We as the human race have the opportunity now to truly step up in Highest Service and to render this for the greater good of All – not this planet but on cosmic scale.
I have experienced this time and again this year, as I was called upon to do massive earth clearing and cleansing work, as a continuation of that which I have called to do, to retrieve, and to tap into since my awakening in 2004.
In this case I often had to draw energy lines on maps, as I was ‘reading’ them, and then not knowing how the dots would connect, nor how I would do this work – I only had faith that what I was given was part of my own soul journey, and that I had to allow myself to be but an instrument used by Divine Hands, and then to let my own negative ego step totally out of way.
In the process I often had to record things which were of such high technology, and such higher octaves of Being, that I struggled for words. I found the human language so totally inadequate – for I was allowing myself to transmit from the Super Consciousness Energy fields held at the Divine Source, and I here to do this work.
My Higher Soul self was cosmically tuned in, and therefore is my earthly self did not always comprehend the Divine Masterplan behind this. I had to trust that somehow all the jigsaw puzzle pieces given to me would finally all slot in, and then one day, when I would see the bigger picture, all would emerge, and then I would understand.
In the process I allowed myself to be led to where I needed to be, and then I would arrive there, and the guidance would come, the transmissions would start, and my inner seeing and inner hearing increased, until I learnt to literally span dimensions, and not be bound to my physical form anymore.
One of my friends described it as follows the other day, and it is very apt: “I am hearing from my higher guides, that your body and spirit had to go to the 13th level, the expanded soul, like an accordion being stretched, in order to be able to do this massive cleansing, clearing and retrieval work.”
To me this is exactly what we will be experiencing more and more in 2016 and beyond, that being stretched beyond the norm, beyond our own self-imposed limitation, our boundaries of thinking, seeing, etc. We have to allow this stretching; otherwise we will start dissolving, and disintegrating.
With Twin Flame relationships, this is definitely true. So often the last year, the one twin has grown, has allowed herself/himself to be stretched beyond the norm – and then found that twin runs away from it all because of self-imposed prisons, and then also fear of being stretched, or not understanding what was happening, and then running away.
A new understanding has dawned upon me that if the twin does not pull his or her weight, someone else will step in to fill the breech.
In my case, the twin did not keep his promises, and then when he fully knew that I had to go somewhere with him in order to do the Higher Cleansing and Clearing work, deliberately tried to block this, by going there on his own.
I then just laid the whole in front of the Divine and Cosmic Counsels. I volunteered to step up in the Highest possible service, even more than before, and I asked for their assistance so that I could do this work without him.
In that the unfolding began, the work was done, step by step, exactly as they had shown me, according to the lines I drew on the earth map.
With each time where I needed to merge with my twin – my true husband, and consort, from Andromeda, my home galaxy, and the Intergalactic Federation, would be there, MERGING his male energies with my feminine Energies, so that this work could be done. This merging added impetus and momentum to the work which needed to be done, and therefore was total highest service work.
When I needed help most, my earthly twin was simply bypassed and the cosmic twin stepped in. What was more, the work was done, WITHOUT MY HAVING TO GO TO THE LOCATION PHYSICALLY, for I was shown how to stretch myself and move into multidimensional Beingness in order to be able to do this work. To me this was a miracle in itself!
It was a confirmation to me of what had been given to me years ago, when I first started this journey, that as the frequencies and vibrations of this planet rose, that some souls would be fully awakened and be able to move into the higher dimensional states. However those who did not wake up, or could not make the shift, would then not be able to step up into the higher octaves of being, as the 3D slowly but surely disintegrates.
Yet, this was their own free will and choice, remembering that all choices have ripple effects on the whole. We all get wake up calls along the way. Often the wakeup call will come from a near-death experience, or something drastic which happens and plunges us into the deep nights of the soul – but the wakeup call will come. Yet, some souls fear changes more than anything else, and buy into the illusion which those who wish to keep the masses under control, and thus resist the changes.
However in the greater Cosmic Masterplan no soul is ever lost. Most will return to their home galaxies of origin, or will complete their lessons on other planets of the outer galaxies or elsewhere in the cosmos. Such is the magnificence of the Love Divine, which is totally unconditional.
All soul lessons are there to be mastered, and if not mastered during one incarnation will have those lessons in a different form or existence.
As I watched the momentous unfolding of miracle after miracle this last week, as I was doing this massive work, I felt intensely the shift happening on all levels. It will have ripple effects on the whole, as this massive shift will take a while to truly make itself felt.
I have been given a framework of about ten years for the first wave, then another 30 years for the impetus of this to cause the changes on all levels.
We are already in the 5th dimensional state, and we will in the next millennium step up into the 7th, which is the original dimension of the first civilizations on earth.
Slowly but surely the 3rd dimensional state is disintegrating and will be no more.
Such is the importance of this time.
(Judith Kusel)