How do YOU play the game that is your Life?
Your Moment to moment conscious awareness?
Through your Heart?
Or through strategies based in time ~ what is yet to come…or the past?
This FULL Moon in Sagittarius on May 29th, 2018 at 11:19am ADT, will bring to LIGHT the subconscious motives and memories…that are playing out THROUGH You.
When we play the game of LIFE through our Heart, we live in harmony in the NOW moment.
As you are kind and loving to yourself ~ you draw LOVE to you! through resonance.
NO winning or losing, simply PLAYING.
As we TRULY enter each moment AS the Love that eternally flows through us. We NOT ONLY dissolve those memories that are filled with reactive pain. We also, become the Initiate of LOVE through our own self-love.
When we live based on strategy of time, we come from a sense of Lack.
When we live in the moment through love, even as painful memories surface, we AWAKEN and LIVE AS THE Divine God Self that we ARE.
When the Sun is Opposite the MOON ~ as in a Full Moon, we experience the Subconscious brought to the Surface of our experience. Sudden actions or words, that may or may not feel in alignment with our Heart.
Either way whatever does arise, is FOR that same awareness of PURE TRUE Love to be embraced, as the ONE Being of Divine Light and Love that you ARE.
This Full Moon Is Sextile Mars and with this we have the vital energy of PASSION, fiery energy awakened, to be conscious of the Passion of our Soul. Of Our Heart. to take action based through our Divinity.
When we feel submerged in a whirlwind of turmoil,. this TOO is the Souls doing, so as to FREE you from the subconscious frequencies you are resonating to as MEMORY in your DNA and Blueprint.
The Feeling welling up are not to be pushed down. They are present to embrace through the NEW Way of Being.
That WAY is of Love.
With this Full Moon sextile Saturn, we have the more serious energy, balancing out the vital passion ~ immediate action of Mars.
In the WINNING or the Loosing, we always win.
Whatever form shows up as resonating with YOU, it is there for a purpose.
Love yourself like never before.
You Understand the game. No winners or losers, JUST players….all EVOLVING towards Divine Awareness through the Heart.
This is a MAJOR Transition of consciousness.
Living from the HEAD and its desire to control, and moving into the NOW present moment thought the Heart.
We ALL do this and Have made it, have completed and returned consciously to our Original Light. As in NO TIME ~ it all exists NOW.
Being compassionate through the process, is the BLESSING you live through. As You will always go through as ALL passes through you.
Not to YOU ~ through YOU.
Identifying with BEING Light….Divine Energy, we LIVE Knowing that our true self, OUR LOVE Heart awareness, is ALL that we Are and Forever will be. And that this is now. NOT something to seek through time or external circumstances.
LOVE and be gentle with yourself.
This THEN Reflection, resonating AS Eternal Unconditional LOVE~ draws itself to itself.
PLAYING as Divine Light Beings, AS All That is IN LOVE. Forever and always, NOW. Moment to moment.
Divine Ascended Beings We ARE.
Breathing DEEPLY, and so IT IS, in Glory and Eternal Love.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.