Aloha beautiful Light BEing!
Everyday now is Jumping Quantum Style! Every moment is packed full of cosmic SOLar Christed/Crystalline Light!
Let's talk for a moment about what all of this means....
Everything! Yep, beyond (y)our wildest dreams, magic in the air that we breathe, GOLDen and PURE white light, Rainbow Frequency Rays, Diamond Light Code Activations and huge physical upgrades for everyone.... ♥
It also means continual new awareness, continual recognition of what is not working anymore (no longer in alignment with your new path/truth), who you are/what you are here to do. It means always being surprised and ready to JUMP with every vibrational shift that materializes our realities according to what we do/hold/focus on and truly truly truly desire from within.
One thing we learn (realize/remember) on this journey is that we must DESIRE more than we hold onto the old out of safe/comfort zones/fear. These higher frequencies will trigger and push anything of our old unconscious belief systems/mentalities and programs... Everything that is not PURE DIVINE ESSENCE and POWERFUL LOVE for all, us and others (as one) is separation from self as SOURCE, disrupts flow and reinforces the old stories we used to believe, listen to, tell ourselves....
The MASTERY "trick", if you will, is to REALIZE that the physical reality is a RESPONSE. It takes form according to what you "think", what you focus your energy on, what you commit to, what you BELIEVE, truly, deep down within your heart/soul... REGARDLESS of what the physical world shows you.... "that" was your manifestation to start with....
The higher we all go in frequencies, the more light we hold throughout our entire physical (Light) body structure, the more our body evolves in Light. The more ALL of our CELLS become Quantum Photonic Light, the more energy moves inside, the more we become TRANSMITTERS of our REALITIES intentionally. The more we EXIST intentionally, consciously and DO from that pure intentional place of higher consciousness awareness, the easier all becomes FOR us....
Challenges will be continual, externally and inside... This is important to understand. It is these challenges that assist you/us with our expansion. Depending on the type of challenge is how we need to expand. Some will challenge your mind, some will challenge you "emotionally", some will challenge you physically.... all beneficial and a part of the process. Something has to challenge or push us, until we can MASTER doing this ourselves.....
The constant shifts remove the "delay" that we used to have between dimensional realms. Quantum Timeline Jumps are a daily thing now, sleeping to clear collapsing ones and anchor new ones for when we awaken to be surprised again. This is because we don't stop to "think" about everything. WE DO without the delay. We PROCESS everything, like a computer, instantly..... The energy, the flow, the frequency, the disruption, the resistance, the ease.... WE see in equations, ratios and algorithms, geometric shapes and coded sequences....
There is a vast difference between our existence now and what it "once was" before we began to awaken/wake up. Our evolution is astounding, and we always have "just begun".
This is the year of completions... of cycles, of existences, of all. Closing out portals to old unconscious realities, cutting cords, resolving timelines, letting go of all that we finally see no longer serves a purpose anymore.
Being in-service is a way of existence. Just by BE-ing WE are. Yet each of us have huge roles, purposes, missions to fulfill. Number one is maintaining OUR highest vibrational frequency and super expanded consciousness so that we can fulfill our unique roles.
Many are challenged with "the old", because there was something left unresolved, still held within. It's important to realize "you cannot go back", you have not fallen again, you are just experiencing some hidden energy of an old pattern that was still hidden deep within. Every exchange important for us to see what we could not see about ourselves before. Everyone must release the judgment in order to truly see and transcend the old illusory programs (again). You are always in a higher vibrational reality now, when you are conscious. Going unconscious "temporarily" is you just stepping over into an old timeline. The moment you realize this, you correct it, you shift your frequency, you re-tune your transmission, you come back to peace within.... The moment you are able to shift timelines intentionally....
Every moment is up to you. Every physical reality yours. The physical body vastly upgrading huge, every day, fields of consciousness clearing as soon as we move "that" out..... WE all sync back up to the higher Light Gridwork of NEW Earth again. You can feel it when you do. The exquisiteness is astounding.
Remember, to exist on NEW Earth, you must FEEL it throughout your entire BEing and look for it in everything you experience. YOU must expect it and be totally open. Fixed realities went out with Old Earth!
Mahalo Nui Loa ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.
P.S. - Get started NOW with all that is already offered, and we could be talking together soon. I'm excited to assist you with embracing your own transformation and Embodiment of Light in absolutely every magnificent, magical way!