jueves, mayo 24, 2018
L’Aura Pleiadian - MU Reactivated ~ You as YOUR Original DIVINE Love ~ Light - May 24, 2018
The Beginning on MU ~ the First Civilization, existed as a Transcendent embodiment of the multidimensional DNA existence.
While also BEING the space, where form birthed into BEING ~ AS the embodiment of an Earth Incarnation experience.
ALL DNA is to be ACTIVATED as the memory of its original LIGHT while in FORM.
ALL Souls as Light are Eternal Light.
When an existence appears laden with dormant memories held in the Blueprint as IF in a state of separation from its Original Light, the PROCESS of return to the ORIGINAL Love ~ LIGHT State…consciously, is why those memories are held in the first place.
IT is the Earth experience and the return TO MU ~ to the ORIGINAL state ~ CONSCIOUSLY.
All that appears to BE separate is simply that which is not conscious YET of its OWN self-love ~ eternal state.
These memories serve as PORTALS to the awakened self, as ONE embodies non-resistance to WHAT IS.
Pain is to be LOVED into SELF Love.
Then as all PROJECTIONS of consciousness as THE OTHER is creating this, is dissolved into PURE AWARENESS. WE SEE AND Know our origins as DIVINE LIGHT.
IT is then that the Divinity of ONES own eternal Being, is fully HERE NOW in the form. Transforming it into ~ the LIFE beyond ones wildest imagination.
The LOVE is the Bridge and the reunion to this state which is natural and original.
We are HERE activating YOUR own awareness as the PURENESS of this KNOWINGNESS ~ Fully consciously Embodied NOW.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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