viernes, diciembre 18, 2015

Mike Quinsey - 18th December 2015.

The festive season is bringing about a release from the more uninviting things happening on Earth. Regardless as to what is taking place in the outside world, people are determined to relax and enjoy themselves. It creates an energy that brings out the best in people, and gives them an opportunity to be giving and forgiving where relationships have been marred or even destroyed. For some it is a time for renewing acquaintances with those who have lost touch, and all over the world happiness is being recreated. Man was never intended to be alone, but most people are of course tied in with each other through karma, that can of course be viewed as either good or bad as you understand it. Whatever way you look at it life on Earth is a continual challenge that you do not always understand. However they are all part of your life plan to help you continue evolving.

Ron Head – El Concejo - Hablemos de la Unidad - Noviembre 18,2015
En el despertar de los eventos recientes en su mundo, déjennos discutir algo que no hemos tocado directamente aquí antes.
Hablemos de la unidad. Se habla de una hermandad, pero es mucho más profundo de lo que esa etiqueta puede abarcar.

Debimos haber comenzado a hacerlos pensar en términos de unidad más a menudo. Verán, la hermandad lleva en su actual entendimiento al menos rastros de la idea de ustedes y yo, de mí y de ellos. Creemos que es más ventajoso en éste momento que todos empiecen a eliminar rastros de la separación de su pensamiento cuando sea posible y donde sea posible.

jueves, diciembre 17, 2015

Ron Head – El Concejo - Otra mirada - Nov 5, 2015


Hoy revisaremos otro tema. La razón de hacer esto es muy simple y estamos seguros que no será sorpresa para ustedes. Es muy bien conocido por muchos de ustedes, en especial aquellos de ustedes que son o han sido maestros que regresan a temas a los que han estado expuestos antes con profundo entendimiento. Consideren que al revisar un tema, uno brinda todo un entendimiento diferente al que uno tenía. Habremos “digerido” lo que aprendimos antes y traerán experiencias de vida a la mesa.
De hecho hay dos cosas que observar hoy, u debido a nuestros propósitos están relacionados estrechamente. Ellos son discernimiento y resonancia. También discutiremos la vieja definición de discernimiento.


Channeled by

Translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

Anarchy of the Enlightened Ones is the goal, which this
world rapidly steers toward. It is a condition, in which each
human Being appears self-responsibly for the benefit of all.

Base tasks due to self-interest, exploitation, murder and
manslaughter are over. This great time is being prepared
now and it continues to expand in you day by day. You
are brought into your power, you are being empowered
and you are empowered.

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Deep Crevice Dec 20 – Jan 1 - December 17, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

I want to get a little deeper into the channel here. There we go.

Alright. My topic for this week is about the Winter Solstice for 2015 and then also what I put in my Quarterly Forecast which is something that I described as a ‘Deep Crevice’.

So literally when I look at the energy coming during this time period, I see things going across, I see a very sharp drop and a very strong spike back up. And I can’t quite see which way it will be translated by humanity.


por los Arcturianos

Así como su ser tridimensional disfruta viajando de un lugar a otro, su SER Superior disfruta viajando de una frecuencia a otra. Es fácil y disfrutable viajar de un lugar físico a otro porque pueden disfrutar de los lugares favoritos que han visitado por muchos años.

De la misma manera, sus viajes interdimensionales son satisfactorios y muy divertidos porque ustedes se están reuniendo con sus lugares favoritos y Seres dimensionales superiores. Les recordamos que se acuerden de expandir sus perspectivas multidimensionales de manera que su ser físico pueda disfrutar conscientemente estos "viajes internos".

Lena Stevens y Pat Liles - Actualización de Luna Nueva – 11 de diciembre del 2015


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La Luna Nueva es el viernes 11 de diciembre a las 3:29 AM Horario de las Montañas

Esta luna nueva es la oportunidad perfecta para reiniciar, orar, establecer intenciones e involucrarse en la comunidad de manera significativa. Es importante mirar hacia delante y no hacia atrás. El perdón juega un gran papel hoy al contemplar los desafíos que han enfrentado. Tomen una respiración profunda y permitan que la bondad y el amor del universo penetren en su alma. Honren ese día, es el primer día del resto de su vida. ¿Cómo quieren vivirlo?

