This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun, a rather wintry sun, even though it is supposed to be spring.
~ La Serie Qué Es: ¿Qué es el amor? ~
Saludos desde el Hogar.
Nos unimos a ustedes en este día con gran orgullo y alegría, porque su energía ha comenzado a cambiar en muchos niveles. Están entrando en la realidad de la quinta dimensión de la que les hemos hablado durante mucho tiempo. En realidad, han estado en esta realidad de la quinta dimensión por bastante tiempo. Pero han usado las viejas reglas de la tercera dimensión y lo que les enseñaron mientras crecían. A medida que evolucionen, verán incluso más posibilidades de las que jamás soñaron que existieran.
Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.
Dear One,
To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an Earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.
You cannot look for answers to life's challenges in the world around you. The answers and the way through are in the higher frequencies available in the light of Truth and Wisdom. This is the light of God's love and it is the comfort offered by the Angels. When you ask for assistance, Light and Love flow to you immediately. This expands your conscious awareness so you can see the greater truth in any situation. This receptivity gives you freedom to act in ways that you know are in your highest good.
You are provided with guardian Angels who are with you throughout your life. They are always available for you to call upon, to ask questions of, and to provide the depth of companionship for which your soul longs. Human companions are not capable of giving you the depth, wisdom and strength that the Angels can give you.
If this level of relationship is something you desire, call on your Angelic friends now. There has never been a time when the Angels were so closely available as they are at this time. Presently, the veils are very thin between the worlds. This means that you can pray and take the time to call in the presence of your guiding Angels and they will be there for you. You can ask for signs of proof. You can ask to bask in their loving light. All this will occur. But your desire for a personal relationship is necessary to bring the Angels into your conscious awareness. This is easy for you to do. Use the power of your imagination and allow your mind to soar in expansive ways.
Release now the burden of having to do it alone. Call on the Angels often. Ask for help in every situation. You will be held in comforting wings of loving light and your way will be cleared.
This is an Angelic promise to you. We love you and bless you always. Remember:
Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.
Copyright: All Rights Reserved
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Beloved One, as you are awakening from the dream of Illusion, you will become more and more aware that you are in fact dreaming.
That is why it is called " The Awakening."
In your dream, there are buildings, societies, people, animals and even your body is part of your dream.
Everything and everyone in your dream responds to your beliefs.
If you believe in a hostile world, the world and everyone in it will be hostile.
If you believe in a benevolent world, the world and everyone in it will be benevolent.
As you are moving through the awakening, you will notice more and more how your different way of thinking will affect your dream.
Whenever you become aware of a reflection of your beliefs in an experience, you can now look at it and decide if you wish to continue with your belief, or if you wish to change it.
If your goal is ultimately to wake up from the dream of Illusion, the only ticket out is Peace on all levels.
There is much help here for you from all realms of Light, to guide you out of the illusion and into an unshakable inner Peace - God's Reality.
All it takes is your desire and openness to "unlearn" the premises of the Ego created Dream and learn the truth of God's Reality.
In the Ego construct, everything is upside down:
Separation from others and God is the foundation of all interactions.
You will only have if you take from others.
Attack is the best defense.
There is only defense and attack.
Everything and everyone is mortal.
Death is inevitable.
In God's reality, everything is rightside up:
There is only Oneness with everyone and with God.
You have by giving.
Love and peace is the only response.
There is only Love and Peace.
Everything and everyone is eternal.
There is no death. There is only eternal life.
This takes a great deal of undoing.
We are here to assist you with it. All it takes is to ask, what to do in every moment.
The voice for God will tell you what to do and what to think.
The voice for God is the Holy Spirit, who is part of your mind.
You can choose to allow for this part of your mind to expand, so it can lead you out of the dream of Illusion and into the Reality of God.
(Some call the reality of God the Higher Dimensions.)
Now can choose.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Asara Adams
Pleiadians and Earth's Shared Evolution: A Tale of Codes and Freedom
The Pleiades, a group of shining stars, have a big effect on Earth. People have been fascinated by these stars for a long time and have wondered about the mysteries of space.
A long time ago, the Pleiadians, who are connected to the Pleiades stars, did important things. They sometimes caused problems, and other times helped Earth change. Different cultures admired their special energies and qualities.
Cosmic Rejuvenation: The Galactic Federation's Healing Rays Illuminate the Earth
The Earth trembles with anticipation as a celestial phenomenon of unprecedented magnitude unfolds. In a stunning revelation, it has been disclosed that the Galactic Federation, a majestic alliance of advanced civilizations from across the cosmos, is descending upon our troubled planet!
A huge merging of Timelines and quantum space energy, for want of suitable words or phrases to describe what I am being shown, is now fully activating on a cosmic scale, the quantum unified energy fields.
It is basically now activating the full emergence of totally new life with the new root race of man.
Divine Will now supercedes our will - It becomes one and the same, as the Greater Cosmic Masterplan supercedes our own.
Hi, Beautiful Friends ~
As Archangel Michael recently shared, "This
Eclipse Cycle is not for the feint of heart. It is huge clarifying
energy that will transform you at very deep levels. As you allow it, it
is reformatting your relationship with who you truly are, and with your
expanded connections to many layers within All That Is. There is a
fundamental reorganizing happening.” And as I write this today he adds, “And it’s a reorganization that is going to unlock things within you and for you.”
I have just been given an immense revelation by Lord Melchizedek and the High Counsel of High Order of Melchizedek, regarding the next ten years.
From now on we are being lifted into a totally new paradigm and new existence, where new life is fully present in a much higher dimensional state and where all is new and far transcends all we have known before in the old 3D. New inventions, cosmic technologies, heart centered living, sacred life, love and relationships, and so much more.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are concerned that the future holds minimal joy for you, or you are exhausted by the shifts occurring within your being. It does not matter. All you know is that your life seems more complicated than you hoped for once you moved beyond 3D.
Your fears are similar to those you likely had during the first few days of a new job.
El Portal Kryon Masters ha reenviado un video de una canalización dada por Kryon en octubre de 2022. Vuelvo a ofrecer la traducción, ya que tal vez sea necesario refrescar estas informaciones.
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación 26 de 0ctubre de 2022
Usar el Viento de la Intuición
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Ha habido muchas preguntas, muchas preguntas sobre cómo hacer. Pero la que incluso fue respondida hoy por mi socio: cómo sabes cómo funciona la intuición. Cómo funciona el Campo
Earth's Awakening: Exploring the Cosmic Significance Within You
Right now, you're learning how special you are, and the galactic federation wants to help you understand and appreciate this. They'll guide you on this journey.
The more you learn about yourself, the more you'll see your value. Imagine there are special patterns inside you, like codes that other groups of beings understand. These patterns will become clearer to you over time and help you become even better.
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.