sábado, septiembre 14, 2013

My beloved son Jesus – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 14, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you have heard it already from me that only you can save yourself. My beloved son Jesus – oh yes, in truth he is also my son – will not come as your savior. He was born 2000 years ago through Maria to show you the way. To give you his light, his love and his wisdom. So much what they tell you about him in the Bible doesn’t comply to the truth. It has been skewed to give the churches even more power over you. My son has showed you through his own life and his teachings what is necessary for your soul’s development so that you too come nearer to me on your way. These are behaviors I told you already. Forgive yourself and others, don’t judge yourself and others. Love yourself unconditionally and love your neighbor the same way. This isn’t much, but only you yourself can do this for you. And we all stand ready to help you and to assist you in this. If you want this. So don’t hesitate to call us. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/


viernes, septiembre 13, 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ September 12 – 19, 2013 - Weaknesses are Strengths Waiting to be Discovered - Julie Miller

Weaknesses are Strengths Waiting to be Discovered

Received by Julie Miller
September 12, 2013

So many Beautiful Bright Hearts work so hard correcting and flaws and weaknesses, you work tirelessly on bringing positive change into your life that will affects others that are close to you. It is understood that committing to change can be very difficult for many dear souls who are so easily distracted by all the endless temptations your world has to offer. Bringing more positive changes into your life is never impossible; the very word itself has ‘possible’ within it. Instead Beautiful Bright Hearts of just trying to correct your flaws and weaknesses, you learn to embrace them for what they are. After all you are not made up of light and fluffy material. You are strong and you have proven just how tough you are when you had to face certain challenges that required you to dig your heals in a little deeper to further ground yourself and stabilize any energy drain. Understand to be balanced; totally balanced you must be able to embrace your whole self, all sides, all parts, all flaws, all imperfections, all strengths, all good, all bad, etc.

A cry for love – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 12, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
No matter how a being behaves towards you, always answer with love, my child. The being that hurts you, often acts out of an inner pain, a lack of and a cry for love. You will not improve the situation, if you also inflict pain or harm on this being. Only through your unconditional love you can really heal this being and the situation. Unconditional love is the best and safest medicine and as we must respect your free will, call us for help if you think you can not make it alone. We help you so gladly with this, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Los Guardianes Sobre Asuntos Ambientales Actuales y Líneas de Tiempo/Dimensiones Alternativas 12 de septiembre de 2013

Un mensaje de la Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer28 de agosto del 2013http://irmaksawyer.com/

Traducido por Fara González López

P: Guardianes, hay informes de que el agua y el suministro de alimentos de América del Norte están ya contaminados con la radiación proveniente del desastre de Fukushima.  ¿Qué podemos hacer para favorecer el despliegue de la luz, la paz y la sanación en el planeta cuando tanto parece ir en su contra justo ahora? Se ha hablado de la coexistencia de dimensiones y líneas de tiempo alternativas. ¿Pueden además ofrecer información sobre lo que esto significa para nosotros? Gracias

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 353

As the day of freedom approaches, much is getting into gear now. We hear you all draw a collective intake of breath at the mention of the concept ”day of freedom”, so let us just hasten to add that as usual, we do not give any details, nor will we give you any set date to focus on, but let us just say that this day is indeed fast approaching. And with it, so much is already getting into gear, as we just mentioned. You will see many examples of this on all sides, and even amongst the highest echelons of your governments, the sense that the tide has turned will in many ways become apparent now. Not neccessarily in outwardly noticeable actions, but more as a sense of impending change that will make many a heart flutter. And as you have already seen, the much prophesied armageddon in that hot spot you prefer to refer to as the Middle East has not come about either. Is it not interesting to see how they are all frantically scampering about trying to find a peaceful solution there?

AA Michael - Allow that to be the beacon which guides you along your way. – Ron Head - September 12, 2013

here I am

We wish to mention two things before we begin today’s usual message.  First, we wish to make notice of the outpouring of compassion and love that continues to happen on the anniversary of the event of 9-11.  It has truly become a uniting of hearts around the world.  Also, let us celebrate those across the globe who contributed loving intent which has resulted in a taming of the hounds of war.  Those who wish to plunge you into yet another crisis have not yet given up, but you are presently able to see the effect of your efforts.  We celebrate this with you and ask that you continue.

Russian President Putin Personally Writes to the American People: A Plea for Caution from Russia Over Syria - Sep 12, 2013

vladimir_putin_586x330By Vladimir V. Putin, President of Russia, NY Times – September 11, 2013
MOSCOW — Recent events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders.
It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.
Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.
The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

My Higher Self: How to Heal All Relationships - M. Gamma - Sep 13, 2013

My Higher Self: How to Heal All Relationships

HeartThank you to Lakshmi Bhatia and Master Sai Baba for their insight to this posting.
Everything in this Universe is nothing but electromagnetics.  Your heart is electromagnetic, your heart beat is electromagnetic, your prayers are electromagnetic, your emotions and your thoughts are all electromagnetic, and everything is an electromagnetic frequency.
Every two different individuals at any given time that are interacting with each other are vibrating at a particular electromagnetic frequency.  So what happens when you become awakened?  How does this shift the energies between two individuals and what happens then to that relationship?
When you have awakened, your frequencies are being lifted higher; they are being moved into a higher, more purified energy vibration.   This is the vibration of light.  As you ascend and awaken, you get closer to the higher light frequencies.  From your physical eyes, light is the purest frequency that you can see.

A Message from White Cloud & the Light Collective, via Tazjima – 13 Sept 2013

A Message from White Cloud and the Light Collective, via Tazjima – 13 Sept 2013
As the golden rays of autumn light your skies in the northern latitudes, you are witnessing the demise of the old paradigm of war, divisive politics, financial manipulation, fear and greed. So much has changed in so little time; still, it isn’t enough for some who insist on urging others to “do” more. We respectfully submit that this behavior and manner of thought is still ego-driven. Yes, there is much to do, but it will take some time to adjust to the new energies. There has been so much change that many people find themselves feeling rather bewildered, tired and exhausted. Know that if they have the intent and desire to experience Ascension in this lifetime, then they will. Many will not; that is their free will choice and one that needs to be respected.

UFO's Sightings- Illuminati's Power Hold over Humanity

Nancy Tate – Hatonn – 12 September 2013

NancyTateGreetings Dear Ones,
I am here today to welcome you to our new home in Hereford AZ. We moved here on Aug 25, and it has been a steady round of creating our new home in our fashion with painting walls, and arranging our furniture, etc in a way that speaks of our energies. It has been quite a time, with the help of a dear friend with the painting, without whom we’d still be flourishing the brushes and rollers. We thank you dear friend for all you did. We also thank another dear friend who, along with a handful of friends in the area, offered their time in helping us move in. We look forward to a celebration of gratitude and love for their assistance in the near future, as soon as we get the finishing touches accomplished.

~ ¡BUAAAHH! y ¡AY!~ por Karen Bishop - Agosto 26, 2013


 Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


~ SEÑALES DE DETENCIÓN~ por Karen Bishop - Agosto 21, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


~ ESTÁN LLEGANDO NUEVOS ESPACIOS QUE ... ~ por Karen Bishop - Agosto 14, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


~ COMIENZAN LAS SEPARACIONES ~ por Karen Bishop - Agosto 12, 2013

 Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


jueves, septiembre 12, 2013

Jennifer Hoffman – Q & A: Can We Really Change The Earth’s Energy? – 12 September 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225Dear Jennifer:  I know that all of our self healing work has an effect on humanity and on the planet. It’s part of the role we play, as Lightworkers, to shift planetary dynamics and help with our evolution into higher dimensions and frequencies. But are our efforts really successful? Is it possible for us to change the energy of the world and of humanity and how can we know that we have made progress? Sometimes it feels like no matter how much I think I, and others like me, are working, the results just don’t seem to be there. How can we know that we are being effective?
Jennifer’s Answer:  No matter how little we think we are accomplishing, we cannot judge our level of success by what we see happening or not happening in the world in any moment because our work is reflected on so many different levels and change can mean so many different things. This work begins with introducing new levels of energy to the world as potentials or options, which then become integrated with the world’s energetic paradigms as more and more people align with them.  If you want to see how successful this work really is, consider what people protest or speak out against today, that is where the change is occurring.

