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Good evening, we are here.
It is December 21, 2015, Winter Solstice, and as 2015 winds down take a moment to look back. Ideally at this time you are seeing many, many things have come to pass. Many exciting things, many unexpected things, and the idea that the world has changed trajectory to some degree have really started to take root.
Now, there are some who would say, “Yes, it is changing in direction but not in a good one.”
And yet there are others that would say, “Well, look at all the things that are changing for the better.”
And in America you have many things that are changing for the better, and in the world you have many things that are changing for the better. Now, of course those who are watching their empires crumble, they are attempting to spin the news, but ideally many of you are not watching the news anymore, you’re not getting caught up in the Mainstream Media circus, because it is a circus that has been for a long time, but it has really gotten out of hand.
The elections in the United States are a circus, really literally a three-ring-all sleep circus that weekly, daily brings you Donald Trump.
“Really, seriously, Donald Trump!”
He is making headlines for being ridiculous, bombastic, and there are many headlines like that that seem to be outrageous, but if you look, if you do a little bit of plumbing below the surface, you will see that there are other things that are happening that are quite extraordinary – – rules that are being changed, restrictions that are being lifted.
Look at Canada, Canada has flipped completely 180° from just a few weeks ago, a few months ago. It seems like it just happened, like someone just turned a switch and Canada became a different place, and then Mexico doing some similar things, making similar changes.
The world is going through these kinds of shifts, these kinds of flips, might call them paradigm shifts. And so 2016 is going to be more of the same paradigm shifting. There’s really going to be some major flipping. People are going to look back and say, “Who’d have ever thought, who’d have ever thought that these things could’ve come to pass?”
And so ask yourself as you come up on the New Year, “What sort of things in a world that you would like to see, would you like to see flipped?” Because you have some control over it, or some say over it. The reason it is flipping the way it is, is because so many people are waking up, so many people are waking up, and the old guard cannot stop it.
We used to talk about how people would pop like popcorn, remember those days we would talk about popcorn – – or some do, some don’t, but anyway, well you’re seeing it now. The popping is happening all over the place, people are really starting to get it.
And so take a mental note of what has changed in the last year, what has changed in the last six months, what is changed in the last three months, and see how the pace of change increased over time, because you are on a growth curve, you’re on a ramp, and it’s going to get a lot faster and a lot more outrageous. If we could use a term for 2016 is going to be, “The outrageous year!”
And the dark forces, for want of a better term, are going to really start to exit, some are going to exit literally, some are going to exit just from the stage, just leave the world stage if you will, and we don’t want to go into Who’s Who but you will figure it out.
And so, as we end this year and as you end this year know that you have made a shift onto a timeline of sustainable living, of a resurgence of health, of connection to the earth, of being custodians, being custodians of the earth, and how the Earth is going to respond with that, and how actually the solar system is going to respond to that because the energies that are coming through from the sun, from the center of the Milky Way galaxy are going to find, going to find you, and through you they’re going to pop like popcorn. The heat is getting turned up if you will.
So feel it, here you are in the winter in the northern hemispheres, see how warm a winter it’s going to be. They’re telling you it’s going to be super cold, “Hmmm, really?”
Maybe not, maybe the forces that are moderating the Earth’s temperature will have something to say about that and it’s not greenhouse gases that are doing it, it’s the energies from the sun, or that are being channeled through the sun to you.
And so, with that we will depart. We just wanted to do a little bit of recapping and to give you the idea that the changes that you have been hoping for have begun, no doubt. And yes there are those who would like to frighten you, those who would like to control you and get you back on a leash if you will, or back under control. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to work. You have much more awareness, you have much more energy, and you’re not getting back into servitude. It’s just not going to happen.
And with that we will depart.
It has been our pleasure.