Si lo permiten, su medicina personal tiene el potencial de ser vista por otros y nutrida por el espíritu. Digan algunas oraciones hoy para que esto se manifieste. Aléjense del auto juicio y recuerden que con toda la transición y cambios que ocurren dentro y alrededor de ustedes, ustedes están a medio camino.

Selacia - Crear la Paz - Sugerencias para Crear Paz y Sentirse en Paz en el Torbellino - 11 Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El mundo está en un torbellino acelerado en este mes, alimentado por la incertidumbre y una crisis de confianza inducida por el temor. Ustedes se pueden estar preguntando cómo pueden crear paz y sentirse en paz cuando el mundo está loco. Esa es una pregunta excelente justo ahora. Hasta al preguntar, pueden comenzar a acceder a su sabiduría interior que tiene una visión más amplia de las cosas. 

Brenda Hoffman - Tu eres el Único - 1° de Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


¿Están frustrados o temerosos porque su sueño terrenal no se ha materializado aún?
Generalmente, uds. creen que deben crear algo de una manera determinada. “Si hago esto, esto sucederá. Pero si descuido mis pensamientos, acciones, miedos, dicha, corazón o amor, no sucederá.”
Muchos están diciendo qué deben hacer para avanzar. Tales mensajes son acciones que se sienten correctas o disfrutables para ellos.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - alentarlos a que levantaran su ojos - Dic 4, 2015

La última guía para los Trabajadores de la Luz de nuestros amigos, los Galácticos de la 5a. y la 6a. dimensiones y los Seres Angélicos conocidos como el Colectivo:
¡Saludos amigos! Estamos contentos de tener la oportunidad de hablar con ustedes en este hermoso día.
Hay muchos poderosos cambios sucediendo en estos momentos, tanto en su Tierra como alrededor de ella.
Aunque no es el caso de que haya aparentemente más de los disturbios usuales en términos de los así llamados “tiroteos de masas”, comprendan que estas formas de violencia ocurren en muchos lugares de la Tierra a diario.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - December 17, 2015


Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as spiritual illumination. Illumination means that one can now comprehend another level of reality. It comes out of the silence of contemplation and depends upon the silence for its stability. As one’s personality comes closer to spiritual perfection, one becomes aware of their higher purpose and their spiritual growth becomes their main focus in life. Their awakening personality will begin to follow the spiritual guidance that comes from within rather than through established rules and doctrines of religion and society. Spirituality becomes the central purpose and focus of their life. As one regains true knowledge through the divine that lives within them while still being embodied on Earth, they become willing to live in unity with this higher aspect of self. This awareness and illumination is a form of divine grace which encourages one to let go of all former patterns of thought and behaviour which do not match one’s spiritual aspirations. There is a longing to come closer to the divine and to feel at one with divinity.

John Van Auken - Attributes of Gemstones & the Crystals of Atlantis

Benjamin Fulford Update - December 15, 2015 - Canadian government contemplates sending troops to Washington DC to arrest Fed gangsters

Benjamin Fulford Update - December 15, 2015

The newly elected Canadian government led by Justin Trudeau has been advised to send troops to Washington DC and New York city in order to liberate the American people from the fascist oligarchs who seized power there in an illegal coup d’etat following the September 11, 2001 false flag attacks. The suggestion was made by the White Dragon Society in the following message sent to Trudeau on December 14th, 2015:

“The White Dragon Society is offering to fully support Justin Trudeau if he orders the Canadian military to march on Washington DC and New York city in order to arrest the criminals there responsible for illegal invasions and mass murder.” As Alexander the Great said, “fortune favours the bold.” Trudeau can either head a feel good rainbow nation and endlessly discuss such things as “gender issues” or, he can seize destiny by the horns and liberate the planet by freeing the American people.


miércoles, diciembre 16, 2015

Suzanne Lie a nd The Arcturians - Birthing New Earth Part 2- 12-16-15

Birthing New Earth
Part 2
Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

Within this NOW, multidimensional light is traveling from the fifth-dimension seeking to share itself with all life. Hence, every being – planetary, galactic, universal – and, yes, even human – is consciously or unconsciously experiencing this light.

Before, we only experienced the fragmentations of the third and fourth dimensional light, but now the light is coming into us without that fragmentation into the seven different octaves. A chorus of unconditional love and violet fire accompany this multidimensional light.

The beings of Gaia, meaning not just the humans, but also the cetaceans and the members of the animal and plant kingdoms, are consistently creating tunnels of Light. These tunnels of light are also tunnels of hope and unconditional love.

Unconditional love is the antidote to fear and darkness.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 13 al 20 de diciembre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Los Amados Trabajadores de la Luz en todo el mundo han estado prestando más atención a las necesidades de su hogar, la Tierra, y queremos decirles que sus esfuerzos han sido muy apreciados. Las energías que han estado dirigiendo han dispersado y disuelto una gran cantidad de las energías del miedo que ha estado afectando la conciencia humana. La mayoría de las personas ahora son capaces de discernir con mayor claridad lo que esta y lo que no está trabajando en sus vidas y en sus patrones de pensamiento. Los ajustes se están haciendo y las cosas están mejorando. Le damos las gracias por trabajar con nosotros en este camino y les pedimos que sigan sosteniendo la Luz y también su enfoque diario con la energía de la Luz Violeta.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual de Diciembre 2015 - 1 de Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema principal para el mes de diciembre es TRANSICIÓN.

Definición de TRANSICIÓN: el proceso o un período de cambio de un estado o condición a otro. Es un movimiento, un pasaje, una transformación, un salto y una evolución.

Estamos en transición.

Nos estamos moviendo de un lugar a otro en nuestras vidas, en el planeta, en nuestras psiquis, nuestras emociones, nuestro trabajo, nuestras relaciones, nuestro medio-ambiente, nuestros valores y nuestros sueños. Lo que pensábamos que queríamos o podríamos tener, o que nos haría felices y satisfechos ya no está sobre la mesa. Hemos decido como un colectivo que la vista debe ser mejor del otro lado. Así que estamos dando ese paso sobre el abismo. Estamos en medio del aire, habiendo soltado el lado que nos era familiar y preparándonos para aterrizar en otro suelo desconocido.

Lee Harris - Encontrando Equilibrio, Brillo, y Luz en el Medio del Conflicto - 1 de Diciembre 2015

1 de Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

(Transcripto y editado del video mensaje hablado de Lee)

Hola Todos, y bienvenidos al Pronóstico de Energía para diciembre 2015 – el mes final de este año muy fuerte.

Antes que nada, tomemos unas pocas respiraciones juntos...para limpiar y liberar cualquier cosa que sientas que necesitas liberar. Permítete liberar cualquier tensión en tu cuerpo o estrés que puedas haber recogido de las personas que te rodean o de eventos mundiales del mes pasado.


Si bien la segunda mitad de noviembre de este año no necesita ser recapitulada, decir que fue intensa y trajo muchas sombras a la superficie sería subestimarla. Así que durante las pocas semanas previas, y ciertamente entrando en esta parte temprana de diciembre, muchos de ustedes estarán teniendo un amplio rango de sentimientos y reacciones.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Escenario De La Recalibración - Newport Beach, California - 6 de Diciembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Entro rápidamente, porque mi socio lo ha permitido. Él sabe que es seguro. No hay preparación, ninguna respiración especial, ni oxigenación, ni colocarse en la dirección correcta; es un reconocimiento de que la pieza del Creador dentro de sí está siempre allí. No es necesario luchar para obtenerla; naces con ella. Eso es lo que este planeta tiene en esta época especial, y que otros planetas no tienen. Es el único planeta de libre albedrío; ya oyeron esto antes. El único que está luchando con el cambio en este momento, en esta galaxia. Otros ya lo han pasado; el suyo es el único. Para usar una frase: todos los ojos están sobre ustedes en este momento. Para quienes no saben: esta canalización se está dando en lo que ustedes llaman Newport, en la zona del gran Los Ángeles, en California, y culmina un día de muchas energías. Es un tiempo seguro, un tiempo para que se relajen por un momento y escuchen. Escuchen y absorban la información que voy a darles, que es una línea de tiempo.