Wally - SaLuSa - 12 September 2013

SaLuSa 12 September 2013.
Agents of the dark will be paraded before you for punitive measures and you will be shown how their pyramid of control has run rampant over your lives and created hostility and estrangement where there had formerly been love, affection, and friendliness and this structure of power is being exposed and shown up for all it’s false pretences, so all can again become agreeable and kind, readily helping each other.
We are again reiterating to your governments that missiles of mass destruction launched in hostility will have their guidance system completely scrambled to then wonder aimlessly, and we are ever at the ready and primed to take action at a moments notice.

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2013

Patricia Cota-Robles - Un Cambio Victorioso de Consciencia - 10 de septiembre de 2013

5 de Septiembre del 2013por Patricia Cota-Robles

Traducido por Alicia Virelli.                           
Mientras lean este artículo, por favor desconecten su atención del caos del mundo exterior que está bombardeando a los corazones y las mentes de la Humanidad en este momento. Lo que estamos presenciando en los medios de comunicación está siendo orquestado por los egos humanos caídos de unas pocas personas. El ego humano es un aspecto fragmentado de la conciencia de la Humanidad basado en el miedo que está haciendo todo lo posible para mantener el control y para evitar que manifestemos los patrones de perfección para la Nueva Tierra. Sepan que, a pesar de lo que puede temporalmente manifestarse en el mundo exterior de la ilusión, cualquier intento para bloquear nuestra Ascensión en la Luz fracasará. La manifestación tangible de la Nueva Tierra es nuestro Destino Divino y ya ha sido lograda en los Reinos de la Causa. Los patrones de Unidad, Reverencia por TODA Vida y Amor Divino Transfigurador asociados con la Nueva Tierra son magnetizados diariamente y a cada hora hacia el mundo de los efectos de la mano de una Humanidad Despierta.

225 km Wide Gigantic Asteroid 324 Bamberga Makes a Return Visit to Earth's on Friday 13th

They have played their role – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 11, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, so sad that day may have been for you 12 years ago, it had so much achieved. With all the suffering the events have caused, it has also achieved so much good. It woke you up, made ​​you aware of the true conditions on your planet and thus heralded the beginning of the end of an eons long rule over you. Forgive the perpetrators and send them your love. Send it also to the places where so much suffering was caused, in which so many people have left their physical body. Heal your heart, the hearts of the families, the sites of the events and the hearts of those who are responsible. Solve with your love and your sincere forgiveness negative energies associated with this date. They have played their role to wake you up, now let them go. They no longer serve you, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ September 10 – 17, 2013 Received by Julie Miller September 10, 2013


It is only natural dear ones that when you choose to be friends with someone, you chose those who have similar interests. This kind of selection can also be used when someone is speaking to you. Are they speaking in soft, slow tones that are understandable, are they going too fast, or do they seem frustrated? When someone is speaking to you in soft gentle tones, it is essential to regulate your own speed that your words are being expressed and a similar tone. When the energy changes with who is speaking, so does yours. 

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 11 September 2013

SheldanNidle4 Akbal, 6 Zip, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come bearing good news! Those working diligently to bring change to this reality have finished their special tasks, so that now a new epoch stands ready to manifest. A brilliant and abundant world is about to be created for all humanity! There is but a very brief time remaining before all this takes shape in front of you. As you look around, you perceive a world that appears to be on the brink of new levels of violence, with a monetary system that continues to keep most of you toiling unremittingly in an effort to escape the alternative: lives of hardscrabble poverty. All the while you also perceive the arrogant few who enjoy lifestyles of prosperity, glamor, and power. This dichotomy is now to cease. The sphere of humanity’s basic well-being is to be leveled out by a new financial system which will put an end to such inequality. A state of worldwide prosperity will prepare the ground for a planet whose societies will be redirected and revamped by the divine works of your Ascended Masters, aided by the immense resources of Agartha (Inner Earth) and the magnificent technology and sacred goals of Heaven. The times are changing!

