psychological etc.–that this great
evolutionary Ascension Process and dimensional frequency Shift causes me
and humanity. From higher levels of awareness it’s a tiny and temporary
price to pay to help redirect current and “future” humanity into the
Light and real freedom, peace and equality on all fronts.
Most Volunteers functioning from their 5D
frequency higher consciousness High Hearts don’t “care” in those old 3D
lower frequency, lower consciousness, ego-centered ways based on
emotional manipulations coming from and through the ego before
Ascension. High Heart consciousness feels deeply, sees much farther, knows
so much more about the why of things, but it does so in profoundly
different ways than the old lower emotions, lower emotional
manipulations through ones and other people’s lower frequency 3D ego
self and consciousness. If you’ve lived this or are starting to live
this then you know exactly what I’m talking about. If
you haven’t begun this level of the Ascension Process and related Shift
from dense 3D Duality to Light-filled 5D Triality or Unity, then what
I’m saying sounds horrible and horribly selfish and profoundly uncaring
to you. I can’t tell you much more about this until you personally begin
experiencing this higher frequency aspect of this Ascension related
energetic Shift yourself. You’ll have to take my word for it until then.
Please hurry however because it’s indescribably better than the old
lower way(s).
Not all but most of us current Ascension Process “Volunteers” have intentionally incarnated into 3D Earth physicality at the end of astrological Ages to help breakup the exiting Age energies and consciousness, and anchor the incoming new astrological Age energies and consciousness on to the planet for humanity for the next 2,100-plus year cycle.
What I’m saying is that many (not all but
many) of us current Ascension Process Volunteers
(Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers/Pathpavers etc.) have repeatedly
entered the third dimension during certain (if not all) “past”
astrological Age changes (the cusps of Ages) which are typically highly
volatile periods on Earth because humanity doesn’t do well with CHANGE
at any time or to any degree! This time however we’ve been working with an astrological Age change plus an Ascension Process plus a dimensional Shift and more due to multiple
Cosmic, Galactic, and Astrological Age cycles all happening
simultaneously. All of the “past” times we’ve incarnated to help
transition astrological Age energies and consciousness on Earth for
humanity were for these multiple evolutionary transitions happening now.
Example: my “past” lives in ancient Egypt
and elsewhere in other times were/are directly and intimately connected
to my Denise life and time here now during this Ascension Process.
There are so many incarnate now who had “past” lives in ancient Egypt,
ancient Atlantis, super-ancient Lumeria and many other locations and
times that are connecting, anchoring, repairing, correcting, adjusting, completing
multiple “past” life plans, endeavors and preparatory phases into what
we’re doing and living today with the Ascension Process. Point is, some
of us are very familiar with and adept at intentionally coming
to 3D Earth during highly volatile times of
energetic/consciousness/reality/life changes from one astrological Age
into another. We’re very good at this and much more. We’re far
better than most of us consciously remember, but this is another big
reason why we’re incarnate now during this Cosmic mother of a Grand Finale of change!
The real reasons I went over that
material again now is because 1) humanity has entered another level,
another layer of major changes in 2014 where more negative old
patriarchal systems, structures and beliefs etc. are about to
disintegrate some more. Never forget however that, simultaneously to
these intensified “disintegration” periods of the old, that the NEW is
replacing them all. They aren’t lining the streets yet for all to easily
see and confirm but they soon will, despite the unbelievable parasitic
tenacity of the old negative consciousness within so much of humanity
still. Have you noticed how determined, how threatened, how angry and
vicious they become every time they lose a little more of their old Team
Dark ways? Guess they should have taken us ‘Asshole hippies from outer space’ more seriously, but gigantic egos always make this mistake.
And 2) is because I want more of you who need to be reminded of this again that YOU/ME/WE are the ways and means, the
tools, the Divine within physicality, the “help”, the ones who are
doing this in and through our bodies, hearts and consciousness. Do not
continue thinking, believing and perpetuating the old intentional lies
and distortions created by Team Dark across the past astrological
Piscean Age by thinking, believing, expecting that “the answer” or “the
help” or “the way” exists outside of yourself, your heart and your higher consciousness. It does but you must also remember that it’s you/me/we too and
that’s why we Volunteered to come here now to do what we have and still
are. Look within yourself because it’s the same as looking without.
Team Dark went to extreme lengths to distort that spiritual, energetic
truth and convince humanity that they do not have a direct connection to
the Divine themselves. Nothing could be farther from the truth of
course as you/me/we all are aspects of Divine Source. Let that old
negative Team Dark emotional/mental habit or belief system go now
because you need to know who and what you really are so you can Consciously Create over the old disintegrating negativity.
March 2, 2014
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