lunes, junio 30, 2014
Judith Dagley – The Nitty-Gritty: What Does Transformation FEEL Like? – 30 June 2014
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El Gran Cambio,
Judith Dagley
MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino” - RONNA -
“Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino”
Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Amados maestros, ¿continuamos la revisión de algunas de las enseñanzas más importantes del pasado? Es vital que tengan muy afianzados dentro de su banco de memoria los objetivos principales del proceso de ascensión. Ustedes están actualmente en el proceso de integración del próximo nivel apropiado de Luz del Creador, con la asistencia de la inteligencia de su Sobre Alma. La conexión con y la integración de las muchas facetas de su Yo de quinta dimensión redundará finalmente en un nuevo anteproyecto biológico de creación.
Su Derecho Divino de Nacimiento incluye todos los dones, talentos, atributos y virtudes de la Creación. Ellos están ahí gratuitamente para que los tomen. Sin embargo, ustedes deben merecerlos a través de sus propios esfuerzos y entonces compartir su sabiduría integrada con los que están detrás de ustedes en el Sendero. Los sabios/los maestros de la Tierra y los iniciados en el Sendero han dedicado mucho tiempo y esfuerzo para poner de manifiesto los talentos de ellos y para obtener la sabiduría que ellos comparten con todo el que sea un buscador de ésta. La misión de ellos es la de hacer más fácil el viaje de experiencia o la tarea de alcanzar la auto maestría y ellos merecen una remuneración por sus esfuerzos. Debe haber un intercambio abundante. Ustedes deben hacer el tiempo y el esfuerzo – o deben compensar a quienes les facilitan el camino al brindarles las enseñanzas de sabiduría avanzada de los reinos superiores. Ustedes deben elevar sus ideas y metas a las frecuencias más altas posibles, convirtiéndolas por tanto en ideales refinados que beneficien a toda la humanidad.
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AA MIguel,
Ronna Herman
Fran Zepeda – Archangel Zadkiel: Your Radiant Divinity – 30 June 2014
“The radiance that is your true self has many facets and within those facets are even more facets, and on and on, and so on into infinity. You are comprised of so many facets, and Beloveds, you are venturing to gather all those facets into and unto yourselves and in that, are creating a brilliance that is indescribable.
We give you that you are immense in your scope and thus you can easily see that Oneness is not far from being understood if you consider that concept and idiom in that light.
And so beloveds, rejoice in your immense Radiance for it is affecting the world in so many ways. Allow it to grow as you integrate all your facets by being aware of them and welcoming them to you in all their glory.
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AA Zadkiel,
El Gran Cambio,
Fran Zepeda
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
The processes on all levels are carried to the top,
until it happens what has to happen: The discharge of all
potentials accumulated so far and this in an “instant of mankind”!
Beloved Ones,
In the course of the ascension of the world, at a certain moment,
the absolute point of return, the “turning point” occurs. It is the point,
when all processes of the linear space-time sequence turn around and
like the swing of a pendulum move in the opposite direction. This
moment of reversal consolidates all still outstanding events in an
instance of time and changes the so far determining reality.
translated by Franz
The processes on all levels are carried to the top,
until it happens what has to happen: The discharge of all
potentials accumulated so far and this in an “instant of mankind”!
Beloved Ones,
In the course of the ascension of the world, at a certain moment,
the absolute point of return, the “turning point” occurs. It is the point,
when all processes of the linear space-time sequence turn around and
like the swing of a pendulum move in the opposite direction. This
moment of reversal consolidates all still outstanding events in an
instance of time and changes the so far determining reality.
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AA Michael - "TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY" - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino” - Ronna - Jun 30, 2014
Beloved masters, shall we continue the review of some of our most important teachings of the past? It is vital that you have the major objectives of the ascension process firmly entrenched within your memory bank. You are currently in the process of integrating the next appropriate level of Creator Light, with the assistance of your OverSoul intelligence. Connecting with and integrating the many facets of your fifth-dimensional Self will ultimately result in a new biological blueprint of creation.