Wes Annac-Saan and the Arcturian Councils: Understand the Power and Potency of your Light - September 11, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
You’re coming to find greater and expanded individual and collective understandings about yourselves and this infinite Creation around you.
You’re coming to understand your infinite and unhindered ability to Create a fluid reality you’ve been taught to believe is dense and difficult to move around in, and as you do this, you refine and lighten the vibration around you and help to Create wondrous change for every person on your world to be able to get behind.

AA Michael - Focus on the outcome you desire for ALL beings. – channeled by Ron Head


We continue our discussion of good news.
It is our perception that many more of you are seeing the increase of more positive signs that are becoming more evident in the news you are reading and hearing.  It is almost impossible to shut off all news, and we know that.  But that is OK, because you will now begin to receive increasingly hopeful information.  And you will continue to increase your abilities to receive from us possible positive twists to the story which are not so evident, as well.
This message will be short and to the point.  It has been stated before in lengthier form.  Perhaps a simple statement will make it clearer.
The Divine has decreed the end of this situation in which you have been mired for such a long time.  The result of that is that ALL change will result in movement toward that end, no matter its intent, and no matter its appearance.  So look behind the appearances, my dear family, and rejoice when you perceive what lies there.

Brenda Hoffman – Testing Your First Application (App) – 11 September 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s September 5, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps you’re concerned because you can’t seem to create notable objects in some environments. How could you explain your new-found creation skills in the corporate world, your community or family? Others might create notable objects before you. Not because you’re a slow learner, but because you don’t feel comfortable explaining your creation skills in certain environments. But you will. All have creation skills, but not all are “programmed” to display those skills in the same environments.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “All Means All”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
As your being shifts so do your interactions. Perhaps what was once funny is no longer. Or that which was sad is not now. Or maybe you cry more easily. All indicators that your being is shifting into another dimension.

Wes Annac – Expansion: Addressing And Mending The Current State Of Affairs – Part 3/3 – 11 September 2013

wes-annac-300x229Concluded from Part 2
I don’t experience the outward wealth of a millionaire in this moment, and honestly feel that I don’t need to.
Recognizing that money can very easily be a positive factor in my desire to help humanity if I allow it to be by viewing it through the proper lens, I know that I can start constructing blueprints for a humanitarian effort right now if I want to.
There’s nothing stopping me from grabbing a pen and paper and sketching out ideas that I can then build upon. Doing just that is what sparked the complete re-write of one of my blogs, The Aquarius Paradigm, which I haven’t mentioned or announced until just now.
That will be coming soon, and it’ll be just one result of the immense drive I’m feeling to throw myself fully into uplifting this planet much more than I already have.

martes, septiembre 10, 2013

Mirror of life – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 10, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, I hear you complain about unfriendliness and injustices in your life. You forget that other people hold a mirror up to you in their behavior towards you. Just think about how often you think negatively about other people and condemn them for their behavior, their actions. Often their words and actions are reactions to your own actions and thoughts. Change your behavior towards them, and what you see in the mirror of life will also change. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: The Existence of Being - Sep 6, 2013

Master KuthumiMaster Kuthumi: The Existence of Being, channeled by Natalie Glasson, September 6, 2013 at http://omna.org
Beloved ones, I extend the golden light of the Christ into your being to illuminate the beauty, love and luminosity that you hold. We are all the Christ energy and hold the Christ’s aspect of the Creator within our beings.
This symbolises that we are all conscious love beings, consciously attuned and aligned with all that is the Creator. Do you give yourself complete permission with each day that you awaken upon the Earth to be a conscious love being, attuned and aligned with all that is the Creator?

