miércoles, diciembre 23, 2015
Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 12-25-15
Full Moon is Friday December 25 at 4:12 AM Mountain Time (MT).
This is Christmas Day in the Christian tradition, a day usually spent with family and loved ones exchanging gifts and nurturing our bodies and spirits with good food and drink.
In honor of the full moon, everyone should take this day regardless of your holiday traditions and be with the ones you wish to be with. Allow them to love you and nurture you. Take time to receive and be full with the gifts of spirit. Be in gratitude for your life, your health, your talents, your personal medicine, your support, your creativity and your community. Unburden yourself of unimportant responsibility on this one day, and strive to be in a place of peace, full of energy and light and life!
Astrological Notes:
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Full Moon in Cancer
Sun in Capricorn ~ Moon in Cancer 3º
Friday, December 25, 4:12 AM Mountain Time
(December 25, 11:12 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
What a delight! The Full Moon in Cancer, the sign of the Mother, peaking on the day celebrating the birth of Jesus and very close to the Winter Solstice point. Solstice is one of the most powerful points of the year as the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. The Sun is at its furthermost southern point gifting the Southern Hemisphere with summer, while the Northern Hemisphere is at its farthest point from the Sun giving us the shortest days and longest nights of the year. For three days around the solstice points we experience the power of the standstill point and the shift of direction.
This Full Moon chart also carries that intensified energy of standstill and shift (called stationing) where a planet goes retrograde or direct changing directions in the form of Uranus stationing direct on December 25. Uranus began its retrograde on July 26, now having retraced the degrees from 20º-16º, it moves forward again. You can expect some unexpected shift in the area where Aries rules in your chart, perhaps your ideas will gain some traction in the weeks ahead, or unexpected opportunity will present it self, or maybe a new attitude of relying on your own inspiration and inner direction will emerge with vigor. Uranus is like a giant surge of electricity and can blow out anything not in alignment with the frequency of your future self. Uranus is the energy of liberation, awakening, and innovation. Practice and invite in change in your life at all levels.
Cancer is where we create a home for ourselves where we can feel secure enough to express our emotional needs and get our needs met, where we learn to nurture ourselves and surrender to the comfort of habits. The Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet, so she is especially magnanimous and rich in emotional energy, nurturance, receptivity and reflection in her own sign. In this proximity to the Climate Change Summit, we heard much about measuring our CO2 emission levels, but not enough mention of the Earth as our Mother or respecting the planet as a sacred, living being honoring her rhythms and cycles and her gifts of fertility, birth and death.
This Moon squares Vesta in Aries pointing to the lack of commitment to our more feminine emotional and intimacy needs. It points to a need to realign our focus on masculine problem solving and inviting in a broader heart vision of how to heal our planet and ourselves. There’s also a Grand Trine involving the Moon, Juno, and Neptune in the water (emotional, feminine) signs. Neptune brings us compassion for the emotional challenges that have bubbled to the surface this month as first Mars (Dec 6-10) and then Mercury (Dec 19-20) triggered the Pluto/Uranus square. Juno, the asteroid goddess of committed relationship, has yet to realize her dream of equal partnership with Zeus. Empathy for our partners in all forms is increased. It’s a step in the right direction. We all are gaining in our abilities to bring harmony to our masculine/feminine polarities that will in the end make us whole. Honor yourself for what you have been able to forgive and let go of this year.
Mercury, our planet of communication, travel, information gathering and thought, is inundated with multiple aspects. The challenge is in a T-Square with Mars on one side and Eris, goddess of strife on the other. Looks like a recipe for hot, baiting words in our relationships with Mars opposed Eris in Libra/Aries. You’re going to have to utilize your best communication abilities to keep neutrality and civility operating. An unexpected blowout might just clear the air though. Luckily, Jupiter in Virgo is trining (ease) Mercury, so our better judgment and higher Self will most likely win out. Venus, too, is willing to add social grace, harmonious vibes and a feminine perspective to Mercury’s predicament.
All in all, with Cancer’s delight in gathering of the tribes and her rulership of food, hearth and home, the feminine aspect of each of us will most likely create a nourishing environment of good memories, nostalgia, and connection through the heart. Let your Full Moon welcome in the transforming nature of love.
The following times are all in Mountain Time (MT):
01/05 Mercury retrograde 1º Aquarius until 1/25
01/09 Capricorn New Moon 19º 6:30 PM MT
01/20 Sun enters Aquarius 8:27 AM MT
01/23 Leo Full Moon 3º 6:46 PM MT
01/25 Mercury direct 14º Capricorn until 4/28
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Lena Stevens,
Pat Liles,