Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we
greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and
Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in
the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.
The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd
dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path.
As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the
physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware
that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it
for expanded consciousness and highest good.
The higher frequency energy brings opportunities for looking at
existing patterns and situations in new ways. Current patterns of
activity can be re-examined in this new Light of expanded consciousness.
It is as if old energy is being dislodged and brought forth for
re-evaluation. Sometimes it may occur gradually, such as an aha moment
that gently comes into your awareness, or it may be a more rapid
occurrence when it happens all at once.
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Las energías en el salón son conocidas. Las energías en el salón las establecen los que están en él. Para muchos este proceso resulta extraño; otros están enterados de su realidad. Y antes de empezar hoy con esto, y con el mensaje, el mensaje breve que damos, les pido discernimiento; quiero que salgan de la 3D. En este planeta empieza a tener lugar una energía que está trayendo un nuevo paradigma de realidad.
Eventualmente la humanidad comenzará a volverse multidimensional, y lentamente tomará conciencia de realidades que son diferentes de las que acepta hoy. Las cosas que hoy parecen extrañas, inusuales, incluso mágicas, comenzarán a respaldarse en un razonamiento, y a verse una y otra vez. Procesos, formas de pensar, un factor de benevolencia que no esperaban, empezarán lentamente a aparecer, y lo invisible será menos misterioso, será explicable. La humanidad comenzará a agregar una perspectiva dimensional a lo que siempre pensaron que estaba allí, y eso incluirá un complemento o potencial espiritual.
Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes. El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de en VIVO será el sábado 28 de febrero de 2015 a las 11:00 a.m. Hora del Pacífico de Los Estados Unidos ~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~
Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.
Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos. La energía de este día es mágica, va más allá de su comprensión. Ustedes han descubierto una visión de su futuro que pocos humanos han logrado ver alguna vez. Están acostumbrados a observar su historia solo después del acontecimiento. Posiblemente, por primera vez en la evolución de la humanidad, pueden ver hacia adelante en esta línea de tiempo. Ahora existen desafíos y ajustes por los que tienen que pasar. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, queridos. Ya lo han podido comprobar desde su perspectiva financiera e incluso desde su perspectiva astrológica y ahora les daremos la visión del espíritu. Básicamente, han pasado por un cambio, un gran cambio. Ya les anunciamos esto y les hablamos al respecto a fines del 12-12-12. Ese portal fue mucho mayor de lo que comprendió la mayoría de las personas y a medida que fueron atravesando esa energía, iniciaron una oleada. Esa oleada tiene su precesión y su recesión. Avanza y retrocede. Muchas veces, cuando va hacia adelante, ustedes consideran que es un avance de la humanidad. Y cuando retrocede, como es natural, tiende a sacar lo peor de la humanidad. Bueno, eso es lo que han estado experimentando constantemente en su planeta desde que cruzaron ese portal. 26 de Febrero 2015 Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo Con las energías salvajes de Marzo a la vuelta de la esquina, piensen en prepararse ahora con estas visiones sobre lo que se avecina y cómo pueden cambiar sus resultados personales en forma positiva. La previsión y el planeamiento por adelantado pueden hacer toda la diferencia - ayudarles a aprovechar las oportunidades de un nuevo comienzo y a evitar la reacción a las sorpresas y las crisis. Cada mes tiene sus momentos intensos. Entonces, ¿qué es lo inusual en marzo? Traducción: Marcela Borean Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo Has soportado, has descansado y ahora es el momento de disfrutar tomando sol - algo que has descuidado durante tanto tiempo. Es como si te hubieras escondido en un pequeño armario para que otros no pudieran adivinar quién eras en realidad. Te vestiste como se vestían ellos. Caminaste y hablaste como ellos lo hacían - pero tu no eres ellos y nunca lo has sido. Simplemente fingiste ser ellos durante millones de años en la tierra. ¿Quiénes son ellos? Cualquiera menos tú. Pero encajar y seguir las reglas para que nadie sepa tu verdad se va convirtiendo en un problema cuando te das cuenta de que ya no necesitas preocuparte más por los demás o poner a los demás primero - aunque esa sea tu inclinación primera.
Por Solara Traducción: Margarita López Febrero es un mes súper concentrado y ultra potente de Acción de Rápido Avance. Este mes contiene tres Saltos importantes. El Primer Salto se produjo cuando entramos en febrero, que comenzó con una poderosa explosión de energía, haciendo que algunos de nosotros nos sintamos como si nos hubieran disparado de un cañón. Febrero se despliega poco a poco, afortunadamente, teniendo en cuenta lo fuerte que son las energías en este momento. Es como que nos estamos precipitando por una enorme colina en un trineo, con el freno de mano activado a ambos lados. Estos frenos crean muchísimas chispas por el rozamiento en la pista de hielo, pero no nos desaceleran significativamente. Cuando Mercurio se tornó directo el 11 de febrero, uno de los frenos de mano se soltó. El Segundo Salto de febrero comenzó.
It is being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions,
control, ideas, values, time, self image, actions… for these issues all
limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts of
you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
Truly, when you think about it and are trying to conceive what
freedom is, to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation
through a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting
into words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a
limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to conceive it
is deeply saddened to report the passing of Leonard Nimoy. The legend
-- an actor, writer, producer, director, poet, host, voiceover artist,
photographer, husband, father and grandfather, as well as Star Trek's
beloved Spock -- died today at the age of 83 at his home in Los
Angeles. Nimoy succumbed to the end stages of COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease), an illness that resulted from years of smoking and
which afflicted him despite having quit smoking three decades ago. In
2014, he announced via Twitter that he was battling COPD and urged fans
to stop smoking before it was too late.
Nimoy's career spanned generations. Born and raised in Boston, he
started acting as a boy, but moved to Los Angeles at age 18 to give it a
go on a professional level. He worked his way up from small roles in
the likes of Queen for a Day, Zombies of the Stratosphere and Them! to major guest star turns in such shows as Broken Arrow, Dragnet, Sea Hunt, Twilight Zone, Wagon Train and The Outer Limits. At one point, he acted in an episode of The Lieutenant, a show written and created by a rising behind-the-scenes talent named Gene Roddenberry, and he acted in an episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. with a young Canadian by the name of William Shatner.
It wouldn't be long before their lives intersected again. Roddenberry created Star Trek: The Original Series,
tapping Nimoy to play Spock and Jeffrey Hunter to play Captain Pike.
NBC rejected the pilot, but asked Roddenberry to try again. The second
pilot once again featured Nimoy as Spock, but after Hunter opted out of
his contract, Roddenberry hired Shatner to play Captain Kirk. DeForest
Kelley, who'd turned down the role of Spock, came on board to portray
Dr. McCoy, and that unforgettable trio -- complemented by Nichelle
Nichols, James Doohan, George Takei and, starting with season two,
Walter Koenig -- formed the cast that would see Star Trek
through three seasons of the original show, 20-plus episodes of an
animated series and six feature films, not to mention numerous
television commercials and countless convention appearances.
Nimoy at times waged an internal battle when it came to Spock. He titled his first autobiography I Am Not Spock. Twenty years later, though, he wrote I Am Spock. He turned down the proposed Star Trek: Phase II series, but returned for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Spock died in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, only to be resurrected for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, which Nimoy directed. He also directed Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and produced and developed the story for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and, as a tie-in, he guest starred as Ambassador Spock on two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. And in 2009, after 18 long years, Nimoy helped J.J. Abrams reboot the Star Trek franchise by playing Spock Prime in Star Trek (2009), passing the torch to Zachary Quinto, who became a close friend. He also voiced Spock for Star Trek Online, made a cameo in Star Trek Into Darkness and was reportedly in talks to appear in the upcoming Star Trek film at the time of his death.
Beyond Star Trek, Nimoy's many film, TV and stage credits included Mission:
Impossible, A Woman Called Golda, In Search Of..., Equus, Never Forget,
Vincent, Standby: Lights! Camera! Action!, The Simpsons, Transformers:
Dark of the Moon and Fringe. With his friend and TNG's Q, John de Lancie, he created Alien Voices,
which staged and recorded radio play-style productions of classic and
original sci-fi/fantasy stories. And yes, who could forget Nimoy's music
pursuits, which included such tunes as "Proud Mary" and "The Legend of
Bilbo Baggins"? Nimoy joined Twitter in 2010 and gave William Shatner a
run for his money, tweeting more than 1,700 times and amassing more than
one million followers.
He was also a friend to,
helping re-launch the site in 2010 with an opening statement, granting
an extensive, career-spanning interview in 2011, contributing a guest
blog in 2012 about his creation of the split-fingered Vulcan greeting,
and checking in with us often over the years for interviews and with
updates on his current projects, as well as to answer specific questions
about Star Trek as they came up. He ended his emails to us as he did every tweet to the public, with the acronym LLAP... Live Long and Prosper.
Back in May 2012,
teased Nimoy about being the busiest retired man in history. Asked if
he truly considered himself retired, Nimoy replied, "Yeah, I do. I am.
Look, I liken myself to a steamship that's been going full-blast and the
captain pulls that handle back and then says, 'Full stop,' but the ship
doesn't stop. It keeps moving from inertia. It keeps moving. It keeps
moving. It'll start slowing down, but it doesn't stop. It doesn't come
to a dead stop. That's the way I am. I still have a few odds and ends
things that I enjoy doing. I don't want to get up in the morning and
have nothing to do that day. That would be boring." Perfectly logical,
right? And in his final tweet, which he posted on Feb. 23, Nimoy wrote,
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP."
Nimoy leaves behind his wife, Susan Bay, two children and several grandchildren. Please join in offering our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and millions of fans around the galaxy.
Power is a HUGE topic with many layers to be explored, redefined,
understood and embraced. We have worked with the theme of power before,
however this is a new time with new influences so some of the lessons
will be different.
This month you will have the opportunity to observe all of your
beliefs about power as well as to explore how you personally work with
issues around power. You will be able to identify the ways you give your
power away and to do some work on changing that behavior by eliminating
the power leaks and setting better boundaries. We all have our belief
structure around what we think we have the power to do or not to do.
This month is a real opportunity to move beyond the limitations of the
“box” of your own havingness around personal power and around what is
actually possible for you to dream and manifest.
As we wait for humanity’s awakening, and truly “wait” is the wrong
word, it is as illusory as time because there is only the eternal “now,”
we can feel very strongly the constantly intensifying field of Love
that you are holding and sharing as you align with the Tsunami of Love
that envelops humanity. You already know, yes, you KNOW that
Love is the energy field that enables, encourages, and eternally
maintains all that exists, that anything else is unreal, so you also know
that your awakening is inevitable because it is the Will of God Who is
infinite unconditional Love, and Whose Will is for you to live in
eternal joy.
Reality, the field of Love, the energy field in which all exists, was
created to provide eternal joy for all, and that is what It does. That
is God’s Will, and His Will is constant, unchanging, and in effect now!
Earth's Axis has changed
There will probably be more bad weather over the next month.
Possibly into March and early April as well.
Northeast is being pounded with historic levels of “Snow hurricanes”
sun which should never be farther north than the tropic of Cancer in
Mid Mexico or farther south than the Tropic of Capricorn in Mid
Australia is now significantly beyond those points.
The sun is
now about 2000 miles too far north in the summer shining in our northern
windows and too far south in the winter shining in their southern
facing windows at sunrise and sunset.
The orbit around the sun had possibly altered the direction of the angle
and measurements of the abnormal position of the sun due to a
significant shift of our axis in Dec 2004 is now verified.
However, it has also significantly shifted again in the past year for the first time since 2004.
can measure it for yourself when you see the sun position is too far
north of your home in June (northern hemisphere) when it should never be
north of the Tropic of Cancer and too far south in the winter.
Many people are not aware of the situation.
You can check out the sun position and verify the weather changes
Inuits are indigenous people that inhabit the arctic regions of Canada,
the United States and Greenland and throughout history their very lives
have been dependent on being able to correctly forecast weather.... and
they are warning NASA and the world that global warming isn't the cause
of what we are seeing with extreme weather, earthquakes and other
The earth has shifted, tilted or as they put it, "wobbled" to the north and they all agree "Their sky has changed!"
elders maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used to, they have longer
day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to be and warms up
quicker than before. The elders who were interviewed across the north
all said the same thing, their sky has changed.
The stars the Sun
and the Moon have all changed affecting the temperature, even affecting
the way the wind blows, it is becoming increasingly hard to predict the
weather, something that is a must on the Arctic.
The elders all agree, they believe the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.
Dear family of light! Time seems to pass faster and faster, and this
upcoming Sunday it is already March 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will
once again have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs want to share about it:
“And so it is time for all of you to come together once again to make
way through the ethers by way of organising your own energetic fields
in such a way, the combined effects of it will once again be sufficient
to move mountains out of the way, not just for you but for All. Let us
By now, you have become accustomed to the fact that this task that
you have taken upon you, is one that encompasses so much more than what
you see about you in your daily life. For you are not just here to set
yourself free from the old drudgery of being a third dimensional human,
no, you are here to elevate ALL, and that includes those not even
inhabiting your planet or your dimensional form in any way.
Beloved ones we great you, With the new
energies working within your planet, within your energetic field you are
being called to move into a new state of being. The focus right now is
to open up to an acceptance of all people regardless of the 3rd
dimensional reality of differences. It is the time to let go of
judgments which create separation, understanding the importance of self
acceptance, and acceptance of others.
You can witness
someone without judgment, understanding that each person has their own
individual journey to take and each person has the right to do what they
need to for their own experience.
It is a time of
sacred union with others, to let go of the “I” and join in collective
energies to move into your next step of your work experience. Your
planet needs the energy of community without ego now. It requires each
individual to bring in their own unique divine quality to the whole
community so that there is enrichment to all within that community.
Por Brenda Hoffman 23 de Febrero 2015 Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo Queridos, Tal vez sientan que tienen los nervios a flor de piel, que están volviendo a enfrentar asuntos que creían abordados hace tiempo, o que se enojan por poco o sin razón. Sepan que están atravesando una transición importante en este momento. Toda la tierra está ahora bajo la influencia de energías que se acumulan dentro de tu entorno.
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Essentially we have the afternoon light streaming in here so
making a nice effect on the video. And this week I want to put forth
the concept of Justice and Karma.
Now Karma is something that can be transcended. It generally is
balanced at some point in your existence after several lifetimes. And
when you clear or what I call, tip the scales of Karma, you’ve cleared
at least 51% of the Karma, then you start really making good headway and
you can really sort of be released from Karma. That does not release you from cause and effect because that is the operating system so to speak.
You are living in dramatic times when changes are going to take place very quickly. They are going to introduce you to the New Age that will eventually change virtually all aspects of your life. They may take time to manifest but they are already taking shape, as the old set up is being dismantled. It was specifically meant to keep you in the dark and prevent you from realising your true potential. The dark Ones intentionally concealed the truth of your true heritage, but that time is now coming to a close and those souls that are enlightened are leading the way forward. It means that those who cannot release themselves from their old belief system, will gradually become more isolated. There is no shame or retribution where they are concerned, but is does mean that their next experience will be a continuation of what they have already chosen. Be assured that many helpers are with such souls, encouraging them to have the desire to lift themselves up. Since time is an illusion it does not matter how long it takes for them to awaken.
By Mahala, on February 25th, 2015
Guest article by Mona Delfino @
When I woke up today, a feeling came over me that ignited my joy. I wasn’t sure at first why suddenly
I’d wake from a sound sleep with such a feeling of bliss. So I went
into my heart, still laying in bed, and simply asked as I delved into
the joy.
The answer I received was clear; “You are in a moment of clarity as to who your soul is.”
So I began to look into that. A deeper, qualified explanation of soul
emerged as I was still enjoying this feeling. It was all encompassing,
all oneness within everything without any preconceived idea, judgment,
expectation, hope, or anything the mind has been used to. I was simply
I do presentations and events, speaking about ascension in the human
body. Being a born Shaman in consciousness and retaining memory since I
was 6 months old, I clearly was born a true healer. Therefore, after 32
years of really helping people heal, teaching, recognizing truths
within and without about medical conditions, emotions, etc., I pondered
this entire connection in one moment upon my waking. So today, I’m
sharing with you some special truths about greatness of times we are in.
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence
today. We honour you for doing the sacred task of coming to anchor the
energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only
those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be
experiencing this transmission on your internet, at a later time.
By this time you are well aware that there have been profound
energetic changes in you over the past twelve years on your planet, but
especially since mid 2012. You are all very aware that you have been
shifting and evolving, releasing, and moving back into your energetic
truth. There has been much work that has gone on to release anything
that was blocking you from your inner core.
This has been an arduous process for many of you, but it is also a
very sacred process, and it has been creating the foundational
energetics necessary to enable you to move forward in earnest for the
entirety of your life expression, in a far more empowered, enlightened,
and authentically embodied way.
March and its wild energy ride just around the corner, consider
preparing now with these insights about what’s in store and how you can
shift personal outcomes in positive ways. Foresight and advance planning
can make all the difference – helping you to take advantage of
opportunities for a brand-new start and to avoid reaction to surprises
and crisis.
Every month has its intense moments, so what’s unusual about March? First is a peak moment on March 16 when we have a
rare lineup of slow-moving planets Pluto and Uranus. This cosmic dance
of energy is directly related to a long cycle of radical revolutionary
change – impacting all of us and how we relate to one another on this
small planet. March 16 is the seventh electrifying lineup since 2012.
