lunes, mayo 21, 2018
Kara Schallock - Love and Value - 21-May-2018
On May 29th there is another Full Moon bringing another Opportunity to be more Love. Join in the energies by keeping your thoughts, feelings and actions aligned in Love. Meanwhile, we have been experiencing many downloads of high dimensional Light. This has exacerbated much upheaval in leftover beliefs that limit and emotions that are deeper in the subconscious. Our Divine Service (Being Love) is upgraded. Be kind even to those our separate ego deems “bad” (remember, there is no good or bad in the New). I want to share something someone wrote to me today (Thank you, Megan). It illustrates pure Love in Divine Service:
“ is interesting to embrace that actually everyone I meet loves me and I love them. The only thing that seems to stop me from realizing and experiencing this Love is my false belief that tells me this is not so...Could it truly be that under all the stories, everyone loves everyone? I like this as my core belief.”
We all are Love. Most are so attached to their old stories they cover up the Love they are with belief systems that say, “I'm not o.k; I will get you before you get me.” If all could drop their stories and their blame, all would discover that they have always been Love. Recently I had a conversation with someone I hadn't been in touch with for several years. As I listened openly, I discerned that she is still attached to her old stories; her old beliefs; even though she claims to be “spiritual.” She is still seeking outside of herself and nothing has changed since I have met her; a very long time ago. She still seeks outside of herself, when all is within. I can always tell when a person is protecting the lies of their separate ego; they defend themselves. While I saw that she is a karmic mirror to the last dregs I hold within me, it is not for me to try and convince another of something, but rather, listen with Compassion and allow them their illusions; it is their path and not mine. There are many in my life with whom I no longer resonate with, as there probably are in yours. We can love others unconditionally, yet not be a part of their lives. We love because Love is who we are. Others love us too, whether they are aware of that or not. Loving all is our Divine Service, including loving ourselves. Ascension is a continual flow into being and expressing Love more and more. Ascension never stops; it is infinite, as we are. We simply continue to be more and more Love.
We need not react to our or another's emotions; instead, we respond as we look deeper and find the belief that has created the emotion. Have you pondered the word “emotion?” It is being out of Flow (e-motion). All our work is to be in Flow, rather than resisting anything. What is sin? It literally means “off the mark.” Sin is not what religions have told us it is and we are not saved by some “sinless” being. Being off the mark simply is a helpful reminder to adjust our sails so that we flow once again. Emotions merely show us where we are not flowing. Are you listening? Are you adjusting your sails?
Rising to Christed Consciousness takes much focus and Perseverance. Actually, the Truth is that you are already Christed. With every awakened choice, you expose your true consciousness. Others can help by reflecting who you are back to you, yet it is up to you to do the work. By removing what no longer belongs (like what Michaelangelo did when sculpting the Pieta), you expose your Christed Consciousness; the masterpiece within. If you sense you are all alone; that others don't understand you; remind yourself that you are creating and manifesting the New. Ascension/Christed Consciousness guides you to leave what is safe and comfortable and in the process, those who choose to have a safe and predictable life may not like you (they love you though). It's o.k. not to be accepted by the ones who remain in the old matrix. You did not choose this path to be liked and accepted. You chose this path to bring forward a new life. Continue to be true to what you know is right in your Heart, letting go of the old need to be approved of. If you feel rejected, let it be and release that old energy; it may have come from old lifetimes and carried forth life after life. It is now that you may let it go. What is essential is that you remain true to yourself. You are a Love Warrior. Follow your Guidance and Intuition always. Give with no conditions. Love.
You are not alone. There are those who align themselves with you, whether in physicality or not. You are supported by the Light. All is for you. When you experience what you may perceive as awful or unfortunate, know it is for your highest evolution Go deep within it and discover the gift; it may be a message to change, transform or let go of a deeper belief. Whatever you find, honor it and be thankful.
Generally, we have taken another step upward. Because we all have Free Will, whether you take a step upward or not is your choice. We can change something in a second or continue on in the same way. Stay present in the Now Moment. This connects you to Truth and helps you disengage from the old matrix. The old thrives on keeping you in the past or future and it loves to keep you in fear. Anxiety and stress are aspects of fear, so be aware when and if you feel these. Release these energies and the belief once you identify what belief is creating them. Be confident in yourself.
One way you can dissolve old conditioning is to not believe everything you read or see; use your Discernment; your Heart's Discernment; not your head's discernment/analysis. Feel if something resonates or not. In doing so, you disengage from the old matrix and begin to create your own world. Become the observer; attached to nothing. Another way to detach is to not romanticize anything...from relationships, different cultures, masters of the past, marriage, families, etc. Pay attention to how you feel. Romanticizing hooks you into illusion and as we all know, dropping our illusions is essential if we want to evolve. This romanticizing extends to our guides, ascended masters, saints and anyone we place on a pedestal higher than ourselves. If you're not sure, you can say, “Only those of the Divine Light, Love and Plan be present now.” Those of lower vibrations will leave. Also, those beings of Light must be invited. Be wary of anything that shows up uninvited.
Value yourself, for as you do, you value others and others value you. Valuing yourself is loving yourself unconditionally with full Acceptance. When you do, you attract others who see your value, for they value themselves as well. How many ways and how often do you judge yourself? If you do, others will reflect judgment back to you. When you truly care and love yourself, others will too, for they care for and love themselves. This is Oneness and there is no escaping it. You attract what you are. The only one who creates anything is you. Ask yourself what you want: to be a slave, controlled by others and old beliefs and patterns or be free to create from your own knowing. If you chose the latter, keep your vibration high and express Love in all you feel, say, think and do. Nothing less will do.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock