sábado, septiembre 14, 2024

X-Flare Alert: Major X4.5-Class Solar Flare and CME - R3 (Strong) Radio Blackout Over the Americas

The Time is Now: Let Our Ships Connect You to Higher Realms!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - One Simple Step to Receiving from all your Helpers - Sep 14, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are receiving all of your requests, and we recognize that you have many reasons to make those requests of us. We also are aware of the requests you make to your guides and your higher selves, to Source, and to anyone else who will listen, because we are so tapped in to the human collective consciousness at this point. We know that help is always on the way, and we also know that some of you are aware of the help that is on the way. Some of you also feel as though you are missing out on the help that is coming to you because of your asking and just because all of us in the higher realms like to help.

viernes, septiembre 13, 2024

Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Sep 13, 2024

Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

Solar Activity At High Levels - A Pair of Coronal Holes is Facing Earth - Geomagnetic Storm Watch

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday September 13, 2024

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

Natalia Alba - The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun - Sep 13, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun. Many of you, in a perpetual state of omnibenevolence and love, have started to receive the Divine Transmissions required for the next initiation into higher levels of wisdom. The eclipse in Pisces is facilitating this descension, another great source of wisdom, that is already being formed in our Heavens, even though from our limited view we can only see the final result on the 17th.

The Awakening Begins: Earth Initiates its Glorious Ascension!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact? - Sep 13, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always surprised by what you are capable of there on Earth. We have noticed that you have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness, and that spike is in fact due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice. They are looking for those windows of opportunity to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike are showing up more clearly on their radar screens.

jueves, septiembre 12, 2024

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Attributes of the Soul Part 1

Note: This message is enhanced for the reader and contains more information and more explanations than were given originally in the audio form it was transcribed from.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

We have said so often that this is not a message that is global, but rather, a message that is personal. We will say that again. These are, indeed, difficult times for so many, and yet, we have continued to remind you that the shift is here. This shift, which was predicted by the ancients, was also predicted many times in my channelling before 2012 – and it’s here. Almost a decade into it, now you see what we were talking about. It’s not necessarily that this shift brings you wars between countries which you thought might happen at this time. Instead, it’s a war of dark and light, and you are starting to see the attributes and the results of it.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Madre Tierra - La trampa de la mente

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Madre Tierra

Queridos amigos:

Soy la voz de la Tierra. Soy la tierra bajo tus pies que te sostiene y la consciencia que anima los minerales, las plantas, los animales y los seres humanos. Estoy presente en todas las formas de vida; nutro y fluyo a través de ti. Siente mi energía fluir a través de tu cuerpo, tus venas, a través de tus piernas y hasta tu abdomen. Relájate en mi energía y siéntete llevado por mí. Suelta toda la tensión que experimentas como ser humano, que en gran medida proviene de tu cabeza, de tus pensamientos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday September 12, 2024

Dear Ones, what if you just let yourselves BE for a moment? So often you are very aware of your need for something and then talk yourselves out of it, or make yourselves wrong for what you feel or wish to experience. Many human beings have an inner dialogue that never lets up, usually focused on what is unwanted. It is like living with someone who nags you relentlessly or talks incessantly through the amazing movie of your life.

Ascension Symptoms and tips on how to combat them

Galactic Federation Transmission: The Spiritual Path to Personal Transformation.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Get More Help from the Creator of This Game - Sep 12, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We notice you having your moments there of struggle, your moments of dissatisfaction, and we notice you when you are in those moments of despair, and we wonder how we can get through to you when you are having those moments. This is the type of challenge that you face in the twelfth dimension. How do you help? How do you get someone’s attention when they are so focused on the struggle, focused on the problem?

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Simplicity of the Fifth Dimension: A Captivating Journey through the Cosmos - Sep 11, 2024

The Simplicity of the Fifth Dimension: A Captivating Journey through the Cosmos

In the hidden world beyond what we normally see, there's a special place called the Fifth Dimension.

In the fifth dimension, reality defies our usual perceptions, and the laws of physics take on a whole new meaning. Here, mind-bending phenomena and unimaginable possibilities await those who dare to explore its enigmatic depths.

Natalia Alba - As our planet continues retrieving its authentic template - Sep 11, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues retrieving its authentic template, many of you will be called to be of service, for we are now at a key phase of our ascension journey, where our planet needs more support and stabilization.

Many of you are awakening/retrieving your original angelic sixth-dimensional lineage, as many of you descend from future fifth and sixth-dimensional timelines, coming to the earth plane to help recover the original human prototype.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 11, 2024

Dear Ones, you do not need to have all of the answers right now. You simply need to listen to the wisdom and guidance of your heart. It will always, always get you to where your soul wishes to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Patricia Cota-Robles - OUR FOCUS OF ATTENTION IS THE KEY - Sep 11, 2024


Patricia Cota-Robles

If we pay attention as we collectively progress through the powerful shifts of Consciousness that we are ALL experiencing during this unparalleled time, we will be able to tangibly see evidence of just how powerful our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are. We will also witness in more obvious ways than ever before the influence these expressions using our Life Force play in every facet of our lives. We will clearly see if they affect us positively or negatively depending on what we choose to think, feel, say and do. 

Ready for Mass Awakening: Galactic Federation Exposes Dark Forces' Genetic Manipulation Plot!

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - What St. Germain Will Awaken Within Humanity - Sep 11, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

It is my intention to awaken within you that which is of the violet flame, that which is of the highest vibrational essence. It is my task to elevate you all to a higher level of consciousness so that you can know yourselves as you truly are while still operating those physical bodies of yours. We invite you to recognize that the coming together of the physical and the nonphysical is what the Earth plane reality is all about at this time, and this is why there are so many more people channeling now. It is because that nonphysical essence, that energy that is coming from above is needed, and more people are opening up to it.

martes, septiembre 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Piscean eclipse ends a cycle of profound integration and reconnection - Sep 10, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

The Piscean eclipse ends a cycle of profound integration and reconnection. During this year many have been the upgrades many of you have experienced, especially the integration of your female and masculine essences and the subsequent retrieval and activation of your shoulder portals, creating more synthesis within and hence in your life experience. Planetarily, the process of timelines reconnection also continues, as we step into a cycle of mental and physical emancipation, where we will finally disengage at all levels from the old ways of being and living.


Back Story, Episode 13 – Are You Feeling the Effects of the Solar Flares? An Earth Update!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 10, 2024

If you woke up every single day and surrendered to having the best day possible, it would take any second guessing out of your lives. You would know that everything that happened was divinely perfect, and it would allow you to experience acceptance in your life like never before. As acceptance is the by-product of faith and trust, and the anti-dote to resistance, you would experience far more comfort and peace on a daily basis than ever before.

Unlocking the Cosmic Code: The Rebirth of Humanity's DNA Potential!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Mass Awakenings Are Coming - Sep 10, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing humanity’s evolution for quite some time now, and we want to tell you that we understand that it is hard for you all to notice it from where you are sitting, but we also would like for you to accept that we can acknowledge your growth and evolution as a human race. We can measure these things. We can feel the tone of your vibration, and we know when you have up-leveled. You will continue to do so, and things like war will become something of your past, a distant memory. But for now, where you are is where you are, and the first step in getting to where you want to be is that acknowledgement and acceptance of where you are.

lunes, septiembre 09, 2024

Celia Fenn - 9/9 Portal: Human Angel and Human Master Sep 9, 2024

As we transit the 9/9 Portal we are being asked to step powerfully into our Mastery.

At the moment the energy is very difficult.

People are exhausted and are facing a “crunch” with money and relationship issues.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday September 9, 2024

Holding the space from an empowered place of balance, faith, and trust, is a powerful act of love for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - This last week was a unique mix of energies - Sep 9, 2024

This last week was a unique mix of energies. We have collectively reached another significantly elevating step in our evolution!!! Yay! This was noted over the weekend when this new step triggered a simultaneous backlash from the opposition, creating some interference and confusion in the collective. This backlash complements us, as the opposition only goes after the most tastiest energies. Their strange new approach to slowing our ascension was undoubtedly a futile attempt once again.

Is Joy and Laughter from God? - KRYON

Brenda Hoffman - Let Go - September 9, 2024

Dear Ones,

Most of you reading this information are natural caretakers who accept the need to complete tasks that others could do. Perhaps this information is confusing because you wonder who will fulfill the tasks if you do not.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - This Will Propel You into the 5th Dimension - Sep 9, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We engage with you energetically all the time. We who exist in the twelfth dimension may seem as though we are in a far off place to those of you living lives on planet Earth at this time. But you are enlivened by the energies of the nonphysical. You are animated by us and by others who also exist in our dimension here. We love to see you tapping in to more of who you really are, and you love the feeling of doing so yourselves as well.

domingo, septiembre 08, 2024

Jim Self - Steve Rother - Proyecto Banco del Parque Actualización del 4 de Septiembre de 2024


Proyecto Banco del Parque

Actualización del 4 de Septiembre de 2024



Jim Self: Entonces, hola, Steve. qué lindo estar aquí y tener una conversación. El proyecto del banco del parque se desarrolla bastante bien, (Steve sonríe y asiente) ya llegamos a más de 3.000 personas en este punto, y hay mucho entusiasmo. Veo muchos cambios desplegándose en este próximo período breve de tres, cuatro, cinco meses, entre la Tierra, entre el nivel de luz que está entrando, Y ¿cómo lo ves? ¿Cómo nos ves continuando?