Keep in mind, it’s not about just one day – cosmic events like this are
felt long before and after a planetary lineup. See my previous articles
for more on this. Soon after the historic lineup is the March 20 Equinox
occurring at the New Moon with total Solar Eclipse – a very spiritual
and transformational moment with a ripple effect.
I am
here today to tell you of a new change that is taking place as I speak.
I am St Germain, and I bring you this news because it is part of what
you have been dealing with in the money matters around your globe. This
is a time for you all to demonstrate your patience and offer your good
will to those who are in the vestiges of distributing the funds to all
of those who have submitted their information.
It is
a time in which the currencies are in the distribution process and that
means that as this progresses there will be more events that will slow
it down. Despite this it will not stop them. It will prove to be a
better and clearer distribution that will freely come to the ones who
are in place and ready to move forward with their projects. I bring this
information to you in order to appease the issues that you have been
facing. It is a common occurrence that has been plaguing this planet
since its beginning of being populated, in whatever way the energy has
built throughout the habitation evolvement.
Beloved Ones, Let
us have discourse of the quality of love known as intuitive. As one’s
life becomes more dynamic and less structured, being intuitive gains
more and more recognition as an essential decision making tool. Many decision
makers are able to directly recognize the best option or course of
action to take in many tricky situations. The solution just suddenly
comes to them from somewhere in their subconscious mind and rises to the
surface in perfect timing and synchronicity. The intuitive mode of
thinking is a process that is dominated by a person’s subconscious mind,
even if they use their conscious mind to formulate the outcome of the
final results. The information they receive is processed in a way
where they see the situation more as a whole picture rather than in
fragments and sense that somethingdoes not feel right, even
though there is no clear logic to prove that. The intuitive process
works as an advanced pattern recognition tool utilizing one’s emotions
to bring a message that comes as their inner voice. The intuitive
process will help one to navigate faster through unstructured data and
can work around gaps and conflicts in the readily available information.
Yet, even the intuitive process can be misled if too many of one’s
facts are wrong or missing. One is guided to pay attention to their
emotional state. When a person is stressed or in a negative mood, their
true inner voice will be distorted or lost in the background of their
strong negative feelings. Removing the clutter in one’s mind, just as
one clears old data from one’s computer system, is a very important step
in the intuitive process.
Por Brenda Hoffman 16 de Febrero 2015 Traducción: Marcela Borean Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo Querídos míos, Algunos de ustedes protestan por fraude cuando oyen las palabras Nueva Tierra o pensamientos acerca de cambiar su totalidad. Esta transición - ya que es de hecho una transición - no es acerca de ti. Tal vez esa declaración parece dura. No es más que una declaración de la realidad de los tiempos. Tu estuviste de acuerdo para ayudar a crear esta transición - junto con millones de otras almas. Ahora es tu elección si es que deseas participar en la secuela de esa transición.
It is very easy to write 'don't let other people's thoughts and opinions influence you or define you'
- it's a really common phrase and I'm sure I've written it plenty of
times myself. However, let's be real: it is one thing to write it or be
inspired by it, and another thing entirely to learn to actually be
that way.
It is a growth process that can take a lifetime, to
be so strong within yourself that you don't sway from your truth and
centre when others criticise, misunderstand or judge you. Some people
feel completely debilitated by external harshness. Most of us fall
somewhere in the range of small, medium or mega wobbling like one of
those bowling pin dolls.
por Kara Schallock 24 de Febrero 2015 Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo En tanto puede parecer que no está ocurriendo nada, ¡realmente está ocurriendo mucho! Estamos integrando muchísimo, y cada vez más personas despiertan y se preguntan: "¿Qué está pasando? ¡Todo se cae en pedazos!" Bueno, sí, todo debe caer en pedazos para poder construir de nuevo. No podemos simplemente armar una nueva estructura encima de un montón de basura. Debemos sacar la basura y empezar a construir ése en quien nos estamos transformando. He aquí un ejercicio para ti, si eliges dedicar el tiempo para hacerlo:
As the vibration of the heart peaks out from the snowy hill tops
we are asked to look at our human heart and see its true value. There
are so many flavors of love, as ‘true love is a many splendored thing’.
Once love has touched you, you are forever changed. Love is movement
and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking abundant land.
Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same
for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will
influence all lifetimes. The saying ‘that love beckons love’ is true.
For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace
another. Some flavors of love are only there once for a fleeting moment,
never to be tasted again.
