jueves, mayo 31, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - New FREE Quantum Pure Source Light - Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation: YOU FORGOT You Are Connected - It's Time To Wake UP to Remember...- 5/30/2018

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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
West Knoyle CROP CIRCLE MAY 2018 4K
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Círculos de Trigo,
Crop Circles,
Lisa Renee - Denial and Blame Shifters

Denial and Blame Shifters
When we understand how fear is created in the body, it is helpful in releasing the grip of anxiety and fear patterns. People that are triggered into fears and mental anxiety may impulsively turn to blame shifting or the projection of their fears onto others. When people are in deep pain and they are suffering, many times they will move unacceptable impulses in themselves and place them onto someone else. Sometimes, if another person or situation makes them feel uncomfortable, the person will blame them for their own discomfort. In this way, it is a denial of personal responsibility by attributing to others their own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or emotions.
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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Renee

You ask for guidance from your highest Divine Identity when your lesser identities do not solve your sufferings. The root of your suffering is always the idea of separation, the conviction that you are separate from the world and all beings and separate from your Ultimate Divine Source. When you identify with a form, whether it is subtle or physical, it is a sign of separation when you have forgotten Me, the One and Single Divine Substance of creation and the universes. The One Force of Existence Who Is Pure and Mere Happiness.
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Ute Posegga-Rudel
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, May 31, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Thursday, May 31, 2018
You are learning to stand on our own two feet.
This is quite a liberation
and departure from the past.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday May 31, 2018

A reader responded to yesterday’s daily message asking how they could “unset up” some of the opportunities (sometimes referred to by you as lessons or tests) they have placed on their path for their growth and expansion and move into more joy. We wish to address this today.
You will have specific themes you wish to experience and master within your incarnation. They will loop around periodically to give you opportunities to see them in new ways, to choose how you wish to react, and assess how much you have grown.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
James McConnell - Saint Germain and One Who Serves - May 27th, 2018
Saint Germain
I AM St. Germain.
As always it is a pleasure to be with you to be able to share and have these moments, these continuing moments that are changing rapidly.
Many of the things that have been foretold, many of the various predictions, many of the changes that have been said will happen are in the works now. They are in process. You are beginning to see the glimmerings of these. Each and every day more and more is coming forward more and more truths are being revealed and more are about to be revealed. Because everything is in motion now. Everything is in a shifting motion and can no longer be stopped.
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James McConnell,
One Who Serves,
St. Germain
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Inglaterra Nº 2 - Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018
Inglaterra - Nº 2 - A la manera de los Ancestros
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Para quienes están escuchando y no están aquí, estamos de nuevo en Inglaterra, este es un lugar llamado actualmente White Horse (N.T. Caballo Blanco). El nombre se le dio a causa de un grabado en el suelo al que se le han atribuido miles de años de antigüedad. Queridos, no estoy aquí para crear controversias con nada de lo que les han contado. Lo que me encantaría hacer es realzar los potenciales más allá de lo que les han contado. Cuando digo "lo que les han contado" me refiero a lo que han escuchado hoy como grupo y lo que han leído sobre este lugar.
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Lee Carroll
miércoles, mayo 30, 2018
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Inglaterra Nº1 - Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018
Inglaterra Nº 1 - El Viaje del Héroe
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Es el comienzo de otro tour más, una excursión en un lugar que es muy especial. Un tour de energías, de cuentos, de historia, de leyendas, de tradiciones, y de mitología. Y en este mensaje voy a revelar un número de cosas que serán altamente polémicas (se ríe) debido a la región en que estoy y a las actitudes, y el conocimiento, y las historias, y las tradiciones, y las leyendas. Les daré cosas para reflexionar, y les daré algunas de las razones por las que esta región, entre todas las del planeta, tiene tanto de esto.
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Lee Carroll
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Some of you are giving up a wee bit too early
as you call your last attempt a failure, a bust.
What if it wasn't about nailing the finish, at least this time around?
What if the real acclaim, the holy resolution, and worth is in
the awakening of new realizations and truths of self?
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 30, 2018

There is a belief that you are continually faced with tests or lessons throughout your lifetime. The idea of being tested by Source is faulty for it implies that you are being judged or graded, that you can pass or fail, and that is simply not true.
What you consider to be tests or lessons are simply opportunities for you to change your perspective and decide how you wish to express yourself. They can, in fact, be a wonderful means for you to see for yourself how far you have come.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - FOCUSING ON A MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSPECTIVE - June 2018
June 2018 Message
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss focusing on a multidimensional perspective.
You are making great progress on your ascension path. You have expanded your awareness on many levels, and you are able to see the bigger picture. Your Light is shining brightly. When you reflect on what you have accomplished and learned, you are able to move to even higher levels.
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AA Amatista,
AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
Natalia Alba - The Energies of June 2018 - Cellular Healing & Galactic Integration
“Your power ends where your fear begins.”
Barbara Marciniak
Beloved Light Emissaries,
In this new energetic month of June, personal power, will be one of the main themes, for in this phase of our ascension journey, we will be challenged to work with our personal life force, learning how to be confident, and how to direct our creational force into something that will help us to expand in the physical. It is the time for the masculine to manifest, not just material results but the anchoring of the new level of consciousness we are integrating, for ascension can only occur when we descend the concept of it into the tangible world we reside and where we truly can create the proper transformation required for us to evolve.
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Natalia Alba,
Reporte de Energías
martes, mayo 29, 2018
Carla Thompson - A Message From Astraea et Amora - The Return to Eden! - May 28, 2018
A Message From Astraea et Amora
Carla Thompson, May 28, 2018
Foreword – The Dragons Reclaim the Earth
Georgi Stankov
When I first read this message from Astraea and Amora I stumbled over the following statement:
“Moment to moment, this new light from the Red Sun rejoices and bursts forth frequencies that are not only beyond the spectrum seen by your physical eyes, the frequency of this light has new properties: This light is tonal and it is adaptive.”
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James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - La Ley del Uno en Francia - Parte 2 - Mayo 27, 2018
La Ley del Uno en Francia
Parte 2 de un mensaje en 3 partes
Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn
¡Saludos, Maestros! ¡Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz! En esta sesión se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Una vez y siempre los saludamos cálida y amorosamente en este eterno Momento del Ahora. Ciertamente percibimos a cada uno de ustedes individualmente, personalmente en el momento específico en que sus ojos leen estas palabras.
Y así continuamos con la segunda entrega de "La Ley del Uno en Francia".
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AA Metatrón,
James Tyberonn
James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Part 2 The Law of One in France - May 27, 2018
Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn
The Law of One in France
All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2018
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light! I am joined in this session, by Tyberonn of Crystalline Serve. We once and always greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed, we sense each of you individually, personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words.
And so, we continue with the second installment of 'The Law of One' in France'.
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AA Metatrón,
James Tyberonn
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Escocia Nº 8 - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Escocia - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Escocia Nº 8 - Cena de Despedida
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Para los que recién llegan a este mensaje, es el último de una serie. Estoy frente a un grupo de almas antiguas que han probado la energía de muchos lugares en esta Escocia y en Inglaterra. Y continuarán, muchas, y habrá más por venir. Pero en esto siempre hay un reflejo de ti mismo, querido humano. De modo que quienes no han estado en el viaje, pueden escuchar; los que sí estuvieron, quiero que sientan. Un mensaje tras otro les hemos dado información sobre quiénes son realmente ustedes. A veces cae en oídos sordos, porque no están preparados para oírla. O bien niegan que sea lo que es. O son autosuficientes a tal punto que no creen necesitarla. Otórguenle algún tiempo, y encontrarán que sí la necesitan.
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Lee Carroll
Sarah Varcas - June 2018 Astro-Energy Report - The Alchemy of Emotional Expression - May 29, 2018

The Alchemy of Emotional Expression
Sarah Varcas
June 2018 finds us in the ‘waiting room’ of the next eclipse season beginning in July. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitement?….depends largely on how happy we are to let things fall into place. Or would we rather force them there, before discovering we’ve jammed yet another square peg into a round hole?! Mars in Aquarius conjunct the South Node through June and July reminds us detaching from our desires can be useful when progress is slow. It doesn’t mean we must abandon all hope and give up the ghost, but it can be helpful to turn down the heat on our expectations and demands when the universe has a different timetable to our own! Then we can relax despite the stress of waiting while the cosmic dance allows life to unfold in its own time and step.
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Reporte de Energías,
Sarah Varcas
Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Jerarquía Espiritual y la Federación Galáctica - 29 de mayo de 2018
Salamat Jalwa (estad en virtud). La decadencia de la cábala continúa. Sus movimientos lentos y arrogantes y nuestros contraataques rápidos de represalia están llevando a estos malhechores a un lodazal de su propia creación. Nuestros Aliados Terrestres continúan construyendo alianzas globales que claramente intensifican su Victoria sobre la oscuridad. Las claves de esta victoria son vuestros niveles crecientes de consciencia y vuestra creciente hambre de ser libres y espiritualmente soberanos de la oscuridad y sus interminables siglos de esclavitud, avaricia y desprecio. El Cielo os continúa equipando y fortaleciendo para una consciencia plena. Vuestro pendiente cambio de realidad es la razón por la cual la influencia de la oscuridad está disminuyendo y por la qué la cábala está en tal estado de pánico.
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Lauren C. Gorgo - Coming Unbound: liberation & the new earth - May 29, 2018
With the highly anticipated Uranus ingress into Taurus (on 5/15)…what my Sources call “a pivotal turning point for the planet”…we have a real chance at finding this balance as all of life on Earth heads for some necessary, r-evolutionary changes. Liberation is the name of this new game and we are feeling every inch of it.
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Lauren C. Gorgo,
Reporte de Energías
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 29, 2018

There is a tendency in human beings to put off embracing their next level of expansion in their desire to have everything complete within themselves before they move forward. While we honour you for your diligence, this approach can, at times, result in holding yourself back unnecessarily.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
lunes, mayo 28, 2018
Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Full Moon, Woozy Feeling, Dreams and Telepathy With Animals, Birds And All Other Consciousness Increases - May 28, 2018
Blessings Beloveds,
The energy the past few days has been very uplifting with lots of energy attached to it. You may have been able to accomplish a lot as it has been very focused energy coming in. A few days before this, we had very sluggish energy we were dealing with where even moving was difficult. On those days all I wanted to do was sleep. Those are recharge days that come in between energy surges.
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Diane Canfield,
Reporte de Energías
Sheldan Nidle Update~5-29-18~Lightworkers are liberated to wield their beams of Light
Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness). The decline of the cabal continues. Their slow, arrogant moves and our quick retaliatory counterpunches are leaving these scallywags in a morass of their own making. Our Earth Allies continue to build global alliances that are clearly intensifying their Victory over the dark. The keys to this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growing hunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endless centuries of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortify each of you for full consciousness. Your pending reality shift is the reason the dark’s influence is waning and why the cabal is in such a panic.
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Jamye Price - June Ascension Energies – Earth Family - May 28, 2018

May Review
May had the energy of Peaceful Heart, and it was an interesting flow. I had a deep processing prior to the monthly energies teleclass. I had a flash of feeling like my heart area was a vacuum, a deep magnetic pull.
Then my head and crown chakra were so activated it was uncomfortable and I just had to rest and zone out for the day. Concentration or focus was not possible. During the teleclass, there was a transmission where the energy was similar. Heart healing, crown activation. Anchoring more of your divine nature.
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Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías
Kryon - UK Tour - 2018 / Part II
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Lee Carroll,
Jennifer Hoffman - Danger — Emotional Black Hole Ahead - May 28, 2018
We should have a warning sign to alert us when we’re activating our emotional black holes, like the robot on the Lost in Space TV show (from the 1960s) that would wave its arms around and say ‘Danger Will Robinson’ when danger was approaching. The next best thing is to understand what emotional black holes are, what causes them, and how we can avoid being pulled into them.
Have you ever been just sitting around, minding your own business, and then you get a phone call or text that sends you into an emotional tsunami? Suddenly your life, which you thought was just fine a minute before, is now in emotional overdrive and you are so upset, angry, unclear, or sad that you spiral into a negative emotional funk. Or you’re listening to the radio and a song plays that reminds you of your first heartbreak and you cry for days?
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Jennifer Hoffman,
Reporte de Energías
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios Escocia Nº7 - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Escocia - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
7 - Seminario de Edimburgo - 2ª parte
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Es muy difícil para la humanidad pensar que ellos están en la cima de la cadena evolutiva sagrada del planeta. ¿Alguna vez se preguntaron cuál era su lugar? Si yo les dijera que todo el planeta fue creado durante todos esos años para que ustedes pudieran estar aquí, para que sus almas pudieran estar aquí, ¿lo creerían?
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Lee Carroll
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday May 28, 2018

Many enlightening human beings feel like their efforts are too small or intangible to make a big difference. Nothing could be further from the truth! Every single high vibrational decision you make is a powerful declaration of self, a wonderful teacher by example, and an energetic anchor that assists the planet.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Suzanne Lie - Imagination As Fifth Dimensional Thought, Pleiadians and Arcturians - May 28, 2018
Imagination As Fifth Dimensional Thought
Pleiadians and Arcturians through Sue Lie
What is Imagination?
Imagination includes, among other things, the ability to visualize with the creative parts of your mind and brain in order to activate your resourcefulness, creative, and artistic/scientific brain.
Artistic and scientific are put into one category because they both call upon your ability to think of, imagine, and/or desire to create in your outer world something that you have found within your heart and mind.
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Suzanne Lie
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, May 28, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Monday, May 28, 2018
You are learning to trust yourself beyond measure.
There is a one, two, three,
heave-ho approach involved.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update - May 28, 2018
It is a good time for reflection, commitment, maturity, honesty and a true honoring of self. Coming on the heels of an introspective, creative and inspired time, this full moon invites us to make a commitment to a new alignment of our values and the intentions that have come out of that alignment. Pace yourself with whatever energy you have and match your enthusiasm with the rhythm of what is showing up in your life. If it is slow and nourishing, then be slow and go with the flow. If it is greatly energized and accelerated, then step up to meet it. Align yourself to what is showing up and think of life as being effortless instead of a struggle.
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Lena Stevens,
Brenda Hoffman - Why Hoard it or Give it Away? - May 28, 2018
Dear Ones,
Likely, you cannot sense any global connection with the phrase, “we’re one.” Even though the phrase is something you contemplate, your news and personal experiences do not reinforce your need to actualize it.
You hear the phrase, we’re one and agree with the concept; yet, you believe such will never come to fruition in your lifetime. For those pieces that seem to reinforce accepting all without concerns for gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed are being removed – you believe – one by one.
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Brenda Hoffman,
domingo, mayo 27, 2018
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Escocia Nº 6 - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Escocia - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Escocia - Nº 6
Seminario de Edimburgo, 1ª parte
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Para los que nunca vieron esto antes: notarán que mi socio no se prepara ni adapta para canalizar. Y como ya dijimos antes, esto se debe a que la divinidad de lo que está haciendo es parte de él, como es parte de ustedes. A través de estos años se produjo una fusión, y esta fusión se describe como el ser humano comprendiendo que la Gran Fuente que ustedes llaman Dios es parte de ustedes, otorgada en aquello que fue la historia de la creación.
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Lee Carroll
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday May 27, 2018

So many enlightening human beings on the planet are interested in expanding into new areas and experiences. If you are feeling this, you are stepping into your role of pioneer, which is another path of service.
Most people only create for themselves based on what they have already experienced or believe can happen. Pioneers open up new paths of potential not only for themselves, but for others. It is being the example of empowered co-creator and demonstrating what heart-centred navigation looks like.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, May 27, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Sunday, May 27, 2018
It is a sign of the times that you are getting ready to dismiss all charges towards self.
This is what is needed in a grand way.
This is the holy conclusion that you are awakening to as you learn to step out of fear.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - May 27, 2018
The Inner Spirit working outward in your life
is the only place to find stability in these changing times.
Dear One,
You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.
The truth is that there is an increase in the frequencies of the Earth. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do. And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you. Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
sábado, mayo 26, 2018
Kryon - UK Tour - 2018 / Part I
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Lee Carroll,
Suzanne Lie - The ArcturiansThrough The Matrix--Chapter 17 - Going Home - May 26, 2018
Going Home
It seemed that I had waited forever, but I was sitting on one blanket and wrapped in the other. Therefore, I was warm. In fact, it appeared that even the ground beneath me was warm. As I waited, I remembered when John rescued me long, long ago, after I had fallen over the cliff.
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Suzanne Lie
Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - Cómo Utilizar La Oración Como Herramienta De Manifestación - 23 de Mayo 2018
Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel.
La oración es la herramienta más poderosa de manifestación. Sin embargo, muchos la asocian con la religión y no creen que tenga control alguno sobre la energía.
Sueles recurrir a la oración cuando necesitas desesperadamente un milagro y esperas que la Fuente te escuche y te responda. La oración no consiste en expresar una lista de deseos, ni tampoco es una petición de ayuda; es una potente herramienta de energía que debe usarse con fe, intención y claridad. Crea un importante contenedor de energía para la manifestación de intenciones, que es apoyado por tu fe en la asociación co-creativa con la Fuente y tu propia herencia divina.
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AA Uriel,
Jennifer Hoffman
Kara Schallock - Amor y Valores - 21 de Mayo 2018
Traducción: Fara González
Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
El 29 de mayo hay otra Luna Llena que trae otra oportunidad para ser más Amor. Únanse a las energías manteniendo sus pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones alineados en el Amor. Mientras tanto, hemos estado experimentando muchas descargas de Luz de alta dimensión. Esto ha exacerbado mucha conmoción en las creencias remanentes que limitan y en emociones que están profundamente ancladas en el subconsciente. Nuestro Servicio Divino – Ser Amor – se está actualizando. Sean bondadosos hasta aquellos a quienes nuestro ego de separación los considera “malos” (recuerden que no hay bueno ni malo en lo nuevo). Quiero compartir algo que alguien me escribió hoy (gracias Megan). Ilustra el Amor puro en Servicio Divino:
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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock
Brenda Hoffman - No Más “Células Abuelas” - 21 de Mayo 2018
Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Se están ajustando en varias formas al nuevo ustedes. Así que pueden estar ganando peso para contrarrestar el terror 3D de asumir nuevas células que son únicas o dormir de manera diferente o cualquier forma en la cual su cuerpo físico intenta detener lo inevitable.
Debido a que su fisicalidad es la que está más sumergida en la 3D, su cuerpo se siente incómodo a medida que las nuevas células – que sus células 3D perciben como guerreras – entran en su ser, creando una necesidad de añadir células 3D para contrarrestar el supuesto terror de su nuevo ser que les ha producido dolores menores, cambios en los patrones de sueño y otras incomodidades en su forma física 3D.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Asara - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - May 26, 2018
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...
Your transformation to the higher dimensions is under way and your physical body is currently experiencing a tremendous upgrade.
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Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, May 26, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Saturday, May 26, 2018
In each moment you have great power to serve the Christ Self
as you continue to awaken to your beauty and your light.
You have been in the catacombs suffering endlessly and unnecessarily.
I am here to remind you that the figments of your "history" are visiting you daily now.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer,
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterio, Escocia Nº 5 - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Escocia - 8 a 14 de Mayo de 2018
Nº 5 - Capilla Rosslyn
(El audio comienza con un canto dentro de la Capilla)
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Antes de decir algo, hacemos saber al que escucha que esto es Rosslyn Chapel, en lo que ustedes llaman Escocia. Primero honremos al lugar en que están. El honor es para quienes concibieron y construyeron, no necesariamente el edificio en que ustedes están, sino el original, y todo lo que implicó, que está ahora aquí también y está lleno con mucho más que lo que ustedes saben.
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Lee Carroll
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday May 26, 2018

