lunes, septiembre 09, 2013

ToolBox – Ascended Master St. Germain and his Purging and Transforming Flame - Marc Gamma - Sep 9, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on Earth. This is I, the Ascended Master St. Germain speaking. Today it is my pleasure to submit to you all basics regarding the purging and transforming flame belonging to me. I shall submit something quite new to you which until now has never been disclosed to humans here on earth.

My Violet Flame is of quite some age and well known since long. Its functioning and effect has never changed over all these years and thus the Father and I have decided that it is time to establish now some very new function and quality with my Violet Flame.
Thus we submit to the ToolBox the brand new function of The Violet Flame and donate it as a precious gift for the whole of Gaian Mankind to apply this as a new tool. It is solely due to the previous massive Influx of Light that this new function has been made possible.
I now should like to enlist everything as you know it from my predecessors.
  • Call upon me and my Violet Flame according to the given example here:
“I call you St. Germain to come here to me with your Violet Flame!”
  • Then give your particular order to the Violet Flame. It is highly intelligent and will obey all your order. And therefore it is so essential that your order is formulated in a clear and most distinct way. I shall give you some samples hereof showing you possible applications:
    • “I am ordering you to purge this room now – dissolve all negative energies and submit these into realms of light!”
    • “I am ordering you to envelope this object – dissolving all negative energies and submit these into realms of light!”
    • “I am ordering you to free this object and its interior from all negative energies and assuring simultaneously that none of these energies may leave this room and its surrounding space!”
    • “I am ordering you that you envelope this area or this region into your Violet Flame dissolving all negative energies and emotions leading these into Realms of Light!”
  • Now we are arriving at the very brandnew part which so far has never been submitted before. You will be surprised about all that may be done with this tool. I myself am quite proud of this very function since this will be such a great relief for mankind to establish this brandnew tool into everybody’s daily life.
Now here is the invocation and its function with following wording:
“I call upon The Violet Flame of the Ascended Master St. Germain and I request you that all objects that I enter or inhabit will be liberated from any negative energies and emotions. All these low-vibrating energies are to be transformed and led  into the Light!”
  • And this is the very last function of The Violet Flame which is so powerful and effective.
This has been known already for quite some time however has not been applied so often although it is so highly appropriate for such matters.
And here is now the appertaining explanation: If there is any difficult event in the offing such as an examination, some interview of applying for a professional job or similar matters you may be able to make use and serve yourselves of The Violet Flame for these sort of purposes.
And this is being done as follows:
  • “I am calling upon The Violet Flame and give following order:
    At my examination taking place tomorrow it will purge me from all negative forces/energies/emotions safeguarding at the same time that such clean and purged state will be sustained!”
  • “I am calling upon The Violet Flame and give following order:
    Please give me all your support at the Meeting which I shall attend in the afternoon today. The particular room in which I attend this meeting is to be purged and transformed adequately. This is my very wish and this shall be done!”
The last two items are some very powerful and effective methods to put the violet flame to use for its adequate purposes.
There is still some quite important matter which I want to lay to your heart with all seriousness since my channel has referred to it:
When you are giving your orders to The Violet Flame – please, refrain from stating any precise time e.g. 1400 or 1600 h. Why? Because of any change of time my Violet Flame might not be able to execute orders in a correct way. That is why I recommend you to state the exact occasion and the span of time in which it will take place.
Concluding my tool of The Violet Flame now, you will have noted that there are manifold purposes for its applications. However it is indispensable that all your orders given to The Violet Flame are done most precisely and correctly. It will obey all your orders and will do exactly everything according to your order. Always be aware of this very fact and you will have a most powerful tool in your possession. I wish you good success with the above described applications.
With great love to you
yours St. Germain

Read also:
ToolBox – The ToolBox and its Preface
ToolBox – Introduction 
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.