Your Divine Birthright includes all the gifts, talents, attributes and virtues of Creation. They are free–yours for the taking. However, you must earn them through your own efforts, and then share your integrated wisdom with those on the Path behind you. The wise ones / the masters of the Earth and the initiates on the Path have spent countless time and effort to bring forth their talents, and to gain the wisdom they share with everyone who is a seeker of wisdom. Their mission is to make the journey or the task of gaining Self-mastery easier, and they deserve remuneration for their efforts. There must be an abundance exchange. You must put forth the time and effort yourself--or you must compensate those who pave the way for you by supplying you with the advanced wisdom teachings of the higher realms. You must lift your ideas and goals to the highest frequencies possible, thereby making them refined ideals which will benefit all humanity.
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AA MIguel,
El Gran Cambio,
Ronna Herman
Christine Meleriessee - Compassion with Lady Quan Yin - June 30, 2014
Today we are working with Lady Quan Yin of the Karmic Board, who represents Compassion and Mercy. Many of us connect with her essence. She also represents the 11th Ray of Pink Orange. It is the Bridge from the Old Self to the New Self, the Old World into the New World, and what we are presently experiencing upon the Earth.
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domingo, junio 29, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Blessings for this world;
bliss for all human Beings and Love – unconditionally!
It is given, it is decreed,
and the day of truth follows – irreversibly!
The moment of God’s Grace continues, until all is fulfilled,
what has been announced to you. And in these days the great
facts come into view of human awareness. The hidden becomes
visible and the awakened mankind’s desire for God accelerates
the process of ascension and condenses the process of separation
from each other of those worlds, which no longer can be in resonance,
because all energetic links are cut.
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AA Rafael,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 29 June 2014
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Aisha North,
Reporte de Energías
Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 29 June 2014
Although most of you have done the work of spiritually aligning yourselves to the higher dimensional perspective, there is still much that is coming up from your cellular memories to be acknowledged and released. It is a matter of understanding what is occurring as that helps to more quickly allow all that surfaces to be released without becoming engaged yet again in the emotional and mental turbulence. It is like wringing out a sponge that still has a bit of moisture left in it so that it needs a few final squeezes. By now you all have an arsenal of tools and techniques that you have accumulated to help you move through with relative grace and ease. You have what it takes to get through this. If you feel you need further help, then it is necessary to find a practitioner who can give you the assistance you require. There are many people well qualified to help you through this. Ask your spiritual guides to lead you to the ones who are right for your particular circumstance.
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viernes, junio 27, 2014
Aisha North – A Message From Mother – 27 June 2014
As I sat down to channel today I could feel something special in the energies as I connected to them. I usually feel a distinct tingle when I start by grounding myself, but this time, it was as if a stream of love floated up through my entire body up to my heart where it connected with the energies coming in. It was such a powerful but loving experience, my body trembled and it brought tears to my eyes. As usual, I welcomed the CCs and asked them for today’s message, but this time, they told me that they would “give the floor over to someone else”. And this is the message that came through:
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Aisha North,
El Gran Cambio
jueves, junio 26, 2014
Suzanne Lie – Make Ascension Normal And Ascension Conversations YouTube – 26 June 2014
As I am completing my fourth book of
the Pleaidian Perspective on Ascension series, I am also completing many
other area of my life. I have always had a huge affinity for nature,
even though I was raised in the city and did not see much of it until I
was an adult. I know that I have come into embodiment this time to
assist Gaia, and She has paid me back with many wonderful adventures on
Her beautiful planet.
When I started writing, actually receiving,
as I do not know what I will write until I see it on the page,
information about the fifth dimensional Elementals something began to
shift inside of me. I LOVE plants. My house looks much like a plant
store and my yards are wondrous. I also live a few blocks from the
ocean, which has the most wonderful air imaginable. I can walk to the
Pacific Ocean, so the hot Sun of Southern California is calmed by the
ocean breeze.
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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie,
Archangel Metatron via Natalie Glasson: Acknowledging Your Dark Side - Jun 26, 2014

Archangel Metatron: Acknowledging Your Dark Side, Channelled through Natalie Glasson, June 26, 2014, | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
It is with great unconditional love that I present my consciousness and energy to you now, surrounding and embracing you completely in the divine vibrations of the Creator.
Something marvellous is occurring upon the Earth at this time, and more importantly, within the souls and energies of humanity. People are being encouraged to acknowledge their dark side, to give the darkness of any form, that they may hold onto, space within their beings to be heard and to be observed.

Archangel Metatron: Acknowledging Your Dark Side, Channelled through Natalie Glasson, June 26, 2014, | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
It is with great unconditional love that I present my consciousness and energy to you now, surrounding and embracing you completely in the divine vibrations of the Creator.
Something marvellous is occurring upon the Earth at this time, and more importantly, within the souls and energies of humanity. People are being encouraged to acknowledge their dark side, to give the darkness of any form, that they may hold onto, space within their beings to be heard and to be observed.
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channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: I
am in a class reunion, of several classes,
meaning that several classes meet
for a reunion after
a long time. The atmosphere is distinctly entertaining and jolly.
Everyone is called to portray something from their life.
I myself sing a song and after that I fly and float around in the
room like a bird. Thereby I notice that only very few can notice
or register my flying. Again having solid ground under my feet,
I see a former female classmate walking toward me, who is
very pensive and seems frustrated. For her the superficial
conversation is too little and she was one of the few,
who saw me flying. I give her a kiss on the mouth.
a long time. The atmosphere is distinctly entertaining and jolly.
Everyone is called to portray something from their life.
I myself sing a song and after that I fly and float around in the
room like a bird. Thereby I notice that only very few can notice
or register my flying. Again having solid ground under my feet,
I see a former female classmate walking toward me, who is
very pensive and seems frustrated. For her the superficial
conversation is too little and she was one of the few,
who saw me flying. I give her a kiss on the mouth.
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Asana Mahatari,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
miércoles, junio 25, 2014
Aisha North – A Message Of Light From Japan – 25 June 2014
Just two days ago, I wrote “I feel as if I am in a whirlwind of synchronocities”, and yesterday I received an email that made that whirlwind pick up even more speed and intensity, and when you read what I am about to share, I think you will agree. For what this message describes is closely linked not only to what the CCs have been referring to lately, but also to subjects that many of you have shed much light on during the last few days and weeks. The mail was from Rieko, a sister of the light from Japan who has been translating the messages from the CCs for many months now. In it, she describes a Solstice meditation that was held in Osaka, and she also shared some amazing information about the work carried out by another shining soul from Japan, Saeko. But before I even read a word in her mail, my eyes fell on this image that was attached to it, and in that instant, I knew that the content of this mail was something that was to be shared here.
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Aisha North
Actualización de Luna Llena 27 de junio del 2014 por Lena Stevens y Pat Lilies - Jun 25, 2014
Actualización de Luna Llena 27 de junio del 2014
por Lena Stevens y Pat Lilies
25 de Junio 2014
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Queridos amigos,
La Nueva Nueva es el viernes 27 de junio a las 2:08 AM (horario de verano de las montañas)
Este es un buen día para establecer algunas intenciones nuevas basadas en elecciones y cambios recientes. Asegúrense honrar y borrar cualesquiera viejas intenciones que establecieron para sí mismos en el pasado y que puedan no haber fructificado. Comiencen de cero, con una hoja en blanco. Aun si no han manifestado cambios en una forma visible, confíen en que las cosas son diferentes debido al movimiento del mes. Utilicen esta luna nueva para honrar el cambio, las elecciones y las nuevas intenciones.
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Lena Stevens,
Pat Liles,
martes, junio 24, 2014
Brenda Hoffman – Why Do You Need Fear-Based Contingency Plans? – 24 June 2014
Summary of Brenda’s June 21, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Those of you exiting your cocoon will feel a bit chaotic as you enter a new life and discover skills you’ve had for some time, but didn’t yet need to use. Within days, you will just know you are able to do whatever your inner-being calls you to do. Even though your cocoon time might have felt as if nothing was shifting, you were removing your personal core of fear that you have held within for eons.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for is: “Earth’s Shifts are as Unique as Yours”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are not part of the chaos that seems to be rampant throughout the globe – wars, fear of war, starvation, earth upheavals – but then, you do probably wonder how long it will be until you are part of it.