MADAD - SaLuSa 10 de septiembre de 2013

Queridos, estos son tiempos tan maravillosos los que están viviendo en este momento. Vemos su asombro ante tantas sorpresas que suceden en su vida cotidiana y recuerden que están aquí porque fueron capaces de limpiarse a sí mismos de todo la viejo, lo que creemos que ya no tiene poder real sobre ustedes y si hay algo que a veces los hace dar marcha atrás, se vuelven rápidamente a la nueva experiencia maravillosa de Amor y Luz. Estamos muy contentos de que muchos de ustedes encuentran sus verdaderas conexiones con ustedes mismos y otros, que son sus compañeros, hallan el camino elegido. Puedes sentirlo en tu corazón y desde tu corazón seguramente sabrás si te sientes atraído por alguien o no. Esta es la forma de comunicarse entre sí porque siempre sabrás la verdadera intención de la otra, no importa lo que él o ella digan, ya que la intención lleva la energía que no se puede ocultar detrás de las palabras o acciones

MADAD - SaLuSa 10.09.2013


SaLuSa 10.09.2013

Dear Ones, these are such wonderful times you are living in now. We see your amazement at so many surprises happening to your daily lives and do remember that they are here because you were able to clear yourselves from the old, which we feel has no real power over you, and if there is something that sometimes makes you to turn back, you are quickly returning back to the new wonderful experience of Love and Light. We are so very happy that so many of you finding your true connections to Yourself and others that are your companions on your chosen path. You can feel it in your heart, and from your heart you will surely know if you feel attracted to someone or not. This is the way of communicating with each other because you always know the true intention of the other, no matter what he or she says, as intention carries energy that cannot be hidden behind words or actions. Do practice this way, and you will see that it became so easy in no time, and you will feel such comfort in knowing that no one can lie to you and on the other hand you cannot lie to them, as they will feel it too. This does not mean that you always have to tell “everything to everyone”, but you want to show yourself the way you feel it and the way you truly are, and do not need to hide behind the mask of “what someone else would think of you”. There is no one who is judging you, and you are wise now to know that if someone tries to do it, they are blaming themselves because they do not feel enough self love. Send them your love and think of understanding and sooner or later they will also come to the state of mind when they can accept themselves as they truly are.

ALCYON PLEIADES - 20th NEWS REPORT 2013: UFO sightings, conspiracies, strange phenomena..

2 UFOs Captured by Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2 Test Flight Camera


lunes, septiembre 09, 2013

Méline Lafont – Series Of Live Channeling Saint Germain – Serie 2 Part 3 – Animals In This Ascension (August 12, 2013) – 8 September 2013

Changing topics if I can for a quick second. A lot of questions came in with respect to our animals and pets, our cats, our dogs, maybe horses, animals in general.. and basically 2 quick questions I would like your feedback on. The first question is: why do our pets, our cats, our dogs not live as long as we do? They live maybe 10, 12, 15 years and then they end up leaving the physical body. There are a lot of questions that came in on that cause a lot of people don’t understand it, they are concerned about their pet and it is very traumatic. The second question is: can you maybe talk about our pets in this Ascension process? What happens to them and how do they ascend? Just maybe to give some reassurance to the readers and the viewers.

John Smallman – Saul: Armed Intervention in the Affairs of Others is Utterly Unjustifiable - Sep 8, 2013

Here in the non physical realms we observe with wonder the amazing results that your loving intentions are achieving all across planet Earth.  Right now, as you measure time, 99% or more of humanity wants a world of peace, harmony, forgiveness, and of course Love!  Consequently, there is a vast and ongoing outpouring of loving intent all across the world as those who keep themselves consciously aware of the disharmony, disunity, and bitterness that needs healing, maintain and strengthen their loving intent daily.

John Smallman – Jesus: Time Spent in Meditation or Contemplation is all about Relinquishing the Ego - Sep 8, 2013

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are always happy, content, at peace, and in joy, but now you could describe us as being euphoric as we observe the fantastic progress you are making in releasing the remaining aspects of yourselves that no longer serve you as the moment of your awakening approaches.  That moment truly is far closer than most of you imagine, for you are on course and precisely on your divinely arranged schedule, and joyful euphoria awaits you.