Your HEART and the healing of Earth are
one in the same, opposite ends of the same rainbow. As this year gains
momentum and the sun gifts, us with one solar charge after another,
parts of the heart that have been closed down due to past sorrow now
awaken with a loud roar. The heart wants what the heart wants, and what
it wants at this time in human evolution is to heal and be clear of
emotional debris.
A series of preliminary deliveries were completed. However, it was incumbent on our helpers to stop and shortly this complicated process can start again. The completion of this process is designed to replace the current governance and permit you to put an end to a long history of worldwide debt slavery...
Selamat Balik! We come carrying good news! The process of unwinding the gross influence of the dark continues. The Light through proper prayer and divine actions is very close to unwrapping the final obstacle put forth by the Anunnaki many millennia ago. This set of divine actions is to free the numerous funds and permit them to be graciously delivered. The Agarthans have in their possession keys to special chants and decrees made for this exact purpose. These acts can only be performed when the right divine time is before us. This special moment is now. Hence, Heaven instructs when and how to execute these final hymns. Gaia reaches the point in her travels when such hermetic devices can be successfully applied. Our liaisons are thus working with those of the Light who were selected long ago to perform this most sacred task. This time is indeed special and all the required chants are being executed. Heaven’s chosen emissaries are providing these divine wordings. Their actions are to reset this reality’s matrices and to permit the many events needed to turn this reality toward manifesting the start of your freedoms and grand prosperity.
I have to share a secret with you, I don’t really like change.
In fact, I am very much a creature of habit. I love order and routine,
so when I have to make changes, I generally take my time and then make
them when I don’t have any other options. This means that change happens
rather abruptly and sometimes in ways I can’t manage, meaning I can’t
delay it any longer. Our need for change arises when we have ‘run out of
energy road’ in our current reality and if we’re going to move in any
direction, we’re going to have to allow change to happen. We can’t be
open to transformation (which means to ‘change form’) if we aren’t
willing to change anything in our life, especially when moving forward
or fulfilling an intention requires some kind of change, or for
something in our life to be different.
Change means altering our
lives, creating a new routine, and doing things differently. We always
have to learn something new when things change, and that can be one
reason we delay the change for so long. In fact, we’ll delay it until no
other option is available and then we have to scramble to change
something. But even though we’re content with the way things are, we are
not necessarily happy or satisfied or fulfilled. We learn to adjust to
and cope with things that don’t work and tell ourselves that they’re OK,
until we can’t cope any longer.
While it may seem as though nothing is
occurring, so much really is! We are integrating a lot and more and
more folks are awakening and wondering, “What is going on? Everything
is falling apart!” Well yes, everything must fall apart in order to
build anew. We can’t just build a new structure on top of a garbage
heap. We must let go of the garbage and begin to build who we are
becoming. Here is an exercise for you, if you choose to take the time to
do it:
Write a story of who you were; then write a story of who
you are; and finally, write a story of who you intend to be (what kind
of life you intend; who you are as a person, etc.) burn the first
story and as you read the second story, notice how different you are
from the first story. And then see how the third story is so much like
who you are already.
You are
being gifted waves of Divine Illumination within Golden Light. Your job
is to direct these frequencies and empower your life in its flow!
Dear Ones,
The Archangels are here to initiate the power of awakening energy upon
the Earth as the Golden Light flows throughout the world now. This
Light of pure divinity contains all the elements of consciousness that
are so desired by those living on the Earth such as Peace, Love, Joy,
Creativity, Freedom and Abundance.
In harmony with the Solar
Ray of Gold, there is a presence you can invoke as the illumination of
celestial forces integrating with human. It is a beautiful Pillar of
Golden Light carrying the Christed presence so you can fill your inner
being with the golden essence of Divine Love.
By now, so much will have been irrevocably changed within you all,
and as usual, the outside phenomena accompanying this internal
turnaround may be hard to perceive. But again, what you see through
those apertures in your head you call eyes accounts for only a small
percentage of what is actually there to be perceived, so once again we
will remind you that what you see is not all that you get. For there is a
way to see beyond this small superficial presentation of “reality”, and
that is by way of your heart to use a phrasing you are more than
familiar with by now. But as you already know, we are not referring to
that actual organ, those cells whose main function is to literally run
this show that is your physical vehicle. No, what we refer to, are all
those parts of you that do not actually belong inside said physical
vehicle, but who have chosen to begin to interact with it in such a way,
you too will begin to see beyond the physical limits.