James Tyberonn - The 2016 Sacred Canada Pilgrimage - Music & Beautiful Photos

Jennifer Hoffman - Reporte de Energía de Diciembre 2015 - 1° de Diciembre 2015

1° de Diciembre 2015
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Diciembre trae bastante acción en un mes que es típicamente un tiempo para relajarse y centrarse en los regalos para las fiestas y en las reuniones, y en prepararse para el nuevo año. Pero, mientras decoramos el árbol y cantamos villancicos, hay mucho sucediendo bajo la superficie. El último mes de 2015 puede ser el “final” de muchas cosas, un momento decisivo entre el pasado y el futuro, mientras hacemos también una revisión de vida, mientras muchas décadas de ciclos aparecen de nuevo, sólo para asegurarse de que hemos hecho una elección que nos gusta y con la que estamos contentos. La energía de diciembre puede ser como el Scrooge bueno o el Scrooge malo (N. del T. : personaje del Cuento de Navidad de Charles Dickens), pero sin duda será emocionante.

Benjamín Fulford - 15-12-15. El gobierno canadiense contempla el envío de tropas a Washington DC para detener a los gangsters de la Fed

16 Dec

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Se le ha aconsejado al recién elegido gobierno canadiense dirigido por Justin Trudeau que envíer tropas a Washington DC y a la ciudad de Nueva York con el fin de liberar al pueblo estadounidense de los oligarcas fascistas que tomaron el poder con un golpe de Estado ilegal tras el ataque de bandera falsa del 11 de septiembre de 2001. La sugerencia fue hecha por la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco en el siguiente mensaje enviado a Trudeau el 14 de diciembre de 2015:

“La Sociedad del Dragón Blanco está ofreciendo apoyar plenamente a Justin Trudeau si ordena al ejército canadiense que marche sobre Washington DC y la ciudad de Nueva York con el fin de detener a los delincuentes responsables de invasiones ilegales y asesinatos en masa”. Como dijo Alejandro Magno, ” la fortuna favorece a los audaces”. Trudeau puede o bien dirigir una nación “del arco iris feliz” y discutir sin fin cosas tales como “cuestiones de género” o puede tomar el destino por los cuernos y liberar el planeta mediante la liberación del pueblo estadounidense.

Kryon "The End of the Year" Mini channelling

Kryon "The End of the Year"

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn, December 16, 15

There is a time for everyone when it is perfect to move forward with the inspiration and trust in yourself that spurs you forward. These days are in harmony with that, for with all that is taking place outside of you there is a calm before and without the storm that cannot be denied.

martes, diciembre 15, 2015

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 15/12/15

Sheldan Nidle - December 15, 2015

11 Muluk, 2 Mol, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Many good things are now happening in your realm. The funds that you have waited for in great frustration and worry are here! Their order of arrival is dependent upon a number of key factors. First there is the degree of overall security employed by the major groups involved. These first monies are to be the initial falling dominoes, which are to start the formal end of the global dark cabal rulership. This means the formal initiation of a whole host of new banking and financial procedures. Second, these monies are to signal the end of the fraud-laden privately owned “US Federal Reserve”. There is a major last-ditch struggle between those who are losing the battle to save this onerous institution and those who desire to bury it. Third, many who are to release these funds are as well fighting an inner struggle against doing so. Despite this, the funds are being released at the appointed time (NOW). We are urgently insisting upon this as the only remaining alternative. It has been sheer folly for all who somehow wish to delay the inevitable!!!

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ December 2015

Pyramid of Dreams

The Pyramids of Light ~ The Pyramid over New York
Elders December Transmission
Darkness emerged from the void
moving into the pyramids of consciousness,
ending as souls cross over the bridges of time, space and illusion.
The sacred spirals of geometry guide their journey home.
The end of my story takes me to the Pyramid over New York City.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency Isis
for She is the feminine aspect in all that moves through the matrix.
It is She who expresses herself in the form of the Earth Mother.
She, who is Creator of Life and Evolution. She who sends energy to
the matrix that perpetuates the reality in which souls may manifest.
She, who has no permanent form, but that of Light.
It is She that you knew as Sekhmet and Hathor,
among other Creational Forces.
It is She who creates from her pyramid,
weaving her creation into the Fabric of Time.
Her energies move through the matrix touching all that is in creation,
all that flows through consciousness, all and everything that is
both old and new, for they are one and the same.
From her Pyramid she brings the matrix full circle,
Creator and Destroyer All in One.
Travel with me now to the Pyramid of the Feminine,
She who now returns to planet Earth to express
herself in the light harmonics of creation.
Thoth the Atlantean

Jennifer Hoffman - Meek and Masterful – Personal Power with Inspired Action - December 15, 2015

The translation of the word ‘meek’ in the bible, where Jesus said ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’, has always bothered me because the church has always used it to imply subservience, obedience, and submission, none of which I am very good at, in the worst and most disempowering context. How can we be both meek and powerful, trying to avoid embodying the worst of the power abuses we see in the world while being grounded in our mastery? The key lies in understanding what this word really means and how it integrates with our power.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Recuerdo y Reflexión del Momento por el Colectivo de los Delfines

Translation by Gloria Mühlebach

Hola, Preciosos Seres:

Somos el Colectivo de los Delfines y venimos hoy a hablarles de un asunto que crea muchas preguntas entre ustedes. Nos estamos refiriendo a la vida que van a llevar cuando este Mundo ilusorio de la tercera dimensión haya llegado a un fin. Nos referimos a la vida en las dimensiones más elevadas, y más específicamente a los Mundos de la Luz. Como su propio proceso de Ascensión se acerca rápidamente, es hora de que levantemos el velo que los mantiene en ignorancia por lo menos un poquito para que vislumbren este maravilloso mundo. El mundo en su tercera dimensión frecuencial cesará de existir, y llegará pronto a un fin.

Ron Head ~ The Council ~ All of You Are A Part of A Consciousness - Dec 15, 2015

We continue.
We were discussing oneness, unity, the idea that all of you are a part of a consciousness. Many of you have a problem with that. You have been taught thoroughly and well over many lifetimes that you are separate and unique. And you have been also taught that you are separate in every other way possible. And those ones over there bode you no good. And those other ones are truly dangerous. And just forget about the ones we haven’t even mentioned.

There was – no, there is – a reason for this. And you know very well that it is a mechanism to keep you all apart and under control. You cannot be made to treat someone that you care about as an enemy. And profit requires enemies. The security of the top layer requires enemies among the lower layers. This is the concept that your world functions upon. It is not true, but it is believed, and belief creates. Belief creates B.S., belief systems.

lunes, diciembre 14, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - „MASTER EXAMINATION“, MOTHER MARY - December 14, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I tell a former friend in no uncertain terms that
I no longer want anything to do with him, because I find
the manner in which he deals with human Beings and his
ways of manipulation repulsive. After that he changes his
whole behavior and becomes biddable.
In the next scene I find myself out of nothing in the middle
of a master examination, it feels like for the master ship of
a cabinetmaker. And as I pass the exam, an indescribable
feeling of bliss overcomes me. (End of dream)

Méline Portia Lafont ~ 12:12 Golden Gateway ~ Solar Christ consciousness, resurrection phase, closure

Blessings Love Tribe

We are in for another form of manifested creation through the potential of the 12:12 Gateway. For a few days now I have been seeing the first glimpses of that gateway which is a Golden Light entering our spheres and our consciousness. A welcomed gift many will appreciate and so will it inspire many of the Love Tribe to continue and hold on to their mission.

The Love Tribe has been going through phases of waking up to certain illusions which have been strongly held before and so a new phase of clarity will show you the way as the Golden Light enters in a new format during the 12:12 gateway.

Brenda Hoffman - From Nice to Large Creations - Dec 14, 2015

Dear Ones,

Let us start by welcoming you home – a time for which you have prepared for eons.

Does welcome home mean you will be zipping from planet to planet or through dimensions and frequencies?