Your soul is always communicating with you. It tells you where it wants to go by making you aware of your interests, your desires, and what feels good to you. It notices signs and synchronicities. It expands your heart and gives a big YES when you are really in alignment. It is a simple and gentle guidance system that will let you know which way to go long before you end up in a space of deep discomfort if you let it. Listen, Dear Ones. Listen to the whisper of your heart and soul and you will always find the direction you need to go, as it will unfold the way for you one feeling moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
viernes, mayo 25, 2018
Steve Rother - El Grupo - PREDICCIONES PARA JUNIO 2018
Antes de comenzar con las predicciones, quiero comentarles algo brevemente. En Espavo TV tenemos tres programas. El primero es VirtualLight Broadcast que se emite desde hace unos 22 años (1996), primero en vivo y ahora desde el estudio que montamos en casa. (Las canalizaciones se publican mensualmente en Los Faros de Luz). Luego presentamos las Predicciones, Comentarios y Preguntas a mediados de mes y luego el primer o segundo martes de cada mes comenzaremos un nuevo programa, SpiritCast. Acortaremos la emisión de VirtualLight que solía durar unas tres horas. La historia de Amor pasará a SpiritCast para tener una
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El Grupo,
Steve Rother
L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 29th, 2018 ~ How you Play the Game of WHAT is - May 25, 2018

How do YOU play the game that is your Life?
Your Moment to moment conscious awareness?
Through your Heart?
Or through strategies based in time ~ what is yet to come…or the past?
This FULL Moon in Sagittarius on May 29th, 2018 at 11:19am ADT, will bring to LIGHT the subconscious motives and memories…that are playing out THROUGH You.
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Laura Pleiadian,
James McConnell - The Guardian and One Who Serves - May 20th, 2018
The Guardian
I AM the Guardian of the New Dispensation.
I have not been with this group for some time. As I mentioned a while ago I would not be returning, we would not be returning as The Guardians, until such a time that the vibrations have increased enough to allow for the beginning, the process of the New Dawn to come over this planet. And that time is nearly here.
As you hear many times, many, many different ways that you are on the cusp, that you have reached the finish line, that you are nearing the crescendo. And all of these are true. True to the consciousness that is of man at this time. But as you all know man’s consciousness changes with every thought and every moment so it can never be determined ahead of time when the full changes will commence, when The Event will happen.
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James McConnell,
One Who Serves
Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 5-29-18 - May 25, 2018
It is a good time for reflection, commitment, maturity, honesty and a true honoring of self. Coming on the heels of an introspective, creative and inspired time, this full moon invites us to make a commitment to a new alignment of our values and the intentions that have come out of that alignment. Pace yourself with whatever energy you have and match your enthusiasm with the rhythm of what is showing up in your life. If it is slow and nourishing, then be slow and go with the flow. If it is greatly energized and accelerated, then step up to meet it. Align yourself to what is showing up and think of life as being effortless instead of a struggle.
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Lena Stevens,
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, May 25, 2018
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Friday, May 25, 2018
What if you were enough right now?
That is what we are waiting for you to assess
and find accurate.
There still seem to be pigeon holes in your make up.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 25 de Mayo, 2018
El tiempo está empezando a pasar aún más rápido que antes, y esto es una señal definitiva de que los cambios se están acelerando. Hay mucho esperando a ser revelado que hará realidad los cambios que son muy deseables y que serán bienvenidos por todos. Lo viejo está siendo lentamente reemplazado por lo nuevo, y dejará claro que la Nueva Era está en marcha. La humanidad está comenzando a entender cómo está afectando su presencia en la Tierra al planeta, y está mirando más allá de las cosas que siguen manteniendo las vibraciones negativas. A este respecto se ha hecho mucho progreso con la creación de grupos pequeños de gente dedicada que está haciendo lo mejor que puede para llevar la armonía a todos. También están atrayendo a más gente que busca traer más Luz a la Tierra. Los efectos positivos crecerán como una bola de nieve y ayudarán a elevar las vibraciones aún más, y todo esto está siendo logrado en unas circunstancias muy arduas y desafiantes.
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Mike Quinsey
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday May 25, 2018

As you lovingly shift into boundaries that are focused on supporting the wellness and empowerment of everyone involved, you create an opportunity for others to experience what healthy connection feels like. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
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