Greetings Beloved, from our light being collectives to your own! We hope our greeting got your attention, for You are a light
being, indeed. As we have previously pointed out, it is not only from
OUR dimensions that your light is perceived. Your own
scientists have seen the biophotons that beam through your eyes and
radiate from your physical body with their own light being eyes. With their newly refined instruments, they have ALSO seen that You are not only a light being, but the center of an entire collective. The biophotons that radiate from every cell of your physical body makes the light WITHIN You even more concentrated. You see, Beloved, your body is literally an entire
universe, and it is your own consciousness that brought it into BE-ing.
Your consciousness is also the central sun that continues to spark it
into BE-ing, over and over, many times per one of your seconds. (Your
quantum physicists can verify THAT as well!)
The lunar year of the sheep went out with a bang last week with an
unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia
under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at
locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode
in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon
headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians,
the sources say.
The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an
unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia
under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at
locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode
in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon
headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians,
the sources say.
El año lunar del caballo salió con un golpetazo la semana
pasada, con el movimiento sin precedentes del Pentágono de poner la sede
de la CIA en Langley, Virginia, bajo bloqueo. El ataque sobre la CIA
estaba “entre otras cosas” dirigido a la localización de las tres bombas
nucleares ilegales que los zionazis han amenazado con hacer explotar en
Ucrania, según fuentes del Pentágono. Además, el arma nuclear dirigida a
Stanlingrado (hoy Volgogrado) ha sido requisada por los rusos, dicen
las fuentes. También hubo una explosión cerca de un aeropuerto cercano a
la sede de la CIA en Virginia Occidental la semana pasada. Las agencias
de noticias corporativas de EEUU describen la explosión como resultado
del “descarrilamiento de un tren”, pero los residentes locales dijeron
que se parecía a una explosión nuclear. El video se puede ver aquí: Sólo podemos especular que alguien, tratando de huir de la redada en la CIA, se se encontró con una muerte ardiente.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel as if your nerves are on top of your skin, that you
are re-addressing issues you thought you addressed long ago or you are
angry for seemingly little or no reason. Know that you are undergoing a
major transition at this time.
All of earth are now under the influence of the energies building within your environment.
Those of you who climbed your mountain are definitely angry. Where is the fun? Where is the joy?
Ah. You do not yet understand that you selected a specific role to
play in this ‘now’ and you are diligently preparing for that role.
Perhaps an analogy might help you better understand. Let’s pretend
you were selected for a stage role in 3D you coveted for years
(completed your climb up the mountain). Now you must learn your lines
and prepare for the actual role – and so you are. Meaning you are
letting go of any pieces that might hinder you – a new type of cleansing
if you will.
Star Seed Transmissions 2015
February has
been a most intense month in terms of Energy shifts and
transformations. This seems to be a new pattern, as February 2014 was
also intense and powerful. This year the energy has intensified through
this month, culminating on the 22nd of February 2015. This has not been a
Solar phenomenon alone, although the Sun has been in the process of
activating a new Light Body structure as well, but the primary source of
these transmissions is the Star system of Sirius.
Sirius has been
a part of the creation and evolution of Earth for many star cycles.
There is a "partnership" between the Sirian Council of Light and The
Earth Councils that has been renewed to allow the Sirian Masters and
Teachers to continue to provide their expertise and guidance on matters
of Light Body evolution and design. The Sirian Master Teachers, acting
through the Atlantean and Egyptian Sacred Schools, imparted to Earth an
understanding of the nature of the creation techniques used by the
Elohim and and the Archangels, as well as the design and function of the
Human Angelic Light Body and its relationship to Time and Space within
different Dimensional Frameworks.
In this most recent partnership,
the Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth
Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond
Light Body. This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for
its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light. Intense waves
of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns
and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.
my friends. Well, this week has been a bit of a blue one for me, for
one reason or another. Yet, today I feel ‘bright’ enough to channel and
happy to do so. With warmest of greetings … we welcome you and all who are
drawn to our words. There are times for Each One when the spirit is low …
yet, as you are aware … when the spirit bounces back … as it almost
certainly will … there is a freshness in the steps … which One would not
encounter, should they not have experienced the lesser energetic times.
Yes. I am aware of that … and always happy to be FEELING more in
alignment with myself, that’s for sure. So, today’s topic will be? Anything you would like it to be … within reason.
And that reason being? The fact that there are certain topics that we do not care to discuss. For we FEEL it our desire to only uplift …
Rather than confuse … We are indeed in sync with one another.
