May Review
May had the energy of Peaceful Heart, and it was an interesting flow. I had a deep processing prior to the monthly energies teleclass. I had a flash of feeling like my heart area was a vacuum, a deep magnetic pull.
Then my head and crown chakra were so activated it was uncomfortable and I just had to rest and zone out for the day. Concentration or focus was not possible. During the teleclass, there was a transmission where the energy was similar. Heart healing, crown activation. Anchoring more of your divine nature.
I also noticed in May that grounding was not as easy. Our frequency is constantly amplifying (in this Year of Amplification according to Areon) so I would find myself ungrounded, but not in a big way. Have you noticed something similar recently?
The focus on grounding helps you to anchor or embody the higher frequencies and truly transform this world—just by living your life and letting your powerful Love flow into your world. It is the only way it really occurs.
June Energies
Tuning into the energies this month was interesting. Areon showed me that June had an overall energy of healing humanity’s fall into deception, but the energy focus wasn’t established yet—then they went silent on the subject. That’s a big topic, and one that just doesn’t heal overnight. It comes in phases of empowerment.
Finally they started showing me our perspective of family, which is another way of saying connection or DNA/Akashic information. They brought in a 3 month template that begins with our earth family in June, our universal family in July and our heart family in August. This trinity is part of transcending duality into triality, where we consciously integrate the “invisible” connection. Ascension.
Earth Family
June’s energy of Earth encompasses your immediate family, ancestral and cultural DNA, even your past-life DNA that may not have any connection to your current family history. It extends out to your family of like mind and heart—friends and co-creators that you are interacting with. It also extends out to those that seem so opposite from you, the family of humanity.
Of course it also includes animals, Earth and the elements that comprise life on earth; though we are going to focus on it predominantly from the human standpoint.
The June energies will call you to release past pain, trauma or resistance. You need not immerse in it, just observe your life and nurture any fear or resistance into new courage and new choice. Be patient with yourself and life.
June will call you to hold more of your divine Love and embody the future of humanity’s connection more and more, in all of its facets. How you manifest that will be influenced by your focus and desires.
“But I’ve already done that work.”
Cool. You’ll know you’re finished with it because you can be around your family or not and feel a detached compassion that embraces the perfection of your past. You’ll observe or experience any kind of human behavior or challenge and feel the peace that passes all understanding.
Not just a mental understanding—an emotional appreciation for the perfection of the challenges. You’ll feel deep love and compassion for each human angel that supported your growth so perfectly or continues to awaken humanity through suppression or deception.

If there is one thing I’ve noticed about this Year of Amplification, we are getting into the details of any discordant energy, the spiral is breaking down the weak bonds of fear, resistance, pain, resentment, disempowerment, etc.
It is offering an empowered strength of Love that is the foundation for changing the human experience. It is time for the compassionate ones to prepare to lead. But the old structures will continue breaking down. Allow your courage to participate in Love pave the way for new potentials.
Family Separation
Family creates a strong bond of connection. That can be a wonderful thing. But when fear leads—greed, deception and domination become the currency of “connection” which actually creates separation. The historical form of “royal” leadership and separation of classes could have positive benefits as humanity evolves through it, or it could have negative effects as humanity resists evolving past it.
Of course, the positive way for humanity to evolve through this means that leadership truly has a desire to support and empower those they lead. This applies to all aspects of life—even teachers, CEOs, government, parents, friends, mates, etc.
While there have been some leaders that have come along and supported that, most have not or could not based on the pervading structure of domination. The Avalon story represents that potential lost in our past.
But the inherent pull of life is toward love. That is what the spiraling energies are evolving us into. Empowered Sovereign beings that are ready to lead with Love. To truly change the human experience step by step. Old patterns are no longer being tolerated.
The changes never happen fast enough, and for those of us that are sensitive, the destructive aspects are difficult. But as you strengthen into more loving potentials in your own life, you are progressing the entire journey of humanity.
It’s not your job to fix them, you focus on your energy and you strengthen connection. The Law of Resonance (Law of Attraction) does the heavy lifting. This is becoming the change you want to see in the world. Changing your inner vibration and effecting the world around you.
June supports you stepping into a leadership role with your Light of Love. Lead by example of courageous Love.
The Royalty Within All
The energies of Earth Family had an interesting flow of amplification with the royal wedding. It brought a beautiful influx of potential. The polarity that has been becoming more obvious (less hidden) is merging through Love. It was beautiful to watch such a tradition-steeped affair be softly nurtured into strength by a young couple.
For example, I loved that Megan Markle chose to walk down the aisle alone, allowed some interweaving with Charles meeting her for part of the journey, then again choosing her sovereignty to connect with Prince Harry, rather than being “given” to him. There is so many beautiful potentials of connection weaving into the consciousness of humanity through the representation of the royal wedding.
They created a lovely bridge between the old and new, and helping to connect races through the Love that is natural to us when fear does not dominate. As Bishop Curry said, “When Love is the way, the Earth will become a sanctuary.” You, dear Lightworker, are creating that way.
Evolution is inevitable. Each generation is born into the biosphere of the previous generations desires, hopes and fears. They are born with the potentials to manifest desires, heal fears and continue the process of evolution. That potential is in you and being continually activated now by the energies around you and within you.
The Evolution of Connection
During the Light Language transmission this month, I was shown a beautiful inner earth connection that is activating our DNA to hold a higher aspect of our connection. The Law of Resonance determines connection, attraction, evolution. The Earth, our loving nurturer, creates a biosphere of information that informs our progress as the feedback loop of our electromagnetic energy concentrates into more clarity.
In June observe changes in your third eye, throat and heart energy flow. You, dear Lightworker, are amplifying your Love to handle the higher aspect of Love that humanity is ready for, though fear and ego will cause many to resist.
As you embody your heart’s desires for Love and connection, you magnetize the human experience into the next layer of the spiral flow. In June, your courage to love the family of humanity to new heights is supported by (and supporting) the Evolution of Connection.
Connection is the Ascension process in application. Connect with your authentic self, connect more deeply with Love, and connect outward through Love.
Enjoy the power of June!