lunes, diciembre 21, 2015
Kara Schallock - The 2015 Soulstice - 21-Dec-2015
During this Soulstice (occurring here in Mountain Standard Time: 9:48 P.M.), which is further empowered by strong solar activity, is the “return of the Light” (in the Northern Hemisphere). Well, we never left the Light, yet this Soulstice helps us empower our Light more. As we end this year, we have very strongly let go of much darkness so that our Light can shine brighter. This Soulstice carries on the work that was done during the 11:11 Gateway and many have let go of their wounds, victim energy, duality and so much of the old. We are asked to step more powerfully into Who we are now; no more acting small.
The Light flowing forth during the Soulstice will further purify and prepare us to receive and express more Light. The Purification will sweep through our cells, which hold old memories. This Purification helps each of us receive more Light and this expands our essence of Love. The preparation is so we may greet the New as new. We simply are not who we used to be. The clearing may feel intense and yet, it is all for our continual Ascension into being Source. The Light we receive also awakens Light Codes within us. As these awaken, anything that needs to be released will come up for us to choose whether we want to let it go or wait a bit and perhaps say, “This isn’t so bad; I don’t have to let it go.” Of course, it is always our choice.
For those of us who are committed to ascending, you might notice how truthful you are and how it may be very difficult to relate to those who are not moving forward (or at least not obviously moving forward) as if you are living on two different planets. Well, in a way you are! Let me say that the two different planets are both on Earth; it really is a different consciousness that you are experiencing. As an example, my sister called me to ask about what was in the email I sent her, because it was blank (a definite clear message). During our conversation it was clear she didn’t understand one word I was speaking. She finally hung up on me, obviously feeling very separate from me and frustrated. All is in Divine Order.
If there is any darkness in your cells, it may very well be released in your physical body, which could result in some body pain in one or more areas. If this applies to you, speak with your pain and ask what you can do to let it go. It could be resistance; it could be old memories or old wounds; it could be that your body is asking for Forgiveness of self and/or others. Follow the guidance of your body. Surrender to and follow what is shared, rather than wondering what it means. We are surrendering much of the old, so let the sacred waters of Soul help you let it go. Some other physical experiences you may have are disruptive sleep, headaches, feeling as though you aren’t even in your body; feeling disoriented, not remembering things that happened even a few minutes ago, things disappearing in different dimensions only to reappear in the same place or someplace different, nausea, rashes (especially where your chakras are) and more.
Any time you experience these or other things, it is probably due to receiving new, expanded downloads of Light and it is exacerbated by the solar activity (flares, storms, etc.) that is present now and has been for some time. These downloads shift our consciousness to a higher degree of Divinity. Follow your guidance as to how to help yourself. Being outside in Nature helps the most, along with meditation, deep breathing, and visualizing Light flowing into all of your cells and DNA. Don’t focus on the “symptoms.” Know that all this is for your evolution into being Divine and Soul-merged. There are some other things that help as well, for not only are you releasing and downloading, you are awakening Light Codes within you.
After this Soulstice, we move and expand more through the December 25th Full Moon. So we don’t just receive and shift during the Soulstice; we continue to evolve. Notice the differences in your life and recognize how much more multidimensional you are. All of this Light brings an expansion of the New Earth Grid, as well as to your own Personal Vortex. Whatever you experience is perfect for your highest evolution.
Know that all this Light also brings up anything that is not Love…whether in dreams or in your everyday life. See the deeper message behind all you experience…from deep Peace, Joy and Love to “Ugh! Not this again.” Remember that we release in layers, so the Sacred Spiral goes deeper and deeper till all is cleared for you to be Who you are, which is pure Love without anything holding you back. You may be clearer about your purpose in life or it may change altogether. Flow with it all. We are moving into a time where some of us will be embodying our Divine Love fully. Do be patient with yourself, because it doesn’t matter where you are along the continuum; surrender to What Is.
You may be drawn to certain crystals and certain other vehicles of Divinity like Light Codes. You may be guided to create a ceremony to align with this big Light. You may want to create ceremony on this day and every day through mid-January. Just follow your guidance. Many are grounding this Light onto Gaia, which means that you may respond to life in a practical, yet higher way. If you are guided to spend time alone, do this as well. There is no proscribed way to be and this is why it is always important to follow your own guidance. Through our involvement and Commitment, we create a brand new Earth. Some say this is a new paradigm; yet for me, this is too constrictive, so perhaps see this Soulstice continuum as an expansion of Awareness and consciousness, rather than trying to put a label on it.
This Soulstice is a great opportunity to let go and surrender more to the Flow. As we do, our Light Body becomes more crystalline and diamond-like (multidimensional…multi-faceted and clear). As our Light Bodies shift, so do we. We become lighter and lighter as well as more aware. The Awareness that is empowered helps us see all the illusions of the 3D/old world (and there are so many that most continue to hold in place). We continue to empower the blending of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as One. Remember that your Twin does not necessarily exist in the physical; outside of yourself. They must be integrated within first. The Divine male has certain attributes of Strength, Courage and the ability to change. The Divine Feminine embodies Gentleness, Intuition and Elegance. We require all of these attributes to be brought forth in the Sacred Marriage of the two; which empowers Oneness and helps us loosen our grasp on duality. Through the Sacred Marriage, we create a balanced New Earth, which gives birth to Freedom and Alchemy. We let go of convention and rules, thus opening up more to Love, which shifts and flows into different forms; Love is not meant to stagnate.
As we hold more and more Light, we shift more into Flow; away from expectations and attachments. We feel the Truth and trust it. This leads to Knowing, which is more powerful than believing. With believing, there is doubt. With knowing, there is no doubt; there is only Trust. As we continue to “lighten up,” more gifts become apparent and we long to share them in Divine Service once we accept them. We offer our gifts not to take the Power from someone else, but to offer them unconditionally; not attached to what another does with what they receive from us.
With more Awareness, you question everything in your personal life, as well as what goes on in the world. You know what Truth is and what is false. Play with it all; it’s fun to be entertained by those who live so seriously and attached to what they believe. As you observe with a smile, be aware that you know the Truth and this Knowing; this pure consciousness of Love; grows and expands. It is fun to be alive right now; to let go of trying, “figuring out,” “judging” and anything complicated. Love is Simplicity.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock