El 2-3 de septiembre del 2024, le damos la bienvenida a la Luna Nueva en Virgo. Esta Luna Nueva llega a la entrada de un mes altamente transformador, pero parece que el Universo nos está recordando que los nuevos comienzos siempre son posibles.
sábado, agosto 31, 2024
Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Virgo Septiembre 2024
El 2-3 de septiembre del 2024, le damos la bienvenida a la Luna Nueva en Virgo. Esta Luna Nueva llega a la entrada de un mes altamente transformador, pero parece que el Universo nos está recordando que los nuevos comienzos siempre son posibles.

September Ascension Report

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Recordando Quién Eres - 25 de agosto de 2024
25 de agosto de 2024
Recordando Quién Eres
Jim Self: ¡Hola! Bienvenidos. Es muy lindo estar aquí, sentados en este banco del parque con todos ustedes. Va a tener más sentido en unos pocos minutos. Este es un proyecto que se está desarrollando de una manera bastante notable, y hablaremos de esto a medida que vamos por esta sesión. Es muy excitante observar una oportunidad percibida que viene a existir, y eso es lo que estamos haciendo aquí, sentados en este banco del parque.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - Aug 31, 2024
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Natalia Alba - Our Guardians the White Elohim - Aug 31, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Emmanuel Dagher - A Season of Romance – September 2024
Dearest friend,
Welcome to a brand-new month and season! As the energies begin to shift to a new direction, September will be filled with many surprises, so let’s jump right into it all!
A Deeper Connection
The energies coming in at this time are giving us the opportunity to strengthen our connection to the Universe, and the Source of all life itself.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What We See Humans Doing on Many Timelines - Aug 31, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be existing where we exist right now, and we acknowledge that. We acknowledge both the beauty of our existence and the privilege of our positioning in this universe. As we have mentioned, we get to receive help and we get to give help out to others. That brings us a tremendous amount of joy. We know that many of you have been opening up to receive more of the help that has always been coming to you, and we also know that many more of you are stepping up to become the helpers that you truly are.

viernes, agosto 30, 2024
Aurora Ray - Unlock Your Genetic Code and Contact ETs to Rediscover Your Trueself! - Aug 30, 2024
Unlock Your Genetic Code and Contact ETs to Rediscover Your Trueself!
According to some ancient texts, the first humans were created by a variety of sentient civilizations.
The original human was a splendid being with incredible power who lived the happiest of lives.

Lee Carroll y Marilyn Harper - Preguntas para Adironnda y Kryon - Quinto Miércoles de Julio de 2024
Canalizaciónes de Lee Carroll y Marilyn Harper
Preguntas para Adironnda y Kryon
Monika: Querida Adironnda, Querido, bienamado Kryon, ¿pueden decirnos más sobre cómo podemos reconocer y comprender el plan de nuestra alma? Y cómo podemos conectar mejor con nuestra alma finalmente.
Marilyn Harper canaliza a Adironnda:
¡Ahhh! ¡De modo que buen día para ti, buen día para ti, buen día para ti, buen día para cada uno de ustedes allá afuera en esta realidad! Oh, es su realidad. Nosotros somos su familia del alma, y ustedes son nuestra familia del alma, y la energía de conectar con su propia alma personal es primero obtener la oportunidad de darse cuenta de que ustedes no pueden no estar conectados con su alma. No pueden estar separados. Ustedes son su alma, y esa alma viaja con ustedes, cuando toman un traje corporal, y luego consiguen otro traje corporal, y todo viene dando la vuelta, y es ese círculo de la vida, y el alma permanece con ustedes a través de todo.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - BEING CENTERED IN THE PRESENT MOMENT SEPTEMBER 2024
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered in the present moment.
You are making rapid progress on your ascension path. You are continuing to incorporate the energetic changes as you move forward with your mission.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday August 30, 2024

In times of energetic intensity, self care is key. Not just physical self care, but also emotional self care. Many old issues, wounds, fears, and concerns may come up for examination, healing, and release. This process does not need to be traumatic if you are approaching it from a place of balance and love.

How connecting with Andromeda helps your relationships

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - What’s Right Around the Corner for Humanity - Aug 30, 2024
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We awaken within you new knowings of who you really are. They are new to you, but they are ancient in many ways and timeless even. You are there to be awakened, to be activated, to unlock what is inside of you and that is why this is the most exciting time for humanity on Earth that there has ever been. Just imagine how much stored energy and information there is inside that physical body of yours with its trillions of cells.

jueves, agosto 29, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿La Alegría y la Risa Vienen de Dios? - Miércoles de Sanación 24 de julio de 2024
n de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación 24 de julio de 2024
¿La Alegría y la Risa Vienen de Dios?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, y Yo Soy del Servicio Magnético.
Yo soy parte de eso que es la percepción conciente de todas las cosas. Soy parte de ustedes. Estoy aquí como mensajero, que puede sentarse con ustedes y ayudarles a comprender ese amor increíble que está para ustedes, en este planeta. La percepción conciente es verdaderamente la clave, incluso para lo que es la respuesta a la pregunta que recién hice. Hay muchos que han dicho: la risa y la alegría parecen tan sagradas y tan bellas, ¿podrían venir directamente de Dios?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday August 29, 2024

Dear Ones, love is what you are. When you withhold giving love to yourself or others, you are, quite simply, denying your own truth and essence. Allow your love, your beingness to flow, and from there you will find yourself feeling a joy and satisfaction that is beyond what you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Natalia Alba -We are now entering into a phase of profound clearing and recalibration - Aug 29, 2024

Beloved Ones,
We are now entering into a phase of profound clearing and recalibration. We are immersed in a period of constant transformation that will lead us to stabilization, especially with the second eclipse in Libra in October. A period in which correcting our bodies is vital not to fall into densification, as my Guides call the opposite phenomena of density emancipation, for as you know densification is the process in which we create more density in our bodies and hence fragmentation.

Judith Kusel - We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band - Aug 29, 2024
We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band, and this means that we now need to truly go deeper into our heart space, and therein with love, hold a picture, a vision, of the New Golden Age.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ensure Your Physical ET Contact - Aug 29, 2024
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much interest in what’s happening there on Earth because it is a reflection to us of ourselves in many ways. We always look at what we can see outside of ourselves as reflecting something back to us that we need to see. Now, of course we are all also interested in helping all of you, and that’s another reason why we place our attention on planet Earth so much, but we recognize that what we see is showing us something that we still are working on in terms of our own spiritual evolution.

miércoles, agosto 28, 2024
Aurora Ray -How To Live In Pure Consciousness - Aug 28, 2024
How To Live In Pure Consciousness
Vipassana (Sanskrit:'seeing in the mind and heart') is an ancient Buddhist meditation practice that seeks insight into the true nature of reality. It's taught entirely from observation and reflection as a method for discovering freedom from suffering.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío? - Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024
¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío?
Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
¿Es posible que Dios interfiera con el libre albedrío? Aquí está la respuesta: “Bueno, por supuesto que no”. “Bueno, tal vez”. Ah, ok. (se ríe) Tengo que explicar esto. Y quiero hacerlo. Quiero que todos ustedes sepan cómo funciona esto.

Judith Kusel - We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares - Aug 28, 2024

We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares, plus the energies released from both earths, are rising into crescendo, plus other cosmic events which are simultaneously occurring.
Yes, it is all happening at once, and not on visible levels so much, as on invisible levels and as our soul never sleeps (even when we are supposedly asleep) our soul is constantly briefed by our higher guides and Ascended Masters as to what is happening on universal and cosmic scale.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 28, 2024

Dear Ones, one of your greatest needs is to be seen in your innate goodness. Give this gift to yourselves. Give it to others. Shine a light on this core truth that exists in all of you. Water it, grow it, and celebrate it, and watch how it allows you all to bloom in your truth and beauty. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Natalia Alba - As we move through this process of density emancipation - Aug 28, 2024
osnpotrdeSa.i8 6o: cs38h0 .04l12l3a20cfiat 1o 3pc806gl acdh m31sa9laa6teim9 ·
Beloved Ones,
As we move through this process of density emancipation, focusing on conscious release and rejuvenation is pivotal to preparing ourselves for the next embodiment phase. One that will enhance the importance at this time of our ascension journey of purification, so we can enter into another transformational phase, the last one in this eighth universal year, within an eighth universal month that prepares us for activating our sapphire body.

Does God Like Music? - KRYON

Get Ready for Fifth-Dimensional Ascension: Elevate Your Soul to New Heights!

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Should You Wait for Your Manifestations? - Aug 28, 2024
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We understand you even though we cannot relate to everything that you are experiencing there on Earth because it is so different from our nonphysical plane of existence. We invite you to consider the possibility that you can be helped by those who are living something quite different from what you are living. You know what you need, and you know you have the free will to create what you want to create. We will supply the energy as universal architects within this universe, to help you with those creations.

martes, agosto 27, 2024
Jamye Price - September 2024 Ascension Energies – Preparing the Body
Hello Powerful Light!
We are heading into Equinox month and we have an eclipse a few days before that. These are powerful times of change. Rollercoastery, so I'm trying to remember to enjoy the ride in all of it's ways.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío? - Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024
¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío?
Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
¿Es posible que Dios interfiera con el libre albedrío? Aquí está la respuesta: “Bueno, por supuesto que no”. “Bueno, tal vez”. Ah, ok. (se ríe) Tengo que explicar esto. Y quiero hacerlo. Quiero que todos ustedes sepan cómo funciona esto.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 27, 2024

Dear Ones, all growth is an internal decision. You cannot force growth in another, nor can you assume responsibility for what another person does or does not do.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Your Multidimensional Self - Aug 27, 2024

lunes, agosto 26, 2024
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday August 26, 2024

Dear Ones, we are always available to you. Always. As you will experience us most times as a subtle energy, your ability to sense our presence largely depends on your level of awareness.
Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware. How can you tell if there are changes around you if you do not know how you feel in the first place? Check in with yourself. Are you warm or are you cold? Do you have any sensations to note in your body? Once you have made yourself aware of how you are feeling, then ask us to make our presence known to you.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Adónde Van las Almas Cuando Mueren? - Miércoles de Sanación 26 de junio de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 26 de junio de 2024
¿Adónde Van las Almas Cuando Mueren?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Qué pregunta, realmente. Esta es la última canalización del mes, y es la última de la serie de los grandes misterios en su interior. Hemos estado diciéndoles durante todo el mes, queridos, que lo que está en el interior del ser humano es asombroso. Ustedes no obtienen ningún crédito más allá de lo que ven, y sin embargo en su interior no está solo la maestría; está el control sobre la consciencia, sobre la Física. Sobre mucho de lo que no tienen ni idea. Y es un misterio.

Brenda Hoffman - Being a Forerunner Isn’t Always Comfortable - Aug 26, 2024
Dear Ones,
What happens to you and those you love once you fully claim yourself by crossing your bridge to new you? Will you remain who you are, or will you be so different that you do not need to complete anything now? Will the heavens open with golden sunshine day after day? Will you like your new self or the new self of those you love?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Counci - Your Power Extends Beyond Your Dimension - Aug 26, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been experiencing the ripple effects of your evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth, and we must say that from the ninth dimension, what you have expanded into feels so very good. You see, every time we offer you something that can help to elevate your consciousness, and you receive it and use it, we benefit from that as well. This is true throughout this universe. We are all co-existing within the same universal consciousness. Therefore, when we help you, we help ourselves. The same is true for you there on planet Earth. When you help another, you are truly just helping yourself. You are going to get more of what you give, and that works in the other direction as well. If you are harming someone else, if you are even thinking harmful thoughts about them, you are only harming yourself.

domingo, agosto 25, 2024
Judith Kusel - Open your heart now to receive - - Aug 25, 2024

Open your heart now to receive and become as one with Divine Love and the Love you are in truth.
Allow this love to permeate all your bodies and fields and all that you are, so that you are held in a bubble of pure white energy with soft pink, blue and pure gold.
Affirm: I AM Divine Love. I AM That, I AM.
I AM Divine Love, in thought, in word, in deed.
I AM That, I AM.
We are now going through quantum shifts, where all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good will simply dissolve.
More than this your heart and soul know the truth. Live your soul truth with love, through love and within love.
Call in Archangels Chamuel, Charity, Christiel to assist you and open your heart center even more, so that you can expand into ever higher levels of love and live this.
The Age of Love is here, risiding already in your own heart, the sacred temple of Love, within.
I AM Love, I Am Loved, I AM Loving.
Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the artist

