Background Information by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden; Channeled message by Master Djwhal Khul
The Mantra for the Festival of Light for Gemini:
We are now fast approaching the full moon energies within the sun of Gemini and Sagittarius. This occurs on May 21st, at 21:16 GMT, 2:15 PM Pacific, and 5:15 PM Eastern.
Once again this moon is quite powerful. Being in the sign of Sagittarius it brings forth the fire energy to come into the earth; this will represent the Higher Mind vs. the Physical Mind. It is also considered the Polarity Moon due to the feminine and masculine energies are at a standstill so they could be at odds with one another. So the emotional and mental bodies are fighting for their existence within the full completeness of our awareness or consciousness.
The Polarity can occur with the Intuitive Mind representing the Feminine Self and the Physical Mind of Logic relating to the Masculine Self.
This is a beautiful complement as it represents the female essence standing up to the male essence. They look at one another and then they realize that they are part of the same essence that needs to come into Oneness. It is a grand opportunity for each soul to be able to experience the element of duality and come into the creation of Unity by realizing that the old way of life is not working any longer. We are truly being given a gift of a great opportunity to allow the creative process within us to occur.
The same is true for humanity. This moon is the entryway for the elements we have been desiring to occur to come into alignment with the physical self. It is also the celebration of Goodwill or World Invocation Day which represents all of the doorways that were opened during the Wesak Festival can now be grounded into the existence of this earth and within each soul inhabiting the planet.
It is also considered the Festival of Humanity honoring the divine nature of humanity and aspire towards spiritual fellowship. This fellowship must start with each initiate first in order for this essence of light to be grounded into the core of Gaia.
We are being given a special divine dispensation for the alignment of the Feminine and Masculine Divine to be united within our physical essence along with the entire planetary structure. This takes the energy of this Festival of Light into a more meaningful direction for this year. It means that what we have been going through in the previous month is preparation for the Will of God to be within each of us as it moves through our existence. It is a grand opportunity for spiritual grounding to occur while allowing our Intuitive Mind to be the commanding energy upon this planet.
Master Djwhal Khul shares some words of wisdom on the energy of this month:
It is my divine pleasure to walk with each of you for this full moon experience bringing forth the Festival of Humanity and Goodwill. We are in a very accelerated process of growth upon the planet and this moon will truly show the divine creation that is occurring within the hearts and minds of all souls at this time.
Growth can only come from the realization that there needs to be more to be accepted within one’s consciousness and creation of life. We have to admit that this planet has evolved continually from the Masculine Divine and now it is time for that process to be healed through the Intuitive Mind of the Feminine Divine.
The Festival of Humanity always brings forth this energy for all initiates and masters to fully ground a new part of themselves into the creative process of their pathway.
This year it is quite different due to the planetary alignments and realizations that will be occurring within the planet. It is time for humanity to wake up and see that elements need to change. In that process of movement it is necessary to always know where you have been in order to know where you may be going. I am not saying that knowing the future is important but being in the moment of allowing the creative process to be the defining factor in your existence through your consciousness and within your breath of life.
The energy of Wesak was very transforming for the Spiritual Hierarchy to become more involved within the creation of planetary existence for humanity. It is time for these elements to be occurring so this month allows for Wesak to continue its journey as many spiritual groups are celebrating Wesak this month, but yet others are celebrating the next occurrence of the Festival of Goodwill. This means that these energies are combining their forces upon the planet for a higher acceleration of change to be realized.
The Festival of Goodwill represents the seven rays of God to be realized in the form of what those rays represent. On a personal basis it is directed as the Power, Love, Action, Cooperation, To Know and Act Creatively, Being Persistent in the Devotion of the Self, while creating a foundation based on all of these principles.
This rule applies to every thought, every deed, and action that each individual creates within his or her life. That is why Wesak is so powerful because those energies act accordingly of the Divine Plan of the Higher Essence to be realized. Goodwill represents the ability to ground the elements of Wesak that has been learned by each initiate into the physical reality.
Since this moon is about the Higher Mind vs the Lower Mind or the Feminine Divine vs the Masculine Divine, humanity is given a rare opportunity to step into the higher creative process and allow it to be grounded within the physical reality. This planet has evolved upon the opposite direction so now there is a shifting of the energies to become more focused within God’s Will into each soul upon the planet.
This all sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
The main element is that change is not always easy and it is with great patience that each initiate needs to address the movement of the feminine being the powerhouse and the masculine supporting that energy. So it is going to put individuals into a tailspin if they are not ready for the occurrence of their Divine Mind to be the guiding energy within their physical creation.
The mental and emotional bodies need to come into alignment to allow the divinity of the Masculine and Feminine to be One within the Self. Through this process it can be very upsetting and challenging to allow these energies to come into the opposite framework that they have been working through previously. This is why Wesak was so intense and it is going to continue in this manner throughout this moon cycle.
My suggestion is to utilize your tools; work with each of the seven Rays of God to help you become the Goodwill of those elements. Allow the body to heal, to cry, to get angry, so that the surrendering essence can be acknowledged. The Feminine aspect within you will know what to do if you allow the Masculine to walk through this new doorway of change.
It is all part of the Divine Plan of this Earth to allow this creative process to occur now.
I walk with each of you through the changes of this earth and most importantly, the transformation within your full body system.
I Am Master Djwhal Khul
~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel. The Ascended Beings of Light integrate their energies within her essence to communicate the energies to others. She is able to do so due to the increased light quotient and higher initiation levels that she has acquired.
Walking Terra Christa is holding a special workshop to prepare for the World Invocation Day Festival of Humanity Ceremony. The 2-day Distance Learning Workshop is on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st with Lord Kuthumi, Lord Saint Germain, Master Djwhal Khul and the Lady Masters Portia and Nada as well as others. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.
We are holding THE WORLD INVOCATION DAY FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL Ceremony on Sunday, May 22nd at 10:00 AM Pacific to connect with the Spiritual Hierarchy for a special celebration to ignite the energies of Goodwill. This is a free open event where we request donations from those who are able. If you cannot also attend the Workshop, we hope you will join us on Sunday for the Ceremony.
Sunday 5/22: 10am PDT – Dial
© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!