No. Instead, that you value yourself enough to allow your totality of who you are to sparkle through the grayness that has been your 3D existence. That you allow yourself to expect more than acceptable in your world.

domingo, diciembre 13, 2015

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015 - December 13, 2015

Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December you are integrating and balancing the powerful completion energies of the wave of Quantum Cosmic Light that was initiated in August at the 8:8:8 and descended through the Lion's Gate. This energy has been amplified and integrated over the last months, and now December will allow you to adjust and prepare for the great events coming in 2016.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - December 13-20, 2015

Beloved Ones,

The Beloved Lightworkers throughout the world have been paying more attention to the needs of their home, the Earth, and we want to state that your efforts have been most appreciated. The energies that you have been directing have been dispersing and dissolving a great amount of the energies of fear that had been affecting human consciousness. Most individuals are now able to discern more clearly what is and is not working in their lives and in their thought patterns. Adjustments are being made and things are looking up. We thank you for working with us in this way and ask you to continue to uphold the Light and also your daily focus with the Violet Light energy.

LOOK! Huge Underground Base Entrances Found On Mars In Google Earth

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 12/13/15

Dear ones, it is with joy that we commune and join with you as you journey ever more deeply into enlightenment.

We wish to speak of benevolence, a subject that is frequently misunderstood. Benevolence is considered to be the practice of meeting of some need--the giving of time, money, or service by some group or individual without personal consideration. The USA is considered to be a benevolent nation because of the spiritual principles upon which it was founded and most religions of the world believe benevolence to be representative of spirituality. The holiday season in particular promotes benevolence as the Christmas message.

The Archangel Michael Vortex of Banff - AA Metatron via J Tyberonn

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The Prayers You Offer to Others are a Ticket to Higher Consciousness - Dec 13, 2015

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

The Gabriel Message for this week is suggesting that we use prayer as the first resort and not the last in any situation.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Sometimes it is so difficult to know what to do when faced with situations that seem beyond our comprehension. That is when prayer has such wide-spread capability. It gives us something positive to do for every situation.

Christine Meleriessee - 12:12 PORTAL – LORD ASHTAR - Dec 13, 2015


With the 12:12 Gate Portal of Light entering Earth’s field, we join with the Intergalactic Federation of Light in a special meditation journey with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to etherically board one of the fleets large communication lightships to feel the energies of this portal directly. A very magical experience to embrace the Divine Will and the Divine Love of the 12:12 energies. (Divine Light Languagesm encoding and Ascension Mastery Wisdomsm messages transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriesee Hayden.)

sábado, diciembre 12, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Birthing New Earth Part 1 & The Illusion of Constancy-Suzanne & The Arcturians 12-12-15


What is New Earth? How do we create New Earth? How do we live on New Earth? These are questions that we are asking ourselves because we are feeling that something is very different. Simultaneously, there is much that is the same as it always was. Unfortunately, some of that which is the same is darkness and indoctrination.

Jahn J Kassl - MY MESSAGE IS LOVE, MOTHER MARY - December 12, 2015


Photography © 2014 Jens Schnabel, Munich 

…and the world returns to God’s Love
and mankind enters into the Light.

Message from the Light Reading
on November 25th, 2015 in Vienna

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Tranlsated by Franz

Beloved children of the One God, who is everything,
and all are coming from. Children of the Light, sprung
forth from the loving womb of Mother God of all Life.
The time is ripe in order to unveil the essence of this
time in additional facets.
God is great and God is good; and good happens
to you and great things occur in this world. 

Love and Wisdom

The Secret History of the Knights Templar 2015 {FULL VIDEO}

Ann Albers - There Is Plenty of Time - December 12, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In this season of love and celebration, many of you feel as if you do not have enough time to do all the things your heart desires. And yet dear ones, if you slow down, you can stretch time. If you remain present you can get so much more accomplished, and you can do it with love. If you choose to focus on the task at hand, doing it with love, and only doing it with love, then you will be filled with the energy of creation that is flowing through you! You will have more energy. You will be able to accomplish more. And best of all you will feel the joy of the season.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 4

Maryann Rada - In Response to the Climate of Change: League of Light

Blossom Goodchild - Dec 12, 2015

Good morning my friends. Happy to say I am feeling so much brighter now and ready to have a good old chat!

We too, are most pleased your Energy is replenished and your sadness has lifted. If it is convenient with you, we would … as you had thought and prepared for … very much like to ‘speak’.

Sure! Headset going on!

(It is suggested that you listen to the audio to receive the High Vibration of sound Energy. It is also transcribed below.)

ISS UFO - Large

Aisha North - The Water Speaks - 12/12/15

Aisha North series 76 - 3