Shanta Gabrie - Archangel Gabriel - You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you - Aug 25, 2024
True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand.
You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.
Dear One,
When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Venimos de las Estrellas? - Miércoles de Sanación 19 de junio de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 19 de junio de 2024
¿Venimos de las Estrellas?
¿Es posible que los seres humanos sean realmente de las estrellas?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.
¡Qué enunciado! Y para algunos, esto es realmente risible. Por supuesto que no, vienen directamente de un fuerte linaje, biología de humanismo. Y los humanos del planeta, que ustedes pueden estudiar hacia atrás y ver la evolución que es evidente, - Oh, ¿de veras? Queridos, cada vez más, la ciencia empieza a mirar a ciertas anomalías de este cambio evolutivo.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Do This Once a Day & You Will Be Amazed - Aug 25, 2024
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I welcome you to explore your energy field at this time and to recognize the truth that you have everything that you need and that more is always coming. Certainly it can be difficult for you to do this when you are only looking at your bank account or what you have in your investment portfolio, but if you would take the time to settle into your body and feel for what’s in your energy field, you will be amazed.

sábado, agosto 24, 2024
Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Aug 24, 2024
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Blossom and the gang return!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿La Tierra está Viva? - Miércoles de Sanación 12 de junio de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 12 de junio de 2024
¿La Tierra está Viva?
¿La Tierra te habla?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esta es una pregunta que realmente muestra cuán magníficos son ustedes. Y parte de lo que es los misterios en el interior. ¿Qué tal si dentro de ustedes hubiera comunicación total y completa con aquello con que ustedes nunca realmente hablarían?, la esencia, la sintiencia (N.T. conciencia sintiente), la belleza, la personalidad, de la Tierra misma.

Judith Kusel - Life on earth is not a destination - Aug 24, 2024
Life on earth is not a destination – it is but a journey of the soul through quantum space and eternity.
Yet within this journey, the soul attains lessons in Quantum Mastery, ever reaching a higher degree of Consciousness, as it journeys throughthe different tiers of Creation, visible and invisible, form and formlessness.
Thus, the soul is ever on an evolutionary journey of discovery of the Divine Source within itself. The soul in truth is the Divine experiencing its own creation through the journey of souls.
Eventually all souls can choose to become AS ONE with the Divine Source again, thus remerge with it AS ONE, or continue its soul journeys through quantum space.
All is but ONE single Whole.
One single experience, although each soul group or monad consists of 144 Souls, and Soul Cluster groups of 144 000 and so forth.
Yet the Monad itself expands through the tiers of Creation and the soul evolves through the six monads, the solar-monadic grouping, the galactic monadic grouping, the universal-monadic grouping, the multi-universal monadic grouping, the Cosmic Monad, according to the Cosmic Ray the soul embraces at that time, and then the Ultimate Cosmic Monad.
It is vital to understand this, for all journeys, are but experiences the soul chooses to embark upon. As it advances with the Monad or Soul Group, through the different tiers, it advances in Ascended Mastership, Galactic Mastership, Universal Mastership, Multi-Universal Mastership and so forth.
This puts life on this planet into perspective.
For in truth, we are here, as souls, but for a single eye-wink in eternity, and when we finally grasp this, we will simply understand that we are nonetheless here on this planet for one reason only: -
To fulfill our soul purpose and mission as agreed upon before we incarnated, and to gain in soul mastery.
Especially at this momentous time, as we are ascending into the New Earth, the fifth to seventh dimensional state and New Golden Age, in accelerated motion, it is vital to understand that we have been given the opportunity to advance in quantum leaps of consciousness, way beyond anything souls could ever experience on earth before!
It is a privilege and an honor to be here on earth at this significant time. We were prepared for this through thousands of earth years and now is the time to embrace this quantum leap journey through the open-heart center, allowing ourselves to be transfigured with immense love and total devotion.
We are now at the half-way mark, and from now on the ascension process will accelerate beyond anything known before!
We are entering cosmic space!
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Using Telepathy to Communicate with E.T.s - Aug 24, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are beyond the point where we need to have language to communicate. We don’t need to use words and sentences to convey an idea, a thought or a feeling, and yet we do communicate with others all the time by sending energy, by vibrating at a frequency where we know the other, or the collective, will be able to understand us. We know that you have words in your language that attempt to convey a particular meaning, and sometimes you even need to look words up in a dictionary to understand what someone else meant by something they said or wrote.

