lunes, diciembre 14, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - „MASTER EXAMINATION“, MOTHER MARY - December 14, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I tell a former friend in no uncertain terms that
I no longer want anything to do with him, because I find
the manner in which he deals with human Beings and his
ways of manipulation repulsive. After that he changes his
whole behavior and becomes biddable.
In the next scene I find myself out of nothing in the middle
of a master examination, it feels like for the master ship of
a cabinetmaker. And as I pass the exam, an indescribable
feeling of bliss overcomes me. (End of dream)

Beloved Ones,

Children of the One God, which we all are!

I am the Mother of all Life on all levels of All-That-Is.

New pathways open, portals into infinity and what has
been long in waiting occurs: the longing of human Beings
for peace and good fortune is being quenched. This dream
picture points precisely to this time quality, how urgent it is
that you renounce all evil and to turn your back to darkness,
no matter whom it comes from. This guarantees you remaining
unhurt and enables the dark ones to change their behavior
toward you.

This appearance, which is characterized by decisiveness and
courage, marks the point of awakening, because truly, whoever
turns away from darkness and expresses it clearly, hurries toward
his master ship in great steps. The “master examination” in the
dream describes the status of some human Beings, who have
freed themselves from all illusions and are ready to appear
without compromise.

Darkness no longer has power over you as you become aware
of the one that surrounds you and as you consciously step out
of this energy field. Your present tasks as a human collective
are to manifest your power and according to your divine
consciousness lift this world out of its hinges.

What can darkness achieve against the Light?

The time of great miracles is a time of you becoming
aware. The more you are conscious of your own Light,
the easier you will rise above this time and the events
will not reach you.

God walks on earth and the Mother of all Life has straightened
up human Beings, so that the seemingly unchanging may
change now.

I am amongst you


Flower of Love – Archangel Metatron