ToolBox – Ascended Master St. Germain and his Purging and Transforming Flame - Marc Gamma - Sep 9, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on Earth. This is I, the Ascended Master St. Germain speaking. Today it is my pleasure to submit to you all basics regarding the purging and transforming flame belonging to me. I shall submit something quite new to you which until now has never been disclosed to humans here on earth.

My Violet Flame is of quite some age and well known since long. Its functioning and effect has never changed over all these years and thus the Father and I have decided that it is time to establish now some very new function and quality with my Violet Flame.
Thus we submit to the ToolBox the brand new function of The Violet Flame and donate it as a precious gift for the whole of Gaian Mankind to apply this as a new tool. It is solely due to the previous massive Influx of Light that this new function has been made possible.
I now should like to enlist everything as you know it from my predecessors.
  • Call upon me and my Violet Flame according to the given example here:
“I call you St. Germain to come here to me with your Violet Flame!”
  • Then give your particular order to the Violet Flame. It is highly intelligent and will obey all your order. And therefore it is so essential that your order is formulated in a clear and most distinct way. I shall give you some samples hereof showing you possible applications:
    • “I am ordering you to purge this room now – dissolve all negative energies and submit these into realms of light!”
    • “I am ordering you to envelope this object – dissolving all negative energies and submit these into realms of light!”
    • “I am ordering you to free this object and its interior from all negative energies and assuring simultaneously that none of these energies may leave this room and its surrounding space!”
    • “I am ordering you that you envelope this area or this region into your Violet Flame dissolving all negative energies and emotions leading these into Realms of Light!”
  • Now we are arriving at the very brandnew part which so far has never been submitted before. You will be surprised about all that may be done with this tool. I myself am quite proud of this very function since this will be such a great relief for mankind to establish this brandnew tool into everybody’s daily life.
Now here is the invocation and its function with following wording:
“I call upon The Violet Flame of the Ascended Master St. Germain and I request you that all objects that I enter or inhabit will be liberated from any negative energies and emotions. All these low-vibrating energies are to be transformed and led  into the Light!”
  • And this is the very last function of The Violet Flame which is so powerful and effective.
This has been known already for quite some time however has not been applied so often although it is so highly appropriate for such matters.
And here is now the appertaining explanation: If there is any difficult event in the offing such as an examination, some interview of applying for a professional job or similar matters you may be able to make use and serve yourselves of The Violet Flame for these sort of purposes.
And this is being done as follows:
  • “I am calling upon The Violet Flame and give following order:
    At my examination taking place tomorrow it will purge me from all negative forces/energies/emotions safeguarding at the same time that such clean and purged state will be sustained!”
  • “I am calling upon The Violet Flame and give following order:
    Please give me all your support at the Meeting which I shall attend in the afternoon today. The particular room in which I attend this meeting is to be purged and transformed adequately. This is my very wish and this shall be done!”
The last two items are some very powerful and effective methods to put the violet flame to use for its adequate purposes.
There is still some quite important matter which I want to lay to your heart with all seriousness since my channel has referred to it:
When you are giving your orders to The Violet Flame – please, refrain from stating any precise time e.g. 1400 or 1600 h. Why? Because of any change of time my Violet Flame might not be able to execute orders in a correct way. That is why I recommend you to state the exact occasion and the span of time in which it will take place.
Concluding my tool of The Violet Flame now, you will have noted that there are manifold purposes for its applications. However it is indispensable that all your orders given to The Violet Flame are done most precisely and correctly. It will obey all your orders and will do exactly everything according to your order. Always be aware of this very fact and you will have a most powerful tool in your possession. I wish you good success with the above described applications.
With great love to you
yours St. Germain

Read also:
ToolBox – The ToolBox and its Preface
ToolBox – Introduction 
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com

Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 14 - Sep 9, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Music for the Eyes
Music and what is Music? It is a sequence of sounds following each other in some certain order which is caressing your hearing ability and assisting the your soul to relax for some while. It also may influence moods of human and animal beings too. Music is without any limits – it is universal and no translation is needed for it’s understanding since this is already contained in it.
Listen to music with your heart and you will discover matters which were overlooked by your ears. Listen to the music with your eyes and you will learn that your eye might very well take note of matters which are related only to the abilities of your ears. Certainly your ears may take up matter which are hidden to your eyes yet nevertheless it is the eye also keeping some record of matters which remain hidden to the ear.

Success Against Chemtrails and Frequency Assault... Updates on FEMA 3, EMP & ISON ???

Lauren C. Gorgo – Healing To Whole: The Birth (Part II) – 9 September 2013

If you are reading this, even if prone, kudos to you just for making it to September.
Because of the way 2013 opened for me personally, with the sudden and unexpected passing of my mother, I had a very strong feeling…despite all the magical things I was hearing and being shown from the higher realms…that the entire year was going to, yet again, mimic the last 13.  Of course, I didn’t want to admit/accept/surrender to that knowing, but it was definitely there.
What I didn’t expect, is that this year would/could possibly feel any worse than 2012, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1.

There is More at the Core by Jennifer Hoffman - Sep 9, 2013


I have long suspected that I had some strong past life issues around being a prisoner, being shackled, persecuted, tormented, judged and suffering as a result of injustice, power, persecution, and control. But I had no idea, until recent health issues forced me to look deeply within my core for clues to these issues and understand how far back they go and to what extent I have lived my life through them. For the past three years I have noticed this trend in client coaching too, as I can always trace present life issues to past life traumas and show them how they can achieve healing by getting to this often elusive core because past life issues generally come up around challenging and disempowering life issues.

Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team: The Frequencies of NOW, The Frequencies of YOU Sep 9, 2013

judithWe greet you with frequencies of finely focused encouragement in this moment, Beloved! We do so through such focused frequencies because we see how the energies of transformation are swirling WITHIN You and around You NOW. We stress “within You” as a strong reminder that the internal and the external are neither discrete nor separate, as You used to believe. We stress even morestrongly that believing such was exactly what held You in the illusion of powerlessness. Only through letting go of such illusions do you open the space within You to claim the truth of your own infinite creativity. Only through integrating the awareness that the external is simply your own reflection do You claim your mastery as a Sovereign Energetic Creator Being–One who creates form out of frequency.

Wes Annac - Expansion: Addressing and Mending the Current State of Affairs – Part 1/3 - Sep 8, 2013

What are we doing right now, in this moment, to bring about positive change on our planet? What actions are we taking to Create a sustainable future for those generations ahead of us?We’re all beginning to recognize the necessity to build a world that acts in alignment with the balanced will of the people, and many in the spiritual circles I’m blessed to be a part of (including myself) have and continue to believe that we’re evolving into heavenly realms that we haven’t perceived of in quite a while.

Your free will – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 09, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you know that we too have to respect your free will. It was given to you so that you can make your experiences for us. This also means that you will not be punished from us for your experiences. You are only so far punishing yourself when you load karma onto you through your deeds. Like attracts like, and when you send out negative energies – in whatever form – so you will attract negative energies. But we do not punish you for this. Not even if you don’t notice the so-called 10 commandments. Where else would stay your free will? ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Denise Le Fay - 4D Astral Congestion, Noises, Images & More

white wavestars 480x433 I wanted to talk a bit about the recent dramatic escalation of strange 4D Astral sights, sounds, voices, faces, thumps, bangs and abundant other weird images and strange bumps in the night type nonphysical phenomena. Some of you have been seeing, hearing, feeling, perceiving fifth dimensional and higher energies and beings also, but those things look and feel very different from these lower dimensional 4D Astral things. This article is about these other bleed-throughs that more and more people are experiencing at greatly increased rates very recently.
For the past month or two I’ve experienced a substantial increase of nonphysical phenomena. I’ve perceived this increase through clairaudiently hearing nonphysical sounds, voices, and other unrecognizable nonphysical noises while both awake and asleep. I’ve also been experiencing this substantial increase through clairvoyantly seeing all sorts of strange nonphysical faces or “head shots”, full or partial bodies, and/or groups of both humans and nonhuman beings/bodies moving through my higher visual field of perception. I’ve also been feeling what seems to me to be actual physical movements of my house, my bed, the floor under me, or a wall or walls around me moving a bit and so on. Also, strange and sudden shifts and/or slower movements of physical objects by nonphysical people, beings, energies etc. In other words, a wide variety of colorful nonphysical phenomena bleeding-through into this dimension, world, and timeline. Sometimes it’s rather entertaining, other times it’s annoying and highly disruptive, and other times it can be downright shocking and disturbing.


Cycles of Time: The Kali Yuga & Time as a Function of Consciousness ~ by ContraMary - Sep 9, 2013

Waking Times

The 4 Ages are:

1. The Satya or Krita Yuga, a Golden Age

2. The Treta Yuga, the Age of Ritual

3. Dvapara Yuga, the Age of Doubt: Man loses the sense of the Divine Reality of the world and grows away from natural law

4. The Kali Yuga, the Age of Conflict and confusion began in 3012 BC and will end with the nearly total devastation of the present humanity

When you study the Hindu theory of the Cycles of Time and the yugas, you will find a confusing divergence of opinion concerning the dates of their duration. Considering that we are now living in the Age of Confusion, the Kali Yuga, it is not surprising to find so much disagreement on these matters.

"I have had enough of 3D!" (Actually, you haven't!) ~ Divine Self via Simon NightStarr - Sep 9, 2013

You are all souls that "came here" to experience third-dimensional reality, and thus no amount of resistance against this fact can cause you to escape this choice that you have made. Not even suicide is successful, because the law of motion in your universe is such that your soul must "return" to experience 3D if you are resisting it in any way. Most humans inwardly carry a death-wish on a subconscious level, and it is this attitude of escapism that causes you to miss the point, the point of power, your point of attraction, which is always NOW. "Things are not going my (the ego's) way, and the world doesn't understand me, so I need to leave!" This is a pervasive attitude, and it takes many forms, most of which do not appear to you to be "suicidal," when in fact they are. Developing a "terminal" disease may be one form this attitude may take. Escapism is, in a very practical sense, the most-practiced "religion" among humans at this present time. This has no doubt been the case for many millennia on your planet, however this is increasingly declining as more and more of you awaken to your True Spiritual Nature. All creatures naturally seek well-being, humans as well, and thus you are quite resilient as a species.

AnnaMerkaba – Zero Point – Sun Portal – What Is Happening To Your Body – Pleiades – 9 September 2013

annamerkabaZERO POINT – For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!~
Dearly beloved children of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, we come to you now in order to inform you in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies.

Drunvalo Melchizedek- Ultimate Love Story (Creation)

Julie Miller – Melchizedek: Collaborate and Listen while Communicating with Others - Weekly Message ~ September 08 – 15, 2013


Good communication is required in all areas that you are part of, effective communication dear ones has no discrimination, all ages, all background and cultures and situations that are being faced achieve a better outcome when you have been able to communicate clearly and effectively. Remember dear ones, not everyone are exact mind readers, whomever you are speaking with, even in writing are not necessarily aware of what is going on inside of your head. If you want to express yourself in a clear and concise manner you will have to step out of self-created comfort zones, find a little confidence and share what you feel as being valid and important. 

domingo, septiembre 08, 2013

Your key to the heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 08, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Another important reason for your presence on earth is your love. The substance you are made of. You open with it the hearts of your fellow men when you let if flow free and unconditional. Humanity needs so much love and you have volunteered with pleasure for this mission, out of your love to Gaia and the people. So many people have locked up their hearts so firmly and buried the key to it. With your love you open every heart because your love is the key to it. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/