jueves, diciembre 31, 2015
Emmanuel Dagher - The Year of Miracles - January 2016 - December 31, 2015
My soul friend,
Happy New Year! Before we catch up on the blessings 2016 has in store, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts the past year brought us.
What a ride 2015 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.
If I could sum up this past year in two words, they would be “awakening” and “abundance.”
When most of us think of these two words, we often associate them with fluffy new age concepts that may seem out of reach for most people.
Yet experiencing an awakening, and moving into a greater awareness of abundance, are not always the “fairy tale filled with butterflies and rainbows” many imagine them to be.
As freeing as an awakening can be, it is often preceded and followed by periods that bring up the deeply rooted survival patterns the mind has identified with, in this lifetime and in previous ones.
These patterns include fear, chaos, lack, worry, blame, and judgment.
2015 brought us the understanding that whatever patterns the mind may fall into while trying to protect itself, it’s important to honor the dignity of its experiences, and to give it the right to exist exactly as it is presenting itself in that moment.
The trap that many people on a spiritual path often fall into, is that they believe they always have to think positively, and that they need to present themselves in ways that they believe reflects inner perfection.
Doing this actually moves us further away from real and lasting awakening and happiness.
When we as spiritual beings are able to give the mind the right to exist exactly as it is, and are honoring the dignity of its experiences, even when it’s throwing a tantrum, we open ourselves up to receiving profound compassion from our Spirit Self.
This kind of compassion has the power to heal everything. This kind of compassion opens up new, life-enhancing pathways for the mind to play with, without it feeling like it needs to resist, as a result of its thinking that something is being taken away from it.
Ultimately, this is what leads a person to sustain a fully awakened state of being.
I also chose the word “abundance” for 2015, because over the past year, many of us began to shift our perspective on what abundance truly is.
Abundance is not confined to what a person accumulates materially in their life.
Abundance is achieved the moment a person realizes that it is a direct result of how much they are choosing to love themselves, others, and the Universe.
If a person is experiencing any form of lack in their lives, whether it’s in their finances or in their relationships, it’s because they are not giving enough love to themselves, and in essence, to others and the world around them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to live a life of seeming lack. It’s a choice, and one that must be honored.
However, if you are someone who is ready to move out of a reality that mirrors lack back to you, and to generate more abundance, simply make a commitment to yourself, that you will make loving yourself in a sacred and nurturing way a top priority in your life from now on.
This can include eating more healthfully, spending more time doing the things you love, surrounding yourself with kind and respectful people, and of course treating yourself the same way.
Try this for the first quarter of 2016, and notice the beautiful shifts that begin to show up for you as result.
2016 – The Year of Miracles
When I began connecting with the energy of 2016, the word “miracles” kept coming up. A big part of creating miracles is to be open and ready for inspired action.
In 2016, many of the things we’ve wanted to create in our personal lives will be accomplished. Group movements, such as political revolutions, will take a backseat this year, and a greater focus on self-expansion will take center stage.
It’s through personal expansion that we are able to make the greatest impact upon the world, because we are no longer making everything about “them” but rather more about the sacred “I AM,” where we are at our most powerful.
This New Year will also refuel many people with the energy of excitement, which may have felt to have been missing for a while, especially in those who have felt exhausted while walking a more spiritual path.
This replenishment will also greatly assist us in feeling motivated to get things accomplished much more quickly.
Another component to receiving more miracles in our lives is to keep things light, fun, and playful. The energy of 2016 will support many of us in moving towards this way of being.
Being serious has its place; however, having fun, keeping a sense of humor, and being playful are just as important.
Embracing a more playful outlook on life will expand not only our personal relationships. Our careers/businesses will also flourish as result.
If you find yourself getting a bit too serious, or noticing that the mind wants to go into its survival patterns, simply ask yourself, What can I do in this moment to have more fun and to play?
Then of course, follow through on whatever ideas you come up with. This will create more space for joyful miracles to enter your life.
Also, this year you will probably notice some amazing outside-the-box solutions to unresolved challenges.
This will occur as we choose to take more risks, invest more energy in our greatest dreams and visions, and march to the beat of our own drum, without trying to fit in or please others in order to be liked.
Being open to these new energies will support greater success and miracles in all areas of our lives.
Global Influence
Globally, the year 2016 is a good year to move out of old rigid structures, and into new concepts that support greater fluidity, creativity, and support for all of humanity, not just a select few.
Watch for old ideologies and structures to fall, while new hearted-centered technologies, businesses, and ways of living are elevated to the forefront of the world stage.
The key to moving through the year of miracles with greater ease is to remain open, give up the need to be set in our ways, and go with the flow.
To those who are able to remain in these states of existence, the miracles will multiply and magnify in amazing ways for you.
Intention for 2016
A beautiful intention to set for 2016 would be:
“From this moment on, I fully embrace, receive, and notice every miracle being presented to me.
“I remain open and in the natural flow of life, so that I continue to expand into great joy, love, peace, freedom, financial wealth, support, creativity, balance, stability, fun, play, fulfillment, trust, connection, Divine Remembrance, pristine health, and miracles, with ease and grace.
“All of this, or something greater! And so it is!”
Till next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com - You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Emmanuel Dagher