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Brenda Hoffman,
El Gran Cambio
Méline Portia Lafont – The Tsolians On Truth Of Your Existence – Digging Into The Core Of It – 24 June 2014
It is time that we speak and elaborate
more, further and deeper on the truth of your existence. We do not speak
about the human existence but of that of your Spirit, which you call
Essence, Self or Higher Self. Existence is a word on its own, unique in
its way and so broad in its meaning. It consists of all that IS and
simultaneously it can be a unique and single word on its own.
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El Gran Cambio,
Méline Lafont
Suzanne Lie – Transmutation Of Life Part 2 – Kundalini, The Inner Fire – 24 June 2014
My reverie of being in the Arcturian Corridor was interrupted when Lantern said, “I have prepared a quick breakfast before we break camp.” Sandy then immerged from the tent and came to give me a morning hug. I stood up, hugged Sandy and we walked the short distance to where Lantern had prepared our simple breakfast.
“You don’t need to cook for us,” I said.
“You were having an important discussion with the Arcturian and Sandy was just returning from the ship. I didn’t want to bother you, but we have a ways to hike today, and I want to get there before nightfall.
“I just got back from the Ship?” asked Sandy with a very excited look on her face. “Why don’t I remember that?”
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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: For
several days I notice, that I receive dreams
of self-healing, and that I meet
human Beings after a long time,
with which I shared at least one painful event
in the past. In the
dreams I see myself in old working places and in situations
to me – which repeat exactly just like at that time, yet in its
are conciliatory and peaceful. In everyday life human Beings, which
meet after a long time, remind me of conflicts, which I carried out
with them,
in order to a.) forgive and b.) within me – make peace
with those human Beings
and with the situations. Also in my
closest environment old dramas are redeemed
and healed at
this time. (End of report)
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AA Rafael,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
Multidimensional Ocean - SaLuSa on Higher Love – 24 June 2014
First, I would like to point out that higher love belongs to the higher dimensions, and that what you call love belongs to the 3D world. It is not a matter of word difference, but the differences also lie in different realms or worlds.
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Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Remain ready and prepared to do what is spiritually necessary for your freedom. A great prosperity and a great shift in this reality are upon you. - Jun 24, 2014
Remain ready and prepared to do what is spiritually necessary for your freedom. A great prosperity and a great shift in this reality are upon you.
by PAO
5 Oc, 13 Kayab, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We come to you on this date with good news! The dark's network of minions is facing defeat. The Light has come to the conclusion that it is unwise to permit these scoundrels to continue. The governments that these minions occupy are totally dedicated to preventing the dark's nefarious financial dealings from ever failing. Hence, it is most wise to oust these drones from power. The key to this is the new financial system, which has only been partially revealed. This new monetary program is to end fiat monies and obliterate those central banks which strongly support this worthless system. In addition, the new precious metal-backed monies are to usher in the reasons for declaring NESARA in North America and GESARA throughout this globe. The new government is to be a temporary one. Its purpose is to set the stage for a globe filled with numerous de jure governments whose prime convention is serve their people and pave the way for a global prosperity. These governments are also to release technologies which are to clean your waters, air and ground of the pestilence produced by the destructive industries of the dark.
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El Gran Cambio,
Federación Galáctica,
Jerarquía Espiritual,
Sheldan Nidle
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Anna Merkaba,
El Gran Cambio
Steve Rother - ~ Oleadas de Progreso ~ Apropiándote de la maestría a través de la responsabilidad - Jun 16, 2014
Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar
16 de junio de 2014
~ Oleadas de Progreso ~
Apropiándote de la maestría a través de la responsabilidad
Una perspectiva más elevada
Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes.
La versión en español se publica entre el 25 y 30 del mismo mes.
El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de en VIVO será el:
Sábado, 28 de junio de 2014
11:00 a.m. Hora del Pacífico de Los Estados Unidos
~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~
Nota: Este mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar en algunas secciones con la supervisión de El Grupo para una mayor claridad en este formato.
Saludos, queridos.
Hoy es un día mágico. De muchas más formas de las que imaginan, esta es una increíble reunión de espíritus. En este día nos gustaría llevarlos a hacer un pequeño viaje – un viaje hacia el futuro de la nueva Tierra – hacia la energía increíble que todos han estado esperando. Ustedes lo esperaban. Todos sabían que llegaría y que entrarían claramente en la quinta dimensión. Saben también que no pueden volver a la tercera. Ahora bien, permítanme explicarles lo que está sucediendo desde una perspectiva más amplia.
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Barbara Rother,
El Grupo,
Steve Rother
Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: Your Frequency Is Needed More Than Ever – 24 June 2014
You can each tap into the soul-level guidance being happily and lovingly sent your way from the higher realms, and in doing so, you’ll see that you have nothing to worry about or be in concern over.
The mind works very hard to convince you that you should constantly stress and worry about finite things of unimportance, but to listen to it is to hold yourselves back and keep yourselves from unlocking the greater spiritual truths and revelations that your higher selves and guides have been waiting for you to unlock.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Solar Winds – 24 June 2014
The solar wind is a stream of plasma released from the upper atmosphere of the Sun. It consists mostly of electrons and protons; a continuous stream of particles flowing outward from the Sun. A kind of low level “fuse blowing” on a neurological level it can cause confusion, faulty memory, and lack of coordination, The effects of a mild surge to the nervous system of the body can make the nerves feel very raw resulting in emotional reactions.
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lunes, junio 23, 2014
Lauren C. Gorgo - Ceremony of Honor: your degree in mastery - Jun 23, 2014
Crazy to think that 2014 is already at
the halfway point…and with all that has been awakened, acknowledged,
shifted and transmuted within us since the year began, we are at once a
c h i n g to bust out of our cocoons and get on with some new earth
living already, while stilllllll bearing witness to so much
physical distress.
From the December to June solstice, many
of us have been dedicating ourselves solely the massive inner alignment
process that has been required for the activation of our personal
merkaba, that which initiates the descension of our spiritual self into
physical form. This alignment is not only the motor behind embodiment, it has since precipitated the unveiling of a core revelation in each of our lives in preparation for the emergence of our true soular Self.
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El Gran Cambio,
Lauren C. Gorgo
Karen Dover - Moving into the New Earth at waking conscious mind level - Jun 23, 2014
For many of you the past few linear days may have seemed to be confusing and yet at a very deep level you will have recognised the process for that which it is. It is the BIRTH of the New Earth reality into your outer waking reality which is more commonly referred to as the human life experience. The upgrading to your human vehicle and the release of the old 3d earth created reality patterning is the process that will see you able to function at a MULTI DIMENSIONAL level in the waking state that you know as everyday reality.
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Karen Doonan
Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 23 June 2014
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Aisha North,
El Gran Cambio,
Reporte de Energías
03 – Transformation has been started – by Marc Gamma ~ 23.06.2014
If one notices that something is changing one queries oneself : “what does this entail and become? Thereby is nothing left than to sit down and try listening into one inner self and then make all attempts to manifest it in some way.
And what is to be done in case one is not able to manifest it anyhow and find oneself not capable to describe it even too ? Well, then it will become quite difficult – my beloveds, as this is exactly what has happened to me since some previous days. Always again I try to ascertain what exactly has been the basic reason why I simply did not want to have some certain matters around me any longer – simply have not been able to feel about them as before or have not given any much considerations like before.
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El Gran Cambio,
M. Gamma
domingo, junio 22, 2014
Lady Master Quan Yin – Codes of Divinity – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – June 22, 2014
Lady Master Quan Yin:
Hello Beloveds, I AM Quan Yin, Divine Feminine Messenger of the East, encompassing you all in my deep Love and abiding affection and gratitude for all the endeavors you have undertaken in the name of Love and Compassion. I enfold you in my vast heart and deliver to you wisdom of the ages that you are all ready to receive and awaken to.
I come before you now to deliver a message through this scribe, who has been communing with me on many occasions. The soft Love I deliver to her often, I am now offering to you, once infinitesimal and now monumental in scope, as now you can all take it in in this greater capacity.
You have welcomed this Love Energy in its purest form of late and your bodies are readied to receive more of it on a moment-by-moment basis, in your daily ventures.
Hello Beloveds, I AM Quan Yin, Divine Feminine Messenger of the East, encompassing you all in my deep Love and abiding affection and gratitude for all the endeavors you have undertaken in the name of Love and Compassion. I enfold you in my vast heart and deliver to you wisdom of the ages that you are all ready to receive and awaken to.
I come before you now to deliver a message through this scribe, who has been communing with me on many occasions. The soft Love I deliver to her often, I am now offering to you, once infinitesimal and now monumental in scope, as now you can all take it in in this greater capacity.
You have welcomed this Love Energy in its purest form of late and your bodies are readied to receive more of it on a moment-by-moment basis, in your daily ventures.
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El Gran Cambio,
Fran Zepeda,
Lady Quan Yin
Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 22 June 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 22 al 29 de Junio 2014
June 22-29, 2014
Beloved Ones,
There has been a great influx of the energy of love and compassion
which has been directed from the hearts of many lightworkers around the
world as they joined together in unity to bring about beneficent changes
in the monetary systems of the Earth and within the hearts of humanity,
and this energy has been magnified by the ascended realms as requested
by many. As mentioned before, the changes occurring on Earth are wrought
in peaceful ways that carry the higher vibrational impact in a vision
that includes the intent that the changes must be for the highest good
of all. The impetus of this activity will now filter down to effect
changes within the hearts of those who have long controlled the world’s
systems in a self serving way. When many are gathered together with
focused intent for the highest good of all, there is nothing that can
long delay the desired outcome.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Maestro Hilarion,
Maestros Ascendidos,
Marlene Swetlishoff
Karen Dover - Release of the old 3D earth patterning/programme frequencies - Jun 22, 2014
For many of you the last few linear days may have been emotionally challenging in a variety of different ways. The Solstice saw the energies upon Planet Earth rise to frequency levels that have never before been experienced by the those who have taken human form upon this planet. This is deliberate for as Planet Earth raises in frequency then those who have taken human form must ALLOW their human vehicles to also expand and raise in frequency for the Planet and the human vehicle is fully aligned through, within and around each other. As Planet Earth expands and grows energetically then the frequencies also open for the human vehicles upon Planet Earth.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
sábado, junio 21, 2014
Natalie Glasson – The Transitions Of This Time By Archangel Michael – 21 June 2014
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Natalie Glasson
Jahn J Kassl - SO MUCH LIGHT, ASANA MAHATARI - Jun 21, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: It is the middle
of the night.
My beloved son NOAH suddenly comes close to me,
and huddles
really close against me, so that I must wake up.
Then with his eyes closed he
says: „Jahn, there is so much
coming in!“ After that he briefly opens his eyes and it
seems to me that he
is fully awake. After NOAH sees that I
have received the message, he however
returns immediately
to his previous sleeping position and immediately falls
I get up still half asleep and write this sentence down on a
piece of
paper. (End
of report)
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Asana Mahatari,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
viernes, junio 20, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz
Mankind’s Pathway into the Light
to Heaven on Earth,
which emerges in the midst of the great upheavals!
to the Light that spreads everywhere, in a time
when the Dark does not want to
yield, even though it has to yield!
human Beings, who now rise up and ascend and no day
is like another until your
ascension! I am
among you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Jahn J Kassl
the occasion of the festival of “Corpus Christi”,
the sacred body and blood of
Christ, I have decided
to publish the chapter “The Holy Grail: End of the search”
from the book: The Biography of
Jesus, volume II.
days after Easter Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates
yearly this High Mass
and one remembers the “Blood”
(day of blood) and the “blood sacrifice” of
Christ, whereby
the crucifixion of Jesus over 2000 years ago is legitimized.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl,
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