The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth!
We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And we see a number of moments have arisen for you, some having to do with your external world, some having to do with your inner selves, and all of it intertwined with your growing consciousness.
We would say, regarding material need in your world, that the old system of deception in your financial systems is indeed falling apart, as you have noted.
And with that movement, your eons-old reflex, which is based on the experiences of the many Earth lives you have lived, is to feel that “hard times have come upon us, and who knows how long they will last.”
This era in which you live, this moment in your Earth’s timeline, requires you to release very consciously this immediate, easily triggered reaction of survival-based fears and instincts.
We would encourage you, as always, to go within, in those moments when life feels to be built on a shaky foundation, when the money for the rent or mortgage or other necessities has not yet come in, and you wonder how much longer you can overwork and stress and pinch pennies in order to carry on.
We encourage you not to look at outer circumstances, which can be slow to respond to your preferences, yet can shift dramatically in a single day as your energy shifts.

We encourage you to calm your reactions, questions, and emotional upset long enough to call out to and require assistance from the higher realms, including from your Spirit Team of guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self.
Now, their guidance will not always be in the form of a sum of money reaching you immediately, though certainly, it can be.
Yet note that the first order of business is always to calm your mental/emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in life, and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness.
From that state, your mind and creative inner resources open once again to new ideas, new options, new actions to take, and a new higher way of looking at things, because they are no longer frozen in a state of panic or the constricted thought process of one who is feeling there is no clear path ahead.
We are aware that you have been carefully trained to panic, to feel bereft of resources just because you cannot see them directly in front of you at a particular moment.
And we would say, that in those moments when you are not sure how this bill or that will be paid, you must step up and over and beyond where your world and its narrow mental focus has been for eons.
This is the time not merely for courage, because you may not feel courageous in that moment, but for the willingness to say:
“There is something far bigger than this apparent lack, and I call upon it now to sustain me, to sustain my Spirit and my heart-mind, my body and my Earth life.
“I call upon that which is always there—the great stream of infinite Life, Light, and Love that is Source Energy.
“I call upon the Great Spirit to comfort and calm my own and all of humanity’s Spirit, realizing we are connected to it in all ways, at all times.
“And I call upon the I AM, my higher self, my soul, my Spirit guides, and Angelic guardians, to infuse me with the vibrations that keep my Spirit strong, my mind relaxed and open to new solutions, and my vibration high and open to all forms of Abundance, especially financial wealth at this time.
“I Give Thanks for this and all the great gifts that come to me each day!”

We will say, that you will not always feel like looking for the higher solution.
You will have been trained to believe that only certain people in this world are able to “do well financially,” and that it is the fate of the vast majority of humanity to slog away day in and day out, and still never get ahead.
Yet you must now, in these outwardly uncertain times, do all you can to switch off from those messages and their many forms.
Your radio, television, videos, and film are full of images of people who seem to just naturally have money without having to work hard for it, or who are enjoying the sort of success from their work that doesn’t seem to have tired them.
The other side of these images are messages of war and poverty—the mind is then led to logically connect the necessity of the majority dying of hunger or violence in order to enrich the few.
The choice you are then left with, as someone trained to passively accept deceptive propaganda as Truth, is to despair and give way to poverty and lack training, or to believe that you can only do well financially by taking from someone else.
This is the old, old paradigm that in this era of Earth’s Ascension you are leaving well behind.
You did not come here to worry about money or any other outer condition—you did not incarnate at this time for any such existence.
You came to appreciate, to Love, to live entirely in the present moment, to give thanks, to be your true self in the ways that make you most joyful.
And all of that leads directly to outer Abundance in its many forms, not away from it, as you have been strenuously taught over many centuries.

If you will begin your day not with the To Do list, not with reminders of what bill is due when, and not with feelings of drowning in responsibility before you even begin, but with the realization of that great wealth which you already possess—you then chase from your door the old beliefs that have sought to tell you over and over how small, lonely, and inconsequential your life is.
To stand now in the face of many centuries of lies, deception, and madness, you must claim your Sovereignty, your god/goddess co-Creator power, and your Joy, all in one.
And so sit with your Spirit team, dear ones, each morning.
Certainly ask them, “What do I need to know?” while also listing out on the computer, in a journal, or in your heart-mind, all you have to be thankful for, and all you wish to create, and claim these as all one—your dreams and visions, and that which you already have.
For it is difficult for the Universe to bring you something you have not yet claimed as already part of who you are now, and how you are living now.
It awaits that command which is entirely vibrational in nature, emotionally driven, and Spirit-led.
If left to its own devices, your left brain will most assuredly repeat to you all of the foolish teachings absorbed in your past lives, your family’s beliefs, your ancestors’ low vibrations, and your culture’s misinformation.
So quiet the mind, when it begins to squawk loudly about how alone you are in the Universe as you try to “get ahead.”
Tell it, “I call now upon all that is much bigger than this—nothing less than the power and beauty of Divine Love itself—to pour ongoing Abundance into my life in perfect, visible, permanent ways. I Give Thanks!”
And you are that Divine Love, dear ones, or you would not be here now.
Namaste! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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