Ok … seeing as you offered … I have been thinking a lot lately about
our Planet … about other Planets … in fact, about ‘The Whole Thing’. You
say, that we were created as an experiment … who actually ‘devised’ us?
How did it come about that these bodies of ours work as they do … and …
how does the soul then enter into these bodies? Go for gold.
the 22nd of December 2012 there was great disappointment amongst many
when they did not awaken to the new Ascended Earth and Humankind, that
had been predicted in The Mayan Calendar, and by many other sources;-
but the predicted date was not the date when ascension would happen
overnight;- it was the start date for ascension;- the date of the first
increment of incoming energies from the Galactic Core that would impact
the Earth and initiate ascension for those that had chosen, consciously
or unconsciously to ascend. Traducción: Esther Abreu Amados, Cuando se sientan en el cruce de caminos preguntándose qué vía seguirá la humanidad, sepan que no son unos desvalidos – tienen la capacidad para hacer cambios en los campos morfo-genéticos (campos que influyen en el patrón o forma de las cosas) que rodean a todas las situaciones. Estos son los campos de patrones recurrentes que enlazan a todas las personas, campos que influyen y son influidos por las costumbres de todos los seres, ya sean de conocimiento, percepción o comportamiento. Es un campo que existe y en donde cada individuo hereda una memoria colectiva de los miembros anteriores de la especie, y que también contribuye a la memoria colectiva que afectará a otros miembros de la especie en el futuro (ver enlaces al final del mensaje sobre este tema*). Por eso les decimos que son más poderosos de lo que creen, y la razón por la que la atención plena, en sus pensamientos, palabras y obras, es tan importante. Es a través de su intención enfocada, su amor, su claridad intuitiva y su luz que se producen cambios en los patrones actuales en estos campos. ¡Ustedes son los que los afectan!
Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings Master Beings of Light, my fellow travelers and riders of
the waves of infinity. I come to you with peace and with guidance to
what comes and what IS. I call you all forth to participate in this
world and this shift of the ages with perseverance and with effort, for
what your plane is about to see is a mirage of changes, events and
opportunities to shift the Human consciousness into Light consciousness.
And so you represent, each and everyone of you, this force of God’s
Will being the executers of the Divine blueprint that has been seeded
upon this Earth. You shall keep in mind that all of you, who are to see
the light in another and in the Self, are keepers of the New Earth and
are the seeds of this new foundation. So let this be clear that all of
you carry the responsibility to hold that light and this vibration
within you at all times. I speak of the sophisticated Light frequency
and knowledge that is one with the Christed Light.
Beloved Ones, As you sit at the crossroads
wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not
helpless ones – you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic
fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that
surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link
all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of
all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is
a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory
from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the
collective memory which affects other members of the species in the
future. (See links below.) This is
why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why
mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It
is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and
your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take
place. You are the ones that affect them! 17 de Febrero 2015 Traducción: Marcela Borean Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo La semana pasada presente la publicación de un invitado en mi blog, lo cual creó una tormenta de opiniones diferentes. Esto es lo que se con seguridad: no podemos forzar a nadie a cambiar o a crecer, ni deberíamos. Tampoco nadie puede forzarnos a cambiar ni a crecer!
Healing due to God's Grace channeled by Jahn J Kassl translated by Franz
God’s Beloved Children, God, who I am!
I am
the Father, I am the Mother, I am the Source of all Life, visible and invisible
I am All-That-Is. God. Today
give your life the turnaround, turn back today and find back to me, who expects
you like a loving Father and like a loving Mother prepares a great reception
for you. Change your life even before it is over
in this world. And changing means, to reconcile with the history, with your
past, means, to accept what has been, and to release it into the Light, means
to ask for forgiveness, where you have torn wounds and have inflicted pain.
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Many of you are experiencing the dramatic shift in the energies since
last week. We officially entered the pull of the Equinox wave, and it
brings us into a heightened state of the multidimensional merge. You may
have noticed the merge has gone far beyond Higher Self and Lower Self,
and involves many levels and dimensional expressions of You, Your Divine
Team and Higher dimensional consciousness. Stronger waves are expected
again February 22 -25. The Equinox Eclipse Passage
It is a powerful phase, and somewhat mysterious as we cut paths
through the unknown. Gatekeepers have been busy and I AM deeply moved by
how this is unfolding. It is brilliant to witness the unique
expressions of the return of the Christ which are lighting up through
the HUman heart grid. We are going to break apart many belief systems,
religious patterns, and repetitive activities – even within the awakened
collective – with this next phase.