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing - September 8, 2024

Without patience you can never understand
the meaning of Divine Timing.

Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

Jim Self - Steve Rother - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Actualización 4 de Septiembre, 2024

Proyecto Banco del Parque

Actualización del 4 de Septiembre de 2024


Jim Self: Entonces, hola, Steve. qué lindo estar aquí y tener una conversación. El proyecto del banco del parque se desarrolla bastante bien, (Steve sonríe y asiente) ya llegamos a más de 3.000 personas en este punto, y hay mucho entusiasmo. Veo muchos cambios desplegándose en este próximo período breve de tres, cuatro, cinco meses, entre la Tierra, entre el nivel de luz que está entrando, Y ¿cómo lo ves? ¿Cómo nos ves continuando?

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - Sep 8, 2024

Ok. Good morning to you!

Good morning to you, Blossom, and all who choose to tune in to the Vibration we offer during these conversations. We believe you are struggling a little to get started, Blossom?

Yes. Only in that … I’m looking for something new and different, uplifting and encouraging! Do you have something like this?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This - Sep 8, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking our sweet time in delivering to all of you the messages that contain the energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of who you are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and we know the disadvantages to overwhelming you with energies and information, because we have done this before with other people on other planets in other star systems. We know that you are ready for the energies that we deliver to you by measuring how much you have absorbed and by how many of you have felt overwhelmed by us and what we are offering. We also know that you have your own helpers, your own guides, your own galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your sun.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2024

Pamela channels Mary Magdalene - The Fire in Your Belly - Sep 7, 2024

Pamela channels Mary Magdalene

Dear beautiful men and women,

It gives me great joy to be here with you. I am a sister to you. I was called Mary Magdalene in an earthly life where I attracted a reputation that has affected me greatly. I was on Earth with Jeshua, and I was touched by the light that he came to bring, a light that lives in us all. It is the spark of the divine that radiates from everyone’s eyes if you look for it.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Los magos del amor - Agosto 2024

~ Los magos del amor ~

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos. Yo soy el Guardián del Tiempo.
Estoy encantado de unirme a ustedes hoy en su gran experimento del planeta Tierra. El trabajo que hacen es absolutamente mágico. Pero están ocurriendo fases más extensas y nos gustaría contarles más sobre ellas. ¿Recuerdan el péndulo del que hemos estado hablando desde el año 2000? La realidad es que la humanidad oscila de un lado al otro hasta que encuentra un espacio neutral en el que puede trabajar unida. Aunque estamos llegando a una oportunidad, no es definitiva porque todo depende realmente de ustedes. Ustedes son los creadores conscientes que crean este mundo que tienen ante sí.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Sep 7, 2024

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Natalia Alba - Density Emancipation Phases - Sep 7, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

Many of you are now immersed in a phase of profound density emancipation, which is going to be an important part of our inner work next year. As my Guides shared, density emancipation is a process of losing density from our physical bodies that many of you will be undergoing, as you have finally crossed the veils of illusion, healing trauma, and soul fragmentation.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Old Systems Crumbling & New Ones Sprouting Up - Sep 7, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been enjoying witnessing you during this time of great upheaval there on Earth because we have noticed how well you have all been handling the ways in which your society has been collapsing in many ways all around you. You have noticed that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in are all really houses of cards that could topple at any moment, and you even have a lot of people predicting that they will in some way, shape, or form be crumbling in the not-too-distant future. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your vibration, because you choose to be stable forces for humanity. You choose to recognize that as one institution or system crumbles, a new one is formed to take its place.

viernes, septiembre 06, 2024

Aurora Ray - Unleashing My Galactic Potential: My Journey as a Starseed - Sep 6, 2024

Unleashing My Galactic Potential: My Journey as a Starseed

I was always aware that I was unique.