viernes, agosto 23, 2024
Aurora Ray - Ascension Manifestation - Aug 23, 2024
Ascension Manifestation
Dear family of light,
When you're first exploring ascension or the idea of spiritual enlightenment, it can seem like a big and complicated concept. And to some extent, it is. But if you take a step back and remember that ascension is about your personal journey of discovery, it doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming.

Celia Fenn - 23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season - Aug 23, 2024

23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season
Today the Sun moved into Virgo. And not a moment too soon!
It has been such an intense time with the Lions Gate and then the Full Moon.
It just seemed as though everything was happening at once and everything needed to happen at once!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday August 23, 2024

Dear Ones, we wish for you to know that these energies are taking you somewhere. There is purpose and movement that you are all willingly participating in by being in the body at this time. Your job is to move with the energies – to ride the wave, if you will, until you arrive in your new vistas.

Judith Kusel - The Purification inside and out - Aug 23, 2024
The Purification inside and out
With the huge expansion the immense cosmic energies plus Solar Flares are currently pouring down upon us, and inside of us, we are in stage of huge purification.
I have done cleansing and clearing work, dissolving emotional charges and past live patterns for years, and yet still things are coming up, for releasing. I can understand this for as old souls we have had many incarnations on earth, and in every lifetime, we interacted with so many souls, and especially since the Fall of Atlantis, this has been exasperating.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Making the Impossible Possible - Aug 23, 2024
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We know that you all have many moving parts in your lives to contend with, and we also know that you choose those moving parts very carefully. We want to assist you in seeing those moving parts as choices that you have made. They are the ways in which you have decided it would be best for you to grow and expand. Every moving part is an opportunity for you to know yourself more fully and completely as you really are. You are meant to know yourselves as Divine Beings of love and light, and yet you deal with the physical stuff that is in front of you in so many different ways.

jueves, agosto 22, 2024
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO AGOSTO 2024
▲ De su Anfitriona de la Luz
▲Truenos y relámpagos: las enseñanzas internas del año de la Tormenta Galáctica Azul
▲ La verdadera energía detrás de las tormentas eléctricas y los rayos
▲ Todos los pensamientos son importantes
A medida que elevamos nuestra percepción consciente unos cuantos niveles, llegamos a muchos senderos con nuevas comprensiones que exhiben allí verdades como migas de pan en un camino perdido. La consciencia misma del clima ha cambiado al igual que nosotros, y es el momento de observar nuevos patrones de verdades ocultas. Todos sabemos que el clima tiene un temperamento y todo clima surge de muchas partes del mundo y se envuelve alrededor de aquellos que no entienden ni quieren las enseñanzas planetarias.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday August 22, 2024

Dear Ones, in times of intensity it can be difficult to see beyond where you are. That is just fine! You don’t have to make any decisions beyond what you would like in each Now moment. In fact, that is one of the gifts of intensity – getting your full attention in the Now which is really your power base for creation.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Canalizaciones: Preguntas para Adironnda y Kryon - Quinto Miércoles de Mayo 2024
Canalizaciones: Preguntas para Adironnda y Kryon
Monika: La pregunta, que deseamos hacer tanto a Adironnda como a Kryon, es esta: Muchos de nosotros sentimos que estamos aquí para un propósito más alto; para traer amor y paz a la humanidad. ¿Cómo podemos permanecer enfocados en nuestra misión, en medio del caos que vemos a nuestro alrededor?

Natalia Alba - Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance - Aug 22, 2024
ptsooSedrn04o8gdl5tf2:m58 ff lmhga mis6.af27es9aa30l.ah5163a2gat01 16co ·
Beloved Ones,
Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance. During this time of heart expansion and amplification of the light transmissions received during this last phase, we move now into a purification phase with Virgo. Cleansing, especially after long periods of embodiment is another important part of our ascension journey, to release all we have healed and let go of.