I could tell from a young age that there was more to life than meets the eye. I used to look up at the stars a lot, wondering what secrets lay beyond our world.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday September 6, 2024

During periods of energetic intensity it can get overwhelming, particularly if you are caught up in the unknowns of the future. When times get chaotic it is time to strip things down to basics. Simply take things one now moment at a time. Breathe. Trust. Align. Connect with your core truths and remember what you know. And rest assured that you are absolutely capable of navigating through it all, for these are the exact times your soul couldn’t wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Earth's Grand Shift and Hidden Wisdom: From Old Artifacts to New Realities!

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Why Would You Choose to Be Born on Earth? - Sep 6, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We know you intimately well, which means that we know who you really are and we hold that space for you. We also understand that you were born into a reality where there were lots of energies, thoughts, and emotions floating around you, some of which stuck to you, and at times you operate from those thought forms, those energies, those emotional states of being that do not represent who and what you really are. And so, when you feel embarrassed or ashamed about something that you have done, said or thought, please recognize that you were born into a soup of all of those choices, and some of those choices were made to seem alluring to you so that you would make the lower-vibrational choice.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2024

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - September 5, 2024

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on September 5, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with songs in my heart as we celebrate you and the Earth’s return to the light. Many steps have been made and there is monumental progress for this transformation.

Valerie Donner - STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART - September 5, 2024


September 5, 2024

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, this is Apollo. I have been waiting for you. There is much to tell you because there is such rapid change occurring now. You are transitioning from the old world into the new. It can feel strange at times like you are walking blindfolded.

Natalia Alba - The acceleration in our ascension journey - Sep 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The acceleration in our ascension journey that we are living during this year culminates with the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces, on September 17th. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, we end an old Era of being immersed in human illusions, to begin a New Cycle of Light on a Higher Octave of Love based on integrity and authenticity, represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thrusday September 5, 2024

So many of you have completed one phase of your journey and are anxious for the next phase to begin. You are yearning for new experiences and potentials, new timelines, if you will.

So how do you shift into the new timelines? By surrender, faith, flow, trust, and intention. If you are using those navigational tools, you are poised and ready to move as soon as the elements have come together behind the scenes.

Cosmic Partners: The Pleiadians Charting a Path to Cosmic Bliss!

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message - Sep 5, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

You have been opening yourselves up to more of the galactic energies that are coming in to serve you and to support you on your ascension journey. Those of you who are awake and aware are more open to energies that would be considered extra-terrestrial. And when you open up to us and our energies, you get a more whole and complete version of yourself to navigate through your life experience.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now - Sep 4, 2024

The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now

I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message September 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,

Take moments in stillness within the Heart. Open to receive the vastness of sacred blessings which are waiting to be bestowed back to you as you are ready to receive them through your Heart. Through the receiving of these blessings, you take another step forward. This is a time of returning, a repositioning back to your own higher consciousness of being.

Diana Cooper - 7D Crystalline light body and brain - Sep 4, 2024

Currently, we are preparing for the next spurt of human evolution, which will be the sixth root race of humanity. We are gradually transforming from a carbon-based form into a crystalline-based one. The metamorphosis will take place at a cellular level. Many light workers are now preparing for their seventh dimensional light bodies. This happens as the body holds a higher wattage of light, containing love, knowledge and wisdom. This is the journey to higher ascension.

Park Bench Update - September 4, 2024

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 4, 2024

What if you looked at each other the same way you do a beloved child? What if you could stay in that same state of wonder and patience as others learn and grow and figure things out for themselves? You would savour the unfoldment and evolution of each right now moment, holding the space of enjoyment, love, and support, while celebrating the divine perfection of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Suzy Ward - Matthew Waed - September 4, 2024

Long-time lightworkers; Illuminati setbacks; G/NESARA, Saint Germain; Rockefeller faction; ET event: questions, facts; critical mass theory; choices, opposites, vibrations; telepathic communication: people, animals and plants

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Days of Instant Manifestation Are Coming - Sep 4, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are all on a journey that is about changing, transforming, becoming. It is a journey that is not about going to a different place and taking the same old you with you to that new place. Some people do have that idea about ascension. They think that if you put them in a better place, then they will be happier. If you put some people somewhere else who are bringing us all down, and put all the good ones over here in the fifth dimension and on this new Earth, then all problems will be solved in their minds.

martes, septiembre 03, 2024

Natalia Alba - Many of you are now experiencing a profound shift in frequency - Sep 3, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are now experiencing a profound shift in frequency. Ascension occurs when we embody higher levels of love, moving into a more illumined state of being, and as a consequence of the previous, we raise our Consciousness, stepping into a more evolved timeline, which is what many of us are already living.